Topic: A problem of religion and philosophy
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6397 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 27, 2015 12:42 AM
I think I'll want to say more, possibly a lot more, about your recent posts Faith (so please don't delete ). But I only have a few minutes left before I have to log off for awhile.But offhand I'm recalling a guy who felt he should be cleared of manslaughter (or whatever he was convicted of) because his morals were offended. He saw 2 women kissing (though they were joking and not serious) and this got him speeding away in his car, acting out in road rage, and then while fleeing police trying to pull him over he crashed into a car killing a mother and her teen daughter. But it was all an understandable mistake as his "morals were offended." The kicker is the guy is a registered sex offender...seems he likes exposing his privates to underage girls. A lot of people who are obsessed with the sex lives of others have their own skeletons to hide which makes me think that's why they're so obsessed, to feel better about themselves, and possibly because their entire repression of part of themselves has made them obsessed both with others as well as struggling with their own sexuality. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6397 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 27, 2015 12:54 AM
I've lost count how many say I'm bad because of Romans 1. Here: Because I'm gay I'm also a murderer, slanderer, liar, wickedness, covetousness, without affection, etc. They "know" because "God" (that is the Bible) says it, they believe it, that settles it. Deputies approved a rare carry permit for the California county I was in because my life was threatened by Christians who quoted that at me (and had written down our license plates saying when we least expected it they'd do as God commands, executing us, and our murders would be on our own heads as another Bible verse said). Those who tried to make me and the kids homeless also quoted this. The preacher's daughter also led other girls to shun our girl and when my girl explained how good I was (and also that I came into their life because the church, including her preacher dad, refused to help her when her mother was bed ridden with swine flu saying "call 911" but I came over with food and vids for the kids and went well beyond what was expected) and the girl quoted Romans 1 at her. My girl said something along the lines of, "Then YOU'RE gay, because you're the liars, deceivers, haters, and telling me to disrespect my mother!" She's much better off now and in fact is now someone other kids look up to (I find it annoying how often other girls text her seeking her approval on something) rather than one of the camp followers she'd been before. Though one thing I liked but those people would not is after we left from seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1 she brought up how the Death Eaters persecuting muggles, "mud bloods" and the like while printing propaganda pamphlets on "the muggle menace" to make it look like the Death Eaters were simply defending themselves and keeping society safe by their unjust and vile persecution reminded her of the fundies that tried to make us homeless, her mother lose her job, the pamphlet she was made to read at age 12 before delivering to us (on why Christians were obligated to hate us and how we, and any who supported us, deserved death with another Romans 1 Bible verse for that). I was happy that she didn't blame me for that at all (as I did feel some guilt)...but damn, "good job" at getting a little girl to associate your brand of Christianity with Death Eaters who were obviously based on Nazi Germany! IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 27, 2015 03:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: A lot of people who are obsessed with the sex lives of others have their own skeletons to hide which makes me think that's why they're so obsessed, to feel better about themselves, and possibly because their entire repression of part of themselves has made them obsessed both with others as well as struggling with their own sexuality.
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 27, 2015 04:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: I've lost count how many say I'm bad because of Romans 1. Here:
quote: 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 1:31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Do they all just stop reading before it gets to the main issue?? Romans 2:1: quote: Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
And onto Romans 3:23: quote: For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: Deputies approved a rare carry permit for the California county I was in because my life was threatened by Christians who quoted that at me (and had written down our license plates saying when we least expected it they'd do as God commands, executing us, and our murders would be on our own heads as another Bible verse said).
The people who threatened your life should have served a prison sentence. AND given you money...a lot of money. quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: She's much better off now and in fact is now someone other kids look up to (I find it annoying how often other girls text her seeking her approval on something) rather than one of the camp followers she'd been before.
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: ...but damn, "good job" at getting a little girl to associate your brand of Christianity with Death Eaters who were obviously based on Nazi Germany!
ROTFL It's actually so pathetic it makes me sad and furious...good thing there's also some humor to be found there. I really expected better treatment for you, in California (!!) IP: Logged |
7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted January 27, 2015 05:59 PM
Well... IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6397 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 27, 2015 06:24 PM
There was an incident that happened on my last visit home back in's both long and embarrassing in the telling so I just want to share the only relevant part because it seems another example of how people try to feel better about their own failings by harping on the supposed failing of others, and also because some find it funny...And aunt of mine more religious than others in my family passed her spare Bible to me and told me to find the "beam" in her eye when she said gays were going to Hell but she wasn't. (While I did so at the supper table my granny--mother to my aunt--said she didn't believe in discussing politics or religion while eating to which my aunt told her to shut up and I said in a pious tone, "Honor thy mother and thy father" which got others to laugh as she glared at me but I was still too busy looking to notice). I found what I was looking for in Matthew 19 (good thing I've had plenty of practice quoting that on the net) and it was even stronger than I remembered (but then hers was KJV) saying that not only was she committing adultery by marrying other men (save where the escape clause is relevant, and supposedly it was only relevant once, and it was her husband who cheated so I'm not certain it was valid even then as Jesus said if the woman cheats, and it assumes a lot to think he was speaking with gender neutrality) but any man who married her was also guilty of the sin of adultery...therefore her marriage was sinful and against Biblical teaching, just like, presumably, gay marriage in the verse immediately above it. (Natch, she doesn't think her marriages should be outlawed despite they're not Biblical--and all the while she lies about following ALL of the Bible.) I also said something about despite not having any idea where to look offhand I was sure Jesus said there was a special place in Hell for those who warped the scripture to their ends, ignored certain parts while promoting others, and I repeated, "So do you want to go to Hell?" And then she told me to look up Romans 1 to show God hates gays (and me) more than her. Well things degenerated from there bringing supper to an early close and then a few minutes later I get a call from the husband of that aunt yelling at me for telling her to divorce him. I told him I said no such thing, only that she had no room to be casting sermons at me, and if she wants respect then she'll show respect. He continued to get even angrier asking if I thought he was no better than some queer (apparently because I said his marriage was as presumably sinful as a gay one) and I told him that as a matter of fact queers are just as good as anyone else and I saw them as no more strange or bad than I do people born left handed so in that sense he was no better than a queer, but then queers are okay people in my book. He then said he ought to come over and whup my ass and I said if he wanted the humiliation of being beaten up by a woman then by all means come on over for his ass whipping. He angrily asked if I thought I could really take him if he came over and I said (very matter of fact) he was slow and overweight and if he thought strength was the primary consideration in fighting then he's never been in a real one, at least not against one trained to understand pressure points that minimizes strength or even turns it against itself as well as where to hit where not much strength is required to have an effect. I then added, "And you follow Christ, the Prince of Peace who said to pray for your enemies and gave you the Lord's Prayer which promises to forgive the debts of others as God forgives you your own debts, while I follow Freya, goddess of love and war who said if you can't lay 'em then slay 'em, so I'm pretty sure I'll get the blessings of my goddess while you just make yours cry in disappointment." He hung up...and didn't show. As I hung up and turned back around I saw Granny was literally face palming and shook her head as she said she hoped it didn't get spread that I worship Freya. I pointed out that given people in town used to say I worshiped Satan I'd think Freya would be an improvement. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6397 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 27, 2015 06:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: I really expected better treatment for you, in California (!!)
Generally speaking, California isn't as liberal or gay friendly as many make it out to be save in the Bay Area and WeHo (West Hollywood). Most of the state is a lot more moderate (and I've been in small towns that had a flavor real similar to East Texas). Remember, this is a state that approved Prop 8. That said, the fundies failed to make us homeless because of the laws in place, and a lawyer who made his presence known was practically salivating at the thought that my partner would lose her job or that we'd lose our apartment over our relationship. quote: Originally posted by Faith: The people who threatened your life should have served a prison sentence. AND given you money...a lot of money.
Technically, they claimed to be with the Army of God, a terrorist group that usually focuses on abortion, though for some strange reason they'll veer off to harass lesbians (they threatened us at a lesbian club where they were writing down all our license plate numbers when I made the mistake of trying to reason with them) which is just one more reason (I have more) I believe that the real reason most Christians are against abortion is because they see it as punishment against a sinful woman rather than out of love for a potential child (or at least establishing dominance over women, which in turn is a subconscious attempt to establish dominance over their own carnal, mortal nature). Interesting enough their member Eric Rudolph (bombed many places, including the 1996 Olympics, and BRAGGED about doing God's work while being prosecuted for it) had a gay male friend yet he bombed a lesbian club in Atlanta. A deputy who took a statement from me wouldn't tell me much other than I should take the threats seriously and that the one who threatened me had done prison time before (wouldn't say what for but I got the impression it was something violent, he was obviously concerned and didn't think they were just shooting their mouths off). I doubt they had much money and those people may not have even been living in California when they came to menace us. Still, it's not unique to them. I heard one guy at a gun show saying he was ashamed at his cowardice for not killing gays as God commanded as he was too scared of losing his 2A rights, and after I got my permit I joined a range to get back into practice only to have them unethically put me on the mailing and calling list of several right wing extremist organizations including those "fighting the gay agenda." And one guy there told me that I should shoot to kill any lesbians (I mentioned him in the God and Guns thread, he believed I was a Christian because I carried a gun!) before they could rape me and turn me gay (I hope he didn't think you could turn lesbians straight by raping them...some do) Natch, I didn't enlighten him why I was packing a pistol, but I did ask him where he got that strange idea about lesbians and that's when I learned of this on FOX News: That was not a real detective and the stories shared were either false or grossly distorted (but then they did fight for and win the right to lie in court). The fail is strong with that channel. (Heh, could share another funny family story about Bill O'Reilly...but not now.) IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1237 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2015 06:38 AM
I've been reading the recent posts in this thread, and I am quite familiar with works such as the afore mentioned Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson and others too that hold a similar view and how it relates to sexual repression, tribalism and its various behavioural quirks that lead people to some pretty odd POV's/Actions at times.That being said, reading about such things is one aspect... (And I do understand it from that POV) Experiencing it though is quite another, and this is something that I don't know whether I should be thankful for or not but I often feel like I grew up in a different universe at times when I read about some of the things people have had to deal with in that regard. Funnily though, I feel like Ireland (where I grew up) is almost like a case study in sexual repression as a society that only in the last 10-20 years or so has it been shaking off. Rarely if ever have I seen open demonstrations against Gay's or various other minorities. But growing up as a kid I came to understand from my own observations of people that they would rather pretend such things don't even EXIST! Its like the complete opposite of what Pix described in how Christians where handing out Pamphlets condemning Gays... Nobody would even dare MAKE such a pamphlet like that over here... Certainly not in the 80''s anyhow, not where I grew up. Maybe you might have a few extremists nuts in the bigger cities willing to go that far but even then it would just as dangerous for them to handing them out to people openly on the street. In the early to mid 90's when I was just starting to become aware of the world beyond simple childhood things, I used to hear people say that was if you were Gay you had two options; Suicide or the Priesthood...!? The fraking logic on that one...!! And right there you have textbook sexual repression later showing itself in all of the various sex scandals over here with regards the Catholic Church and clerical abuse. That being said I'm sure there was a equal amount of heterosexual males involved in such abuses, and don't even get me started on the Nun's and the things they done in the last 50 years or so [Shakes Head] But I would say 90% of that happened behind closed doors. Then once all of the abuse started becoming public knowledge it was like the scales fell off the eyes of the vast majority of the population. The holiest of holies... The Divine Priest Hood was in ruins, the Church now an absolute disgrace! And all of sudden being Gay seemed trivial when compared to the insanity that was gripping the country in the mid-late 90's. I sometimes feel people just don't understand how small Ireland is and the often sparseness of the population across the whole Island. Because all what was going on was like “local news” happening right in your own neighbourhood at times even if it in actuality was taking place in a city from one of the 4 corners. But then during this time period, or just priory to it in fact, there was a TV show that in many ways had a hand in literally stopping the youth of our country burning down Parochial Houses (Priest's Homes) across the country. The show was called “Father Ted”. And its a comedy satire of priests living on small Island off the coast of Ireland and its absolutely hilarious and in many ways captured EVERY aspect of Irish culture and how we often choose to deal with certain issues. Highly recommended viewing! (Pretty sure its all on YT). So as luck would have it, Father Ted was a massive favourite of just about everyone! And I really do feel it alleviated a lot of the public hate/destructive elements that were rolling behind the brunt of the scandals. Anyways after all of that madness blew over, the country started to go through somewhat of a Renaissance! The economy was one of the best in Europe causing money and people to start flooding in leading to an orgasmic explosion of sex and “new sex” taking over the country at the same time. The best way to describe this era would be like when teenagers just start becoming aware of their own sexuality, and then someone gives them unlimited credit cards and permission to partake in any opportunity/hook ups one desires... (But I'm talking about Adults here, NOT teenagers lol) [Face Palm] Yea Celtic Tiger... Celtic Bunnies more like... By the time I started college that sort of wild-period was subsiding somewhat, but it was the after-effects the were perhaps even more interesting. The now general openness towards Sex where there was never such before and the acceptance of the LGBT community. Again though I was attending a very “Artsy Campus” so I'm sure that was a factor because at least 1/4 - 1/3 of my classmates/friends were either Gay/Lesbian or Bi and nobody even blinked when such was known. Just cool whatever... lol I never saw anyone get harassed (in College) over their sexuality, and only rarely did I even hear of some kind of horror story, and if I did become aware of something it was definitely the rare exception as opposed to what one would normally expect. So again, what I've been trying to emphasizes is how I have almost no frame of reference when it comes the horrible experiences that Pix and others have described when it comes to Gay-Hating, General Religious Bigotry. I'm thankful for it one way, Frak who wouldn't be!? Yet I feel like I'm operating in a different reality to most others in that regard which really leaves me shaking my head going wtf.... How can people still be treating LGBTs with such open hatred and get away with it?! Well, in any case I'm not sure what's going on with Ireland these days, most of the youth has left the country but the general acceptance when it comes to sexuality has thankfully remained. I would say about the only thing not making Ireland somewhat of a Gay haven would be its current marriage laws with regards to same sex marriage, and children. But luckily I can easily see these things being accepted as law next time they are on the voting docket (2015). Just too many LGBT friends and friends of friends that know people who are together in same sex relationships and want to be a family for anyone with half a heart to say NO, that cant happen. So I want to believe that there is a lot more acceptance on the way for Ireland with even legal backing which is what's desperately needed to seal the deal. Its quite unbelievable really, when one looks at Ireland in the 80's and now... Wow! A lot more than just the crazy fashion and hairdo's were left behind. However I accept that my perhaps my own views of Ireland are bordering on being pretty unique considering my sort of twilight zone upbringing and later relationships that I found myself in that definitely broadened my horizons quite abit, and yet I'm hopeful that Ireland really is painted with more than just the shade of green these days hehe.. Dublin City Center (Capitol) – During Gay Pride Parade ------------------ You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;}
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 28, 2015 11:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by 7thGuardian: Well...
!!! I practically died laughing about the orphanages. I know it's...not really funny. Can't help laughing though. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 28, 2015 11:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: And aunt of mine more religious than others in my family passed her spare Bible to me and told me to find the "beam" in her eye when she said gays were going to Hell but she wasn't. (While I did so at the supper table my granny--mother to my aunt--said she didn't believe in discussing politics or religion while eating to which my aunt told her to shut up and I said in a pious tone, "Honor thy mother and thy father" which got others to laugh as she glared at me but I was still too busy looking to notice.
LOL! Sorry that your aunt and her husband are really super annoying though. I can't even think of arguing with them...I would try my best to never be in the same room with people like that. quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: I said (very matter of fact) he was slow and overweight and if he thought strength was the primary consideration in fighting then he's never been in a real one, at least not against one trained to understand pressure points that minimizes strength or even turns it against itself as well as where to hit where not much strength is required to have an effect.
Though I hate to think of what you went through to acquire those skills... quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: I then added, "And you follow Christ, the Prince of Peace who said to pray for your enemies and gave you the Lord's Prayer which promises to forgive the debts of others as God forgives you your own debts, while I follow Freya, goddess of love and war who said if you can't lay 'em then slay 'em, so I'm pretty sure I'll get the blessings of my goddess while you just make yours cry in disappointment."
*applause* quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: I pointed out that given people in town used to say I worshiped Satan I'd think Freya would be an improvement.
ROTFL... Loved this story (!!) but again, how awful that you deal with people like this...makes me literally a bit sick. Thanks for explaining about California. I've spent very little time there. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 28, 2015 12:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: And right there you have textbook sexual repression later showing itself in all of the various sex scandals over here with regards the Catholic Church and clerical abuse.
*nods* Here, too, of course. In my own Catholic Church, growing up...there was a huge scandal. quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: Then once all of the abuse started becoming public knowledge it was like the scales fell off the eyes of the vast majority of the population. The holiest of holies... The Divine Priest Hood was in ruins, the Church now an absolute disgrace! And all of sudden being Gay seemed trivial when compared to the insanity that was gripping the country in the mid-late 90's.
Why isn't that happening in America, I wonder? Or maybe I'm just not keep pace with things...I know a lot of devout Catholics (ie my huge immediate family) and this would never, ever come up in conversation. quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: But then during this time period, or just priory to it in fact, there was a TV show that in many ways had a hand in literally stopping the youth of our country burning down Parochial Houses (Priest's Homes) across the country. The show was called “Father Ted”. And its a comedy satire of priests living on small Island off the coast of Ireland and its absolutely hilarious and in many ways captured EVERY aspect of Irish culture and how we often choose to deal with certain issues. Highly recommended viewing! (Pretty sure its all on YT).
Thanks ~ I will check that out. Might help me understand some things about my family, upbringing etc, since there it's got Irish Catholic written all over it (though, a diluted exported version.) Or maybe not? Will see & compare. quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: Ted was a massive favourite of just about everyone! And I really do feel it alleviated a lot of the public hate/destructive elements that were rolling behind the brunt of the scandals.
Amazing how powerful entertainment is. quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: Anyways after all of that madness blew over, the country started to go through somewhat of a Renaissance!
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7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted January 28, 2015 04:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: !!!I practically died laughing about the orphanages. I know it's...not really funny. Can't help laughing though.
Ofc it's funny. Reality beats fiction - kind of funny! ^^ Though, maybe the next video is not that funny (for those who've been part of that experience): The Savage Eye Catholic Church Ouch! O.O! ^^ IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6397 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 28, 2015 10:08 PM
I wanted to point out that the worst I shared above isn't the ordinary...but it does happen even in California, as do brutal hate crimes and sometimes the police shrugging their shoulders at it. Most of it is subtle, however, and a lot of people who aren't out of the closet won't see it because it's not directed at them, nor does it affect them (I think it's sad how many have to realize their child is gay before they finally notice and care, and while I'm glad for the anti-gay politicians who change for that reason I just find that incredibly selfish while they're pretending they're being all moral regardless to whether they promoted bigotry or equality, it's all about how it affects them and their loved ones personally, no one else matters). Generally speaking pamphlets aren't given out on street corners (though it's not unknown for public speaking and protests against gays, and also no one cared about Westboro being the total jerks they were when they confined themselves to crashing gay funerals rather than soldier funerals which is proof positive that if Christianity WANTED to say "they're not with us" then they could've when they were just anti-gay just as Christendom would later when Westboro targeted the funerals of soldiers). There are gospel tracts which can be very common that often disparage gays (but sometimes also Catholics as idol worshipers at the same time) but that's usually a detail added to their primary message. I believe that the pamphlet that my girl was given was printed up (it had that look) and she was singled out for who she was as opposed to randomly shoving such pamphlets into the hands of all the kids and telling them to take them home. I'd have been spared some nuisances had I not joined the wrong range. I wasn't sure why I was getting so much right wing extremist spam (including gay hating in the name of Jesus) until I got a friend to join the same range and then she started getting the same spam. Speaking of projection, I believe I shared this on the "God and Guns" thread, but here it is again: ians-openly-advocate-killing-atheists-on-fox-news-facebook-page/question-4180687/?link=ibaf&q=699053 Note how they're the ones wanting to shoot, crucify, ram spears through people, rape them and all (notice that these were getting thumbs up on FB) but were talking about protecting their rights and how atheists were full of hate. The atheist that inspired this didn't want tax dollars to raise a cross as that would be endorsement of religion and said nothing about torturing and killing Christians, nor about prohibiting people's PRIVATE expression of faith (including wearing crosses or even leaving them at some memorial site) so the ones targeting the rights of others and filled with hatred are the ones claiming to be with Jesus. Luckily, I doubt anyone in my family (even my aunt) would be THAT extreme. But I don't know, FOX News ticks a lot of people off with their lies and some in my family watch a lot of FOX News... IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2015 08:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by 7thGuardian: Ofc it's funny. Reality beats fiction - kind of funny! ^^
True ~ reality does beat fiction. quote: Originally posted by 7thGuardian: Though, maybe the next video is not that funny (for those who've been part of that experience)
I was laughing, but sad at the same time. These are my roots, so it's sort of comforting to revisit all the themes from my I have wandered very, very far from those roots, on every level...on the other hand, I am practically allergic to Catholicism now, and have to make a concerted effort not to, say, foam at the mouth, when I see someone muttering along to their rosary beads. Ugh I hated going to confession...just seeing a confessional is really disturbing. Being a little girl, couped up in a tiny room with a priest...I was horrified. Hmmm maybe I need therapy or something. LOL IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2015 09:02 AM
@PixieI remember seeing a news clip about the Westboro Baptists and the news anchor made a comment that's stuck with me for years: "Don't even try to understand it. It'll never make sense." I think that's the bottom line, about all violent, pushy, deluded "Christians." IP: Logged |
7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted January 29, 2015 03:00 PM
Sorry to hear that Faith... :( I've never been in a confessional - though, i can imagine how that could feel for a child. :( The christian orthodox confessions are different - they happen in open space - whit everybody around. In some places it goes like this: - but usually, there was a long line - so it wasn't that intimate of nature - just: How often did you lie, cursed and other stuff like which we'd answer: couple of times (or kinda...) and then he'd tell us - to recite 10 prayers every day for couple of weeks and our sins will be forgiven. Around the countryside - some priests go to school for confessions (in the city - you had to go to closest church - with hundreds people in line). IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2015 08:09 PM
Thanks for your compassion Talking about these issues bothers me more than I thought it would. Might be a function of Chiron conjunct Jupiter in the 9th house (if you're one of those kooks who believes in astrology. )Were you uncomfortable during those confessions? I'm trying not to project anything creepy onto those pictures. I understand that some people are still capable of being innocent and dignified in situations that, sensitive. I would have felt much better doing something that was more like a "token" observance of confession, where everyone just mumbles together. But even before I ever heard about child molestation, I sensed it...not a topic I want to delve into here. Well you're right it could have been worse. Will check out your video later as I worry it will upset me and I'm feeling sorta off kilter at the moment. Just want to say that you seem to live in a very cool country and culture...I love the pictures/videos you post. ETA: Much more gilding in those church pics than I've seen over here...much prettier. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6397 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 30, 2015 03:15 AM
I wanted to add landlord yanked the carpet out from under my feet so that I was forced to move to an apartment complex where fundies there and connected to them were ***** to us until we moved. This was during my Saturn return in 3H (neighbors!) Libra, and when the religious persecution picked up was when Saturn was squared by Cappie Pluto! All in all I was probably lucky it wasn't a lot worse, and in fact it ultimately brought us closer together (one reason I see Saturn as the tester rather than the destroyer, though at the same time something of a jerk like Snape). That was a rough time and ended with my granny being hospitalized with a pulmonary embolism so that I had to sell so many things including most of my books to get the money I needed to get out there fast (and then left just ahead of the wildfires breaking out everywhere). We moved right about the time Saturn moved on...I think. It was close anyway, and after we moved life got better, but my own chart was no longer under such a dire configuration. Just saying, for what it's worth.
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6397 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 30, 2015 03:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Will check out your video later as I worry it will upset me and I'm feeling sorta off kilter at the moment
This vid? Naw, it's funny, I've shared it in the funny vids thread before. IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1237 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 30, 2015 07:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by 7thGuardian: Though, maybe the next video is not that funny (for those who've been part of that experience): The Savage Eye Catholic Church Ouch! O.O!
While the video is hilarious, its definitely bordering on tryhard! A fu.cking drill...! LOL But perhaps the most amazing aspect is the water mark in the right hand corner denoting its was produced by Ireland's state owned media network hehe No way in hell would that have EVER gotten on the airwaves 20 years ago, times sure have changed on my bizarre'o Island ------------------ You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;} IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2015 09:57 AM
quote: This was during my Saturn return in 3H (neighbors!) Libra, and when the religious persecution picked up was when Saturn was squared by Cappie Pluto!
Makes sense that it would affect you that way. Cap Pluto scares me to be honest. The Pluto-Uranus square will be right on my sun-Jupiter square in March. (While tr Chiron is right on my moon, tr Saturn on my Venus, tr NN on my Pluto.) 'Hope I don't spontaneously combust ~ but if I do, I hope I get proper credit for it. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2015 10:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: This vid? Naw, it's funny, I've shared it in the funny vids thread before.
Cute --- Off topic edit IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2015 10:33 AM
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7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted January 30, 2015 05:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Thanks for your compassion :bheart: Talking about these issues bothers me more than I thought it would. Might be a function of Chiron conjunct Jupiter in the 9th house (if you're one of those kooks who believes in astrology. ;) )
Sorry again Faith... :( And hey, believing in astrology doesn't make you a kook. Though, it can be (as it proved to be) - a cause of unnecessary emotional pain. You might feel fine - but then you read something about a transit that's suppose to be really bad - and you're starting to feel bad as well (kinda like watching the news - and then feel bad about something you saw there). Other times it has the same effect as putting gas on fire (you're already feeling bad and you read something negative - related to some transit - that makes you feel worst). And I presume - you already know why is that, something you probbaly heard dozens of times - as in: our thoughts/believes - can shape our reality (the way "one" thinks - and the way "one" feels). Which is clearly - very true. So... be cautions... Cause I've seen many people on astrology forums - who where influenced negatively - through the way they practiced astrology. :( --- There's lots of churches around this parts (supposedly - more than 18.000). They're all over the place - of all shapes and sizes. Some are ancient, some old - some new or modern: - an old church: - the usual around the country side: - a modern church: - a cathedral: or - ancient monastery: or - a restaurated monastery: (most are restaurated - but not to this extent) - a catholic church from this parts: (this one - could be ok with you Faith - it's a peaceful presentation and the church is quite pleasing - and also from a foreign place with a different culture) There's plenty - like the ones from above, each with its own vibe. And their vibe - does feel spiritual in nature. And same goes for certain practices - passed down from one generation to another - since ancient times - like "chants (quite similar with those from other religion)". It's just that - those chants have a lot to do with "the sound (the way they're singed)" - not the words. Cause the words - are related to the doctrine - and that's the part i can't agree with (old ways of thinking). IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10999 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2015 10:07 AM
^^ 'Saw your comments last night but wanted to watch all the videos before replying...I'm glad you understand what I meant about finding the "middle ground." I'm loving these tours of your churches. Thank you so much. Yes, the spiritual vibe is palpable even in videos, and it really strongly kindles my curiosity and desire to visit in person. Especially this exquisite Manastirea Sambata de Sus. Maybe someday. ~ abbreviates long ramble ~ too much coffee that morning As for your warning about astrology, I do hear would be difficult for me to convey how I hold these "omens" in my mind without taking them too seriously...just a bit seriously. You seem to have moved beyond astrology and are happy about it. I wonder if I'll ever drop it altogether. I don't know. IP: Logged | |