posted January 06, 2011 12:45 AM
I am not sure what would be an astrological indicator that would reflect master numbers
which indicate a combination of great potential and great challenges
I have a t-square of:
Moon in 3'11 Pisces in 6th
Saturn in 5'08 Gemini R in 9th
Jupiter in 8'17 Sagittarius in 3rd
Neptune in 1'48 Sagittarius in 3rd
That's one of the most challenging t-squares that a person can have.
It indicates needing to balance the material and the spiritual.
It can be conflicts between being realistic,practical and idealistic,inspirational.
with the 6th, 3rd,and 9th houses involved. The challenges involve daily routine,health,work,service (6th), mind,communications,siblings (3rd house), and expansion,long journeys,foreign stuff,other cultures (9th house)
It has a corresponding direct midpoint picture of
Moon in 3'11 Pisces
oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint in 3'28 Virgo - '17 orb
according to Robert Hand's book
Confusion about what is real and not real. Fear. Pessimism. Ascetism, extreme self-denial or denial of the physical for reasons of self discipline. Often takes the form of chronic, non-infectious, or systemic ailments. The ability to bring dreams or ideals into concrete realization.
Cosmobiologists,Uranian Astrologers,and Medical Astrologers view Saturn/Neptune midpoint as the chronic illness,medical problem,cardinal point of disease. hard Saturn-Neptune aspects too
With the Moon involved, it involves my mother. My mother is disabled with serious health problems that include diabetes which left her with both her legs amputated. She has Hepatitis C too, but her liver has gotten better with medication. My mom also had history of alcohol and drug problems as well as anxiety and depression. She is also a neurodivergent like myself. She spent time in 13 foster homes. She never knew her mother who left her as a baby. My mom also had cervical cancer and had to get a hysterectomy when she was 23 years old. Of course, she had a neurodivergent child with special education needs. It's not easy taking care of a special child, especially after being told her child was retarded and will never do anything like normal children. She had my half brother when she was 15, and she was forced to give him up for adoption. She actually ran away to San Francisco shortly after her son was born. She later met my father, and I became the result of their very short relationship.
If my mother was allowed to keep my half brother, I may have never been born. I believe that things happen for a reason.
As her only child, I have responsibilities and obligations to help take care of her. She turns to me for financial help which I readily give. I was actually physically and verbally abused by her. Her psychological problems were a big problem,and they greatly impacted me. It took me many years for me to truly forgive her. My resentment of her has been replaced with compassion for her.
With all these experiences , I realize that I have great karma with women including especially my mother.
Even though t-squares are challenging, they are common in successful people. Conjunctions,oppositions,and squares are action-oriented aspects.
They correspond with Aries,Libra, Cancer,and Capricorn.
My t-square can be an indicator of great potential and not just great challenge.
I have an indicator of great potential without great challenge in the following.
I have a trine between the two luminaries, Sun and Moon.
Sun in 5'20 Scorpio in 2nd
trine Moon in 3'11 Pisces in 6th - 2'10 orb (1'22 orb in Right Ascension)
My ego,self expression,vitality,masculine qualities are in harmony with my emotional nature,feelings,nurturing,and feminine qualities.
It can indicate being gifted and creative. With it being a water trine, it can be a gift that involves sensitivity,nurturing,and feeling intuition.
I also have fixed star connections that may also fit master numbers
Moon in 3'11 Pisces
conjunct Fomalhaut in 3'28 Pisces - '17
Fomalhaut * A Royal Star.
Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South.
Congenital birth defects, magic, fame, occult, faith, "Star of Alchemy", addiction, undesirable associates
Venus/ Mercury/ Neptune
Fomalhaut is the Alpha Star of Piscis Austrinus (Southern Fish).
It was Hastorang in Persia 2582 B.C., at the winter solstice, and a Royal Star, one of the "four Guardians of Heaven", sentinels watching over other stars; while about 500 B.C. it was the object of sunrise worship in the temple of Demeter at Eleusis.
This is one of the four key stars in the heavens, also called archangel stars.
Michael (Aldebaran) watcher of the East.
Gabriel (Fomalhaut) watcher of the South.
Raphael (The Healing Archangel (Regulus) Watcher of the North.
Oriel (Antares) Watcher of the West.
According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury; and, to Alvidas, of Jupiter in square to Saturn from Pisces and Sagittarius. It is said to be very fortunate and powerful and yet to cause malevolence of sublime scope and character, and change from a material to a spiritual form of expression. Cardan stated that together with the stars rising with 12 Gemini it gives an immortal name. [Robson*, p.165-166.]
It has a Mercury-Venus character with a blending of Neptune influence. According to tradition, this star is of quite variable effect, either very good or very bad, depending on the overall cosmic structure. It is assumed, however, that the helpful influence is the greater one and if in conjunction with Mercury, it is said to stimulate mental capabilities and promise success as a writer or scientist. On the Ascendant and in good aspect, tradition has it that this star will make for 'fame' and a name 'remembered forever'. In conjunction with Venus, there will be advantages in artistic pursuits. A conjunction with Jupiter or on the MC will bring favor from dignitaries of the church. Tied up with either Sun or Moon, the influence of Fomalhaut is said to be quite marked. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.78.]
Bernadette Brady says that Fomalhaut is associated with Success through noble ideals. She says that the great challenge is to keep the idealism in check,have your ideals to be noble and so don't let them be twisted and well as not be a fanatic.
The challenges of Fomalhaut fit with the challenges of my t-square , especially with the Moon square Saturn-Neptune opposition
it's mainly about challenges of balancing the material and spiritual
My Saturn/Neptune in 3'28 Virgo
is exactly opposite Fomalhaut in 3'28 Pisces
and so my Moon in 3'11 Pisces conjuncts Fomalhaut and oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint with the same orb
This seems to indicate that the great challenges and great potential of my t-square are strongly connected to the great challenges and great potential of my Moon-Fomalhaut conjunction.
I believe that there are other astrological things that are in synchroncity with my having a master number birthday like connections to other certain stars (Aldebaran,Antares,Arcturus), strong transneptunian influences (evolutionary intensification),and strong heliocentric/geocentric planetary/transneptunian node influences (collective energy).I won't get into all that though.
No..I am not a Virgo.
Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts