Topic: A River Runs Through.....
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 267 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 27, 2009 12:41 AM
Hi Gypsee. Thought I'd move here from AG's thread. You remind me a lot of myself in some ways, then I looked at your chart and saw that we're both Sag suns, Libra moons, and fire rising. You have Aries and I have Sag. So... how's that for fun? Just wanted to say that most of my great loves (geesh, have there been that many?! Not really. I'm very monogamous. Just serially so. I'm married now, though, so those days are behind me. The serial part, I mean. Still monogamous!)... anyway, those loves have been Caps, Sags, and Libras. I've dated some Aries guys (fun for a short bit, but I get burnt out pretty quickly on them) and, oddly, most of my crushes have been Virgos. Including aforementioned husband. I've always imagined that I could have a pretty intense fling with a Scorpio-- it's the aftermath that I wouldn't enjoy so much. Sadly, I never found one that moved me enough to try it out, so I guess I'll never know. In answer to your question on AG's thread, I don't do much in Dayton. My husband has been working down there during the week for the last few months, so I take the kids down to stay with him about once a week. I used to live there myself, but not for too long, and it was right after high school, so I didn't get to check out much of the night life. Anyway... nice to meet you! I dig your vibe. IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 267 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 27, 2009 02:02 AM
Are you bartending in Dayton? Occasionally I do get out with the husband, but not often. Mostly our activities center around Beavercreek.IP: Logged |
D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 28, 2009 01:36 AM
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GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 29, 2009 01:36 PM
I don't mind what anyone talks about here, please feel free to have conversations about anything you like. That kinda stuff doesnt bother me at all.YIN, I LOVE long hair. Long dark haired boys, yum to the yum. Jim Morrison hangs on my closet wall, I tell him 'goodnight Jim' when I'm going to bed. But this is a perfect example of what I like versus what I get. Because Jim and I would have had a jolly good time, walking the strip and swiggin out of a bottle, and then, uhum, you know, going back to his roof. But I would have inevidably hit him on the head with a skillet at some point in time. Sag's are quite a fun bunch, and generally bring out the best in people. Well, alot of them do. I prefer Sag females for hanging out. The men can be a bit much. Honestly, tho, it exhausts me sometimes to always be the one doing and saying the funny things, always being "ON." Its a big part of my job, and how I make money, so its not an option. And when a Sag isn't "ON" everybody gives us crap, "whatsa matter with YOU today? Did somebody poop in your cheerios or something?" Sheesh, why can't we be broody and introspective now and then without the rest of the signs thinking the party is over. Oh, don't mind me, just tired. I feel better now!! FUTURE, I lost you somewhere, did you say what you've been doing while your here? I can suggest things if you like. I live on the strip, so I can tell you where to go and where to NEVER go, if you value your life. JK> its not that bad here. IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 267 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 29, 2009 02:50 PM
I live an hour and a half north of Dayton. My husband works there during the week for the time being, so I usually go down and visit him midweek or so. I used to live in Dayton (briefly) right after H.S. My husband lived there for a few years. He's taken in a lot more of the area than I have than I have. Our activities center mostly around Beavercreek. IP: Logged |
cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted June 29, 2009 03:59 PM
beaver creek is not 1.5 hours north of dayton...???...
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GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 29, 2009 04:23 PM
Yes you could get to Beavercreek in about 20 minutes, thirty if you hit traffic.If your there, than you will find alot more fun, familyish things to do then they have in Dayton. I would imagine you've been to "The Green?" Thats where I was friday night, they have a car show there in the kmart parking lot. Its free, and lots of people bring strollers and kids and just walk around. Also, for fun, if you can check out the Oregon District in downtown Dayton. The streets are made of cobblestones. Thats where most of our "Cultural" events take place. We have great restaurants there. Open air cafes where people just sit and write. Poetry slams, comedy clubs, crystal shops, and its fairly safe. Then of course I would recommend the Air Force Museum to anyone who has never seen it. I'm not into that sort of thing, but since Ohio is famous for flight, it is something worth checking out. Your kiddies can climb aboard some of the planes, and they have a flight simulator thats pretty neat. Seriously, if you want to know anything to do, just ask me, I'm not from here originally, but I've been here long enough to tell you whether an activity is worth the money or not. I have to find your thread and look at your chart, course I have no idea what I'm looking at, but I still like looking at them. You seem like a laid back mellow kinda gal and I like that in a person. I'm sure we would hit it off. HELLO D! I agree with sweet talkers being a pain in the butt, and how painful is it when you find out that something they said to you, they said to every other girl, or at least several. I know this with my logical mind, but still it is alluring to get the attention and sweet talkers are slick in that they know how to hone onto what a person wants to hear, and tell her that. I wish that we could always use the past to guide us when confronted by such things. But I have never been the type of girl to have my head rule my heart. I could use a good dose of that, but I don't see it coming any time soon. Besides that would change who I am, and I'm not sure that I would want to. I mean it takes all kinds to make the world go round, yes? IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 267 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 29, 2009 05:43 PM
I don't live in Beavercreek. I live about an hour and a half north of Dayton. When I'm in Dayton, we pretty much stay in Beavercreek! I'm LMAO because it got so confusing. lol. Thanks, Gypsee for the info. Maybe we'll run into each other sometime! IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5895 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 29, 2009 06:26 PM
quote: Honestly, tho, it exhausts me sometimes to always be the one doing and saying the funny things, always being "ON." Its a big part of my job, and how I make money, so its not an option. And when a Sag isn't "ON" everybody gives us crap, "whatsa matter with YOU today? Did somebody poop in your cheerios or something?" Sheesh, why can't we be broody and introspective now and then without the rest of the signs thinking the party is over. Oh, don't mind me, just tired.
I have Taurus friends who also experience that feeling fairly often. It is tough to always be charming and UP. IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 267 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 29, 2009 07:46 PM
Actually, cpn, I just noticed that I'm between you and Gypsee. We're all linked by the interstate. Road Trip!!! IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 29, 2009 07:56 PM
Yes confusion! I'm a woman, tho, so I will stop and ask for directions! Yay to road trips, as long as they don't end like Thelma and Louise! lol!AG I didn't know taurus' had this problem too. I only know one, and he's pretty much disagreeable most of the time. Oh, and always right. Can't forget the always right part! The females on this site seem to be friendly and upbeat, tho, so maybe it is a "taurus thing" as well. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5895 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 01:09 AM
Yeah, two of my closest Taurus friends get absolutely exhausted being charming all the time.IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 12:34 PM
Interesting, about taurus'....If I "do stuff" for many days in a row, I get so physically and mentally exhausted I have to take a day where I barely speak at all, to re-coop. Its weird. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 12:41 PM
Future; I started reading your thread last night, but I didn't finish it cause its a big un! But I saw your pic, and we even sorta look alike! Then when you asked, I think it was wheels, about her outhouse, I was cracking up, because I was thinking that very question, before you asked it. So yes, many similiarities.IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5895 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 05:11 PM
And her man vaguely resembles me... IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 05:16 PM
Is he a cap AG? That would be a co-inky-dink, wouldn't it?IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 05:19 PM
I just got done revealing my romantic entanglements around the zodiac, on another thread. That was rather cathartic!AG, remember where you said you had been feeling "off" lately, on another thread? I've been dreaming, lately, of people I haven't seen or talked to in years. Wonder whats up with that? IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5895 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 05:53 PM
No, her man's a Virgo, which is the sign of my Moon. quote: AG, remember where you said you had been feeling "off" lately, on another thread? I've been dreaming, lately, of people I haven't seen or talked to in years. Wonder whats up with that?
The most sentimental planet, the moon, just crossed your natal moon...actually mine and T's as well (her and I are both at 29 degrees Virgo). That's only been the last couple days, though. The Moon's a fast moving planet. I just noticed that for T and I [transitting] Uranus and Pluto are creating a t-square with our [natal] Moons. There is some rough stuff in the skies these days. I don't usually look at transits too much, but it is kind of noteworthy. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 06:33 PM
very interesting stuff there. I have been sentimental, as of late. Looking at photos and such. I feel like I am gonna burst into tears at any given moment, yet I have no clue why. Thats a weird and uncomfortable feeling. Hope you and T handle it better than me.OH, and about those dreams? Check this out! Early this morning, I dreamed of LEXX. How do you dream of someone you have never met? And I've never seen her photo either, yet I knew it was her. She said there was an urgent message for me. I didn't post it in astral, cause, Lord, I don't want people thinkin I'm a nutty stalker. Then I thought maybe the message was to lexigram something. And the only way my brain could relay the message correctly was to use LEXX in the dream. Well, lemme tell ya. I started doing it, and it was freaky!! I did lexigrams before when I first read Star Signs, like 18 years ago. But I never did my own name. I just did romantic partners. Holy cow, there is something to be said for that! Have you done yours????? IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5895 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 07:11 PM
I haven't done mine, no. LEXX may have. I can't remember. I knew a Sag who swore by lexigramming, but I don't really trust it to be honest.I think LEXX is still a Moderator, right? There's probably a link at the top of her forum that will allow you to email her. If not, let me know. I think I have more than one email address for her. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 07:45 PM
I think I read that she wasn't feeling well, so I wouldn't want to intrude or bother her with anything at the moment.I'm not really sure either, about the validity and all that. I think its very interesting though, because there are words in my name that point to my job choice as of the last 20 years, and then there are words that suggest another path of career, so I found that was interesting, since I've been doing alot of thinking on the career thing as of late. (you do that when you can hardly pay your bills). IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 267 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 08:35 PM
Has anyone heard from LEXX lately? I just emailed her yesterday to say hello and haven't heard back yet. Hope she's alright.Gypsee... I think Sagfolk may be going through some transit right now. I've been weepy for about a week now and I'm not a weepy person. If I am, it's hormonal, but this time, it's not. Glaucus just did some transit work for me yesterday. I'll check again to see what might pertain to all of us. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted July 01, 2009 01:17 AM
Thanks Future, that would be nice information to know. I'm not in a hormonal flux at this particular time, so it feels different. I guess we shall see how it all turns out.There are endings to relationships around me that affect me as well. plus two more deaths in my personal life, bringing the death toll up to 9 in a little over one year. Gosh, don't want to end on a bad note, so lemme think of something positive....... Well, I guess we all have each other. And thats more than some people have, so thats something! Let me know if you hear from Lexx. Just wondering if she is doing okay. IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 267 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 01, 2009 06:58 PM
I did hear back from her, thank goodness. That's a lot of tragedy in one year, Gypsee. I don't know if my total is that high for my entire life, and I'm 32. I didn't get to sharing those transits with you yet. A lot of the personal stuff I had planned for last night was derailed when my 2 y.o. decided to stay up until 1. Today I picked my husband up from the airport... he's been out of state on business... so I'm going to hang with him tonight. I'll get to it soon. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 5704 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted July 01, 2009 10:39 PM
Okay, thanks FUTURE.Take your time, I know how two year olds are. Yes, its to the point now where there are more people on the other side then here left in my life. I guess when I get there, I will certainly feel welcomed! So I am relieved LEXX is answering her email. Thats good. IP: Logged | |