posted June 02, 2021 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Eternal Energy:
Good morning Graham. Your other post reminded me of my father. He was 14 years old when he took part in the Battle of Athens in December 1944 here in the heart of Athens. He would often talk about this historic moment for Greece and the following outbreak of the Civil War. I didn't know about the ″Battle of Athens″ in Tennessee. My dad had visited New Orleans and he would talk about this place. I don't remember about Tennessee. I will have to ask my mother if she remembers...You know...Maybe we are more interwined than we could ever possibly imagine. That's why we should never forget to try every day to be more and more loving and caring to our fellow travelers in life.
Omigod!! Such revelations how bubble-ized the narratives on history has been!!
During my elementary schools days (1960s) there had been race-riots only 10 miles from my home and school. .. My history teacher was a black woman. With a nice sweet voice she asked, Were there any good slave masters? .. I shot my hand into the air, and having 'read' the assigned studies in my history book, I almost-quoted the author saying that there were some "good" slave masters-- they were "good" to their slaves.
.. The RESPONSE she gave me???
It was like she changed personalities in front of me, and with all vileness said {using black colloquial speech} that there is NO SUCH THING as a "good" master.
.. That was sooo confusing! ..BUT, The Book said --- ____!
. .
As an Adult now, I "understand"..
When a people can't own their own selves,
then they are not Free.
. .
And, the KIDNAPPING of humans to make them SLAVES (for the purpose of saving money for 'successful capitalism'), was ABOMINABLE.
I now MORE discover-- that what I knew in a shallow and intellectual way, from recent year, that what I 'thought' I knew is WRONG.
Not EVERYTHING you read in the history books, or any book, is "correct"! But NOW.... I am sad, shocked, and in wonder of 'what it is I have learned'!
And, the SAME Evils that were going on in early 1900s with Hitler and the NAZIS is STILL brewing. NAZI were into the White and (Religious) Supremacy, and were KILLING human beings that did NOT agree with THEIR ideas.
In that Battle of Athens, their historic retelling was of Political war in that certain zone. The Democrats (according to their telling) were EVIL-DOERS.
.. Even in certain Political Wars now, Nationalists paint Democrats as 'actual demons'. (Whoah.. yeah there are Nationalist-christianity that say "democracy" is NOT 'In The Bible', and therefore is EVIL, and that the Bible promotes Rule by King, and that THAT"S what they are trying to do politically right now-- Eradicate Democracy, and democrats from being a Form of Govt. .. And they have GUNS, and they are Organized more and more and more...
. .
"Evidence" of what's been going on in the backgrounds of America right now is more telling, and frankly VERY frightening. ..
Both you (Eternal Energy) and Graham live OUTSIDE my Country, and across the Atlantic Ocean from me.
"America" and her Originally Formed Government that has lasted 245 years (on July 4th) was founded as a spiritual kind of 'idea' and as an Ideal. The "spiritual" part of it was like TV person "Mr. Rogers" .. you BE a Good Citizen and Good Neighbor to your fellow American. {asteroid Misterrogers is conjunct USA MOON! haha}
The men that wrote the Constitution were basically drafting rules based on the spiritual Ideals of judeo-christians-- promoting "The Golden Rule" {treat others the way 'you' want to be treated: Kindness, sharing, and Respect. If someone is in want, and you happen to have extra, then you Share}. Treat everybody right.
And, that ALL humans are CREATED Equal under the Eyes of God.
The MEN that made up the rules for us, as a nation back THEN-- at America's beginnings-- had NOT yet had the "FULL revelation" of Equal HUMANS yet. Black people were not considered 'human' but almost a grade of animal-humans to be clasped in Chains, and used like oxen, or beasts. {*tears* as I write this.. omg}.
And the WOMEN, were even less than a black man-- they didn't 'belong' to their own self as Independent humans. They were PROPERTY. MEN's property. They belonged to the 'father' who passed her off in marriage to another 'man'-- for the purpose of Babies and Serving {with no value really} in the home. ~Barefoot and Pregnant! --
In those early 1900s years, Women DIED, were beaten and KILLED, for fighting for The Vote. For a VOICE in Govt. She's still 'diminished' in that we fight for Equal MONEY for Labors same as the man.
We have come along in Time, but SLOW in recognizing the Value of a Human Being.
History Books
SO much revealing going on.
The ex-former admin in US wanted to FIX/fastened the History of America to a Nationalist WHITE Idealism.
I can HARDLY believe-- that over 30 States in the USA are banned from teaching about The Jewish Holocaust!!!, which was CORE to what Hitler and NAZIS and Supremists DID to a nation of PEOPLE.
RIGHT NOW, in the Modern United States of America, we (in my locality) have had PROTESTERS in front of The Holocaust Museum with placards and magaphones {sic} saying that HITLER was RIGHT!
. .
{These belong to a certain Nationalist extreme Right party that has been undermining The Vote, and working diligently to FORM a NEW Govt, re-writing their version of a Constitution, for the United States of America. Their Constitution is NOT based on democracy, but gives all power to a single-party that serves a King/ruler.
Our Nation was born to fight such tyranny.
-- These {as I breathe} are working towards DESTROYING The United States of America, and re-forming her AS ruled by dictatorship.
It's a Fight for Democracy right now.
That other group of domestic terrorists??, ARE the Group that want to BAN things from our History Books.
Being White makes you Right??
Although this is ALL so distorting of 'what' I had known, and what my Education System had taught, IT'S Time for REVELATION and Change .. for Good.
It was NOT 'good' to treat other humans like Animals and Property for the White Men who Ruled The Govt then, and want to RETURN everyone to it right NOW.
Hitler didn't die-- his evil is resident and by certain men, being raised-back-up into power. {God Forbid!}
These LESSONS NEED inclusion into our History Books.
Teach The Children about
Man's Inhumanity to Man.
Humans, Inhumane to the more vulnerable in "Humanity"
May Our Future Humans be Beings of Compassion!! :{
* Tulsa Race MASSACRE
- ulsa_race_massacre
- e-the-tulsa-massacre-the-red-summer-saw-white-mobs-murder-hundreds-of-black-americans-231429992.html
* The Holocaust
* an event that mirrors events in USA now
I hope the USA doesn't crumble under Pluto Return.
Some astrologers have been saying that the "experiment" of ruling ourselves has Failed. And that democracy is 'not normal'.
Feels as though our Society has grown more cold, more about 'self-only' and social darwinism echoes the ideals that peaked with Hitler .. and everything in history that BROUGHT his rise, has been repeated in US government politics. -- So SURREAL, as I read it, WHILE events now, looked like they were following THAT roadmap.
Sooo creepy !
And, The People Slept .. Numb ..
Just Numb .. and Unknowing
Like we have been being boiled, like frogs in a kettle
(music) Sounds of Silence..
(Disturbed - cover by Jadyn Rylee and Sina
Simon & Garfunkel original)