posted November 06, 2022 02:50 PM
We all live in a small crater on a greater earth and that world is represented as a crater on the moon. The moon is a reflection of the greater earth. More on that later in other posts but digest this for now.This must be shocking but its all true. NASA and all the space agencies of the world has not to date produced a single image of earth from space. Most of it is CGI. No one is asking the right question. No one questions why the plane doesn't fly over the pacific ocean. India to New York seems short route on the 3D map. All those routes were manipulated to support a globe earth model. Will post more on maps of earth. But if you have been to the Disneyworld , Florida, you have seen a good version of the map of the crater we all live in. Walt Disney, Einstein, Mark Twain, Tesla and many were part of a secret club and Walt Disney knew the truth.
Pass this on and lets wake up to reality. All the government is conspiring as one against humanity.
Lord of the rings is true. Game of thrones is true. Crossing those ice walls needs special permissions and qualifications.
BTW, what the dad says resonates with the Hindu scriptures and about the model of universe described there. The earth is motionless. We are not in a flying blue ball. No wonder we don't feel the incredible speeds scientists cooked up. NASA is all baloney and all those scientists of today has no mind of their own but their mind were indoctrinated. Einstein is true when he says it is impossible to tell with absolute certainity that an object is at rest. All calculations are relative. Hence his theorem.
Scientists now says, the atmosphere of the earth technically reaches all the way to the moon and beyond. There is no certainity when space begins and atmosphere ends.
Love! Spread the truth!!