Topic: The “God is Good” Paradox.
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 01, 2015 10:30 AM
Mind = blown.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 01, 2015 04:50 PM
Lei_Kuei {{ }}} For now, just read, eat, drink, watch, laugh... Yes, good for you. <3Love you too, L_K-- Love you too!... You were awesome in your expressions, and I respect you very very much. I'm glad that Randall didn't cut you off.... You're okay here, (for me). You weren't threatening anyone... (only someone's ego-attachment?) No harm there. {{hug}} Your script going back and forth reminded me of the rapping-voices on yt "Zeus vs. Thor, Epic Rap Battles." So much 'battling' going on underneath that tinfoil of yours. ..... And in the background, the sky is Blue and still. It gets those clouds that puff their way by... but those clouds... are IN the Blue. And just to be humorous here...When you said boil the kettle again? I laughed so hard!! THIS TIME, I was going to skip the holy water and go straight for the whole BARREL of anointing-oil on you for that one!!! Oh~ LOL!!! just being funny-- Honestly, you're okay. Wait-a-minute...? Hey! ~You're more than okay! {{ }} While I was reading through your post, this song came to me. One of the lines in it says, "His brain was so loaded it nearly exploded! The poor girl would shake with alarm!"
Well, I wasn't totally shaking LOL, but that was very powerful, L_K. ... *smile* So... I looked up the song. And LOOK-- the singer's NAME is "Gardner" !!! whoah!! *jawdrop* You know the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden, and the "apple" they were forbidden to eat? It wasn't about the fruit... It was a test of whether or not they would Choose to exercise Free Will choice of "Self-Control." Imagine a World where everyone valued Self-Control, and practiced it. Maybe it would move us towards finally achieving World Peace.... (music) The Band Played On (vocalist Kenny Gardner; Guy Lombardo & His Royal Canadians, 1941) [2:33] IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 01, 2015 05:02 PM
Hi mirage...I said Hi to you earlier and you didn't reciprocate. You used to. Have I done something to bother you? I'm in the dark.  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 01, 2015 05:35 PM
Sorry if that was awkward, I've just been scratching my head, wondering what's up.Another dualism is chronos versus kairos. The quantity of time (chronos) versus the quality of time (kairos.) The wikipedia page on kairos doesn't mention astrology, circadian rhythms, or Ayurvedic principles of time (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha cycling through the day and night.) And those are the types of kairos that I pay most attention to, along with the seasons... I suppose that kairos-wisdom would statistically correlate with extending one's chronological life experience... The two are interwoven in interesting ways. For instance when a person is reincarnated with a birth chart remarkably similar to the previous incarnation, then it's like a set of time factors (the first chart) repeating chronologically within another set of time factors (second chart and transits.) So the soul experiences time both sequentially/chronologically and non-sequentially. The concepts of good, evil, and karma play out across that non-sequential stage, in a multi-life context, with endless complexity and simplicity at once. The simplicity lies in the fact that all you have to do is accept the basic premise that time has a quality that permeates all existence, but resonates differently. Whereas the heaven/hell dichotomy is predicated upon both chronos and kairos changing form, at least from the human perspective: Chronos changes into something that can be experienced eternally rather than finitely and linearly. Kairos changes into something that's reduced and polarized into two experiences that have no intermingling: bliss and torment. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 01, 2015 06:51 PM
Babbling further, safely, with the assumption no one will feel obligated to read or reply..Assuming there is such an absolute state as goodness... I suppose we seize on that Good when we are fully awake and present in a moment, allowing ourselves to resonate, without interference and warping, to the cosmic vibrations... Insofar as these vibrations feel bad or good (ie, a bad or good transit) it's the soul's challenge to work with that consciously, to sublimate ALL through consciousness. There are levels of sleep, levels of awareness, and apparently these gradations tend to run parallel to the conventional morality spectrum. I do like the somewhat popular book Power versus Force, where the author, David Hawkins, claims to have charted out the frequency scale of human vibration, using applied kinesiology to make absolute determinations about the specific frequency of each emotion and state of mind. Like so: Explanatory video: How to Change Your Frequency to Change Your Reality IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 01, 2015 09:44 PM
It's change of the month for me. This is when many people get paid (or funds are available) which continues through the first Friday and I'm in a rush to collect what I'm owed before people spend it all (it's usually first come, first serve). And then my own monthly expenses can be budgeted. I was planning on replying to mirage later and I'll probably wait for part 3 for LK, which is more like some kind of performance art as much as an essay and it just feels incomplete when not taken in as a whole. Later.  IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 02, 2015 10:07 AM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 02, 2015 03:11 PM
Smelling the flowers, L_K!!! And Loving it!! quote: Originally posted by Faith: Hi mirage... I said Hi to you earlier and you didn't reciprocate. You used to. Have I done something to bother you? I'm in the dark. 
Hi Faith... {{{{ }}}} Thank you for that video on How To Change Your Frequency! Here's something that came up for me. Stories for venting, and Healing Purposes: When I was young I was good at delaying gratification. Heck, being the 'oldest' in the family, you had to grow up quickly in the 'responsibility' realms. Sacrificing constantly for 'the family'... and learning that your own needs are less-important than anyone else's. The focus always is to be on serving them. (My southnode in the 7th, 8th House Cancer Cusp.) When it would come time for ME?, then the resources had 'run out' -- or a female would step in to steal from me. (ohhhh gosh, even more memories there on that one, than I'll mention here.) So on Sunday afternoons, our extendeds got together for a meal. My Scorpio Grandma used to give us kids (bros and cousins) a nickel (or 6 cents) each to go down to the little-store down the hill to buy sweet-treats. ... In those days, I luvvvved Drake's RingDings (chocolate cake, chocolate shell, vanilla crème in the center). Those cost (1960s) ten or twelve cents a package. I would save MY money, and every other week, I could then buy what I wanted-- the RingDings. ... My boy-cousins and boy-brothers complained that I got a RingDing when they didn't. Well you know what happened?... Instead of being rewarded for ability to delay-gratification, and used as an example for saving and values, I was told I HAD to spend the 6-cents 'the same way' the rest of them did because they were jealous. Message: "I can't get what I want." and "Keep people from feeling jealous of you, at the cost of your chances at happiness." Story... When I was very very small (5 or under), I loved my mother's Beautiful shiny crystal-rosarybeads, and the silver-metallic liquidy soft bag it was stored in. I remember those crystals shining brilliantly with fire in the stained-glassed windows, and would be so enraptured by their beauty. ... When I was a preteen, my mother allowed me to choose a crystal-necklace out of the Sears/JCP Catalog as a Gift I wanted for Christmas that year. When the gift-packages came in the mail, I was there while she unpacked the boxes. There, in the box for MY crystal necklace was this absolutely-gorgeous necklace of much-higher quality and blingy-shine!, (there was a note that they had run out of the cheaper and had upgraded the order). I started to spazz with happiness... I was sooo delighted! My mom heavy-sternly said, NO. That's "too good for you!" ... So cut to early 1990s. I was working for a pretty-cool Taurus (May 10th) boss. He gave me and the other single-mother in the office a "special" gift for self-only. We were ordered that this money was not to be spent on our children (separate money came for them). THIS money was for US. ... Well, I took MONTHS of scouring and searching for 'exactly' what it would be that I wanted. By springtime, the local high-caliber department store had a sale on crystal candlesticks. O M G ~~ I had found these super-BEAUTIFUl candlesticks, with all the glory-filled mystique of those very early childhood rosarybeads I admired. Purchased these *on sale* (which is shopper's-rewards in itself). They brought up the frequency of my inner spirit (as I'd think about Heaven-- that Heaven was made of metaphysical crystal energy) and this lifted my esthetic sense-realms. So anyways, .... My mother saw those sticks, and SHE decided to have them for herself. At a big family thanksgiving-type dinner, she had her regular duller crystal ones there with my Beautiful much-higher quality ones on the table. Then when I went to go home later, she swapped me the low quality ones. I said, No, those other ones are mine-- see the hint of pink-wax spot at the base of this one? It was the color I had had before the colors were switched for the dinner. My mom REFUSED to give me my high-quality expensive sticks. Exasperated, I went to Dad?, and he said to give-in and let Mom have my sticks! (To keep her peaceful, and avoid putting her into strife. Like, I was the one SELFISH for wanting what clearly was mine.) ... I was thinking about that yesterday. The sticks. She later told me in a tight cruel whisper that 'You'll get them back after I die.' (As you know, I've been estranged from that Fam of Or.) SO!, it's a weird sore-spot. The candlesticks were beautiful and can always someday be something I can purchase again? But "how selfish" and "material" I feel from that right now. I guess I'm "healing" from all that--- And I'm doing it by admitting it, here. I LOVED those candlesticks, I got them at a price I would not have been able to ever afford, nor would have deprived my girls of something for them with that money. I love that my boss said THIS is for YOU, only. whahhhhh That mean beatch STOLE my candlesticks. *stomps feet* Women who STEAL, or sabotage my chances ~~~ whooooshshhhhh *poof* You hurt me enough! Flake-off!!!! Yes, my materialistic side is out! Venus Taurus 5th. But my Cappy 2nd Cusp EARNED it, through constant patience and "delayed gratifications"... Time for Bounty to begin to manifest and pour into my life now. And LL-Faith?? Get your shot-gun angels ready? LOL ... How can I Serve, when I am not being served. (Don't muzzle the ox, scripture) I mean, yes, practicing delayed gratification helps in maturing process and development? And I've been doing that. Now I deserve to have Good Things and Good People and An Outrageously Happy Life, and A Happy Beautiful Soul Partner that I can Serve Humanity with, in bountiful ways I couldn't do by myself! *music* Come to me..... Come to me! *music* (Oh, that's a SONG!! LOL--- For YOU TOO, Faith! I know that you wanted to attend that Conference in Bali? So sing this with me, using imagination. We'll manifest it together! *holding hands now* ... Ready? wishhhhhhh (music) Bali Hai (South Pacific) [3:41] And I'd love to be able to sing THIS song, some day--- and I will be bold and materialistic and say he will be so rich that anything I would need couldn't put a scratch in the enormous reserves he has. He could well-afford anything I need, or want to explore or create! (And I'm not greedy either. High-quality, not-greedy *grin*) .. And we will gaze into each other's face and see each other for the deep Beautiful-Souls that we are. And we'll do so much for the world, together. And be widely-intensely fun-ly Fulfilled in all that we do!
Energy ready???? *So-there!* ... uh, that means Amen!!! LOL (yes, I'm a bit 'annoyed' today *usual reasons*, and I ain't gonna fall for taking no Waiting Crap anymore! *takes a fit* ... That's IT! (LOL, ROF) Time to break these chains, and go have fun, and feel fulfilled and safe in Everything. LOVE is a Powerful Force ~~ *Heart* (music) I'm In Love With A Wonderful Guy (South Pacific, Mitzi Gaynor 1958) [3:27] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 02, 2015 03:55 PM
N.E.O. >>> The more I read you, the more inspiration I feel!  Sign me up as your Cheerleader! This music video in weird and strange way reminds me of our BlueSky Zeus-Rapper vid!! ~~ buzy buzy from the field of the christer Campers  (music) The Lords Army (Lego characters) [2:54] You know, there's the BlueSky in the background there, and all the christer-soldiers working out all their rules on the field.
But if suddenly the whole board was knocked, and pieces flew up in the air and crashed to the ground, then we would find our selves there. No toys, no struggling and fighting and separateness. Our 'stuff' attachments wouldn't matter. It would be us, looking at each other, needing to build again (like what happens after a catastrophic event). That Moment, when we need each other and realize this, is a real and grounded-moment that spells a peace. With the Right kinds of leadership (based on centering in Love inside self), that smaller peace can spread.... and lead to a more-lasting Peace.  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2015 05:17 PM
Sorry all that crap happened to you, mirage.Not sure if you are calling me a thief? And why? quote: Women who STEAL, or sabotage my chances ~~~ whooooshshhhhh *poof* You hurt me enough! Flake-off!!!!
Well I never meant to hurt you, I thought we always got along great, and I haven't the slightest idea what I did to upset you, if I did. I wish you would just give me a clear sign whether you are mad at me or not, since I'm just confused. You've always been more than generous with me; sorry if you feel I shortchanged you in any way. I hate not knowing how I even disappointed someone who I always tried to make time for, and sent my best to. But if I fall short, I fall upsets me if I can't get a straight answer, though. All the best  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2015 06:12 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2015 11:37 AM
You misread that, Faith.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 03, 2015 04:22 PM
{{{{{{FAITH!!! I'm not mad at you at all!! You are so precious to me!!!!! }}}}}}I'm sorry I didn't do a longer answer on that first Love-icon line. I realized afterwards that it might not have been clear. My fault. That post was really really long. Now I see I should have gone in anyway and stretched out in words --- that You Are a Good person to me. I understand, I really really understand, some of your sensitivities. ...I notice sometimes there are little sidey side=swipey things you say? BUT I KNOW your Heart-- you don't actually mean it 'like that'.... "YOU" are not like-that in your deepest heart. Just someway, Faith??? It's like I feel your deepest self, UNDER that already deep self that deals with all kinds of things inside. I think you're one of the most brilliant people around here. So INCREDIBLY Talented, ah!~ You shock me at how smart(good-smart) you are. You're amazing. I'm so glad I got that chance to see your chart way-back ago. Heck, we have that Sun-psyche connection, remember? No.... I'm not mad. .... I'm a bit annoyed-miffed in my energy (if THAT is what you subtly super-super-sense?) because I wrote that whole post with some 'hood-interferences, PLUS my rm has been home on vacation this past week (driving me nuts with TV ON 24/7 almost! and he's on the computer a lot, too--- laughing, imagine that, using HIS own computer and I'm antsy wanting to be on it .. ) PLUS my body feels all yuk gnarly headachey blehhhhh 
See that? .... I can't hide my body-feelings (as well as other feelings) from my Beautiful, Beautiful Empathic Friends here. I Love you.... You're fine. Oh!, I heard Rick in stariq audio today... He's taking off for Bali tomorrow! aw heck... We might have missed the airplane, but we SURELY are on the same spiritual-plane-- and we won't miss a thing! {{{{hug!!!}}}} ADD --- the whoosh thing?... is me dealing with the bad-vibes imprinted into my cells from my mother, and a couple super-bad females IN MY PAST who absolutely put some gouges into my life. .... And I'm also "healing" from the identity I've had with my past, with all those bad-wrong things that weirdly happened. Sometimes it's hard not to 'take on' the label of 'the thing' that happens TO you. But I am not that--- I am transformed into a better-person by the things that have happened to me. Like your video, Faith--- I'm working out the residuals of ptsd-type symptoms from having had that happen to me from all of that. I've been so pleased to find the progress I've made in healing from this, over the time I've been here at LL. But there is "grief" still stuck inside from the aftermath of that, which I'm plying out here, with the last of Saturn in Scorpio. Dealing with the stuck-fear, the stuck-grief. I feel very positive about my future... heh-heh...: "God" is "Good" !!! IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 03, 2015 06:04 PM
Thanks mirage. I was totally confused by your first answer. And I don't know what "side-swipey" comments you are referring to. Sorry if you felt any criticism was directed at you...when I said that it was hard for me to find where I fit into this conversation, I just meant, "As usual, I feel like an outsider, with respect to religious discussions." I never feel like I fit in. Chiron in the 9th. But also Jupiter in the 9th, so I'm always wondering.I know you have a good heart, too. And you're brilliant and resilient. I understand what you mean about ptsd and Saturn in makes sense to me...and it makes me really sad. Love you, too...Yeah I wish we were in Bali with Rick Levine. (And his awesome hair! *wink*) Keeping this short out of respect for LK and his thread...sorry for derailing, people. Thanks for writing and being amazing! So glad you are positive about your future, too. Talk to you later ~  IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2015 11:12 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 04, 2015 03:30 PM
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 07, 2015 09:03 AM
I wish I understood programming, I'm probably missing a lot of meaning because I don't get the "code."Anyway.... quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei:
[PART 4… Soon!]…Z.E.U.S hath Spoken  (Giggles… <3)!
Still curious about Part 4.  IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2015 11:40 AM
I'm out of the loop.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 08, 2015 06:40 PM
Here you go, Randall! (topic) How To Draw A Never-Ending Line To Infinity! (Shoo Rayner, Mobius strip) [3:09] IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 08, 2015 11:35 PM
This is art as well as exposition, it requires the use of the right side of the brain as well as the left. Which makes it fascinating to me.  I'm glad I finally had time to read through these. There's a F.L.O.W. to them that I didn't want to get interrupted so it's been slow going. At least I should have more time for the next couple of weeks.  Looking forward to part 4. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 09, 2015 09:35 PM
I just found this and had to share! quote: Qabalist teacher Ann Davies told a story about a U.S. Army general negotiating with a cannibal chief in New Guinea during World War II. The general wanted the chief to rally his tribe to help American troops fight the Japanese. The chief refused, calling the Americans immoral. The general was shocked. "We are not immoral!" he protested. "The Japanese are immoral!" The cannibal chief replied, "The Japanese and Americans are equally immoral. You both kill far more people than you can eat."
 This goes back to some things I was saying earlier (and I just had to share this) and about how history and culture defines good and evil in different ways...and virtually all of them worship God/dess in one form or another. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 10, 2015 11:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: Here you go, Randall! (topic) How To Draw A Never-Ending Line To Infinity! (Shoo Rayner, Mobius strip) [3:09]
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 10, 2015 08:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: Looking forward to part 4.

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Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 13, 2015 02:15 PM
I haven’t forgotten about this, actually its pretty much always on my mind hehe… That is…. The Paradox / How the Universe Works and Accounts for so many different instances… or at times even seems to limit or via entropy destroy the “novelty” factor of what should be unlimited novelty/creativity in the Cosmos….?Anyways, I will get back to this in detail soon… For now, I saw this clip on YT this morning about the Banach-Tarski Paradox and the concept of Infinity, cool vid, worth a watch [Nods] Back soon.
------------------ You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;} IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 13, 2015 07:37 PM
Nice vid.IP: Logged | |