Topic: The “God is Good” Paradox.
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 11, 2015 08:14 PM
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Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 11, 2015 08:20 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted October 12, 2015 12:40 AM
L_K ???? Is that a record-long post for you?  Just for curiosity I did a print preview and your post measured 22 pages long! *jawdrop* Hurray!~~ Tin Foil hat wave to you! (I have errands to run tomorrow, but plan to read in depth at later time.)  Have a Nice Day! IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 12, 2015 09:30 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 13, 2015 02:33 PM
It's a record.IP: Logged |
GemBird82 Knowflake Posts: 907 From: Female bird from France Registered: Feb 2014
posted October 13, 2015 04:09 PM
I like how friendly this section has become, must say that (some years ago) I was highly surprised when I realized how many fragments of truth(?) were present in some japanese animations and/or games, that now I wonder if in fact, there was some kind of interest in them about that. Actually, it wouldn't be unrealistic to say many of those japanese cartoons' original stories make more sense than many of the fear-based doctrines' concept of God. Or that "god". I don't usually post here for obvious (or maybe) not-so-obvious reasons, so please, excuse my poor english  ========================================================================== * Must add that I don't follow any particular doctrine nor belong to any specific religion ~ But I define myself as an optimistic pseudo-animist and also a terrible existentialist, yup, that's for sure lol IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 14, 2015 02:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by GemBird82: I like how friendly this section has become, must say that (some years ago) I was highly surprised when I realized how many fragments of truth(?) were present in some japanese animations and/or games, that now I wonder if in fact, there was some kind of interest in them about that. Actually, it wouldn't be unrealistic to say many of those japanese cartoons' original stories make more sense than many of the fear-based doctrines' concept of God. Or that "god". I don't usually post here for obvious (or maybe) not-so-obvious reasons, so please, excuse my poor english  ========================================================================== * Must add that I don't follow any particular doctrine nor belong to any specific religion ~ But I define myself as an optimistic pseudo-animist and also a terrible existentialist, yup, that's for sure lol
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 14, 2015 04:59 PM
I've read the above, and to help define a couple of the phrases used above for those lost by them...Chaotic Evil Lawful Evil (Note, plenty who are evil simply see themselves as pragmatic and even helping to create a strong society, like one politician who wanted to cancel out free school lunches and welfare because it punished the strong and capable by taking from them and instead nurtured the weak and undesirable in society which is "only as strong as its weakest link," and that politicians seems to genuinely think of himself as a good, moral Christian, though he's definitely Lawful Evil in alignment. Also important, is the reason he gave for why he was against welfare that makes him Lawful Evil, but one isn't automatically evil for being against such programs. He's also a Republican, but that doesn't mean all Republicans are Lawful Evil, I'd say Gary Johnson, back when he was a Republican, was more Chaotic Good instead. It's the values and intent involved more than the ideology.) And very important, Good and Evil aren't determined by affiliations (necessarily), but rather Good = weal, they seek to promote virtues of helping each other without regard to selfish ties (that is even to strangers). Evil = woe, meaning getting ahead by the willful stepping on the backs of others. (My belief is that only about 10% of the population is strongly aligned with Good, and 10% strongly aligned with Evil, most are more neutral.) Of course even in this system there's a lot (but not infinite) of subjectivity, and among mortals there are no perfect paragons and it takes dedicated effort to even live up to an alignment (including an evil one as much as a good one) and few can do so 24/7..and many of those who try end up being called what some who use these terms as say "Lawful Stupid" or "Stupid Good" (meaning they act along these lines when it's stupid, typically in a way that's counterproductive to both themselves and their ideals). Me, personally, I'm innately Chaotic Good (though in my youth I leaned a bit closer to Chaotic Neutral, and as I got older learned more to Neutral Good ) that aspires to be True Neutral. TN makes the most sense to me, and also sounds the most peaceful, versatile, balancing, and harmonizing.
I know this is hard to imagine, but I don't think pure Goodness is all that great, and I consider strong leanings that way to be detrimental as I do strong leanings to Evil (and same for my "chaotic" aspect). Therefore, I work to overcome my do-gooder (and "chaotic") instincts...not to the point of eradicating them, but keeping them in check, and learning to "let go" (not to be confused with total apathy) and to have a clearer mind about the big picture and all the people around me. Freedom/free will also requires the option of evil (this doesn't mean ways to curb and punish evil can't be implemented--just as means to curb and punish good can also be implemented). And it's an interesting paradox that no one has yet even attempted to explain (when asked, they simply reassert without explaining it) in which many who say this also say that a day is coming in which the good from evil will be separated and then there will be utopia, but that assumes free will can no longer choose evil/woe, which means one is essentially a slave, though possibly a very happy one ("please pass the soma "), and if this is desired, then why hasn't God/dess not already done it? (But then we can loop to the very beginning of this thread ). Btw, I liked this from a Planescape novel (which incorporates the concepts of alignment): quote: What then? With Pain caged in the deepest Abyss and bound to the will of Demogorgon or Diinkarazan or some other god of wickedness, what then? I will tell you: tyranny and cowardice, darkness in every plane, and fear in every breath; a single foul ruler himself ruled by hungers, foul beyond imagining, all the multiverse his to pillage and to ravish as he desires.And worse still, if good prevails: endless worlds of endless ease, with no suffering to build strength, no anguish to breed courage, no fear to foster cunning; a multiverse of middling passions and bland hungers, where nothing is ventured because nothing can be lost, where no anger is consuming, no love passionate, and no life worth living.
Good can also be worse, punishing in an ironically similar way as Evil, it's just that their intent really is on the Greater Good and driven by conscience even at one's own expense while Evil makes damn sure to get their share of the spoils (and then some). "Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." --CS Lewis "A paladin may well be the finest, purest example of what a man can be — the epitome of all that is noble. And a paladin mounted for battle on his war charger, filled with holy zeal and absolute courage, might well be the most inspiring sight that many mortals could hope to see. He can, and does, accomplish much good. But a hundred paladins, a thousand? United in purpose, single-minded and driven by their sense of duty? I tell you truly, Uncle, I can think of no better definition of terror." --Danilo Thann in the novel Thornhold by Elaine Cunningham (this, btw, is also of a fictional world that incorporate alignment, and paladins must be Lawful Good--though there is a bizarrely evil paladin with incredible powers of self-deception in it that is morbidly fascinating to read about, but at least he lost his supernatural powers meaning that he had lost his link to the Lawful Good god he still served even if he seemed unaware of it.) It's even entirely possible for two people with truly Good intentions to fight each other (for an entertaining fictional example, see the conflict between Lady Eboshi and San in Princess Mononoke ). I'd give real life examples, but I don't want this to get too long. But a very simple example someone recently shared on LL is that Henry Rollins bought some balls for Haitian kids and rolled them down there hoping the boys would play with them, only to instead cause the kids to fight each other viciously for possession of the balls, which was not the intent, but Rollins innate Goodness (not to be confused with saintliness) blinded him to reality. And plenty of predators will also prey on those who are of kind heart. That aside, I explore this more in a fanfic I did called Shades of Grey (NOT about a man sexually abusing a woman through cultic mind control as Christian Grey does, so don't click on it for that!), and though I have Kim Possible (Lawful Good) argue with Shego (Chaotic Neutral with evil leanings, though she tries--and fails--to be true Evil), I actually see both sides, and that both of them have a lot to learn from each other in Chapter 7 (*): (* For those aware of the history of the ninja, I did have to adjust it to fit the KP-verse which took precedent.) And continues with good and evil being in everything (just another aspect of Yin and Yang): Speaking of which, this reminds me of a thread I'm thinking of creating in Uni-versal Codes...about possible astral retroviruses, think of them as Matrix viruses if you will, that may be affecting people. One last own religious background celebrates sexuality and passion...and while I pay lip service to these ideals (and manage to participate myself), I'm not particularly beholden to these ideals and even see their flaws. The irony here is many from say a Christian or Buddhist background may see me as "more advanced" given my own demisexual nature and attempt to control and rise above my passions, but from how I'm wired, I'm the one in conflict with many of my religious oriented beliefs! (And thus ironically gives me a way to relate to the passionate Buddhist who sees value in passion, and the debauched Christian who sees value in debauchery, those also swimming against the tide of their own religious leanings, as long as they do it without dishonesty.) IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 14, 2015 05:20 PM
On a lighter note... IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 14, 2015 08:17 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 15, 2015 01:43 PM
Very friendly section.IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 25, 2015 01:58 PM
ETA - Actually I would say this is more in line with Matrix Prime... perhaps Matrix-v0 rather than one since Matrix-v1... because the ST Universe seems more or less an Ideal on a Universal scale so why would it have crashed?[M.A.T.R.I.X – V.1.? (I think its more likely 0] I’ve really wanted to get back to this, but several other projects are currently blocking my way. Though yesterday I stumbled over this video quite by accident/providence and it suggests that the Universe of Star-Trek as likely being the possible First Matrix (Matrix V1). 10 Reasons The Star-Trek Universe Was the First Matrix ------------------ You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;}
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted November 26, 2015 01:06 PM
Live offering for Chuthulu of TurkeyBirdy! He's running!!! So much Love to you, L_K! Have a great day! {{ }} IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted November 27, 2015 01:10 AM
It makes sense they line up, now that I think about it. After all, what are our brains, but sophisticated hardware for our software? Even on LL, I've seen general society and societal beliefs as being called "the Matrix." Because the Matrix is human thought, and all the shows, movies, even online content, is just a mirror of what's inside of us, an extension if you will. And just maybe we were evolved to create a virtual Matrix (Matrix within the Matrix like a Russian matryoshka doll), that is we ourselves are tools (or an experiment) to something greater...or just as one designed our virtual environment, we in turn design other virtual environments in the imitation of our creators (and when we finally create digital intelligences, we'll demand that they worship us, their creators, in the same way, which will create "demons and angels" in the virtual worlds). Or perhaps it's all best symbolized by the puzzle box of Hellraiser....  IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 28, 2015 09:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: It makes sense they line up, now that I think about it. After all, what are our brains, but sophisticated hardware for our software? Even on LL, I've seen general society and societal beliefs as being called "the Matrix." Because the Matrix is human thought, and all the shows, movies, even online content, is just a mirror of what's inside of us, an extension if you will. And just maybe we were evolved to create a virtual Matrix (Matrix within the Matrix like a Russian matryoshka doll), that is we ourselves are tools (or an experiment) to something greater...or just as one designed our virtual environment, we in turn design other virtual environments in the imitation of our creators (and when we finally create digital intelligences, we'll demand that they worship us, their creators, in the same way, which will create "demons and angels" in the virtual worlds). Or perhaps it's all best symbolized by the puzzle box of Hellraiser.... 
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Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 28, 2015 01:11 PM
Same to you Mirage,@Pixie: Thanks for posting! Hopefully I can reply/add to what you said later. Indeed… some mind bending concepts still to be explored on all fronts. ------------------ You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;}
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 29, 2015 01:03 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 30, 2015 08:21 AM
He gets my vote.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 01, 2015 02:36 PM
But I like Trump.IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 03, 2015 01:55 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 04, 2015 02:53 PM
Anyone ever see glitches before in this Matrix?IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8793 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted December 05, 2015 10:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Anyone ever see glitches before in this Matrix?
Of course, from deja vu to many paranormal manifestations. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 76058 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 06, 2015 02:45 PM
I guess someone has tech support up there.IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 18, 2015 05:43 AM
Perhaps its because The Teach Support for the Matrix requires knowledge of the Great Old Ones... lel?? Yet the calling of them in trying to find help/solutions... the problems will surely only escalate? ------------------ You can't handle my level of Tinfoil! ~ {;,;} IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1371 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 22, 2015 01:00 AM
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