posted September 16, 2014 12:25 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my humble Nest.
Where's not obligatory to reply.
And any answers are always welcome!
I have to say a couple of folks in LL actually said (literally) that I'm catholic, because in "x" post I mentioned that the word Christ equals number 9, which equals 'highly evolved' in numeric value.
Deductive qualities failed 
Even if catholicism may have a positive side in their doctrine, I'm not one of them.
For those who read Linda Goodman's Star Signs.
You may be asking yourselves why am I reducting some master numbers down to the vibration of a single digit.
There are many answers for that in the Web, and I don't consider to write them again in this post.
* Chaldean numerology was originaly a divination method and that's exactly how I use it.
- This is only a very small part of my theories.
- There are no wrong answers. But wrong questions.
- I'm going to begin with 2 basic principles in numerology.
Numbers that have positive and negative meaning.
YES = 153 = 9
NOT = 574 = 16 = 7
Highly Evolved = 5135315673654 = 54 = 9
False God = 81335374 = 34 = 43 = 7
That is the wrong question = 4514134556275316534175 = 87 = 15 = 6
Almost 2 years have passed since I arrived in Peru with Hubby.
I was very attracted to their Solar deity, which here is known as INTI.
At first, it seemed totally like Aten, in Egyptian culture.
While Viracocha is similar to Amun or Zeus, ( notice that at first Zeus was named Zeus-Ammon )
According to chaldean.
Number 2 has a receptive, and for many numerologists, a negative nature.
VIRACOCHA = 612137351 = 29 = 11 = 2
INTI = 1541 = 11 = 2
- Now I'm going to mention, "The celestial myth", which can be considered Religious too.
DRACONIAN = 421375115 = 29 = 11 = 2
A more complex question for the numeric oracle.
Is Viracocha a Draconian?
Answer: 136121373511421375115 = 63 = 36 = 27 = 9 = YES
Are Draconians what Catholics call demons?
Answer: 125421375115365143145731333133454753 = 124 = 34 = 43 = 7 = NOT
WHO are the Draconians?
Answer: 6571254554213751153 = 72 = 27 = 9 = Highly Evolved
Let's notice that...
Evil Beings: 5613251533 = 43 = 34 = 7
WHAT are the Draconians?
Answer: 65141254554213751153 = A perfect 70 = 7
Is all the Atlantean Race Highly Evolved?
Answer: 1313345514315451521355135315673654 = 119 = 29 = 11 = 2
I am not sure = 1145743625 = 38 = 29 = 11 = 2
I am wrong = 11462753 = 29 = 11 = 2
I am confused = 11437586354 = 47 = 29 = 11 = 2
not all of them = 574133784554 = 56 = 11 = 2
Betelgeuse = 2545335635 = 41 = 14 = 32 = 23 = 5
Rigel = 21353 = 14 = 41 = 32 = 23 = 5
Egyptian theme:
Horus = 57263 = 23 = 5
Osiris = 731213 = 17 = 8
Isis = 1313 = 44 = 8
Seth = 3545 = 17 = 8
Anubis = 156213 = 18 = 9
Amun = 1465 = 7
This trivia is for Mr iQ.
ASURA = 13621 = 13 = 4 (??????)
ALLAH = 13315 = 13 = 4
ALLAH = ASURA (????)
ASURAS = 136213 = 16 = 7
DECEIVERS = 453516523 = 34 = 7
Is Allah an Asura?
Answer: 13133151513621 = 36 = 9 = YES
Enki = 5521 = 13 = 4
Ishtar = 135412 = 16 = 7
Baal = 2113 = 7
Jinn = 1155 = 255 = 12 = 3
Shayatin = 35111415 = 21 = 3
Djinn = 41155 = 7
Jeh = 11 = 2
Ovah = 7615 = 19 = 1
Jehovah = 1557615 = 30 = 3
Demiurge = 45416235 = 30
Jinn = 3 = Jehovah = 3 (??????)
Is Jehovah a Djinn?
Answer: 131557615141155 = 51 = 6
That is the wrong question = 4514134556275316534175 = 87 = 15 = 6
Is Jehovah a Jinn?
Answer: 13155761511155 = 47 = 29 = 11 = 2
I am not sure = 1145743625 = 38 = 29 = 11 = 2
I am confused = 11437586354 = 47 = 29 = 11 = 2
Who is Jehovah?
Answer: 657131557615 = 52 = 43 = 7
Krishna = 2213551 = 19 = 1
Who is Krishna?
Answer: 657132213551 = 41 = 32 = 23 = 5
El = 53 = 8
Elhoa = 53571 = 21 = 3
Elhoim = 535714 = 25 = 52 = 7 *sigh* - ( Thanks to an user named ilunatique, I discovered that I saw the word Elhoim in a dream, it was written in 'x' language. Thanks to ilunatique I realized about this )
El Shaddai = 533551411 = 27 = 9
At this point, you may be noticing that the Alphabetic 'value' is similar, but the numeric value is totally different. Which makes me believe mankind has been deceived several times.
YHWH: 1565 = 17 = 8
YAHWEH: 115655 = 23 = 32 = 5
Who is Yahweh?
Answer: 65713115655 = 45 = 27 = 9
What is Yahweh?
Answer: 651413115655 = 43 = 34 = 7
Is Yahweh the same as Jehovah?
Answer: 131156554553145131557615 = 7 = NOT
We ask:
Who is the biggest deceiver?
Answer: 65713455213353445351652 = 88 = 16 = 7
Biggest Deceiver
Answer: 213353445351652 = 52 = 7
Who is enemy of mankind?
Answer: 6571355541784152154 = 79 = 16 = 7
False God = 81335374 = 34 = 7
Wealth = 6
MAN = 1
MAN + WEALTH = 7 = False God = 7
Dogma = 1
Wealth = 6
DOGMA + WEALTH = 7 = False God = 7
And one of the most impressive questions we can ask the Numeric Oracle.
How to defeat False God?
Answer: 5764745851481335374 = A perfect 90 = 9 = Highly evolved = 5135315673654 = 54 = 9
Please, notice that the whole time, I was talking about numeric values.
~ Thank you.
~ And Stay in Violet!
~Il n'est rien de réel que le rêve et l'amour~