posted September 04, 2023 09:32 AM
"As I diminish, he will rise said John the Baptist who baptized with water (aqua). Surely, Jesus (Lion of Judah , Leo) and Aqua (John ) are polar opposites . As one rises in the sky the other diminishes." Not sure what I was thinking then. May be I was confusing with John the beloved. At the crucifixion , the beloved is below the son (sun). May be that is the Leo-Aqua axis.
Perhaps we can presume, John the baptist perhaps is the Pisces sign because he baptised with water, and the Messiah that will come in the age of Aqua is the messiah the Jews are waiting for and who will baptise with holy spirit. May be that is why they never accept Jesus. Some argue early christians used the fish symbols, so perhaps John the baptist and Jesus went to the same ancient mystery shool.
We all know Christianity is a dogmatic religion - No one gives a damn about love except your own feelings, while humility it preaches is to trap your soul and make you eternally lost.
As I said--the bible is half truth and half lies and hence very dangerous.