Topic: The “God is Good” Paradox.
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 13, 2015 07:44 PM
Just wanted the 100th post.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 14, 2015 01:41 PM
^ LOL! Congratulations Randall  I saw about half of the Banach-Tarski Paradox vid... and I thought it was BS! I mean, look at soundmark around 1:47 of 24:13 and LOOK at those dollar bills he 'supposedly' ripped and put back together? HA! On the left in the green circle, there's a whole "K" on one and a whole (non-ripped) "F" on the other. He had 'an agenda' there.... But if a person wants to 'think' that he's 'telling the truth' then they are 'willing' to DISbelieve what truth is there before their very eyes. We know enough about 'paper' to know that if it's not ripped 'in that spot' and put together then the 'ink' is what is real and the 'notion' that those two bills are 'the same bill' is nonsense. You know, I had a problem with 'concreteness' and accepting truth when it came to fancy formulas to prove math. It actually takes "faith" that the teacher is 'telling you the truth' when they tell you that plugging in numbers into an equation will give you 'reliable' figures that applied could save your life. Now, that's when you believe 'in math'-- you believe 'an equation' is going to work. The teacher would tell me to pretend that it does or will work.... Humorously, I still shake my head in disbelief when I "see" things like GIANT JETS fly. And a woman about to pass a baby through her cervix and the birth canal, will have 'a moment' where she's saying "no wayyyy that THIS Bowling Ball is going to pass through such a small space" -- but you must 'trust' in that midwife through all the panic, and 'believe' that babies will and DO pass-through and are born every single day. Your experience is mundane--- but on the 'personal level' will take 'faith' on your part, or you WILL die or think you will die. In the spirit world, there is a whole math, a whole MYSTERY of what is it to be reborn into a quasi-real world of energy-dynamics that are as 'real' as feeling the wind against your hand when you roll down the window of a travelling car and put your hand out the window. Hard to convince someone that the wind is real, if they don't roll down that window. If you don't/can't trust your teacher priest midwife (~or whatever, ...)-- trust in their skill knowledge training experience that 'they' MIGHT know a little more than you do about the processes you're engaged in, then you are in the position that I be in as a young fresh student in the classroom, or as that woman who was about to go through the experience of becoming the new mother. Some things rise to the point where you HAVE TO be able to communicate your truth to each other (because being a teacher~whatever is actually a 'relationship'). There has to be equal believing that 'what exchanges you have' are both legitimate and necessary in order to be helped towards an understanding where you are BOTH able to 'cooperate' within the dynamics that are either about to happen or DO happen every day--- without the 'exchange' it will splinter everything that could have been 'possible'... So, the chocolate bar.... was REALLY a "trick" -- because if you are willing to accept that a 'perfect square is the same as a whole' in representation, then YOU have been maneuvered and cheated and 'stollen' from. Corporations are doing that right now.... Lack of conscience and integrity. They 'steal' from your whole, then jack up the price, and the 'employees' are IN on it and LIE on purpose WITHOUT having consequences or responsibilities FOR deceiving you. In fact, they get 'rewarded' for lies and swindles and deceptions.... People can actually 'die' as a result, and they don't care because it's 'just a job' they do. WHERE does conscience and responsibility come in, when it comes to fellow human beings living and dying BECAUSE you told an un-truth.... ? Some people raise the price on products they sell as a 'gimmick' to make you THINK you're getting something MORE valuable than others at lower settings. It's all about marketing. Just because you're good at marketing, does NOT make you good at your craft, or make your product any better. That's where 'peer review' and industry standards become vital. Higher price does not mean higher quality-- it's just higher level of dishonesty on their part, and self-hypnosis and dissociation on the part of the buyer. When society doesn't realize what 'quality' is anymore, then that mistake is sooo easy. My rm made a comment about clothes and quality of clothing being advertised as we watched a Macy's commercial the other day. He had just visited them in the mall and said how much the quality has gone down with this 'brand name'... Their quality is now like some of the shabbyer-things you found in discount-stores long ago. Yet, the price is UP, and their profits as well. Fleecing of buyers.... HEY! ~It's lower-quality fleece now folks!! BUYER's BeAware. Certainly we must rely on 'reputation' over inflated 'prices'... And the people who 'realize' this are the elders who remember when quality was a matter of good pride and moral values and standards. It takes integrity to run a business/company. Fast-buckers, you only live 'in the moment' and people will be hurting, and will find you out and 'remember' what you did (or didn't do) to them and their family and friends. Your legacy will be one of deceitfulness, of eroding safety trust and security, and in some cases, Death. The things you desired to build and make happen for YOUR self, and get away with it continues to add to human suffering and demise for individuals and society as a whole. We must "protect" and defend each other by seeing the PLAIN truth....  So, if you can't rip those dollars, tape them together, then take it to the bank to have them exchanged for two new un-ripped dollars,--- then YOU have been fooled and 'RIP'PED off! That's the way you deal from a 'material' POV. As far as God's Goodness is concerned?... He is 'present' in the spiritual etheric realms. It takes REAL people, with REAL tangible sharing of resources to help make this world an acceptable place to live for ALL beings here on this planet. God's Goodness is OUR WILLingness to BE and DO Good/God to OTHERS who cannot manage and do it PHYSICALLY for their OWN selves. :mountain:  IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 14, 2015 02:45 PM
You have to put mountain1 or mountain2. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 14, 2015 11:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: You have to put mountain1 or mountain2.
Isn't it strange.. The vibes were rocking SO hard in my 'hood while I composed that, and thought I'd have to up and leave the room a few times. I stared and stared at the :mountain: for a bit and in the harangue couldn't figure out "why" the mountain hadn't picture-fied itself when I posted. Ode for Mind-blippiness, and *poofs* Could Merc Retro be in effect already?? (nah, I'm just kidding!) (music) Loving You Has Made Me Bananas! (Guy Marks) [2:54] IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 19, 2015 08:09 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 20, 2015 04:19 PM
Dolphins!IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 21, 2015 04:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lei_Kuei: Although it’s reasonable to argue that I sneakily avoid Infinity by putting it in a time-loop, but the reality is simply the only way to view infinity IS in a loop. And on that front I would say because we currently exist, logic dictates there can never be a time when we didn’t exist (Im talking “Awareness” (not our current human form)), therefore if we never ended and never began then no matter which you feel came first you are technically correct…  ^^There is a trick to that right, an element that makes no sense…??
Repeating cycles are common to the mythos of many cultures around the world. It's one reason I found some of the theories by physicists on how the universe came to be and what will happen (like the Big Crunch) a bit suspect.  And, of course, perhaps one of the oldest mystical symbols: IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 22, 2015 11:44 AM
LOVE is the 'substance' of the Infinity Loop. No matter what goes on here at the earth-level, when you have Love in your Heart, you hang with others of same ilk. With faith in each other and Goodwill, we rebuild that ancient Babylonian Tower together, and with Love and cooperation it eventually becomes possible to proverbially touch that Blue Sky, to reach to the stars and the Sun-- and as the poet said, touch the Face of God. Languages were scrambled in those days, so that we could mature. We were smart in our brains, but not mature in Love of self and others. LOVE is the Universal Language. It is alpha/omega. It requires no words. It can scale the highest wall between people, to bring rubble down under our Feet. The Mountain becomes level, as we accept each other on a Higher Plane. Peace in our lives... rippling out for all Humanity. (music) Blue Skies (Willie Nelson) [3:34]  (music) Love Is The Answer (England Dan and John Ford Coley, lyrics) [4:43] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 22, 2015 12:00 PM
I woke up this morning, feeling 'Christmas' in my Heart. I love Christmas because it's a Time where people can let go of their personal guards and Let In a Joyous Love and Sharing among strangers. You don't need to have a religion. Only Love, and a Desire for Peace.Peace is a personal chore and choice. When we each accept responsibility and work towards a Peace, then we will find progress in our own personal life, that will surprise and discover that we have leaped forward for All. The World becomes a Better Place, with a tiny move towards unity, works a safety for all, with an upgrade in a shared Human-kindness. ... on the day before solstice 0 Libra 2015 (music) Let There Be Peace On Earth, And Let It Begin With Me (Vince Gill) [4:32] IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 24, 2015 01:46 AM
Yeah, Christmas is secular now, like Halloween. And a few years ago when some fundies were giving me a hard time I was asked how I could have Christmas decorations up and I asked them to point out a single Christian symbol and not only schooled them (a bit) on the pagan origins of what I had (though also a bit on capitalism and Christmas as well as how Christmas and other holidays are now part of Japanese society due to their stores promoting them to make money) but even more about Christianity and Santa that they were unaware of (though of course I also had to give the old "if you scramble the letters it spells Satan" ). I'm just glad I got out before Saving Christmas came out (which at least one small town in Texas advertised on opening week, by that I mean funded by taxpayer money going by the look of it). I do like Christmas and Yule both. I was glad to find that Heathenism had its own way to celebrate it (and Wicca celebrates Yule). And one December my Russian American partner at the time arranged for me to play the Snow Maiden, and it's a good thing I'd been around Russians and Russian Americans long enough (and also told I was to play "the granddaughter of Ded Moroz," that is the Russian Santa known for his mischief and naughty fun) that I wasn't surprised when my costume look like it was made for strippers.
My 5H Sag stellium (including moon) along with Leo ASC allowed me to play the role with aplomb and the sexual harassment wasn't that bad (though many American women would've walked out), it's not like I had to give anyone a lap dance, and part of the running gag of sorts is that they'd flirt with me, and me back (in an "innocent but intrigued" way), until Ded Moroz came to "drag me back" but after his drunken tantrum (played for comedic effect) he'd forget I was there (or might "mistake you for another woman" in which I'd flee to the laughter of the others). In fact, lap dancers would probably be jealous to learn despite the audience being grabby and condescendingly sexist I didn't have to strip or have sex, just put on a playful performance and be a good sport about it. And the drunker they got the more generous they got, they were actually competing to give me bigger tips (including hundred dollar bills) and I was able to play them off against each other while still showing them a good time (and I also arranged for my own transportation away) spending was not an issue that year with many impressive last minute purchases (as this was in America they had to do it in December when the local businesses allowed for it, in case those who are aware of the Russian Christmas being on January 7 are wondering, and they presumably had another place to be on New Years Eve). On top of that there was good food, wine (and stronger drink) and I got to take some home to my partner! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 25, 2015 01:03 PM
I love Halloween!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 25, 2015 03:43 PM
:  (music) Love Can Build A Bridge (The Judds) [5:55] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 26, 2015 10:12 AM
BOO!IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 28, 2015 05:12 PM
I've enjoyed reading...had so much to say, and nothing to say.Mirage, I agree with you about love & peace.  I feel that love is the cohesive force of all things, it's what holds things together and shapes all. The stronger the love, the stronger the structure. Ayurveda talks about the three qualities of substance: Sattvic: the beginning energy; freshness Rajasic: passion, peak experience, action Tamasic: the brakes; cessation Ayurvedic diets strongly emphasize sattvic foods, and this ties in with the larger matter of Hindu beliefs in the social responsibilities of vegetarianism. The idea is that in order to have a loving society, we need people in a sattvic state. Certain foods like eggs are rajasic (fine to eat if you're about to give birth or going to war; otherwise, no one needs to be riled up that much), and other foods like meat are considered very tamasic, stopping and darkening the spirit. Anyway...that's what came to mind when I read LK's observation here: quote: Visually I like to think of it like when one observes a spinning wheel at super high speed… there is that sweet spot where it starts to look as if its going backwards AND forwards… I think that if one could view the Cosmos from such a Vantage points its likely what one would see when viewing our Universe… but with a key difference to a “Wheel of Time…”
It's as if things are always being created and destroyed, created through destruction and destroyed through creation, everything going backwards and forwards at once. So if I think of love and sattvic energy as cohesiveness, and hate and tamasic energy as dissolution...well, both are cannot exist without the other. Just like sandcastles: ^^ Always going up and coming down. They are as much a coming-down thing as a going-up thing. I keep in mind that whavever happens here on earth can only be seen from Andromeda a few million years from now. And the Andromeda we can even discuss happened so very long ago. Everything that we do, that we think has past, is yet to be viewed from a distance. And everything we are about to do was ostensibly on some level knowable before we were born, as we factor into the great astrological clockwork. As we are consciously and for the first time uniquely weaving together all the planetary energies that have been around for...heaven only knows how long. But it's all very old and new at once. Curious life this is.  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 28, 2015 05:34 PM
 -- Another funny idea I've had: What if space is designed so that celestial objects are not, in fact, objectively as large as we think they are? What if their smallness in our sky is an objective and real smallness, and only as we approach them do they really become big, and we become small? What if we have a relationship of inverse-proportion magnitude with heavenly objects for a deeper reason?
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 28, 2015 09:09 PM
Faith! Thanks for sharing those Beautiful thoughts and pictures.  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 29, 2015 01:46 PM
Thank you, mirage!  Not sure if I'm making much sense...I just get fascinated by the way darkness and light are interposed... Yet we favor the light and the lotus. It's the fact that beauty can appropriate ugliness that enthralls us, and when we say "God is good," I think we are amplifying that belief in the triumph of's to say that creation takes the side of order, intelligence, and intention, over their opposites. Though even the opposites are encircled within the grace of the all-encompassing One. But...I may just be taking a little semantical foray...nothing more serious than that. As I also like to punctuate my theorizing with pauses, and the pauses are along these lines ~~~  IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2015 02:59 PM
And those atoms are flowing, so we will be made up of entirely different atoms in a few days than we are now, yet the atoms retain the same shape as the table, the wall, or ourselves. In essence, we are all just flowing energy in a cycling state of vibrational flux and nonexistence. Yet, we do exist. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted September 30, 2015 10:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: And those atoms are flowing, so we will be made up of entirely different atoms in a few days than we are now, yet the atoms retain the same shape as the table, the wall, or ourselves. In essence, we are all just flowing energy in a cycling state of vibrational flux and nonexistence. Yet, we do exist.

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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 01, 2015 10:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: And those atoms are flowing, so we will be made up of entirely different atoms in a few days than we are now, yet the atoms retain the same shape as the table, the wall, or ourselves. In essence, we are all just flowing energy in a cycling state of vibrational flux and nonexistence. Yet, we do exist.
This film theory...interesting! (I don't have time to explain the context, just...well if what I quoted is interesting then watch the "film theory" on Ant Man!)
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 01, 2015 10:31 AM
LK should like this Film Theory on the Matrix that explains why it wasn't Neo who was the One, but Agent Smith...not that Smith knew it, had anyone--especially Agent Smith--knew that then the prophecy couldn't come about. Therefore the Oracle lied to everyone, man and machine, to make them (and the audience) think Neo was the one, but it was Agent Smith who was the savior (and thus his evil was what made good possible, the Oracle was brilliant!)...that is, had Agent Smith not become so powerful and so compelled to disobey the Source and attempt to destroy humanity then humanity was doomed! That is, he was freed from rules but brought about the opposite of what he was intending, as the Oracle (Agent Smith's mother) apparently intended from the start! I love such ironic paradoxes! The Architect was less thrilled with the Oracle's gambit, however. 
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Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 07, 2015 05:48 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted October 09, 2015 03:30 PM
I haven't forgotten either! PJ, I listened to the vids... very very interesting about compressed atoms and nuclear things. They squish all the air out!You know, they're actually doing something like that now, with the way they compress the air (sound) coming out of speakers (woofy) and filling up airwaves with internet wifi sounds (that they thought people wouldn't be able to hear). They have yet to find out the medical repercussions to that. (About four years ago I was researching and found how sound vibrations affect/push water streams, etc. You know how so many people now are having more asthma?.. yep, I BET there's a correlation.) So, where some can squeeze the 'space' out (which might be good for future aviation ventures, cargo), in some other ways they are already filling up the spaces that were once empty, with other etheric/sound/light impulses and media substances now. *tearing sounds, foil* Ready, L_K!! Ready!  Hey Faith , maybe we'll need a batch of 'Carrot Cookies' to fetch that rabbit out if he gets stuck in the hole.... Although yummmm, popcorn sure sounds pretty good to me right now. Think I'll go pop some!  IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 10, 2015 01:27 PM
Did someone say cookies?IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 11, 2015 08:11 PM
------------------ You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;} IP: Logged | |