Topic: The “God is Good” Paradox.
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted August 24, 2015 04:03 PM
What can you say about the mind that would think this was a good idea? Keep in mind that whatever you say about such a mind you're also saying a bit about God/dess. And disturbing, yes, but I intentionally stayed away from how the cruel side of nature directly affects humans to avoid making humans somehow responsible for it, but I can go there as well. I love that line in World War Z about nature being a serial killer, and as this example shows, nature can do worse than simply kill. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 24, 2015 09:49 PM
(Will come back more~ head's a bit sloggy. Tomorrow, or next.) ^ Spidey~~ heh heh IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 25, 2015 09:52 AM
Spidey!IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 25, 2015 05:20 PM
Gods that video... (Eeeek!)I haven’t forgotten about this thread :D And I have actually been writing a reply/theory in relation to the Paradox that is about 5000 words currently… will post within the next few days, just mulling over the finer points of it hehe… Back soon <3 ------------------ You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;}
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 25, 2015 07:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: This thread makes my head hurt.
{{awwww }} Randall, You've got some brilliant minds posting here. Y'all are freakin' learned and amazing...  These posts are so rich!... Lei_Kuei's Wild & Thorough Sense of humor?  Sex while on Shrooms after a Yoga Session while reading your Horoscope backwards... Where do I sign up for this? LOL Many quality notions to consider. I didn't include refs to them in this post, as they deserve their own window... Sometimes I find that it's good (at least for me) to "allow" time for ideas and concepts to settle in my understanding. BTW, LK, you're not coming off snotty, but thank for showing sensitivity and clarifying that. ---- quote: (Patch Moves Beanie’s hand so it points towards the Ground) and repeats… Beanie which way is Heaven? ^^Now that would have been fraking Hilarious! (clearly Im going to hell right lol)?
Oh, you're just askin' for it, aren't you?? *wags finger* LOL (music) Little Boy, You're GOING TO HELL!! (southpark, lyrics) [1:20] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 26, 2015 09:31 AM
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Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2015 05:05 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 27, 2015 06:57 PM
H...O...L...Y WOW!!!! HEREBY RECEIVE your: "Certificate_OF_D'Compiling_INSANITY" !!! A W E S O M E ... snicker snicker I understand about seeming as though you're only talking to one person... e.g. Pixie ... when actually anyone-reading is invited to join-in with their thoughts... or insanities! L_K, I listened to your songs.... The Cover sounded so "~~sweet" ? LOL (Then I listened to a yt about the Lovecraft mythology of Cthulhu explained! wow~watta-guy, or god, or ~whatever he is, if he's a he?.. well, you know what I mean!) Reminds me of the time I had belonged to an Oratorio singing Society, and we were working on Mendelsohn's Elijah. One of the songs from Elijah is one where you're asking Baal (a devil) to come hear your prayer. ... Thing is, I didn't know who or what Baal was! And neither did other-folk. We sang it with a love and sweetness that you'd think we were loving-up on God? It was only much later on that I realized that we were singing the part of the idol-worshipers! Ohh noooo! LOL So, I leave you with this song, just for giggles! ... Even these singers didn't know 'who' they were praying to?... Unless they had your Cthulu in mind? (music) Baal, we cry to thee! (Elijah, oratorio by Mendelsohn, LYRICs below) [9:23] IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted August 27, 2015 07:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: Boil the kettle… This post is bordering on 5000+ words, just a warning!
I gave this a skim and I'm probably going to have to answer in parts, sometimes with quotes and sometimes not (as far as I can tell at the moment). My metaphor of the sky (and also a forest) is borrowing from mirage. The typical god prayed to is but a cloud in the sky or a tree in the forest but most mistake that one cloud for the entire sky or the one tree for the entire forest. Btw, it struck me as obvious that if there is ONE Heaven then there are many, just as there would likely be many Hells than just one, and then one person's heaven could be a hell to another. A well-ordered Heaven with strict hierarchy where one sings praises to the central deity and serving as a drone would not appeal to free thinkers (too much like drugs and with no real purpose but serving a vainglorious tyrant, and perhaps the Borg) while a "hippie heaven" would not appeal to those with a black & white view of the world. And maybe some people see opportunity in Hell rather than punishment, that is if Hell is where the strong (mentally, physically, etc) rise to rule over the less worthy then maybe they'd rather take their chances there (or their own beliefs of the world being that way might draw them there) as it's "better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven." And the punishment they endure is just part of the Initiation to Power that purifies them of all weakness and thus Heaven to those who willingly go, much like how mountain climbers often get their greatest pleasure from enduring the challenges to the top rather than being at the top, that is to say they wouldn't have the pleasure if someone just gave them a jetpack to reach the top of the mountain. (Hellraiser demonstrated that concept well, like with the birth of Pinhead, and as Pinhead describes themselves, "Demons to some, angels to others.") Funny you should mention calculus. A friend of mine who was once in the physics program (while fascinated by the paranormal) said she believed that if there is a God/dess then that being will be found in higher mathematics than in any religious text. I've incorporated that concept into a far future scifi (though I know Isaac Asimov has done something very similar in his Foundation series decades before my birth).
Still, I see humans as limited animals and if we can understand it all one day we probably won't be human any longer...'course we have the potential to consciously guide our evolution to become posthuman. And finding that irony and paradox best sums up the fundamental truths of the divine and incomprehensible it makes perfect sense to me that some atheist transhumanists will be the first to truly understand the marvelous wonders that is ALL (including God/dess) without even trying. Okay, it has begun, I'm getting to points I have to quote and will start in a new post. Note, I'll probably not get through it all in one sitting. ETA: I can't answer this now. And it's not something I'm going to mess with at night when I'm tired so I don't when I know when I will, maybe in a few hours, maybe in a few days. IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 28, 2015 08:25 AM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 28, 2015 02:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: Although I consider myself an Atheist, or atleast [Temporally] since the Supreme God is disseminated currently … I can’t even begin to describe the Horror when in my 20’s I reached the point of not being able to “reason” my way to the answers pertaining to the question of ”What is the Matrix…” without avoiding an encounter with a singular “God”…
God is in the spirit-invisible realm. You can't see that realm with your regular eyes. You can't 'think' that realm with your regular crispy-thoughts. You have to let go of all the arguing in the mental realm, in order to realize 'blue sky' type inside-realm. ... Like, you 'dawn' on it, dawn on the fact that it's there already-- you don't have to find it. It just "is". ---- You don't be in the spirit, you BE. You BE inthespirit. You're already-there. Let go of your mind-mental gnashing. Gnashing won't get you there... Just 'be' there. I see the human aura. I didn't realize 'what' the human aura was. It was already there for me, and it was so much a part of my existence that I had no idea that 'this' was something I saw that many others could not. It took an intro-to-ESP class for me to discover this. It took an outside-person telling me about it. I can tell you, that y'all have a Halo! Yep, you do! ... You can look in the mirror and tell me it's not there. You don't see it! How can it be real if you don't see it?? --- BECAUSE you haven't 'learned' what it is yet, and 'how' to perceive it for yourself. It's super-simple.... I've given workshops a long long time ago on how-to. We'd stand there together, and after a while people began to get-it. They understood 'what' it is-- how to look for 'it'-- up till that time, 'it' was invisible to them. Thing is, they have to 'want' to see the aura, and 'try'. I can't convince them it's there, if they don't believe, or refuse to believe. It takes surrender to the thought that you 'could', that it exists all by itself. Energy is energy. We're the ones who decide what it means... In my day-to-day life, I barely give auras a thought--- UNLESS, something triggered me, and I'd notice something going by the mirror (when I'm alone) or someone else had striking energy that day and they were against a backdrop that made it more pronounced. Then I'd have the conscious thought, observation. God, and Thoughts or Noticing of God can be the same way. You can draw the parallels to the aura-story. You get 'introduced' to the idea, and you learn... Then it's always 'there' if you want it to be. You have to maintain an awareness and 'practice' if you want your perception to get stronger. But it's YOUR choice if you want to or not! You have to WANT to see. Then be WILLING to believe it's there... From that point, it's up to the individual. There can be times where you want to practice the presence, then sometimes we go through dry periods, drier years where God doesn't 'seem' real. Doesn't mean God's not real-- Perception and non-perception will be 'contrast' over a long period of time. And with God Being Good.... God is Good, All-the-time. Story... I was on the city bus this morning. It stopped to pickup passenger. Passenger was a Beautiful Hispanic mother and her little child (maybe ~4-6mos). ... I watched her a bit. She LOVED that baby. And that baby had no idea how doting and Beautiful and caring this person was. All it could do was suck on its bottle, look up and see her there. She could 'disappear' on him when she bent over to get something out of the diaper bag. But then, she reappeared. At one point, the Sun was glaring in the baby's face, and she took a little blanket and placed it in a way that blocked the baby from the discomfort of the too-harsh light. ... Over and over again, I kept thinking about this thread. How God is Good, like that mother was good to her baby. The baby had zero idea about the mom at all. And that wasn't even the baby's job to 'know' the mom. All the baby did was 'receive Care' that it won't 'understand' UNTIL that child reaches stages of maturity.
quote: Want to join my Cthulhu Cult…? It’s “Good”
^Ohhhh nooooo. Not falling for that "good" part of it! *alien* LMAO.... Hey?? Did I just see Cthulhu sprout a pair of angel-wings? 
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 28, 2015 03:30 PM
Wow. Quite a thread!!Pardon me for not reading the whole thing. quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: If Good is what’s used to describe the nature of God, then Good is predicating God as a definition of Good.The paradox being; There can only be one Ultimate Nature, yet the statement God is Good/Love/Whatever requires two (Good & God), or is God by his nature bound to obey “the good”? A God bound to laws…? Zeus is that you?
What if God and Good are both taken to have infinite possible meanings? Maybe the equation is: Existence = God/good squared  ETA: Sorry for intruding on a conversation, it just sparked my interest. Don't mind me.  I used the slash in my equation to indicate interchangeableness. There is something we want to name...and we want to name ourselves naming it exactly while it is happening. As if the being IS the naming and vice versa. Something about that reminded me of the speed of light, squared...and energy itself of course...leading into the matter of enlightenment, of physical illumination based on higher vibrations of wavicles or whatever is going on. As far as I know, that is a bit of godness-called-goodness, to whomever is not up to speed enough, to simply join immediately, without naming. I trust no one will take me seriously if they read me at all, which is refreshing. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted August 28, 2015 03:52 PM
The avatars of divinity (Freya, Jesus, etc) are a different animal from THE Divine.I believe Freya and Jesus are concepts humanity has etched into (no word really exists, but some would use words as astral, collective unconscious, spiritual layers, etc) and that is not Divine, that is Humanity shaping the divine energy because the divine is in everything (down to molecules) and our sentience shapes a bit of that divine into anthropomorphized forms that are good and/or evil but it's not something the Entity would use to communicate with or guide us. And THE Divine didn't Act to save me, Granny did by praying. Had she not prayed hard and had shrooms not opened my mind (*) to metaphysical forces combined with the condition I was in that was like a forced ritual fast (and also the planets being where they were) then the divine she was able to tap into was able to reach me due to circumstances that I don't think were divine, just fortuitous. GOD didn't come to me, Granny spoofed GOD through the divine energy in her and sent a tiny bit of its siphoned energy (I wonder if the Divine even noticed anymore than we notice the bacteria that lives on our skin and in our guts gaining nutrients from us?) which was telepathically shaped (evoked?) and sent my way, but it's also a subconscious force rather than conscious so it was able to alter itself to what I needed (and possibly my biology). (* For those just tuning in I wasn't on shrooms when this happened, but they did open my mind a year earlier. I also suspect that as my body fat was being eaten away by my starvation that a little of the psilocybin was being released into my body.) But the divine energy we humans can perceive and even siphon & shape can manifest as evil gods and demons as well, all which are shards. Just as Freya comes from the Divine so do the Giants of Ragnarok, Hel, and Loki (and Beelzebub, the angels/demons of the Goetia, and so on). The World Trees (including Kabbalah) include that, sometimes called "the Left Hand of God." Some Shintoists explore this beautifully (it's hard to get at that since plenty Shintoists in Japan have become more capitalists rather than mystics and spiritual counselors keeping peace between the material and spiritual worlds) as all gods, kamis, spirits (like human souls) have good and evil potentials and manifestations in them (the fairies and wights of Europe are like this as well). I certainly consider Jesus killing the fig tree an evil act and all the gods have a disturbing side (the exceptions I can think of are those I know very little about). But as for the "divine doing the evil to me so I could experience Freya," well Freya insinuated that somewhat by "saying" that I must not be broken as I was tempered. Yet at the same time the choice was mine, free will was there which implies free will on the part of others which means that instead of a script (assuming I'm not the only one with free will of course and the rest of y'all are just code following your script ) there's a lot of chaos and randomness as well (I'd say if THE Divine is doing anything that humanity could understand is learning, we're the computer simulation that it observes more than participates in because to do otherwise is frack up the simulation, though all the same Its energy is within us to do with as we will, good and evil, and that may even be the point, not us, but itself through us, we're just the carriers and containers). Of course if someone were to smugly tell me all my suffering is because I was "bad in a past life" or "God has a greater plan in mind" then that's lazy thinking at best, infuriating smugness and self-righteousness at worst. It's them blaming the victim not out of enlightenment but out of a desire to believe themselves immune to it, that there's a big Daddy (or Mommy) in charge to keep them safe in such a brutal (or at least uncaring) cosmos. More to come... IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted August 28, 2015 04:08 PM
And the Tree is our human understanding, such as it is, of THE Divine, of what has always been there (at least before our species and probably cosmos). It was how our minds metaphorically understood it and also facilitated our ability to tap into and use it, shape it to our will, to hack the program if you will. But it was not a Tree, nor is it limited to that, it is simply what we have the ability to perceive and as natural as the rest of the cosmos that doesn't require that we humans were the reason for its existence (anymore than our bodies being inhabited by microorganisms means that our bodies simply exist to take care of them--though from an evolutionary perspective I suppose that makes sense!).And what is human understanding? It's what we're born with (see Baby Morality). Generally speaking we're born with a sense of good and evil that are tied (and it's not just us, take piranha, how often do they eat each other?) with our very instincts and that's what we're limited to seeing, essentially seeing ourselves (including the parts of us we wish didn't exist and also our fears as well as desires) within that Divine Inkblot. Our human understanding also has a very strong tendency to think in mortal lifetimes rather than eons. The constraints of human understanding also attribute human concepts of good and evil on THE Divine that seems like an outside force rather than (Another Word That Does Not Exist, but say "inner world" that's more real than the outer world). That Baby Morality isn't always just, it also sees a difference and wants those who are different (strange and alien) to be punished, and so tribalism is formed. They pray for victory in their understanding of God and do terrible and evil things in God's name (confused as justice to them which is why they feel self-righteous inflicting horrific tortures, beheading gays, burning witches at the stake, etc), yet that doesn't mean God doesn't answer their prayers just as they answered Granny's. And the victors are then said to be manifest of God's will, yet if that's the case then the values of God are continually changing all the time, even a multiple personality given how wildly the world differs, but people almost always look through the lens of their own place in time and space (to the point that I knew of a Russian Orthodox who thought she was lucky enough to be born to the ONLY chapel that was fully right with God!). There's a line from a movie (Wizards) that I wonder how often has been said in real life: "Mommy, wheres daddy? Whats he doing?" "He's guarding our home, son. There's been a war, and this land has been lost." "Why can't we fight and win, Mommy?" "Because they have weapons and technology, and we just have love." I've read of some ancient Christians that sounded really compassionate and mystical, but they were slaughtered with survivors tortured & terrorized into submission to churches run by xenophobes seeking to spread their glory of their version of God (and their egos), the baby morality of tribalism triumphing over justice. That's humanity, not THE Divine (which doesn't care, or at least won't really act), but the evil ones (evil defined as intentionally spreading woe/oppression for personal gain) can still tap divine forces just as my granny did, as others do for goodly causes. Of course it doesn't always work and the so-called Law of Attraction is a lot stranger than many give it credit for (*). (* Btw, I was told not to pray by Freya and it makes sense, to depend on the adult world as a kid would've doomed me as would belief in an invisible bodyguard to make me reckless. And I've done experiments and what I prayed for actually turned out bad so consistently that it was breaking the odds as if what I prayed for came true. However, my spells almost always worked, or at least I knew what I'd need to make it so. Why? Because of the Cheerios incident. Must I repeat this story from my early childhood again? I'll assume not and skip right to the point that asking my parents to feed me was a painful, disappointing experience, while doing it for myself filled me with self-confidence. This affected my own "personal Law of Attraction" so that spells work but prayer does not, because prayer to a father or mother figure affects my mind and thus my power as when I was a little girl asking Mom and Dad while spells are confidently doing it for myself. Had my parents fed me, however, then prayer could work for me as it does Granny. Had I hurt myself making my own Cheerios then I probably could not use spells either. To me prayer is directing unconscious but responsive divine energy--a type of magic--rather than supplicating a god, though the paradigm is different. After all, why would a God NEED to hear a prayer to act in the first place? Back to the topic at hand.) When we plant gardens we see them as good and pray to the gods for a good harvest. Yet that means killing weeds, worms, bugs, varmints, and cutting trees, taxing the land as on my farm, and also thwarting human thieves. Our good is evil to them but as humans we normally don't see it that way, we usually don't even think about it. And that's about how I see THE Divine and even higher entities in general with us, It would care as much about an asteroid wiping us all out, me included, as It does about ants thoughtlessly stomped on by my boots as they excrete chemicals of distress (which from their PoV is evil, but from a universal point of view is insignificant and death is even necessary for the harmony of the world). This dream is closer to how I see the divine perspective (if you want to attribute "good and evil" to it): Who Can Say What is Good or Bad? Is a human killing us evil? Yes. Is the Cosmos/THE Divine? No, no more than when we kill bugs and clear out weeds to tend our gardens. UNLESS you make that Cosmos suprahuman with human concepts who can sympathize with us and our petty mortal concerns (so more a superhero, like say Marvel's version of Thor and Loki). And if it can also sympathize with all the other species? Sheesh, it sure could've done better than create a world in which life feeds off life (downright vampiric if you ask me **). But I don't see THE Divine as having a human perspective so I say it's beyond that (from our perspective anyway). But Jesus, OTOH, has a human perspective and thus killing the fig tree was, at best, not a nice act (especially as he presumably had the power to make the fig tree produce figs outside its season). But I don't consider Jesus part of THE Divine. (I'm not even sure Jesus even existed historically but that's irrelevant when it comes to divine forces, enough have believed to the point of countless gallons of blood--both of martyrs and of heretics--that some divine energy has been siphoned off to create a figure that now exists, and even if Jesus was a real person this "avatar" so to speak has nothing to do with the historical man.) ** "Hunt and kill, hunt and kill. Titillating? Yes. Practical? Hardly. Meanwhile, the humans, with their plebeian minds, have brought us a truly demonic concept. Mass production!" --Master Vampire on Buffy the Vampire Slayer as he introduces the first factory farm with humans as livestock. Of course it was presented as evil because it was detrimental to humanity rather than to the good and yet from THE Divine the vampires would be as justified as us to run factory farms and will allow it, and should they pray then they, too, could have "divine forces" (not THE Divine) to help them do so just as we can for us on our factory farms. IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 28, 2015 07:40 PM
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 28, 2015 09:46 PM
LOL...I will look for the part on Aristotle, okay. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 29, 2015 09:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: ^Ohhhh nooooo. Not falling for that "good" part of it! *alien* LMAO....Hey?? Did I just see Cthulhu sprout a pair of angel-wings? 
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 29, 2015 03:33 PM
Hey mirage So sad to read your story, so happy to see your genius and resilience. You're incredible.Hey everyone  I've been skimming over this thread, weaving back and forth like a bird, landing on certain things, always looking for something to land on, that looks like "my nest"...a place that's familiar to me. It's this: quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: A curious thought indeed this “two”… 
Combined with the YOG machine. At first, I was wondering, why do we let that thing have the final say? Is it's just RIGHT that a machine based on the binary system should piece out the Truth on dualistic thinking? When I first started going over this thread, I saw Juni begin with the 99 names...and my own mind at the time was chanting... The Tao that can be followed is not the Eternal Tao... Reading wikipedia's page on binary code aloud to my husband as I just did was much more interesting to me than a lot of prayers are. And it's interesting to say this on a full moon...which is actually...three-in-one like a trinity...because you need the moon, the sun, and your own eyes to participate. Hmm! I once knew a very religious mathematician, a Pisces sun, who kept saying, "infinite zero" was the answer to everything, and laughing. He didn't see himself as a numerologist, didn't see that as heresy... But to me, well I guess it all depends on preferences. Do you in your heart of hearts prefer to speak of God linguistically, numerically...visually?...musically?...or even fragrantly, with "a sweet savor offered up"...? I like dualism but mono- and poly-theism are also cool. It's just that, if you are a monotheist, be careful how you adulate that Truth in numbers? Here's a gospel song I can dance to, a song about Twelves, a song that I modify in my mind, to be about this strange god they call the zodiac. I John, saw a Mighty Number  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 29, 2015 03:43 PM
I just googled infinite zero...Found this: quote: "Where did the substance of the universe come from? . . If 0 equals ( + 1) + (-1), then something which is 0 might just as well become + 1 and -1. Perhaps in an infinite sea of nothingness, globs of positive and negative energy in equal-sized pairs are constantly forming, and after passing through evolutionary changes, combining once more and vanishing. We are in one of these globs between nothing and nothing and wondering about it." —Isaac Asimov
I might read the whole article if/when I feel smart: Sorry for sidestepping the original question... IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 29, 2015 06:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane:The avatars of divinity (Freya, Jesus, etc) are a different animal from THE Divine. . . . . And THE Divine didn't Act to save me, Granny did by praying. Had she not prayed hard and had shrooms not opened my mind (*) to metaphysical forces..... ... the divine she was able to tap into.... GOD didn't come to me, Granny spoofed GOD through the divine energy in her and sent a tiny bit of its siphoned energy... (* For those just tuning in I wasn't on shrooms when this happened, but they did open my mind a year earlier. I also suspect that as my body fat was being eaten away by my starvation that a little of the psilocybin was being released into my body.) But the divine energy we humans can perceive and even siphon & shape ///////// But as for the "divine doing the evil to me so I could experience Freya," well Freya insinuated that somewhat by "saying" that I must not be broken as I was tempered. Yet at the same time the choice was mine, free will was there which implies free will on the part of others...
Back in August 1979, I was struck with an experience of (what I'll refer to from earlier PJ video as) the 'blue-sky' God that haunted me for a while because "God" was detached. Yes, God is detached from our *drama*... Pure-God, 'blue-sky' is all 'blue sky'. We then can lift our thoughts and rise above our earth-concerns, and be a wonderful sipper-of the Air of Blue Sky. God Energy exists with 'ways' of being. Some ways of God is actually totally un-personal-- It's NOT important that it has ability to care or not-care, or to love or not-love. And, God is not "cold"--- it is wonderfully always 'alive' and completely inclusive in love so much that no-thought is necessary. It just BE's, and you BE in it. (btw... I have NOT read Ram Dass yet-- maybe I should? I just have always 'automatically' understood BE. -- He's the author of BE Here Now.) GOD is unconditional Energy. It IS Love. It IS Good-itself. The Quality of 'Good'-itself, Love-itself, the force(Good), the force(Love). God is a spirit. God is Energetic.... Not a man, not a statue. God is Energy and doesn't have emotions. WE are the ones with the emotions, and our feelings. The God I experienced was the compilation of everything anyone said is expression of 'him/it/~whatever' .... God is SOOO multi-faceted, that to 'try' to describe it 'limits' --- Like that story of the 5 blind Hindus trying to describe Elephant. When one person tries to say anything, that is the only way it is. But the compilation of all 'the ways' turns into our word 'Elephant'. 'God' is one of those compilation words. I think you referred to this as 'Divine Energy.' Energy is energy is energy. It exists and abides 'as is' and is 'available' to us. Outer Diving Energy (which WE are too, the Soul or Spirit type) is TO BE TAPPED by US, and used. Sometimes we use it without realizing that we have that power. We use that power, like air. Like we breathe air. We had to 'discover' Air. Then know all about it, and how Air keeps us alive. What it does in our body. How air exists outside us, how it moves in the trees, how it is used by birds under their wings to achieve flight, and for those small animals(birds) themselves to stay alive-- to breathe glorious-- to breathe and to wing. ... Air. The Universal Forces are there for US to use, to use with action-force (Will) that comes from (origination point is) US. "Free Will" as you've said. WE--- WE have the power to use 'The Power' (Divine Energy). It is Humans and the Soul that moves or directs these/this Force/Power around by our prayer, intentions, thoughts (conscious or unconscious). The Divine does not ACT. WE are the ones who ACT --- WITH power, from The Divine(Source). Your Beautiful Granny tapped it for you in prayer. It's THERE to BE tapped--- it always has been. That's the thing... We are like children in a big room trying to figure out what things are and how it works. It has taken us tens of thousands of years? We Discover, as a race. We evolve to 'find out' that 'there is Energy' and that the Energy is for us to learn to manipulate it and engage it in our lives FOR EACH OTHER!!!! and for our selves. We have the Power of God, which is AVAILABLE to Use. WE use it. 'It' doesn't act-- WE act FROM it. (And we don't realize 'how' that works, except through serendipitous learning (or we learn from a Teacher, etc).) This EARTH level life was DESIGNED that we HAVE to interrelated and act WITH each other. It's all about Relationships with each other, and tapping into the Divine. I remember when my own granny had a telephone-- she had a Party line. When a call came in for her personally, there would be a distinctive ring, but everyone connected with a phone line would hear HER-own ring, and could pick-up the line and listen. WE are a collective. We can all hear the convo!!, and GOD 'is' the whole system (the apparatus and the juice; and WE talk through it and listen and connect, and we are as much 'the system' as its apparatus). (Laughing~~~ reminds me of Eric Francis talking about Marshall McLuhan's theories on media.) We were given FREE WILL. The Divine Energy is the Water, the Ocean. WE take (by Free Will: Our Will being the glass or cup) and dip this water through Prayer/Intention/Thought, then dispense or disperse it. We scoop into the River, and the Ocean comes in to Fill the Glass. Then WE, by Will, pronounced by the mysterious power of words (cast spells, pray prayers, directed thoughts), that cause that Energy to release and Move towards the target (self, other). The Divine is impersonal Personal. It is 'able' to be Known-- a Force that is able to be Known. And WE 'real'ize it. WE are the manipulators and users of that Energy. It is for us, and we are Responsible for its use-- good, bad, or neutral. WE are the ones who shape that energy, which is liberally at our disposal to use (as you said, PJ). WE do it-- for or to each other, and ourselves. WE are responsible-- and that's a Beautiful thing, when we all realize it and use it in coordinated way to BETTER humankind, and Heal the planet (inclusive). That is what we are growing and developing and awakening to find right now. That WE are IN the sea; that the sea of consciousness is IN us and IS us. And we exist simultaneously separate (our 'I' so puny-mighty) and all part of each other (unconsciously). We do affect each other. Part of what waking up is, is knowing that. WE affect each other. The knowledge of that is the 'light' part of awareness... (Not a goosey-bumpey mystical~spooky thing, really. It's just Awareness, like the contrast of before and after: you didn't-know-something, then, you know. It's simple and we make it so complicated--- AND, it's really no fault of our own. It's just side-effect of the way our brains are wired.) PixieJane..., GOD didn't come to you.... Actually, You are already in-GOD. Then, you 'real'ize it. So anyways.... This is probably pretty long! (Happy FULL MOON in Universal Forces Ocean of Pisces today... 6.06' ) IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 29, 2015 08:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane:Is a human killing us evil? Yes. Is the Cosmos/THE Divine? No, no more than when we kill bugs and clear out weeds to tend our gardens. . . . But Jesus, OTOH, has a human perspective and thus killing the fig tree was, at best, not a nice act (especially as he presumably had the power to make the fig tree produce figs outside its season). But I don't consider Jesus part of THE Divine. (I'm not even sure Jesus even existed historically but that's irrelevant...
The question about wondering whether or not Jesus existed was also address by some other scholarly groups, PixieJane. From a non-religious perspective, and they found hard evidence in registries that he had, in fact, existed. (I don't have the ref for that right now.) The "fig tree" was a 'vegetable' ~~not a person. (You probably eat salads or vegetables?) The fig tree is not a live 'human being.' But Jesus was. Jesus was a totally alive man, including the fact that he got angry and pissedoff! It's part of his human experience. Humans gets ****** ! He did the kindness of yelling at a vegetable instead of wielding force and energy at the offending humans. (Now, THAT's another lesson in itself for some people? Do it to the vegetables, and not the human-- or acting out on your spouse, neighborhood, dog, cat, et cetera?!) Remember that definition of "Stress" that made its way around several decades ago ...?Wanting to choke the living **** out some ******* who desperately deserved it? hahaha -- (I bet those italic-words will probably get asterisked-out after I post it. tsk!~*naughty-naughty, badwords* ) Story was, that Jesus' life was FULL of dealing with infuriating "religious" people. Oh, c'mon, you know what that ~is?... He had just overturned tables of the money-changers at the temple. Church is supposed to be a place where you go pray and get hold of God. There was a great deal of business activity being transacted on church grounds. Marketers began setting up their tables, targeting the church-attenders. They weren't there for God. The activity (and emphasis on 'stuff' you had to have) was distracting the people from what they were supposed to be there for-- and that was to pray and to worship and connect with God. Disrespect for "sacred space" had reached a point of violation in Jesus' spirit and soul. He "cleansed" the temple! Trashed the place in anger! Said it had turned into a "den of thieves." The people were being taken advantage of with gouger-prices?... But more than that, all the busy distractions (for the bottom-line of greed) stole away the opportunity for those people to concentrate on their spiritual work-- which was the purpose of the temple, to be about God, and not money and 'stuff'! Jesus was pretty upset with those religious leaders too. Full of 'leaves' and 'no fruit'. Full of 'religion' that had no real ability to connect people to God.  Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-14,19-25. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 30, 2015 03:21 PM
Good to see differing viewpoints being amicable. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 31, 2015 12:05 PM
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Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 31, 2015 06:13 PM
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 31, 2015 08:33 PM
You're sweet, LK <3That was a fun and interesting read ~ thank you. It doesn't all click since I don't know the Matrix and programming is foreign to me. But some of it clicked and was great.  Looking forward to the next part!  IP: Logged | |