posted January 07, 2009 03:52 PM
hi alli HAve been reading a book called " Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Wash.iTs very interesting and in the 1st book he says that:
There are no GOOD or BAD - it just a matter of one of us who chooses to Do what we think it is "GOOD".
"GOD" said...even Hitler is in Heaven cause he appeared in this reality due to our own Universal Counscious,of a increasing group of persons who started to think as he thought...he says that WE ALL created Hitler.And that...he only did what he thought it was the Best.
at 1st i thought"what a crazy book"!!!but the more i read it,the more i understand it.
In that same way,i believe now that Hell do not exist.And that if GOD sends us to some realities,and if we are chosen to "exist",then...GOD ACCEPTS AND PERMITTS.Even if we do "wrong",God forgives cause nothinhg happens without his permission.
LUCIFER is not evil cause he is the same as an ANGEL.
mE AND MY BF have Lucifer in the 4h houses.
His LUCIFER sextile m sun.opose my Juno and trine my MC and Eros.Squares my Lucifer,karma,valentine and SPIRIT.
MY lucifer cj his DSC.Square his Angel and Karma.Trine his Sun.sEXTILE HIS EROS.
in our DRACO
MY LUCIFER cj his Moon.sextile his Spirit.
His LUCIFER cj my DNA.TRINES MY NN/Lilith.squared my Angel.