posted October 11, 2018 10:44 AM
The "victimization" that Jesus went through in the Garden then on The Cross, was actually the height of the demons' joy. They "had" him. They were twisting it. They were causing him pain. Most of all, God had turned his back on Jesus because of how 'ugly' he was having BECOME sin-itself. In my home when I was a girl, I'd walk in from school to a bloody-decapitated head of Jesus on the kitchen table. His mouth was open in a scream (I guessed), and the crown of thorns pressed into his head made rivulets of blood pouring into his eyeballs and down his forehead and cheeks.
THAT was NOT a moment of glory for Jesus.
THAT moment "belonged" to the devils, to the rapists, to the bullies who "won" their moment to pulverize and harm another for their group's sake?
The Cross was a moment of the greatest shame!
It's the point where rapists and bullies laugh at having HAD their way with a "victim" then dump them on the side of the road and drive-off satisfied.
It's the place where the community has heard the screams and cries of someone being attacked and no one felt moved to do a thing about it.
Kitty Genovese
Being strung {basically naked} on the cross, all exposed, with the soldiers jeering-- HA! ~Hey Jesus, if you're so great then.....
When satanists show Jesus on a Cross, they have him up there backwards, so his butt is available, his bloodied flesh ripped away. When I studied in ministry school, it was suggested that historically it was a custom for the soldiers to sodomize their victims as part of the process (reward for them?).
Jesus put his flesh body down and was killed, voluntarily, in Sacrifice and in karmic effigy.
The moment of Glory came after Jesus in the astral planes, had descended down into the hell-realms. With all karma that was placed on him then-discharged and satisfied, he was INFUSED with Dynamic POWER... and made an open-shew of the devils who thought they had conquered and killed his soul by destroying the body.
He freed up the captives held in the hell-realms. What Jesus did was to RESTORE the astral-etheric energetic Bridge, now with unimpeded flow between Heaven and Earth.
He CLEARED the Karma.
He cleared the Stream.
He made the way Clear.
He did that voluntarily.
Christians memorialize The Greatest Story Ever Told.
ALL the souls of Humanity was covered in the energetic one-on-one deal between God and self. Nothing is required of us.. but to Know it and Accept what occurred. Find the Inner Place, and LIVE in that Light of Awareness.
Just 'get on the wavelength'...
Find the stream...
Be in the River of Life...
Then LIVE your Life the Best you Can.
NOTHING is owed.
Energetically, in this Stream, you are freed.
Negativity is washed easily away-- in the Flow of Alive Grace (for ALL!!!).
It's always There.
Find your Core.
Line up with the Stream.
Let everything else just slough off...
Help Others!!..
You are Whole, Pure, and Cleansed.
Walk it, The Best You know how.
If you forget, or others forget, then we REMIND Each Other WHO we Are.
You'll Make A Difference.
He did.
WE have inherited The Earth.
WE each singly have responsibility to Walk the BEST Walk.
Put all HATE and BLAMES aside.
Put it in the River.
Walk Clear, and clearly.
BE. WE are Like him.
We are in an elegant position..
as Siblings, and The Daughters and Sons.
AS-Above and IN .. the Highest Refinement.
in our bodies, on this material Earth.
WE Are The Ones we've been waiting for?
Work it. BE it.
(music) Earth Song (Michael Jackson, lyrics) [6:20]