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  The Paranormal in a Canada town and Marilyn's themes

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Author Topic:   The Paranormal in a Canada town and Marilyn's themes
Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 12, 2011 01:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, this is Malinda K from Canada and anybody reading or are familiar with my posts I'm continuing with this.

I just want to say hi to anybody, I wasn't emailing for a while, and some more information to anybody reading.

My stress from this hasn't been resolved yet and I've been keeping busy. As most are aware, I've emailed some Paranormal groups in Canada and a team in your country the US also. A few Canadian groups were kind to email me and were a little interested but my explanations weren't enough to get them more involved.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 12, 2011 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I also want to say that although Haunted Hamilton Ghost Walks seems like they do mostly haunted ghost stuff because I'm a 9 name for 2 years the 7's have been doing very ghost like stuff form my old name. I feel that my old name is almost like a ghost and the feminine women from the 7's are haunting most regular people in this city, and also they like to act glamorous like Marilyn. So this Hamilton team might be able to conjure some proof with me.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 12, 2011 03:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As I post my posts I remember information that I need to add and I have to keep adding some posts.

Ok, I need to also tell people that what I envsision in my mind ( I get sort of intuitive visions) is I use to watch on TV a television series from England called Most Haunted. I use to like this when I wasn't psychically attacked much. They have old series episodes on the internet. (Not trying to get people to get into my interests but you might also like them and get an idea of what I'm talking of. In your country (most readers are from the States) I'm sure you have ghost haunted tv series also, or any country. I think this is needed.

Why this is an emergency to me is that on a daily basis in the city (specifically my neighbourhood) people of Pisces birthdates come walking in my atmosphere.

Some where you are in your cities might not be as aware but I've known of astrological signs for years and numbers and most Pisces people are chubby. Most of their movements are slower than most and their signs themes sometimes represent handicapp people. So, with my old name my old building where I got evicted there was people in wheelchairs. When I put some of my old vibration to my new name (just to combine because I also have with my Sun in Aries Mercury in Pisces. I felt I was getting a message from them that I had too much ram stuff. So I added some Pisces stuff along with my 9. When moved to where I presently reside in the city chubby people more than the years that I became the 9 name walk right near me. Handicapp people on the bus, and on the sidewalks come more often than usual. They are fine in the public with any citizen, but they are extremely coming near me. They usually combine every so often teens and babies (to represent the signs) but these days with the psychic attack there are more feminine type women with brunette hair(most are Pisces types) I have lightened brownish blond hair.

Anybody doing study of the signs they have symbolisms and styles. Years ago, this was more known but natural and unaware. They flaunt this very forcefully.

What I also need to mention is that Although most of you are busy with your own life I mentioned to come on an airplane. I just meant this whether people find that this is an emergency and need to come or even to socialize. But I'm aware not to just sound like I'm luring people to this city because there has to be safety when flying and whether you do please check the transits with the planets yourself or consult an astrologer whether the day is safe to fly or travel with any transportation. Whether these paranormal groups are nervous to come also or any person and you know this is necessary, I also have an idea maybe for your protection. I have an amethyst gem. These might be able to protect people because these natural rocks have healing properties and safety vibrations. Turqoise gem is for safe travel.

My amethyst gem helps me sometimes.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 12, 2011 03:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More of this, The reason I figure I'm getting attacked by them is either their snobby or need to be healed. Aries is a masculine sign along with some signs. Pisces is a feminine sign with some signs also. When I analyze why their competing and like Marilyn, they want me to be feminine like them. Marilyn is from a very feminine era like she is herself. I also need to be healed and mostly every sign in this city. So, I'm more like a tomboy at times ( I'm also sometimes a little feminine) thats like most Aries. Pisces is more feminine than Aries technically. I feel I have the right to be my sign and who I need to be. The women are very irrational with this. Some are kind.

I mentioned my sense of humour helps me and I'd like to socialize but this is also serious and needs to be fixed. Religion is also involved.

So, like I said please be cautioned whether this interests you with travel and such (was just an idea and would be good when this is with safety) or maybe just emailing Haunted Hamilton Ghost Walks with any ideas would help very much and appreciation.

And Hi, to Emeraldopal I liked the posts you combined with my posts, wonder how your doing and any nice person also who emailed me. Either this can be fixed or I'll continue to read your posts and try to put my worries on hold, I usually do this with my fun interests, etc., but each day they like to put these types wherever I walk flaunting in front of me, when I'm occupied and seems to be fixed they somehow find their pesty routine to annoy me.

Have a nice day!!!

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Posts: 1406
From: U
Registered: Apr 2011

posted November 12, 2011 04:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
MalindaK...I see this day
still finds you haunted in
ways some may not understand..

Realize you do have POwer
in your position, and can choose
to feel, or to ignore these

you are very sensitive to
things that others do not feel..
now comes the time to learn
how to only let things through
that are helpful to you..
and to keep the negative out..

I'm always in my protective
bubble, I call it my
Bubble of Love and Light
and nothing, I mean nothing
negative can penetrate it..
this bubble is as strong as
you Image it to be..

now, just experience the
feelings, what really are
the messages coming through?

Do not feed the negative,
do not give it energy..
watch it thus dis-Solve



LOve Conquers ALL. ...
there is nothing to FEAR!

Have 100% FAITH in the underlying
goodness of the Cosmos... .

Try not to change your number
vibrations too much, some lessons
are karmic, and cannot be avoided,
well they can be avoided, but eventually,
maybe even in a future life..the scales
must be balanced!

I've thrown mySelf into 4's and 8's..
Accelerated Thunderbolt path of Karma,
I want to Master MySelf now, in this

All my love, with all my Heart

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 12, 2011 04:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, I just read your post your messages are very kind and unique. They help me some. I try to keep from vsiualizations. I do some to protect but a few years ago I had very dark thoughts and I get nervous to visualize I helped cure my dark thoughts to be more lightened and positive but Sometimes I have to fight these negative vibrations. I also did this with getting interested in my inner child and Aries younger sign with fun kid stuff like when I was younger. This also helps me like my email and like your nice words for a while then they come with their routine every day. So, thanks people probably like to read your reply to my posts. You make these interesting and write similar to Linda's work along with your unique style. I'm typing kind of nervous this day with this information, ususally during the week I'm more calm when I have more time to type. So I'll keep corresponding when I can.

For you or any person also you can type on the internet search just type Haunted Hamilton Ghost Walks.
Or their email is

Thanks for any responses.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 12, 2011 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Too much, eh, More posts from me. I thought I needed to mention that maybe this is karmic but the whole city wants this style mostly. The reason why I'm fighting this is because I feel there was too much of them with my Aries. In my chart I also have Venus in Aries in the 12th house (Also a Pisces number like 7) and I have Saturn in Aries in the 12th. With my Mercury in Pisces. They should be content with this and my mercury sign. I feel them angered with my name a 9 is irrational. I feel this made me need to be healed and also people are a little tranced in this city. Anyway, maybe your visualization or any psitive visualizations can help until I get further help or this is fixed. Thanks.

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Posts: 1406
From: U
Registered: Apr 2011

posted November 12, 2011 04:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
notice, how you call them..

and them wanting you to feel this

it's our choice to feel what
we feel, I know it's much harder
to do, but it is that simple....

them, they cannot control you..
or make you feel anything!

You are much stronger than that..
You will Oversome this!

your own unique journey..

Learning and Growing...

when one is senstive..
in touch to the Unknown..
it draws much energy..

we are all learning how
to deal with this..

and here to help One
another along our paths
sharing our experiences. ...

Thanks Malinda K, for your kind words..
they mean the World to me... .


hehe, interestiing!

All my love, with all my Heart

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 15, 2011 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, also to you, sweet posts!!!

Anybody reading this I need to mention more information regarding the signs and this psychic attack but this seems there isn't much interest besides this kind person who emails me.

Anyway, I mentioned that handicap people come around me. Thats fine.

I have more to speak regarding the sign Aries and Pisces.

My Aries sign's themes are new beginnings, youthfullness, birth, assertiveness, even sometimes war, pioneer. I put my new name to become more assertive.

Pisces themes are (symbolically the end) submissiveness, sensitivity, psychic, sometimes handicap because of dependence.

There are some Pisces who are more stronger. This depends on the birth chart signs with their birthdates.

I learned sign's themes from Linda's books, and Dell Horoscope magazines. I know the 12 signs themes in every day life and characteristics.

I'm sure from Dell Horoscope magazine I learned a theme from Pisces that the Welfare System is a Pisces theme. When your on welfare you depend on the public to support. That to me, says that Pisces are weak sometimes.

Pisces also can be artistically inclined (this depends on the individual). They also listen to people's problems and have a good quality in knowing human nature.

Also, the 2 signs Scorpio and Pisces have a connection to the spiriual realm and psychic sensitivity technically.

I need to alert with my posts that I think this psychic attack should be investigated more but people might think I'm silly. I need to further explain.

I mentioned handicap in my posts. I guess Pisces sometimes represent this. The number codes of mine 97 and 79 are used consistanly on commercials, stores, etc.

There was a commercial on a Toronto tv station and the number 79 came on.

You should be aware that I have analyzed Pisces for years because I've had their vibration with my old name.

Pisces also like cozyiness, warmth. They can be so vulnerable sometimes and in isolation. They also represent Universal Love, giving, and the Collective Conscious. (When you type on google the words "Pisces and the Collective Conscious" a bunch of websites come on. Google is a Canada version on the internet search that I always search websites on. I know there are a few, or maybe type that on your own version and search the websites.

I feel that GOD is used from my personal destiny from people. Pisces are giving freely (this seems) to the Public. I have positive and negative stuff in my life experience. I wonder how some people can use my personal codes so much. And handicap people. Sometimes they have Karma from a previous lifetime. Thats fine every so often for some purpose they come by. But too extreme Pisces are also psychic sponges (they absorb people's negativity) These are some negative traits of their sign. They are also sometimes called the trash bin of the zodiac. People put their garbage and problems to them. I wonder how they can compete this with me. I'm an Aries with Mercury in Pisces so I have a little with me, people with birthdates of this sign have more than me.

When Pisces thinks they want a warm and cozy feeling they should do this in their own individual life and not share a person's life so freely with the public. I'm just trying to inform that this is an alert and Jesus might be getting used.

Suppose a nice person or even a bad person in the public with negative karma comes in a store and buys a product with my number codes. They might pick up some good karma from these 2 numbers or my life and not deserve this unaware. To me this could be messing with GOD and Jesus.

In Linda's book numerology chapter she also does Jesus's name numbers. The name Jesus Christ adds to the compound number 18 which equals a 9.

In Jesus's time (that's the Age of Pisces)not his sign. He also symbolizes fishes. So he has each. His exact birthday is a mystery, though. But Linda says and I checked his number life path's number is these numbers. There are some Pisces who want just their number and are freely giving people my numbers. I know I keep talking on and on but please any person please ponder on this.

Any ideas on how I can further talk to people maybe emailing or this paranormal investigation. I know I seem to keep talking of this and typing I'm not sure whether I should keep adding these posts or email some person privately or people explain this to a paranormal team. Thanks.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 16, 2011 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In my post of Jesus's name numerology I mentioned that his compound number is 18 ( in the explanation he obviously had a tortuous life path. His single number is a 9 like mine.

But my path from my name is a 36 and has the same paragraph as the number 27 which equals 9. So I'd also like to mention that Jesus is connected to the world and not just me (although he has the nice 9 number in common). Most single numbers have probably 3 combinations to add up to get a single number for the character analysis. I came from a 25 which equals 7 and came to a 27 which equals a 9. I was supposed to get on with my life and my name helped me to improve my life then some people messed with this. I also know that Jesus's birth is in December but in Linda's book Star Signs she mentions he might have been born in the summer months with some explanations so thats why I think his exact birthday is a mystery and thats alright because the December month is the Caps 8 birthdays and they have to do with the family hearth and the decoration of trees is nice so thats nice also, traditional and holy.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 16, 2011 03:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also, as a name number 9 Jesus's life might have represented the 2 sign symbols. His crucifixtion probably represented the age he was from the Age of Pisces (the Fishes) but he's not a fish. He had that theme with him in his time. Then when he was crucified he resurrected which means reborn and life. Thats what Aries and 9 represent. Springtime and his resurrection so I can sense mysteriously his symbolism with these 2 signs. We are in the Age of Aquarius these days.

Which ( as I type I get intuitions) brings me to further how this might have been involved with my problem. I have numerous links.

When I was a my old name I read Linda's 3 books. In Love Signs she recommends a bunch of books. I remember a book called The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I became my 9 name I walked into a used bookstore and the book The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ was there. I remembered this as a resource from my old name years. I bought this book and along with my Catholic religion believe in this. For a couple of years my life in my new name was fine. I think that Scorpio man that my old 7 name met in a bus shelter heard I have admiration for the sign of Aquarius or any person might have spied. My neighbourhood started to copy Aquarian's kookiness when I walked. I'm an Aries but in my birthchart I also have an Aquarius MC ( which is the career sector of the chart). My Mercury in Pisces is also in the 11th house (also represented by the Aquarius sign.

So please anybody reading these might be clues as to why my city became this. They thought this would be fun maybe to copy. Thats the Aquarian character, not just doing crazy stuff in public. I threw this book in my apt buildings garbage chute. I put this on the floor not in the actual garbage. This might have been an error but I was very angered when they kept attacking me in public with this style. I have 2 male Aquarian friends and laugh hysterically sometimes with them but just in my personal leisure time.

So every posted information that I type might be pieces to this puzzle but I'm not sure what do with this. People are busy with their life. How can I tell most of the pubic. I need some people with experience like me or people with more expertise in these subjects like investigative teams. I came to the library and printed the front picture from the book because then they put too much Pisces stuff. I thought they needed to have more warmth also in society because although Aquarians can be nice and kind but their sign is symbollically distant at times also. So I'm not sure who is responsible or what is. Hopefully this can be fixed.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 16, 2011 03:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also, as a name number 9 Jesus's life might have represented the 2 sign symbols. His crucifixtion probably represented the age he was from the Age of Pisces (the Fishes) but he's not a fish. He had that theme with him in his time. Then when he was crucified he resurrected which means reborn and life. Thats what Aries and 9 represent. Springtime and his resurrection so I can sense mysteriously his symbolism with these 2 signs. We are in the Age of Aquarius these days.

Which ( as I type I get intuitions) brings me to further how this might have been involved with my problem. I have numerous links.

When I was a my old name I read Linda's 3 books. In Love Signs she recommends a bunch of books. I remember a book called The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I became my 9 name I walked into a used bookstore and the book The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ was there. I remembered this as a resource from my old name years. I bought this book and along with my Catholic religion believe in this. For a couple of years my life in my new name was fine. I think that Scorpio man that my old 7 name met in a bus shelter heard I have admiration for the sign of Aquarius or any person might have spied. My neighbourhood started to copy Aquarian's kookiness when I walked. I'm an Aries but in my birthchart I also have an Aquarius MC ( which is the career sector of the chart). My Mercury in Pisces is also in the 11th house (also represented by the Aquarius sign.

So please anybody reading these might be clues as to why my city became this. They thought this would be fun maybe to copy. Thats the Aquarian character, not just doing crazy stuff in public. I threw this book in my apt buildings garbage chute. I put this on the floor not in the actual garbage. This might have been an error but I was very angered when they kept attacking me in public with this style. I have 2 male Aquarian friends and laugh hysterically sometimes with them but just in my personal leisure time.

So every posted information that I type might be pieces to this puzzle but I'm not sure what do with this. People are busy with their life. How can I tell most of the pubic. I need some people with experience like me or people with more expertise in these subjects like investigative teams. I came to the library and printed the front picture from the book because then they put too much Pisces stuff. I thought they needed to have more warmth also in society because although Aquarians can be nice and kind but their sign is symbollically distant at times also. So I'm not sure who is responsible or what is. Hopefully this can be fixed.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 16, 2011 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More tidbits to my story. What I need help from a paranormal team is Ghosts also. Every stuff I type might be from real people and, or ghosts. I'm a good person but I have some negative baggage from my old name years. My regular friends are living but some older people who are friends are ghosts. A friend's father is a ghost and I use to psychically get visions of him angered in the spiritual realm. There are people of some nationalities who are ghosts also who might be controlling these number combinations in public. They might be trancing real people. Thats why I need help. They might be controlling people in stores to put those numbers of on tv commercials.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 16, 2011 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was born in Canada and my parents are each European. My father though is Hungarian Jewish. He did more Hungarian tradition when I was younger. I was not brought up Jewish. We just had some Jewish neighbours. They have Synogogues as their churches. I wasn't ever brought up in this tradition. I had a Hungarian Catholic baptism in a Hungarian church in Hamilton and a Catholic Holy Communion in a Catholic Church right beside my school in Grade 2.

Also maybe this is also a link. From Linda's Love Sign book at the back there is the 12 signs of the zodiac and there are countries and their signs mentioned also. I also researched some websites and found a link with the sign of Pisces. Hungary is Sagitarrius from I learned and I found Israel (the Jewish) is either Caps or Sagitarrius. That has to be checked. But the city of Jerusalem (which is in Israel is ruled by Pisces) A country has some of the sign's characteristics in the mood of the people. Also my parents European country is a Capricorn or Aquarius even. So I apologize to offend Pisces but some of you can be sucky at times. Also, not to offend some kind Jewish people I liked my Jewish neightbours but there are have been Jewish types coming in droves since I moved to my new neighbourhood. There might be ignorance and making nice people's life stressful because of your control and suckiness. This might just be in my city but the most are pleasant people. Could this be why the Pisces are fighting me, I wonder. I like to focus on numerology but I had to reasearch this on the computer. How I wonder could regular people know this information when this is personal study. Maybe Pisces people of the Jewish nationality in Hamilton are controlling some people everywhere and are unaware. I also apologize for accusing I just pick up intuitions and want some people to check this. I'm trying to guess and figure who started this feud in this city. I feel the nice Jewish people need a public forum to settle this and be informed what some unkind people are doing to annoy and my baptism proof. Which is why I need a paranormal team in Hamilton.

I've gotten psychic messages from people these months and months and privately judge in my mind and analyze stuff I hear. People psychically talk like a phone conversation. Many have said Jewish people think I'm more Jewish. This is what some in the city need proof with. My baptism page. I have this. I need this feud in public with the proper authorities. When I was evicted from my building, the management also charged me with money because my stuff wasn't moved on their date. They charged me maybe $300.00 and I'm on Welfare. My job experience is secretarial and I use to volunteer in arts and culture and have a pretty clean life. I became unemployed. The management also had the nerve to say in their letter to inform me that I owe them this money and to put the cheque number code ( some numbers and they also put 79 in this code.

This is why I feel ghosts or real people are mind controlling and Pisces people think their owed or a nationality wants me to be the old number.

In a Hamilton coffee shop for a bowl of soup they charge $2.79. Everywhere in Hamilton stores is either 97 cents or 79 cents. This coffee shop could charge $2.99, $2.89 or $2.59, logically. I feel they are using the public to fight me unaware or they want to get some security from my life. Logically people might say Hey, any number or people with these numbers can be used (to me, not necessarily) these are the 2 numbers and signs which started this drama and they each have a holy significance. Lambs and Fishes are symbols in any Catholic church. Although I have some negativity in my life along with positivity these 2 signs and themes in my life are sacred ( the positive side to them) There are positive Pisces also (depends on the individual but each sign has a positive and negative aspect the negative side to Pisces is laziness also and is some also work behind the scenes ( maybe in a job, or for any personal reason.) But the positive side to this sign in my life is sacred, or anybody who has these signs and numbers in their life. As an Aries even with my old name I was more sociable and more in society. With my new name they are I sense making me live even more of their sign's life themes.

When I said Pisces like warmth and coziness maybe the word Med protection also is included. People handicapped might be living a Karma from a lifetime or they come walking in my time for me to be put with their image maybe. People also psychically said the Jewish people might put handicap people to represent Pisces or handicap. I have a Gemini ascendant and I also have asthma. Since I was a little girl I have to buy stuff for my asthma but I'm a healthy female. I checked the Websites and Geminis rule the lungs, arms and hands. Pisces rules the feet, they also rule Hospitals and meds. Emergency rooms are ruled I read by Aries (they have to move quick!!!) Some Pisces are healthy these are just symbolisms from the signs. ( I know this gets to much the sign themes but their intersting to know I think mostly I just have a vague awareness but sometimes I sense more strongly, hey, thats that sign I learned. The group seem to want me with the Handicap people from the Pisces old name or sign can come every so often but my lung condition probably is technically ruled by Gemini. (I'm healthy, though I've had this from childhood I just need my meds every so often). I'm just wondering whether they want my stuff from this or put me with their image. Their nice people I'm not trying to offend. I can walk and run and have my sight. My father is a doctor ( the Hungarian Jew) and they either put this with me for some spiritual purpose or they think I need their protection. (Maybe I have my own) as an Aries Gemini. When Handicap people come in my atmosphere some are just nice citizens but some are slobs. Nice people but also sometimes depressing ( in Hamilton they get to be a little untidy at times, no offense but some depress me I'm not use to this much) I get annoyed when there's too much. There might be a link with this, I'm not sure. Coming in my time would be fine once a week or every few months. They seem to come on a daily basis and at times this bothers my nerves. My Aries name 5 years ago, I had more freedom in public. Since this attack for these 2 years they are coming too often.

The ghosts or real people might be controlling the whole city with this.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 16, 2011 04:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This was nagging me ever since I came on this website. I think I put every detail that I need to mention and I honestly can try not to type so much information from this day on. Maybe any of you can email some of these posts to the proper Paranormal team also. I'm not sure what to do, this is an emergency to me.

And Hi, Emeraldopal. You seem to be the person mostly reading. I'd be interested in people on this forum's experiences also and sometimes I read their posts while I'm typing these but I have this consistantly nagging me I'm not sure who else to turn to. I read some of your posts so I know you have quite an amount of metaphysical knowledge. Have you read a few of Linda's books ( like I have) just the astrology book, or have you read Star Signs and wondering which is your favourite. I know your familiar with Linda's writing style so you probably read Star Signs. I became interested in the numerology section. And are you from the States or Canada, just wondering. People on these posts are kind of like computer pen pals !!! I can also put my problem on hold and chat normally. This gets on my nerves I try to focus on fun stuff but Caps even who are ghosts talk taht sometimes I need to be more serious. They could be regular real people like Scorpios who have Cappy planets or maybe living Cappies who have psychic planets like me. Anyway, some are very helpful each day but they also need people to do more cooperation also with Paranomral teams. they keep me company sometimes. They know I need to have some fun also sometimes. Thats my personal therapy. So, just wanted to chat with you a bit and hopefully every day some information might move this in a better direction.

I also might keep most of these long winded paragraphs for a while and edit some sentences maybe in the future. People can post whether they like this information and not to edit or delete. For a while I'll keep these paragraphs maybe some sign or number information can help some people learn some stuff. Any ideas on which section thats too much would be an appreciation, then I can edit some paragraphs.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 16, 2011 06:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, like I said I feel this city needs a public forum with metaphysical experts,me speaking information like on this website (most of the information) the authorities and the public speaking their side of the story. I sense this is whats maybe needed, or maybe a team can fix this privately.

My female parent, when I became my 9 (97) name she buys sometimes my Aries red colour she bought me a a few shirts which I liked for my Aries sign, unaware. She is a Leo Sun Sign, I think (might have Mercury in Virgo). Since I moved to my present building and there's more of the old code she said the code 79 and I had an argument with her. Leos are more practical, not technically psychic, I sense sometimes she gets tranced like the public, and this gives me stress, she's very kind. This is more than me having Karma. She is a very practical parent. She said this number code a few times, and I have arguments with her. She gets annoyed when I get lazy sometimes and likes most stuff traditional ( my family is traditional) Unaware, as an example like nice people form nationalities how are they supposed to know which people from their country is fighting me. Or the signs I sense she likes me to be more Aries like but also likes traditional stuff (old) every so often. Pisces and Capricorns also each represent old age. Capricorns represent more tradition and history. Pisces old age and spanning time. I even like nostalgic stuff. I learned to combine modern and old. But the people are too much controlling my signs. How is my parent as example to know, I wonder when the Pisces is sneaky and making me more lazy from this. I use to be more assertive.

So this city needs I think what I mentioned.

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Posts: 1406
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Registered: Apr 2011

posted November 19, 2011 10:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Malinda K, sorry for missing
your posts, I've been going through
a PULL of my own..people want to
know, is all I can say..
Our Soul Pieces they are real
parts of the true you-of-you...

and a part of me, has been pulled
to where, all I can do is cry, and
feel pain, people bring darkness
to you sometimes..

Some will just not understand..
and people believe untrue things..
like a herd does..
instead of believing TRUTH!

Contrary comes to mind...
"don't believe the Truth, the
knowledge will not help you..."

Dive in the water, even though
you can't swim, you will not drown!

I'm ranting my own rant, my apologies...
will check see how things are!

We can't feed that energy!

All my love, with all my Heart

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 21, 2011 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, Emeraldopal, your post has made me nervous. I hope your alright!!!

I'm not sure whether people are bothering you because of these posts with mine or from your own personal problems with people. I hope stuff can be cleared or more explained.

Wish you well for this day.

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 21, 2011 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 21, 2011 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Malinda K

Posts: 94
From: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Registered: Aug 2011

posted November 21, 2011 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Malinda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm not sure whether I clicked this twice or whether this comes twice because I have a Gemini ascendant ( the twins). Just to brighten up these posts even though their stressful!!!

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Posts: 1406
From: U
Registered: Apr 2011

posted November 21, 2011 05:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Malinda, no worries, these
are my issues from past lives/
body temples!

Being pulled away..doing everything
I'm suppose to, errands, etc.
and then not remembering..having had
been pulled away, literally...

People don't understand the concept
of a soul coming back in an existing
body temple..even though that is
the design of things...on a Soul level...

People want answers, and often it's
right in front of their eyes, yet they
can't see it...
"Let those who Have eyes, SEE!"


here's my email, maybe easier to
.ca for Canada, not .com

All my love, with all my Heart

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