posted April 09, 2015 03:22 PM
I viewed the url... The woman's voice is sooo nice. I remember this from a long time ago now, wow~~ how cool. Thanks Athenegoddess! I have some thoughts I'd like to share, based on this past Easter Week 2015... for which the Orthodox today is "Good Friday" .... The Man ON The Cross and Crucifix
Over the past days of our Eclipses, I watched the religious networks for the celebrations and vigil ceremonies.
And I ruminate how our society still grapples with issues of Women and women's roles in our society... especially in religious and moral culture.
Had a strange objective type experience as I looked upon a variety of ceremonies, in different geographical locations, and found myself watching the celebrations from a long-view-- an over-arching perspective. I spent much time in Catholicism, and other protestant type beliefs (over a span of 60 years, next month).
Women played a key role in the life of Jesus. According to scripture, Jesus was conceived WITHOUT the help (physical sperm) of a man. The mystery of spirit seeding itself and overcoming natural law, and beginning a creative-type miracle that caused the egg of a female to become fertile (on its own).
Jesus had a foster-Father (Joseph) here on earth who took care of him, but his actual Father was from an etheric realm.... Heaven seeding itself catalyzed into Earthen Being... Mary's "womb" encompassed (supported and wrapped and accepted the role of the care and nourishment over) a man who was born both Divine (Spirit-Father) and Human (Mary's earthly egg).
As I mentioned... When I watched the highest ranking males venerating the cross in Good Friday services, they kissed the cross, feet, or legs of Crucifix (the Cross with Jesus' body ON it).
From super-far-away, camera on the long-view during the Processions around the church building, with the Crucifix leading the way... I saw that the 'body' represented on the cross began to appear to me as something different--- The body began to "look" like the total female reproductive organs NAILED to the Cross....
Shocking? .... But think about how it looks....
His Hands were where the Ovaries would be,
his arms were the fallopian tubes,
and these lead to his chest cavity which looked like the uterus itself,
his Sacred Heart representing a womb within a womb of the Fertilized-Womb where Love dwelt.
His private parts (scorpio) were at the Cervix...
the place where the Mars-ruled sperm meets fertile Venus, and begins the Dance of Creation of something-Third, New and Other, which will gestate and eventually Be Born.
The two legs over each other (Aquarius) representing descent through the birth-canal where the birth-waters flood and flush-out and cleanse when babies are preparing to come forth-- birthing our New Aquarian Age...
His feet nailed together with a metal nail at the end-point and entry INTO earth-matter (Pisces/Aries recent eclipse at 29/0 degrees) showed the Way to a new Universal Consciousness beginning, and an old age coming to wrap up and end.
There are many sins (missing the mark of what is the Balanced Center point) that the Patriarchy (male energy) has unknowing (and knowingly) perpetrated against the female energies of this world and the world which is trying to innovate itself-- the energy of child and woman, and all that is sensitive, easy to overpower, take advantage over, and use for ones 'personal' selfish aims that impedes the ability of other to Live.
Mary The Mother of Jesus, was a woman-with-child in the story of Jesus' birth. (If you'll allow me to continue the imagery here). ..She represented the female creative energy, the miraculous, the innovative-- which long has been oppressed and suppressed.
When Jesus died, in a way (following along the lines of my thoughts here), he was a Male-specie who took on the job of BEING a spiritual Womb-Man. His purpose was to Birth a New Consciousness-- It was to be Neptune and dissolve all boundaries separating our ability to Be Conscious at the every-man level. It's for everyone now. He melded every layer between Pisces/Aries and lived out his life in Service. He embodied (in-the-Bod'ied) a living energy of Love and Compassion (the energetic female component of being truly an integrated human). He showed us a NEW Male-energy masculine way to BE, and live IN this world of ours.
We are all male and female "energies" INSIDE us. Society right now is working out (using genders) what that means to be identified as one or the other. We all have our control issues, and the ones of reception as well.
At the Cross, The Crucifixion, a way was opened.... a portal. And blockages that have been in the way of a healing flow between heaven and earth, male and female, giving authority and receiving authority, were first dealt-with and Cleared in the Energy realms. Finally, the spiritual could become Spiritual. A Highway, and a Higher way became available-- at the Will of our choosing.
I feel (in a mystical way of expressing here) as though there was an 'energy-healing' for the Collective THROUGH his life Beautifully (perfectly) lived. And in his accepting 'being' innocently put to death BY a corrupted (unlawful) authority system, he mystically-energetically became and MADE himself 'the spot' where we can hide or attach ourselves (energetically) in order to receive the 'grace' of that Healing that happened.
What he did spiritually, was between himself and his Father. He "worked out the Blockages" that were there from an accumulation of ages of time, and opened a portal where we (humanity) can actually have survival into the next series of Ages.
Right here and right now... we work on 'equality' between the roles of women and the heavy-handed leadership of the male-energies. Much beautiful work has been accomplished by many over the decades and generations, with still more working-out of these same issues but in new light of awareness and understanding (Uranus, Pluto, Neptune).
So I watched the Vatican Services. That Dear man, Pope Francis, was seated BENEATH (at the foot of) a giant (no-body?) cross. His chair appeared as a giant solid and immoveable square Rock (Peter, Authority), INTO WHICH the Cross of Matter was planted. (And it was fascinating to watch how shadows got formed and pasted on the walls behind him, during portions of the ceremonies.)
Pope Francis is a strong advocate of Peace and Compassion (the feminine-role that Christ represented) seated in the Chair of Authority (the tradition, the Patriarchy).....
To ME, watching all this?, I "Saw" the striving for a new and overt Humility for the church and the Patriarchy it represents. It's the loving and kind turning of one's attention towards a NEW kind of Right-Authority. A returning to Balances (Libra, our recent Easter Eclipse) and accountability (Pluto Uranus, "square" ) for the right and wrong actions of ANY KIND of Leadership.... (personal or group or societal). There is a new recognition of People abusing their Power and Position in this world OVER the feminine-energies of ones in positions of Vulnerability. Victimhood. These must be recompensed and made amends to...
So, when I saw each one of the individual male clergy, coming up to venerate the Crucifix.... I saw the opportunity for each individual to deeply look within, and 'allow' Christ's Healing Work to process any and every guiltiness. They "kissed" the HOLY WOMB-Man, the feminine, while wearing robes of the role of leadership, authority, patriarchy.
I see one of the roles of Pope Francis is that he really wants to make his priests and clergy more aware and more disciplined about the way they represent authority and the Church as it has-been. I see him working with 'his clergymen' helping them to truly REALIZE how Arrogant they can Act and behave within the churches-- and that this is repulsive. There is Hope for all.... including his clergy. They have to take their Conscience to 'the foot of the Cross' of Christ, and NOT take heed to what will become of them to admit fault, but to PURSUE that which is Right through grace of being able to be forgiven and to make amends.
Pope Francis is their Leader and Role Model... LOVE. Compassion, Peace.
We all lead in various ways in our lives, different layers of responsibility. In Everything, we must Encounter Christ in our Conscience, and have accountability to His authority in us, in one's "self."
How Unconscious some of these are who paraded with robes signifying their holy-authority... Unconscious of how they venerate their own image of what authority is, rather than the one that Christ lived (The Ceremony of the Washing of the Feet of the Disciples). These men are merely mortals... subject to corruption and fallible. Yet, under a seeming immunity to real consequences they have chosen to remain blind to.
On that high-seat of Privilege, they hold sway over the lives of the MANY.... and need Christ's mercy EVEN MORE. (The weight of having to Watch over so many lives & souls... and not realizing how much even-more GOOD they could do right now. They could turn this world around for the Better.)
Leadership, is a Privilege.... which MUST be served out in as MUCH HUMILITY and personal awareness and consciousness as possible.
There is so much GOOD that can be Birthed right now.... THROUGH Service to the Vulnerable in a way that is not Patronizing. These must be seen as having the Same Value as the one high-up on the pedestals.
When we can serve each other with Truest-borne Humility, when we can 'sense' that there is no one higher nor lower than the next..., when we all can be shifted and find our weights in Balance, then the World can truly say that they have entered that new portal into a more-divine New Age.
You cannot serve God and Mammon (the god of hungry-money, which is insatiable). You'll come to love the one, then despise the Other (scripture).
God has to come First.... When your Higher-Mind's Eye is in it's proper Rest {Single}, it ripples out in new waves of Understanding. The Corporate Body of Christ-Awakened is full of Light and knows it's purpose, and fulfills its destiny.
The Light of Single Awareness--- We will 'see' what effect our actions have with and upon each other. We will see where we 'missed the mark' of this passing age, and move with proper corrections towards long term gains. New is the time of cultivating the brother-sister-neighbor type of Love.
So Yes!... DO Take Jesus down from That Cross, and LIVE Him, BE Him, in your day-to-day existence.
*proofreading to see if my thoughts be clear enough... /probably will make major editing-- my thoughts are swirling, and my feelings are uneasy... My Heart just wants to wrap around the words I just can't seem to find *