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Author Topic:   Geocosmic Valentine
Geocosmic Valentine

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From: New York, NY
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 22, 2008 09:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Everyone at LL,

With this ring, I thee thread...BWAAAAH HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Well, if I don't make you laugh, at least I'll make myself laugh and since I'm an Aries I'm OK with that because as an Aries, it's all about me. WEEE HEEEEE!!!

OK so, today I hear that Michael Jackson is really ill, it's not just an excuse for money issues and all that. No matter what you think about him or his past exploits, I find that he's still an amazingly interesting study. I wanted to find out what was happening in his chart that suggested his illness. His biographer is the only person so far who has confirmed that he is seriously ill and may require a lung transplant due to a rare lung disease coupled with emphysema. They also mentioned that he has chronic gastro-intestinal bleeding as well. I am pasting his Solar Arc Chart here first then the chart of his transits.

Birthdate: 8/29/1958 Gary, IN Time: 11:53 PM (Source: Basil Fearrington-author, astrologer, musician who confirmed the time with Michael).

Here they are:

And here is the chart for the transits:

Michael Jackson's 12th House of Chronic Illness is ruled by Venus and his First House Health Center is ruled by Mercury. Most astrologers view the 6th House as a health house as well. I do not most of the time, but I will consider it here if necessary.

Solar Arc Neptune=MC by Semi-square – this suggests his back problems plus ego wipe-out with all of issues he’s dealing with in terms of losing his home and his fortune. But it is also suggestive of the musical plans he made to promote the 25th Anniversary of the release of the “Thriller” album. I’m guessing it wasn’t as big as they anticipated it would be, especially with the state of the music industry and selling songs for 99 cents and lower on MP3 sites like iTunes and Napster.

Solar Arc Mars was Semi-square his Mercury (ASC ruler) last year. In terms of health, Mars can aggravate and suggest inflammation; once again Mercury rules his lungs.

I need to stop saying that I don't use Chiron because I'm finding that I do. Usually it's not the first thing I refer to, but I'm going to do it now.

In his Transit Chart, Chiron is exactly opposite his Venus. I'm using Chiron as "the wounded healer" not the Magi interpretation. Venus rules the lower back and he has been complaining of lower back problems.

Transiting Neptune has been at his MC for quite some time. The MC/IC Axis can represent the back/spine and Neptune dissolves things, it suggests a weakening of his back or spine. So that’s two suggestions of lower back issues. When Neptune transits the MC you get “ego wipe-out”, thus his having to bow out of court dates and settling big financial issues with high profile royalty, selling the gates of his former home let alone selling the actual home. Michael auctioned off his glove which is somewhat indicative of his identity. Hands are ruled by Mercury, his Ascendant is ruled by Mercury. An echo of his ego wipe-out.

To be continued in the next thread.

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Geocosmic Valentine

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From: New York, NY
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 22, 2008 10:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Continued from last thread...

Transiting Pluto is moving toward a Sesqui-quadrate with Venus, also (135 degrees). Venus can also rule issues such as hemorrhoids, kidneys, and sometimes other rectal issues so it’s something to look at with the gastro-intestinal bleeding. Pluto rules the underworld, the under-belly and our lower regions (genitals, rectum, anus, etc.) so that may suggest the gastro issues along with Venus being stressed as well.

OK, so I covered the Neptune transit and Chiron transit. Let’s see…

Transiting Pluto is at 0Capricorn53, it is exactly Quindecile his Ascendant!! (Quindecile is 165 degrees). This is a tremendous amount of destructive, yet regenerative pressure on his Ascendant/Health Center. It is an incredibly strong aspect in nature and also suggests the lung ailment he is experiencing right now. As Mercury/Gemini rules the lungs and hands, Pluto rules the 6th House (health issues).

Back to transiting Neptune, it is moving toward an opposition with his Ascendant ruler, Mercury, which doesn’t bode very well unless he is heavily into holistic remedies. Neptune can suggest illness, infection, toxins, poisons and having it approaching the ruler of his health center (after it already transited his Venus by opposition over the last few years, it doesn’t feel like there will be a strong recovery any time soon.

My hope is that Pluto will also be trine to his natal Pluto hopefully strengthening his constitution.

He’s also been experiencing the transiting opposition of Saturn-Uranus forming squares with his ASC/DSC axis, perhaps suggesting alternating shocks to his health system. Saturn relating to the ASC can suggest weakness while Uranus suggests anxiety and nerve issues. Because his ASC is cerebral Gemini it also warrants looking at whether he has been experiencing alternate depression and anxiety, which might be a no brainer when it comes to severe health issues.

Saturn-Uranus aspects suggest a breaking away from the old to get to the new. Not that this is an exact interpretation but it might be relevant at this time to consider that in terms of him needing to discard his old lungs for new lungs. They are saying that he needs a transplant.

I guess his health issues hit me strongly because I have the same house overlay he has but at different degrees of Gemini as my ASC and Aquarius as my MC. I didn’t have lung problems but when Neptune transited my MC within the last few years, I definitely experienced the ego wipe-out, the back problems and since my 12th House is co-ruled by Venus, I most definitely experienced some transits and hits to my Venus which reflected my lower back issues and some rectal/anal issues as well.

The worst part about it is that when Neptune was affecting my back, the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me and they didn’t even help me to take care of the problems correctly. I had them give me prescriptions for Tylenol 3 which made me so drugged and sleepy I couldn’t work properly. Neptune rules drugs and can make it extremely difficult to make proper diagnosis. Neptune rules vision but it also rules fog and vagueness. I’m just getting a hand on the health issues that popped up, thank God, though they are still around, I’m learning to cope a whole lot better now that Neptune has backed off.

About a year or two ago, I remember stories about Michael Jackson not being able to go to court because of his pain and he did end up going to court in his pajamas. One of my friends mentioned how ridiculous he was being. Because I am familiar with his chart I was able to tell her that he was not faking it. And that’s part of what Neptune does with the ego wipe-out. People don’t trust you, they think you’re lying (and sometimes you might be). There’s a tremendous amount of shame that you deal with as well. Neptune rules shame, lies, gases (gastro-intestinal and I won’t get into that so as to remain polite, but that’s part of it) perfume and things that smell, etc., a million other things.

Do I have anything else to say? Hmm…not really, maybe something else will pop up.

But now I have a thread, YAAAAAAAAAYY!!! YIPPEEEEE!!!

And Happy Holidays everybody, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza and Happy New Year!!!

Geocosmic Valentine
Professional Astrologer

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 23, 2008 07:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
MJ is a fascinating study, Geo
But Geo would be a fascinating study too
Let's see.....

Aries Sun
Gemini Asc
Moon sq Saturn
Taurus Venus XII (??)
tSaturn somewhere around conjunction with nPluto (Uranus/Pluto in Virgo generation) 5th house
Jupiter trine Chiron
Merc conj Saturn (orb 3)

Merc in Scorp III closing the agency for the evening now

Would you be willing to relate how you started your astrology studies??
And which branches (for instance vedic, horary, etc) have intrigued you, but you have yet to delve in depth into them??

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 24, 2008 12:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Wow, you are getting warmer tee hee hee hee...

I just may break down and email you my stats, but not quite yet. Big Brother might find me and I've been off the grid for soooo long I want to keep it that way for awhile.

But I can tell you that I don't do Vedic, much too scary for me. I don't even watch suspense movies, I can't handle Vedic although I like to grab little tid bits that seem to work consistantly if I figure it out.

I am interested in Horary and there was a time where I seemed to be a lucky novice at it. Soon after someone explained about one type of horary skill, I predicted to the day when the "D.C. Sniper" would be caught and I was correct. Unfortunately I didn't keep notes and can't even remember what I did, so it's all for naught. I don't seem to retain the information for horary because I'm not trying hard enough yet.

I do know that the Moon's very important, it can't be 'void-of-course' or there's no action. It has to be making an aspect of some type. I also seem to remember that the Moon is never void of course within the last 4 degrees of Sagittarius. What a coinkidink since the Galactic Center is at 26 degrees Sagittarius so those last 4 degrees up to 0 Capricorn (which = Aries Point) are extremely powerful.

I also remember that you don't use Uranus, Neptune or Pluto and that the rules are very strict and it's not just something you guess at. When someone does horary correctly, you can be 99.99% accurate. That's why Horary astrologers charge so much for certain questions. They know the answer will be correct. You also have to askthe question correctly.

Now I'm blabbing and I've got my eyes and ears open for this Michael Jackson information. His spokesperson came out today to refute the rumors. The rumors could be false and the measurements might just be confirming his preparing for the tour. I hope he's not ill, yet I hope wasn't lying to that Arabian Prince about not being able to show up in court, also. But he did find 7 Million dollars to pay the Prince back. Hmmmm.....(put pinky up to the corner of my mouth).

I don't know, he is a master of publicity yet his nose is falling off and he showed up in court back in May of 2005 in his pajamas, so I was a little off on that one. We'll see.

When I was 16, which was the height of his "Thriller" fame, I had a strange premonition that he would die young. I thought it would happen before he was 50, but I now understand that to be young.

Uh oh, I'm falling asleep now. Have some really Happy Holidays if I don't get back before Christmas, but even if I do, still have Happy Holidays.

Ho, ho, ho,

Geocosmic Valentine

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Geocosmic Valentine

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From: New York, NY
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posted December 24, 2008 10:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Zala,

I do want to give you some Magi hints even though I don't use Magi astrology, I do.

But I don't.
But I do.
But I don't.
But I do...

I...have...a...tight Cinderella Grand Trine

I think they call it a Super Aspect.

Also I...have...a...


And that's why I might start using Magi Astrology. I'm super EXALTED in their method of astrology and that's extremely seductive, which is highly dangerous when considering astrology just for the good stuff.

They use Aaron Spelling as their main example of the Golden Flying Eagle and talk about how rare it is, yada, yada, yada. I only hope to have half his money and success.

So, this will either help you to guess or throw all kinds of confusion into it. Sorry.

Geocosmic Valentine
Professional Astrologer

"Everybody is a star!"
Sly & The Family Stone

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted December 24, 2008 12:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Geo, and happy Christmas!!
I just may break down and email you my stats, but not quite yet. Big Brother might find me and I've been off the grid for soooo long I want to keep it that way for awhile.
We can disguise the information in astro-speak that BB would never comprehend!!
I showed you *mine* -- it’s only fair :-D
And I would never reveal it, not even under pain of firestoning!!
Besides, I only need a couple final pieces (**winks**)…..
And speaking of BB, they don't have *MY* whorls!! I've never been fingerprinted or even footprinted ;-D

As for Magi, a Golden Flying Eagle – woohoo!!
I wonder why they call it that.....
I don’t know what fascinating creatures lurk in my natals.
I have a friend with the Magi software – she’s sent me my transits, and synastry when I chance upon a man I’m drawn to – but I don’t think she has the Natal piece…..
You gotta admit, when you read things like this, it makes your ears (eyes) perk up:

In synastry:
Linkage: ROM/R= +115. SEX/R= +300. CMPT/R= +50. ULTIMATE SUPER SEXUAL LINKAGE. JUNO SUPER LINKAGE. ORGASM LINKAGE. This Juno Linkage is found more often between two lovers than any other linkage. It creates the highest level of sexual attraction and NEED, and it also helps to create the conditions and circumstances necessary for intimate sexual contact to actually occur, whether the two of you are both single or even both married to someone else. This is one reason why Juno rules the AFFAIR.

The major shortcoming of this linkage is that it is a Juno Linkage and all Juno Linkages are deceptive and fleeting in nature - the sexual attraction and need created by this linkage will not last long. While it lasts, you are in lahlah land and all you dream about is having sex with this person; it is as if you are under a spell, and you are. You are under a JUNO SPELL. All Juno Linkages cast spells and all spells will be broken sooner or later. When this spell breaks, if you do not have other strong linkages with this person, you will wonder what you were doing and unless the two of you have Chiron or Vesta Linkages and other strong linkages, your relationship will fall apart.

Venus, Mars and Pluto, the three Sexual Planets, rule sexual ATTRACTION, but Juno rules SEXUAL RELATIONS. The sexual power of Juno Linkages is next to none. In fact, the sexual power of Juno Linkages is overwhelming.

Before Juno Linkages came along, the three Sexual Planets Venus, Mars and Pluto linked with each other to form Sexual Linkages and these linkages were the most powerful at creating sexual attraction. But when Juno entered our astrological lives, we learned that Juno immediately dominated everything in our lives related to sex and overpowered all of the three Sexual Planets. The three Sexual Planets are all rulers of Sexual Attraction. But Juno is the MATING PLANET; Juno is the SEXUAL SPELL PLANET. Juno is ruler of INTIMACY, SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, ORGASMS and the need for orgasms.

Juno represents having orgasms together.

The difference between Juno and the Sexual Planets can be explained this way:

The Sexual Planets are limited in their sexual power because they only rule sexual ATTRACTION. But attraction between two persons does not mean they will actually become lovers. Two persons can be sexually and romantically attracted to each other and yet never ever actually become lovers. Virtually everyone has had an experience where there was strong mutual attraction but intimacy never occurred. The reason was Sexual Aspects involving only the Sexual Planets but no Juno Linkages.

On the other hand, Juno not merely creates the strongest attraction, it also creates the SEXUAL NEED AND OVERWHELMING DESIRE to have sex with the person.

Juno has dominion over all forms of physical intimacy, including making love. Juno rules the actual sex act and having orgasms. For this reason, unless two persons have a Juno Linkage, they are unlikely to ever make love or have sex together, even if they have a ton of Sexual Linkages and Romance Linkages.

To put it another way:

Juno creates something that the three Sexual Planets do not. Juno creates sexual NEED and ATTACHMENT. It is one thing to be sexually attracted to someone, and it is a whole different condition to NEED someone sexually. Whereas Chiron creates emotional need such as needing someone's love, Juno represents sexual needs such as feeling sexually unfulfilled without being able to have sex with a person, and incessantly dreaming about the person in a sexual way. It is a Juno Spell. This can be good or bad depending on all the rest of the linkages and clashes the two of you form.

One final and important note: the attraction and need created by this linkage is often fleeting. Sometimes it lasts just one weekend (oh what a weekend it was). Whenever you have this Juno Linkage with anyone, you should always remember that Juno is ruler of the AFFAIR, and has nothing to do with true love. There cannot be love without Chiron Linkages.

Whew!!! (**fans self**)

Will now open the Merc in Scorp office for the day (**off she scampers on detective matters**)

PS: I'm very concerned about our Piscean subject :-\ This time of year can be bad enough with family pressures, etc. And if she came to LL only to find the Astro forum down for several days, and now one of her threads disappeared -- I could see the abandonment becoming overwhelming.....

PPS: What instrument do you play??

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted December 24, 2008 01:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't have to go anywhere for a few hours, and my boy is wrapped up in a video game, so I can amuse myself guilt-free at LL for awhile

Aaron Spelling was born on a day when there was an extraordinarily powerful Flying Eagle Formation. Even more important, it was a GOLDEN Flying Eagle Formation.

In the above natal chart, Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter and Neptune create the Flying Eagle Formation. As you can see in the above chart, the figure drawn by connecting lines between the positions of those four planets looks a lot like the large elongated wings of an eagle. And of course that is why the Magi Society, hundreds of years ago in China, gave this formation that name.

One reason the Flying Eagle is so powerful is that there are four Magical Angles in the Flying Eagle – two trines and two quincunxes.

When you examine it closely, you will realize that the Flying Eagle Formation is really comprised of two Mystical Triangles – in this case one Mystical Triangle is formed by Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter and the other one is formed by Neptune Uranus and Jupiter.

We already have learned a little about how powerful a single Mystical Triangle is – the Flying Eagle has two Mystical Triangles working together in unison.

But Aaron Spelling’s Flying Eagle is an extraordinary Flying Eagle because it includes a Cinderella Aspect – he has a trine of Chiron and Neptune. When the aspects that create a Flying Eagle include a Cinderella Aspect, then the entire Flying Eagle formation really flies like an eagle when it comes to making money and we call it a Golden Flying Eagle.

btw, I'd be happy to help if you're still working on mastering the image-uploading process

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 24, 2008 02:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm procrastinating a little bit, too, today.

It's funny that you put up that Magi explaination of the Juno synastry stuff. I had an "ADVENTURE" in August with that same thing going on.

You almost got me with the offer to help me with the chart posting mechanism. Then I remembered, "I know how to post a chart."

...just not mine, tee, hee, hee.

But seeing as how you have Mercury in Scorpio, I know that you must be a great secret keeper, so at some point I shall email you the great reveal.

But don't worry, I won't be naked.

While Xmas shopping yesterday I bought myself the book "Wonderful Tonight" the autobiography of Pattie Boyd, the ex-wife of George Harrison and Eric Clapton. I was thinking about talking about her chart.

Her birthday is 3/17/1944 born in Somerset, England. What an amazing childhood she had, but incredible abandonment issues in childhood and father issues. I just got to the chapter where she's about to meet George, but now she's talking about meeting Dick Lester, the film maker who made the movie "Hard Days Night". I think I will end up reporting in. I'm going to try to rectify her chart, she did a lot of moving as a child, lots of it over long distances, great Geographic Relocations, she's probably got a very active 9th House and very stressed MC/IC axis. But very close to her siblings.

OK, gotta stop. I might post more later.

Geocosmic Valentine

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted December 24, 2008 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Pattie Boyd must be a fascinating woman to have captured the attention of two such men (obsessive in the case of Clapton -- see the lyrics to "Layla"). Interesting that she was attracted to Pisces then Aries -- yes please I'd like to see where her personal planets are in respect to theirs.....
You almost got me with the offer to help me with the chart posting mechanism. Then I remembered, "I know how to post a chart."
...just not mine, tee, hee, hee.
Hey, I meant nothing underhanded with that comment
It’s just that I had read on a thread from last summer that you had some troubles saving/uploading certain chart images

Must go do some present-wrapping.....

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 24, 2008 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's Pattie's Chart set for 12 Noon.

I have to run to one more store and don't have time to get George's and Eric's posted. Plus, Photobucket is going so slow for me today.

Merry Christmas


Dang! Something is not working with Photobucket, I'll try to fix it later.


2nd time's a charm.

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted December 24, 2008 05:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's Clapton's chart -- and *WHAT* are all those charming glyphs I've never seen before?? The Jupiter-Venus and Jupiter-Gemini "combos" in Virgo look spiffy!! And the Taurus-PoF-on-a-ski and sickle-with-a-cross in Aries, and the reclining Pisces in Libra

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 24, 2008 07:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Holy Moly!!! No wonder they call him God! I'm gonna try to post her chart again in the same post above yours, I hope it works.

Oh, and I didn't forget about our Pisces friend. I'm going to check her MySpace page and see if she has signed in. I hope so.


OK, I'm back and I saw that she signed in today which should mean that she's doing better or at least she hasn't taken action on any really bad ideas.

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posted December 25, 2008 05:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MyVirgoMask     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Top Synergy's charts always look like an odd spew of obscure symbols. I haven't the slightest clue what's going on in there !!

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 25, 2008 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think she did it on purpose as a joke. It was a funny way of her giving me his birth data. I haven't posted their synastry chart yet but I've looked at it and it appears that the culprit of his obsession with her is that they share a Pluto-Venus square and a Pluto-Venus trine, plus a Mars-Venus umm....I can't remember if it's a trine or conjunction, but he was right when he said he couldn't help it, it's just nature.

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posted December 25, 2008 11:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Geo ~

I like the motivations you impute to me, but I really did want to know what all those other glyphs are!!
But yes, there's his stats at any rate
Perhaps this would be more appropos –

Geo, do you ever use Lilith in your interpretations?? I have a friend who considers it very important.....

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 25, 2008 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oops! Sorry, I didn't mean to be a boogie head. I'm one of those keep it simple girls. I'm just starting to admit that I use Chiron and I'm experimenting with Juno and Valentine. Other than that, I'm not an asteroid girl. I barely like the lines in the middle of the chart that lead your eyes to the aspect connections. It's a good habit I learned from Noel Tyl, keep the measurements tight and the chart ultimately free from clutter.

Thanks for posting the Eric Clapton chart. I use DSL so photobucket is a nightmare for me most of the time. Any of the upload services just move slow as molasses. They have so many adds competing with what I'm trying to do.

In the book just now while reading in the tub, I stopped at the moment where Brian Epstein dies. I've checked out his chart also and read his book "Cellar Full of Boys" and his life was quite interesting.

A 27 year old (Saturn Return) homosexual male who ends up mentoring and managing the most prominent, successful and influential musical group of many generations, not to mention a whole bunch of other groups, all within a 5 year span of time before he dies of an overdose. Now that's amazing!!

So far, for Pattie (She spells it with an "ie" on the cover of the book) a pattern of constant abandonment seems to keep popping up in her life, although she hasn't complained about it much with George yet because while he is away on tour a lot, she is very busy working as one of the most successful models in England at the same time, but I understand she begins to feel that way soon after he immerses himself in his spirituality. But I'm not at that part of the book yet.

Even though I don't have the time of birth for her, I suspect that she may have a 'close enough' Saturn opposite Moon to suggest her emotional needs not being met enough, squeezed or controlled or just dried up, frozen. You know, Saturnized. It's just a thought, and that's what my thread is about. My thoughts.

OK, gotta eat a late breakfast which I hear they call brunch. And then play with the toys Santa brought me.

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted December 25, 2008 07:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What kind of fun toys did Santa bring you, Geo??

I just noted that M. Jackson is about to have his Chiron Return..... how do you think that might play out in the 3rd/9th axis and almost bang-on his MC??
He just gets one hit since Chiron only rx's back to 21Aqu13 next October.
re Chiron: have you read Martin Lass' book?? I found his Cappy Chiron interps to be startlingly accurate for me.
Funny how Chiron can move from Leo to Cappy in a mere 10 years (1943-1953) then take another 40 years to move around the rest of the wheel.....

I use DSL so photobucket is a nightmare for me most of the time. Any of the upload services just move slow as molasses. They have so many adds competing with what I'm trying to do.
Geo, you may have free web-storage at Yahoo. I don't know since I pay for extra space and I have MailPlus, but Yahoo's inbuilt uploader is ad-free. And I'm running Win2K on a computer that's almost 8 years old
I also use an FTP called FileZilla to upload files bigger than 5mb (yahoo's max) into my yahoo website.....

Here's Pattie back-in-the-day --

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted December 25, 2008 08:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Some thoughts on Pattie's Asc:
Do you think it might be Cappy?? One of the traditional interps for Moon in XII is "abandoned child." And that would (maybe) put Jupiter in IX.....

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 26, 2008 08:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
After reading much of the book (I'm 3/4 finished) I have a strong feeling that she's a Taurus MC because of her modeling career with beauty as an emphasis in her career but more powerfully, her incredible focus on redecorating becoming her main pass time after leaving her modeling career at George's request. She talks about it in depth in the book and redecorating, refurbishing, rebuilding, building in general is an extremely strong trait of Taurus.

She has a Saturn-Mars conjunction in Gemini. Saturn-Mars aspects can strongly suggest people in construction, so that could be the building she does, but she is the one mostly responsible for the refurbishing and redecorating of Georges excruciatingly large mansion/estate/gardens called "Friar Park". She talks about going to visit George years later when he was married to Olivia and that the house was decorated virtually the same as it was when she left.

She also helped to refurbish Eric Clapton's large estate as well, but he wasn't as flexible, generous or socially graceful as George.

If she has a Taurus MC, I'd make it a late Leo ASC. She talks about being excruciatingly shy and my question is how does can a fashion model be that shy. She's a Pisces Sun suggesting the shyness, but the Leo ASC would be a good excuse for her to show a "celebrity face" to the world.

I'm trying to think of Taurus traits for her father figures. Her biological father was traumatized in the war by an explosion and a burn injury and was extremely remote. Her step-father was an abusive military man (Mars-Saturn conjunction suggests military and rage, Saturn is the father figure). He worked for the Dunlap company and - Hmmm...he moved them several times because of monetary real estate issues, not your typical "Cancerian" real estate issues. She did mention that he was very wrapped up in thoughts of money so maybe that's some of the Taurean MC behaviors he exhibited as a father figure.

After I read the book I'm going to go over it again and record the dates she provides for the moves/geographic relocations that occurred in her life. Those are of utmost importance when considering rectification and she provides a lot of dates.

Also, her wedding date, the day she left George and the day she married Eric Clapton.

As I read the book I find it so hard to believe she actually married Eric Clapton, he was (and still is) such a big baby, but when you read the reasons for his behaviors, it fits into psychological human reaction to his upbringing.

Then I also have the thought that she might have Pisces on the DSC because of her two husbands being Pisces, musicians, and substance abusers, but I haven't thought that deeply about that yet. I'm still concentrating on her.

I haven't read Martin Lass' book on Chiron and I probably won't because I'm not that interested in Chiron as a major influence, but I did peep MJ's Chiron return which usually happens to us at 51 years of age. But now I'm questioning that since you just taught me about Chiron's strange orbiting habits. 40 years on one side and then 10 years on the other side of the zodiac???

Wow!! That's wackier than Pluto. But I must admit that I've been keeping an eye on the fact that Neptune and Chiron are forming a conjunction and the Magi consider that a "Cinderella" aspect. How will it affect him and the world at this point.

If it's not a cinderella thing, then Neptune-Chiron could suggest illness, infection, you know all the boogie-men that Neptune can bring into the scenario, coupled with Chiron??? Ouch and pass the nausea meds, the antibacterial and the gas mask.

I better see some glass slippers, that's for sure!!

Santa brought me a "Flip Mino HD" and you might be seeing "The Geocosmic Valentine Comedy Hour" one of these days. LOOOOLLL!!!

How the heck am I gonna do that with a 12th House Sun???

I guess that if Madonna can be so public with her 12 House Sun, maybe I can be, too. My Golden Flying Eagle gotz to fly.

Santa Mom also got me some pajamas, slippers and a bathrobe. I am sleepin' in style, yo!

What did Santa bring you?

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Posts: 1010
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 26, 2008 10:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Geo ~

Interesting speculations re Pattie’s possible Taurus MC…..
Although I have to say I can’t really relate to the direction she took (interior decoration/building-refurbishing) – I have a Taurus MC with late Leo rising and couldn’t be less interested in decorating anything :-D
Now, personal adornment, that’s a different matter…..

re Chiron, this is a diagram from Barbara Hand Clow – I’m guessing that its extremely erratic orbit (at times, inside Saturn and other times, outside Uranus) is what causes the short/long amount of time spent in each sign…..

What on Earth is a Flip Mino HD?? (**dashes off to google**)
Ohhhh, a cute little camcorder!! Now I get the Geo Comedy Hour reference
Despite my Leo Asc, I resist being the subject of any photographer – much prefer being on t’other side (see some of my recent photo efforts here: )

As for Santa, I *AM* Santa, and there is no Mrs Claus to get me presents, so I have to be my own Santa – due to funds shortness this December (stocking the pantry with my extra money seemed more prudent than “flowers” to feed my soul) all I got myself was some new fleece turtlenecks (fabulously soft!!) from Lands End and Jackson Browne’s latest cd…..
My 12yo has yet to learn about getting people presents. As there’s no one in his life to push and pester him that getting something for Mom is necessary, I don’t get much…..

I shall be interested in your conclusions and rectifications re Pattie! I’m generally terrible at guessing Asc, Sun or Moon from pictures, I can only do it on live people
But I don’t quite pick up Leo Asc for Pattie, unless it’s just being smothered by the ethereal Piscean energies. I guess one could look at her modeling career and say that's indication enough.....

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Posts: 1010
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 26, 2008 10:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Another Geo mystery to resolve: you must have Taurus intercepted in the 12th if you have a 12th house Sun and Gem Asc

Dang, that kinda blows one of my theoretical Geo DOB's out of the water!!
Unless you were born in northern or southern latitudes where a house could span 50 degrees -- that's the only way my theory could still stand

Ouch and pass the nausea meds, the antibacterial and the gas mask.
To go a bit off on a tangent, I wonder what MJ has in common with Howard Hughes in addition to some Virgo influences??

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 27, 2008 11:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think Howard Hughes' birthdate is still in dispute, but I have to check my other 3000 astrodienst accounts to find out. I just can't bring myself to look at those Astrotheme charts seriously. It's just much too much work.

What similarities were you thinking of in terms of MJ and HH? The isolation? I thought they found out that Howard Hughes was probably schitzophrenic or something like that, I can't remember that either.

...and yes, Taurus is intercepted in my 12th House, but it happens in New York at certain times of the year and that's not an extreme northern latitude. I was shocked to see Al Gore's chart is similar and wasn't he born in Tennessee? I can't quite remember.

I'm almost finished with Pattie Boyd's book. She just left Eric for the 2nd time. Her relationship with him was just tragic from the very beginning, but I had a major revelation about a friend of mine while reading this book. I have an internet friend who is a major alcoholic just like Eric Clapton. It has helped me to understand him more, but that's a horse of a different color.

Pattie has been through therapy and Al-Anon, thank God, but I'm not finished with the book yet. I hope to finish by today, but I'm out of town visiting and being an internet rude person right now and reading while at my father's house, so that's not too bad. I got to show him my new toys and we had computer equipment chat. I'm having fun.

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Posts: 1010
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted December 27, 2008 01:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It would have been fun to get out of town for the holidays
But just having 5 days off is majorly fabulous for me, and then a 4-day weekend next week!!
What similarities were you thinking of in terms of MJ and HH? The isolation? I thought they found out that Howard Hughes was probably schitzophrenic or something like that, I can't remember that either.
Yes, the isolation. Also being very well-to-do, the suspicion about outsiders and an inner circle that would take care of necessary interactions between the gloved ones and the rest of (germ-ridden) humanity. I read that HH would not shake hands with people, and that his aides had to wear gloves to hand him things like documents to sign -- excerpt here: (,9171,918526-3,00.html )
The men who run Hughes' Summa Corp., his aides, and his doctors may issue denials and rebuttals (those whom TIME sought to interview for their version either refused to talk or failed to return phone calls). It is true that they were dealing with a capricious, iron-willed man. They may argue that they were only obeying orders: Hughes wanted to live in utter privacy, away from the bedevilments of process servers and litigious lawyers hoping to cash in on his billions. He wanted, they may contend, protection from the prying press, which Hughes loathed with a passion. He also wanted isolation from the bacteria-filled world. Hughes was obsessed by a fear of contamination from other humans. Secretaries who typed memos that were to go to Hughes were ordered to wear white gloves while hunting and pecking. Whenever Hughes was lifted, he would place a Kleenex—"insulation," he called it—on the palm of the right hand with which he gripped the person who carried him.

And click for masked-MJ's: Bacteria Fear

I also wonder about paranoia in both their cases (incipient in MJ, if he lives to be as old as HH).....

I don't want to start an "is alcoholism in the chart" discussion, but I'm curious which placements/aspects you see in Clapton's individual case to indicate the potential for substance abuse (beyond the "health axis" of Neptune in Libra XII opp Sun in Aries VI).

This is what makes astrology so fascinating to me -- the myriad expressions, the spectrum of choices, the high-road/low-road manifestations of each particular set of aspects or placements.....

Do you have a favorite resource for beginning the study of solar arcs, Geo??

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Geocosmic Valentine

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posted December 27, 2008 09:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Zala,

The only thing I can answer now is about the substance abuse in Clapton's chart. I wasn't thinking of the health axis, only the opposition. If he was in my office and I looked and saw Neptune opposite Sun, no matter what axis it was in, my first thought is "suppression, addiction, imagination, creativity, then etc." Nothing else. It's alright if I'm wrong about it and there doesn't need to be anything else indicating for me. I would ask him if there was substance abuse or addiction with him or his father just based on that opposition. He might say no and be telling the truth. It could show up as strong spirituality, religion, visual issues with him or his father or employees, animals.

But Neptune also squares his Saturn. This is a weak father figure, possibly this figure vanished completely from his life. But that's the only thing I used to deduce the alcoholism.

Lucky you, you have 5 days then 4 days? Wow, I go back to work Monday, but then after the 9th, I begin the job search, perhaps even before. Now...FOOD YUMMY!!

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Geocosmic Valentine

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From: New York, NY
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posted December 29, 2008 12:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic Valentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Azalaksh,

You are better at this than you gave yourself credit for. I finished the book about two hours ago and she says that she was born at 4:00 AM which gives her a Capricorn ASC.

I'm going to test her chart through out the day and/or the week with all of the moves she had as a child. I'll have to do that with Solar Arcs and transits. So far it doesn't really look correct to match all of the international moving she did as a child, but then I should just be quiet because until I'm ready to really concentrate, I won't make any strong judgements.

I like that she has a Taurus IC, at least I guessed that Taurus was strong enough in her chart to be one of the important angles in the chart.

About the Solar Arc study. It's just plain easy once you accept that it's easier than you think. It's shockingly easy, that's what threw me off in the beginning. I didn't want to believe it was easy, therefore I made it hard and I felt dumb when I realized how it worked.

Google "Solar Arcs" and then guess by looking at the page which book you think taught me. It's on the first page and I'm even making my hint too obvious as it is.

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