posted February 09, 2012 05:08 PM
Hi to Linda's readers, hope your doing good !!! Thanks for responding to my December post with your greeting pictures, very sweet. I've been very busy and stressed as usual keeping occupied and I've been emailing paranormal groups and my stuff is the same. So I have to just get on with my life. I'm gonna edit some of my posts because their lengthy and I'm not sure how to edit and delete with some of your nice responses. Maybe I can edit some and some of you can keep yours or delete some also. I'm not sure how long people keep their posts on so that gets kind of awkward.
Anyway, hope the new year is good for you and I'll check in and read your posts every so often. ( I've been having to calm myself from my stress and I'll type posts and respond when my mind is a little healthier because I like to type but have stress focusing sometimes)
and a note to Randall,
I was checking my posts and i just came upon a post you emailed me from November because I said your quotes are interesting, thanks, regarding crayons, that was very nice but I kind of said to myself, Huh!? (just joking!) most of that I comprehended. No seriously, that was sweet of you and a good quote. I had to think of that a little.