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Author Topic:   fatinkerbell uncut

Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted July 20, 2010 03:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Some cybergeek or cybergeeks stole or scammed away from me all my HARD EARNED FACEBOOK pokerchips this morning ... sheesh, I can't believe I'm so gullible!! No actually I can believe I'm so gullible. So I got a message saying "You've won x amount of chips in the 'bonus' lottery, ... click here to claim prize ... and I click 'there', enter my password, and whooops, when next I log into poker , ze money is all goooooooooone. I hope that whoever did it gets an itch somewhere just out of reach so they have to twist and turn to scratch it. (I don't worry about this coming back to me threefold because I'm very flexible and I can scratch any place on my body without discomfort).
Mmm ... why do my posts on LL always come out sounding so obscene?
Aaaanyway ... the point is, bye bye dear little chips, I hope you are safe and happy where-ever you are ... hurry back, hurry back, hurry back ...
Yes my summer vacation is nearly on hand and for teachers in Korea summer vacation means staying at school and playing on the internet all day long so hopefully I'll be able to spend more time in LL : )

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted July 20, 2010 09:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OUCH! Sorry you experienced that theft of your chips! May they return to you cleverly disguised in a more magnificent form!

I recently found out my that my massage therapist taught English in Korea some years back. I thought that was cool. She taught me how to cast I-Ching recently. Of course the first symbol I got was 48 ... which follows me like a hawk. Maybe I should go to Vegas and play 8 someday. My inner gambler is still buried way deep within. Now we're talking a different story, if someone wants to give me some money explicitly for this purpose. Then I'm pretty game.

I hope you have a most enjoyable break!

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted July 20, 2010 10:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Quote -

Mmm ... why do my posts on LL always come out sounding so obscene?

You're pretty funny to me. Here's my theory...could be that Mars in Scorpio, perhaps you are just driven so. Perhaps I relate well, because my Neptune at 22 Scorp conjuncts your Mars within 1 degree. My South Node is at 29 Scorpio. So maybe I had a really "interesting" past life. I am really great at sarcasm, if I do say so myself. I wish that I had better control over my sarcastic nature. It's on the work in progress list. Anyways, I'm learning how to embrace my Pluto energies.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted July 20, 2010 06:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was soooooo into the I-Ching a few years ago ... not that I'm over it, I LOVE the I Ching. I really made a hectic study of it. Not so much so that I can tell you Oh yes 48 is this that and the other thing but I can look up 48 and maybe comment? The cool thing about the I-Ching is that it's really a 'book' that is totally alive and with a weird sense of humor sometimes ... it's like it has a personality!
Yes, Mars in Scorpio ... I've been checking that out lately ... not an entirely pretty picture! I always thought I was a harmless fluffy kind of person ... Mmmm... Let's check out hexagram 48 , I'm curious now

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted July 20, 2010 06:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mmmm ... the well, that's a cool one ... I'm trying to think now of the question I had when I got that one, but I know the image of it was really intense for me ... I think I identified with the bit about "the water in the well is clear, but no one comes to drink from it, so my heart is saddened" ... I believe in the sort of mix-up of symbols to interpret them because I've found that like tarot symbols and I Ching symbols and all kinds of other symbols share certain patterns and themes ... OK well (!) actually it's not 'me' who thought of that, I read a lot of Jung so I'm referring to the archetypes of the collective unconscious ... So the well to me is like the Ace of cups in the tarot, which is like a resource of a spiritual nature from which you can draw freely without it ever being dried up ... Anyway, the most important thing in an I Ching reading is whether there are "changing" lines or not ... if there are changing lines further interpretation is required because a new hexagram is generated. A changing line is a yin that changes into a yang or a yang that changes into a yin, bringing about a new situation... hence the name "Book of Changes"...
Anyway, the other secret of the I Ching is that the more specific you make your question, the more interesting the answer is. It also helps to refer to yourself in the 3rd person (I dunno why exactly but an I Ching teacher told me that so I reckon it's worth remembering), so you should ask a question like "Will Mermaid26 become a billionaire if she starts illustrating childrens books?" ... or whatever ... and the answer you get can sometimes fit in a really uncanny way. Otherwise the images from the hexagram are sort of like "unfarmed" and vague and general. You can easily cast a hexagram for yourself. All you need are three coins ...
Tell me if you wanna know more : )
Anyway, speaking of coins, yes I'm definately going to be hunting down my poker chips. Fortunately they are entirely virtual ... I don't play for money but for the pleasure of causing misery in others when I take their chips away from them ,, hahahah .... Is that also a Mars in Scorpio thing do you think? : D

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted July 22, 2010 12:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for your insight on the I-Ching symbol and tips too! I did have a change and second symbol. I can't recall what it was though. I haven't looked at my Tarot cards in years. I would be much better now at seeing the symbolism. It's better for me to leave many things a mystery and not overwork my slightly OCD, over-analyzing mind.

You can blame anything or everything on the Pisces aspects in your chart, if you have any. You know, the natural born martyr complex can take it. There are sharks and whales out there. But seriously, let's focus on the positive Mars in Scorp... fly like an eagle, achieve the heights... the ability to rebuild and transform and heal others. Some pretty amazing powers here.

Hey, I recently realized that I am not fluffy and harmless either. I'm over the shock though. For everything there is a season...

Are you anxious to travel anywhere else in particular?

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted July 22, 2010 06:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually I'm anxious to NOT travel anywhere else right now. I've got a bit of a travelphobia at the moment. Ditto here on the OCD and for an over-analyzing mind the I-Ching id definately way too hectic ... Apparently there is a saying, or there was a saying, among the ancient Chinese, that nobody under the age of 80 should study the I Ching or else they will go mad! : D
Anyway, thanks for the uplifting (literally : ) image of an eagle ... that's quite cool!

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted August 07, 2010 08:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I should be okay with the I Ching since I feel about 1000 years old sometimes.

Are you still on break? Hope you are enjoying your free time.

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Posts: 5199
From: Dayton,Ohio USA
Registered: May 2009

posted August 08, 2010 11:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OH, I love I Ching. Do you guys have the big green I Ching book? Well, I guess it could be colored different wherever you live, but that's the best one. Can't think of its title at the mo.... I used to be so addicted to that book. I started consulting it before I would do anything, and that's when I had to quit. I have to watch addictive behavior.
I don't think Mars in Scorpio is a bad placement at all Tink. And your a Jupiter's girl, so you will always have some 'fluff' to you. God love ya.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted August 16, 2010 10:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey guys ... I had a short vacation, can you believe it? I slept like ALL the time ... so I guess now I MUST be fresh and ready for part two of the year. Ja ... Right ...
Mermaid! Sheesh!!!! Your sister's animal pics are amazing! I feel like I could reach out and touch their fur! Wow. What incredible concentration she must have! Maybe I'll try to write a poem or something to go with one of her pictures .. just for fun ... I haven't written any new weird kids books lately because I haven't been inspired that much ...But it's sort of an idea that keeps coming round in orbit ya know? : D
Aaaaanyways, hey Gypsee : D I'm glad you think Mars in Scorpio's not that bad : ) I've been thinking a lot about relationships lately and how actually for the first time in a long time I don't have that feeling of craving company ... Well, how does this relate to Mars in Scorpio? Well the thing is I've been regretting a ... shall we say ... missed opportunity with Mr. Gemini (the one I mention in my 20 facts about myself) for years now, and while it's not really getting any easier I am suddenly becoming aware of all the advantages of being single. Well I think in the past I would fall in love easily, or at least fall in like easily, even if it meant sort of mentally cheating; and it's something I never thought of as characteristic to me until it was mentioned that this placement is frequent in the charts of cheaters. Many many moons ago I was in this situation of being sort of torn ... well not exactly torn but sort of hanging onto - two people ... One an Aries one a Scorpio and I totally felt like - I wish I could actually be alone rather than be with either ... So I've been thinking lately that I have this unacknowledged need for solitude, which is confusing because you know I'm still fantasizing about what it would be like if Mr. Gemini ever got his act together andcontacted me. So ja ... Mars in Scorpio, I'm thinking maybe it might also signify difficulty settling down in a relationship once the initial passion is gone ... Anyway, I'm not really worried that I'm like you know too Scorpio-ish. I'm way too sweet really. No one would believe me as a Scorpio type ... I'm like Rory Gillmore from the Gillmore Girls. No seriously. There was just one movie in which she had something Scorpiony come out and that was Sin City. But it wasn't really convincing if you ask me : ) What's weird though is that I recently started adding some objects to me regular horoscope, like Ceres and Juno and Nessus and so on and my eighth house is just packed. I've got Juno and Ceres in Scorpio in the eighth, so now I'm trying to figure out what THAT means??

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted August 16, 2010 10:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
O ps on the I Ching ... I had the Richard Wilhelm translation which was black soft-cover but I don't have it anymore and strangely enough I don't think they really do much I-Ching reading in Korea although the hexagrams are on the flag for goodness sake !!

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted August 16, 2010 10:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gypsee ... you should get me a fluffy stuffed tarantula ... That will help me get over my arachnophobia : ) You're right I am fluffy and cheery and Jupitery, but you know, so is a stuffed toy tarantula! But seriously a while ago I was browsing through the internet because there was some money to spend on stuff for the English classroom and I was thinking puppets for a while and there is actually a whole series of huggable fluffy stuffed spiders. I'm like ... who makes this? And more ... who buys it? Excuse me while I mentally shiver for a little...

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 5199
From: Dayton,Ohio USA
Registered: May 2009

posted August 21, 2010 03:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
sheesh, Tink, here I am, on this huge forum turning to you for sanity... I guess we all seek out our kind now and then... oy.

Posted a Marilyn song on my FB the other day, it went unappriciated, so I'll be needing your FB name soon if you'd like me to keep my own sanity.. argg..

Anyway, funny you should ask .. do you know what Beanie Babies are? (were?) Anyway, back when they were the thing a few years ago, I was gifted with the larger sized (a beanie 'BUDDY' actually, TARANTULA) because I guess I was the only person this OTHER person knew that would appreciate such a gift, and for... a long time, when I made my bed, my beanie tarantuala went on my pillow, but.. it freaked my daughters out so much that I put it away in my Halloween box, and if you need a tarantuala, I would gladly send him to you.;...

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted August 22, 2010 06:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Uhm ... it's OK ... keep the tarantula for now : D
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted August 22, 2010 10:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OK, here's my attempt to break you of the spider thing:

Totem Guide symbolism:
Spiders are not scientifically classified as insects. But in the totem world they do walk within the insect kingdom. Their bodies resemble the number 8 or infinity symbols, so whenever spider totem appears look to numerical eight meanings and messages. Their two-segmented body is not equal, appearing more like an hour glass, one segment weightier than the other. When you come upon a spider time may be concern. Ask yourself if time is slipping away too quickly or are you experiencing a slow down of activity? The spider weaves his sticky web as an entrapment device for gathering prey to feast on. Web-weaving demonstrates how we can use our creative talents in our work and livelihood. If you come upon a spider ask if you are the one feeling trapped or entangled in chaotic activities. You may very well be better off preparing to create your own web. Spider will teach you how to break out of your stuck energies and how to weave you own personal power web. Spiders are architects, creating intricate webs. These dream-weavers teach us to take action. As soon as you begin weaving your own power web you will surely capture your dreams and desires.
OK, I'm seeing grasshoppers lately. One was just at the kitchen window, waving at me. Last spring, I had a baby copperhead snake in the hall headed toward my bedroom. Not a very pleasant feeling and the husband even spared it's life. I get king snakes on the property quite a bit. I had one I named Charlie that prevented me from yard work an entire summer. I was in the process of moving a rock and happened to notice him less than a foot from my hand. They're good for encouraging deep breathing skills. My neighbors have put a skunk crossing sign at their mailbox. It's a regular wild kingdom around here. I do love when a heron visit's our pond.

Have you written any more poems?

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted August 22, 2010 10:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Maybe you are supposed to weave that tale of "Eight" now.

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Posts: 5199
From: Dayton,Ohio USA
Registered: May 2009

posted August 22, 2010 10:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OK, found ya. You can take your name down now if you want.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted August 22, 2010 11:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gypsee cool now I can spy on you on Facebook hahahahahah : D Mermaid, no I haven't written another poem ... I'm feeling too sorry for myself with the schoolterm starting again and I'm still supposed to finish the curriculum ... I wish a spider would come and weave it for me ... Well maybe I should start about the story of the eight kids but now a ninth has joined their particular class and maybe nine is too much for a gang? Mind you this weekend I saw "The Expendables", starring : Everybody! With special emphasis on Body : D Sly, Arnie, Jason Statham, you name em. And there were quite a lot of people in that ... ehm ... gang ... The thing is the phase seems to have passed for now, I mean the phase of me thinking of doing children's books ... If it returns, the urge I mean, I'll try harder but right now I feel rather exhausted and thus not extremely creative. Well now for the spiders ... my mother used to have acute arachnaphobia and I always thought it was kinda funny until it happened to me. I don't know it sort of just creeped (!) up on me suddenly and now for quite a few years I totally freak out when I see a spider and the funny thing is I see them EVERYWHERE!!! My interpretation of spider used to be that they represent the illusionary webs we weave for ourselves and every time I see a spider I remind myself that it is symbolic of the fact that I'm not enlightened .. yet! I see enlightenment as a kind of awakening and so the spiders tell me my "real" life is actually not my REAL life ... Uhm... I know I'm not making a lot of sense but anyway your info about the correlation between spider and time is fascinating, because I do have a huge problem with time ... I feel as if my life goes by waayyy too slowly ... It's like I'm in slow motion ... I'm waiting for something, not sure what. I do feel better when I'm being more creative but I tend to get very caried away so sometimes I'm like even scared of trying to be creative ... mmm, go figure ...
Anyway, the thing is I have huge respect for spiders ... on Sundays I go jogging around in the rice paddies and it's like spider planet!!! So I just steer clear of em but I sort of admire them from afar. It's a kind of weird fascination you know where I can't look but I can't look away! Mmm ... really these issues need work...

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted August 22, 2010 11:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Anyway I don't mind snakes but grasshoppers also shouldn't come too close. I can totally imagine cuddling up with s snake as long as they don't bite ! Skunks are cute although I'm not sure I've ever seen one outside of the movies. Well, wave hello at your grasshopper for me if he ' s still there ... o ps another 'totem' animal I often saw in the past was the praying mantis.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted August 22, 2010 11:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also what do cows mean? They're all around me these days ... on my walk home I see about a dozen and some mornings while I'm in the bus waiting the cow transport truck comes by ... which makes me very emotional ... because they're off to the slaughter I mean. I used to be a vegetarian but what with all my eating disorder issues I do now eat red meat rather frequently but it's really like I'm eating my best friend ... so when the cows stop next to me in the bus I'm sort like "Hey guys, I'm really sorry about this really ... " The cows look so gentle and somber and I am always tempted to reach out and stroke their horns and their noses and their eyes ... weird

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted August 23, 2010 10:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Time...what a topic...
One of my recurrent dreams in life...being late for school or not being able to complete a test in time...
One lovely soul testing after another. I was always one of the last ones to turn in a test.
I'm over that now...
Cows...I shall research...
Many, many years ago, at my friend's grandparents' old homestead, we were walking in the pasture with the cows and it was a bit eerie...the cows were following us, but whenever we would stop and turn around they would be standing perfectly still, just looking at us, peacefully, as if they hadn't been following us at all.

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted August 23, 2010 10:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's what came to me...Makes it jives with Taurus/Libra, ruled by Venus, associated with 6 the number of LOVE ~ Harmonic Balance:

The cow represents mothering and nurturing aspects. Together, bull and cow totems, they symbolize fertility. Bull and cow together are a pairing of masculine and feminine energies. When either cow or bull totem appears ask yourself if your personal masculine and feminine energies are in balance. Bull energies are bold and rigid, whereas cow energies are more gentle. Are your edges sharp and need softening? Or, are you feeling too soft or weak? The bull offers strength and stamina. The cow offers love and nurturing.

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted August 23, 2010 06:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mmmm ... (I'm tempted to say Mmmmmmmoooo ... but I shall restrain myself). First, o my goodness how funny is it about the cows following you and pretending not to! It totally sounds like a Gary Larson cartoon! As for time and tests ... I'm the opposite of you in that I always finished my tests first ... or actually no ... I would keep writing till the last minute ... well we had like essay type tests always but anyways I'd be really fast so in that sense I would like write the most so although I would or could finish the test quickly I always wrote more than was strictly speaking necessary. My big dream problem with tests is that I'm still in school at the age of 37 (where I am now) and for some reason I still haven't finished! Especially there's always the math exam I still have to do.
Well as to the cow bull totem ... I think I do have a problem with knowing when to manifest what kind of energy ... male or female, yielding or stubborn ... I guess I feel like I should be more of a chargeing bull type when it comes to work but usually I feel lazy and just wanna like graze you know ... ? Well since I'm a teacher maybe the nurturing thing comes out there because all my kids are elementary to kindergarten age. Mmmm (mmoo!)
Thanks Mermy! : D

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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Posts: 779
From: Adyton
Registered: Jun 2009

posted November 03, 2010 09:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fatink, it's been too long. How are you doing? Being a lifetime student is a good thing, no? Have you seen any other interesting animals while out running?
My neighbor's Brittany Spaniels like to come on my property and romp in the pond and watch the squirrels in my mini pecan grove. This reminds me, I've got to go check on my pecan harvest, because the squirrels can be very greedy, especially in preparation for a harder winter.
Hope your students are providing you with much fun and "from the mouth of babes" wisdom.
Keep dancing!

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Posts: 659
From: South Korea
Registered: May 2009

posted November 03, 2010 06:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fatinkerbell     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey mermaid! I've been busy ... watching Koreab horror movies! Lol ... But actually also I've been really busy at school and feel a bit drained ... but I'm enjoying it! The other morning I saw three homeless cats eating garbage outside my flat and that seemed quite meaningful ... also some squirrels ... and frogs! but the latter mostly of the squashed variety (shame!!!)

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.

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