posted May 31, 2021 10:14 AM
Gnostics are wrong too. The god of this universe is not a copy cat. Scientists experimented and manipulated genes of test lab rats and other animals and they grew hands out of head etc etc , and exhibited all sort of weird structures in the end. Poor lab animals Point is after the genes were left alone and they were allowed to breed, then after few generations the genes self corrected and normal babies were born. Forearms seemed to be in the right place where it should be. Lots of books out there describing those experiments. Proving, we do live in a intelligent universe or the great Buddha field.
Gnostics have some other great teachings but their version of creation is not entirely true.
BTW, dogs have a pineal gland too and so do other animals , seal, some snake etc. No wonder the Samsung founder launched a propaganda to teach the South Koreans not to eat dogs but to have them as pets