posted October 07, 2015 02:39 PM
Hi Faith {{ }}I 'happened' to find a post you did where you left the song 'It's the end of the world, but I feel fine'... {{hug!!}}
I think you and I take a more esoteric approach in our astrology leanings and studies than others are able to understand, perhaps?
I understand that you have had some negative experiences with religions. And sometimes people need some time to dis-identify themselves with traditions of the past. It's good because that helps you clarify your own beliefs, and HOW you believe it. A person can grown up with a religious family-- and even THEN, not have applied Christ to their own personal understanding of it. That's something that every single soul comes to find 'for itself' in its own very unique way and road of development'. The timing of that is in GOD's hand, and it's God's job to do that work on each individual from the INSIDE to out. I mean, 'religion' or belief systems can help?... but Ultimately, it's the Union that happens between a Soul, it's psyche, and The God Who created them both. You probably remember my posts?.... That God "did it TO me" IN a Dream that turned Lucid Experience. He made sure that no religious institution, man or beast-otherwise got the Credit. It was Him, sovereignly-- and My Soul's response to the information being presented me in the Dream.
Some people call believing in God a crutch? But in my life journey, I'd done both believing and not-believing. Things sorta ~went-better when I chose Belief over non-believing. But that's for each individual to 'try on' for themselves.
One's that don't have God (HigherPower, etc) tend to turn to addictions to help-- Part of some treatments for addictions IS admitting helplessness, and turning to something Inside that can help comfort while the person's individual Will gains more power.
In whatever name they call/label God-Energy, they develop a relationship loop, which after a while engages EXTRA power to tap as resource. It's called a relationship of Trust, and Faith. It's not a part of the status quo's paradigm, as they tend to throw away anything they can't understand? But after a while, the evidence weighs itself out... that God Cares, and provides Help so we can grow. You are Loved no matter what you've done or think about yourself. Spending too much time being critical and judging oneself (without positive hope and actions towards the betterment) only adds cruel weights to self, and the assessments of others.
Laughing, besides OUR Psyche-Sun synastry...
You know that we're all energy-connected (whether some want to acknowledge that or not, it doesn't change the facts). What you 'think' and 'hold as true' in your mind about a person will affect them inside, which then affects the way they behave outwardly. That's the way Prayer and Thought-sending work.
I LOVED that post you did with the Beautiful pictures about crystalized forms. Faith?...If that be true for the inert objects, then how much MORE true and Potent this can be towards the sentient Human Being-- not just in body-physical realms, but emotional and spiritual body as well.
Studying astrology is SUCH a blessing, because WE can know 'what up' with the Universal forces that GOD made for us. Yes we are impacted by it, but there's always a different way to look that can bring us new clues on how to 'cope' with what some call 'a bad hand'...
And it takes maturity, and love, and true-friends with some real Life Experience to Understand those of us with challenging charts. We can have our real limitations, but when we are tender-loving students of things-sublime then we have the special hookup power to transcend-- even instantly. Love Transcends Karma (is something I think Linda Goodman used to say?).
"Love" without fear or judgment knows exactly how to deliver medicine because you'll Believe The Best of a person exists, and people ultimately want to make the choice that can free them from the harm the are so plagued by. Real Love is Wholesome Beautiful and Clean. It frees people. It allows them to BE their Best.
I've read some of what the astrology books say about the Mars opp Neptune, etc. I can just imagine how this undermines your self-confidence and self-worth. You're feeling that you are only capable of operating under delusions, etc. ... omg, Faith? Gently, that word delusions has a very damning negative psychological (even psychiatric) connotation to it.
Anyone with a family background of dysfunctionalism can fall into despair because when you hear that or read it, you think things like, 'omg, my mom had mental breakdown, and that it's in the DNA, and omg I've got it, and I'm doomed to repeat and 'succomb' to *their* mental chronic infirmities. Didn't help when your sister was "labeled" and placed on some pretty-extreme meds. I can just imagine how spooked you must be? This can do DAMAGE to your own psyche by thinking it HAS to be YOU too by default, because of the DNA, or because of the trauma you've experienced. Like the label "trauma" has become the new way to ostracize, judge and limit the future wellbeing of others.
You know what? My mom was a narcissist and an abuser-- and I happened to have an 'absorbing' type of nature. She did some damage... AND, I want to add, it's the nature of Being Alive that we do naturally sustain things in our upbringings, quite innocently on both parts, that were never meant as harming but in weakness we 'took' it to be that way-- and there is to be no judgment to ourself on that count EITHER.
You know that by being students of astrology we have pieces of 'insider' information on all that. Thing is too, that like student Doctors?, we can make some pretty grave mistakes UNTIL we have the 'practice' of reading for people more perfected. There are soooo many nuances that can change the whole interpretation-- and that includes the survival-factor of what you've been through and were able to develop and conquer.
That's why we (astrologers, and students) need to be accountable to each other for correctness of interpretations, and to be mentored and monitored by SEASONED proven teachers and professionals in the field before we hang our Professional sign. (I have very strong feelings about that, before the government gets wise to the hacks and shuts down any operation of the study. I definitely (my opinion) think that if you hang an astrologer's sign, that you need to PROVE proficiencies, including how to 'counsel' someone about their chart... *sigh*
A huge part of the new boon in interest in astrology is the way that loose interpretations of 'bad' charts could be causing the feeling of social STIGMA. Even corporations could potentially be 'stigmatizing' a person with challenges in their natal charts, because of shallow interpretations.
There's the possibility of 'limiting' people by looking at the 'handicaps' of the chart and refusing opportunities, rather than looking towards the potential that person otherwise demonstrates. Wouldn't it be cool to specifically train and harness talents and strengths that the person didn't realize they naturally had, and do things to minimize or work around the handicapped-part?
Yes, there are BAD things that happen to good people in life. And Yes, (even in my own extended family), there are cousins and people dearest and closest to us who died, needlessly, by their OWN precious hands. (You and I have both had people close to us do this. I wasn't a part of his life then, but he's in my soul and my memories. *Blessings on your soul dear Michael, made me soooo sad, but I know you're in my cheer-squad now... I miss you.*bheart)
I know that you asked me above about dying?... Actually?... It may MORE be metaphysical. Our emotions and thoughts affect the body super-radically. Found that out while I was in labor ready to give birth to my first. My body was hyper-active and seemed to react/obey thoughts that weren't even "meant" FOR the body. They were just thoughts. I need (what Rick mentioned the other day) some emotional safety-- feeling accepted no matter 'what' feelings come up. When I am 'emotionally happy' then I do the most amazing work. When I'm not happy?, it can go to my body in overflow, which then makes me feel sick, which then I limit my thoughts of capable-ness. And because I am a super-diligent and responsible person, I (falsely) 'think' that people won't want me, which furthers my spiral of I can't rather than REALizing the Possibility there. So, that's the way I need support, oftentimes. But I've been (falsely) feeling the HORRIBLE aloneness inside, thinking no one loves me. As TD Jakes says....: That Devil is a LIE'ar!!! (That is what 'delusion' is, believing a lie in spite of overwhelming possible-evidence to the contrary.)
I am newly applying to 'step out' of some life-limiting molds, breaking through the bars of some self-delusional(?) thinking that I am NOT loved nor accepted.
So untrue, yet I've been 'suffering' needless grief over that. I am being shown SUCH OVERWHELMING LOVE. I am working on the Correction to those thoughts and bars-of-attitudes right now. I declare that I AM Loved, soooo Loved.
I think part of my 'trap' is breaking free from the way I was 'brought up'... I had made the physical break from my estranged family in the 1990s, and now I'm doing the LAST of my 'psychological' breaking-through. It was hijacked when USA 9-11 happened?, because that's when I had relocated (here) to start my life fresh. All that devastation, was devastating to the economy too, and my 'chances' of recovery then hit rockbottom.
I am surrounded by etherical friends I haven't met yet but soon would hope to. It's a sense-knowing, and I've got sustain Belief that it's happening. It's FOR me to have the good breaks I need FOR that 'starting-over' that was unfortunately botched by ~weirdnesses and unfair happenings.
But the muse of fates called it Necessity, as the 9-11 tragedy happened to SO many. It's time for my OWN life to come back on-course and on-line for Destiny. I was so touched by the Inter-religion Prayers when Pope Francis visited the 9-11 Memorial... Even now, I weep. Some of those prayers are for Hidden Psychological Wounds, and that included me. It was such a grievous happening for our Nation and its people, with sooooo many ugly and expanding redounding ramifications. *bheart*)
Some people have chemical-things happening with them. And some others are PUT on chemicals (needlessly!) which CREATE serious psychiatric side-effects. Poorly-trained professionals 'brand' those people INTO a hell-world of mis-labelling, and the ensuing debilitating harm of mis-treatments. This can become a spiral-downwards if *family/friends* didn't have 'knowing' support around these to stop what was wrongly happening, and to protect these from further harm.
Not everyone who has religious experiences or extraordinary human energy experiences is 'crazy'. If the person is awakening with no one in their surrounds cognizant that there is such a thing, then the awakener is vulnerable (to victimizing abuse).
We are soooo medieval in the understanding of conscious awakening. Lots of people think there's something "wrong" with themselves, when actually something very right is spiritually taking place within them.
Faith, your 'chart' spells out having some spiritual experiences are DUE you that may be dawning right now and you forgot that THAT is what's going on.
My 'glitching' death-type thoughts?... I think signal to ME also that I am due for a further psych-ic unveiling for me too.
Astrologically, it's been there, and it's been working towards one. Forensically, I similar things were happening in the past when I felt that 'religious' calling to the monastery, and I was having all these ~wild experiences in consciousness and NOT knowing what was going on with me? This was happening DURING a pile of nodal and stellium planet transits TO my 9th House. ...
So, omg Faith?, exciting, but 'here it comes' again. Only this time, I Understand... I've been wanting to be surrounded by Others who also Understand and can help me get the MOST use (spiritually, and pragmatically for others) from this transit.
It's pretty longterm from what I see, and from what I recall happening in my past. When the nodes went from Virgo/Pisces to Leo/Aquarius, I was firmly 'in that (let's say) ascension experience'. But this time, I want to be in position with the Right people.
~It does take a village! and a LOT of Love, lightness, and willing acceptance. My God, How many other people are at this same starting-gate too? A lot of work, but God how can you call it work when it's soooo fulfilling and rewarding?
You've been through some HORRIBLE things, Faith. And I want to remind you again, that just because other people in your family got 'labelled', doesn't mean that YOU are they, or that it's written in stone somewhere that you are doomed to follow their genetics.
Sometimes well-meaningly, they lump people who have experienced dysfunctions to try to help them?, when it actually it causes concretizing harm in some cases that are mismanaged or botched. Our mental health systems are sooooo twisted and backwards, it's frightening to be lumped and stigmatized within it. Now wonder people don't want to go for help?
(BTW, I don't claim to be any kind of spiritual teacher or guru one bit!! -- I'm "just me" and I've had some personal experiences. That's just a TINY piece, and I know I have soooo much to grow into. At least I realize that it's 'there' for me to potentially draw in even further Understanding one day. When God is Willing, and He see's that your Heart and Motives are cleansed and correct, then it's a matter of 'when' and not just 'ifs'... I suppose.)
When you've 'visited' some REALLY dark (as well as sublime) places, and you survived then YOU get the special-diploma that gives you VERY GROUNDED space to say crazy-sounding things to Loving Beautiful Souls who are just 'going through' some potentially destabilizing type transits.
IF you KNOW that that's what's going on?, and you can trust the people surrounding you, then you Be able to Cope just fine through it, and come out on the other side of the experience with a gift.
There are some REALLY shallow people out there who can do a lot of damage because they call themselves expert (or others called them that and they believed it). Like the Carol King song says, 'they'll take your soul if you let them, ~ahhh! but don't you let them' (You've got a Friend).
Anyway, I went to sleep with you on my mind last night, and I woke up in half-sleep this morning with this song. Relating to your chart?... Lift Up. You ARE a Jewel... You're Beautiful. Love yourself the way you are because it is QUITE Adequate, Faith. Yes, I Be your Mirror. You are UP, with Higher Places you are destined to Go into.
(p.s. Don't know if you're familiar with Jennifer Angel the astrologer? She's not well known, but I mention her because she's a Cappy like yourself (and because of interceptions, it's my houses sometimes-- When Pluto enters my 2nd, I'm back to Sag!)
((ADD: Debra Silverman is another really excellent vid-astrol.))
I've learned things through her (JA) approach to the more 'romantic(?)' type of aspects and transits... Instead of putting yourself down for it, you go ahead and enjoy yourself, while observing and utilizing the information it gives you. So freeing. In denial? (In the Nile?... Take a splash, you'll feel better getting wet~~ unless there are 'gators in d'em d'ere waters. LOL)
At least for me, I feel less debilitated for my being a Romantic at Heart now. I've discovered it's a Strength to be mined. I help others through my expressing WITH it.
It's about Love and Love's Power 'to do': exceeding abundantly~~ more than you could ever ask-for think or imagine. (Scripture *grin*)
Here was the Song I got, and share with you.
(music) Higher Love (James Vincent McMorrow, lyrics) [3:40]