Topic: Astrological Abuse Aspects
tmiller Knowflake Posts: 0 From: Coatesville, PA 19320 Registered: May 2009
posted January 06, 2009 03:01 PM
Can anyone tell me any aspects to look for in a synastry chart that can tell you if your relationship is abusive? Also, in a single person's chart what are some aspects that can show abuse. Any help would be great!IP: Logged |
Peri Moderator Posts: 147 From: Ukraine Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 06, 2009 03:38 PM
i'd say nessus and pluto hard aspects to personal planetsIP: Logged |
CrabbyFish unregistered
posted January 06, 2009 03:44 PM
u might want to double check opn this site ill share w/ u...but i beleive hard aspects between mars and uranus....aflicted mars in capricorn....also some mars/pluto hard aspects...but maybe more of psychological abuse (pluto). good question!IP: Logged |
CrabbyFish unregistered
posted January 06, 2009 03:46 PM IP: Logged |
CrabbyFish unregistered
posted January 06, 2009 03:51 PM
Mars/Uranus hard aspect more of a temper and physical abuse a possibility. HArd Aspects to Mars in Capricorn is obviously more of a coldness and usery type of abuse. Mars/ Pluto hard aspects are more a mind-game ....power-play type of abuse. It can amount to abuse. It doesnt have to. But something to watch out for. Mars/Uranus is famous for BAAAAD temper. My Mom has this. Usually she used her "ire" for good purpose defending people..but one time..a police officer tried to arrest her (unjustly, I must say) but she put him in the was pretty bad.IP: Logged |
good girl Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 06, 2009 04:01 PM
pluto-mars aspects are very dangerous, from what I read it's more than mind games, they're very, dangerous. HI Crabbyfish!! 
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libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Arizona Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 06, 2009 04:09 PM
Eww mabe its a good thing I decided not to date this recent guy that asked me out, I did a look over his natal and he has Mars conjunction Uranus and Moon/Mars(in Sag)..yea I can see a temper that might jump out of no where. Also my Saturn on his Mars in synastry doesn't make things any better lol!------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer "I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me" IP: Logged |
aqua/scorp unregistered
posted January 06, 2009 04:10 PM
I guess these aspects would play out the same way in synastry between two people? IP: Logged |
FistOfLegend unregistered
posted January 06, 2009 04:10 PM
Mars and Uranus gets angry when they're being limited. They hate to be restricted, stifled, or directed. That to them is being shortchanged. Because of the great nervous energy associated with Uranus, it doesn't take long for them to get angry. Push them too far and lightning will strike. Probably the best thing for them to do is to take a walk, get away. The same goes for Jupiter. Both need a lot of space. I don't think Mars/Uranus is cruel. The second they feel they're being controlled, though, that's when things can get dangerous.
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tmiller Knowflake Posts: 0 From: Coatesville, PA 19320 Registered: May 2009
posted January 06, 2009 04:13 PM
So if a man has mars square uranus in his natal charge he can potentially be physically abusive?IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Arizona Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 06, 2009 04:14 PM
I have Mars square Pluto natally, and its more like I attract violent people or situations, than I myself being dangerous. I have Moon conjunction Jupiter which makes me a soft you have to look for other things in the chart that might look like potential abuse. Like example someone with Mars or Pluto in 3rd might be strong with communications, but have potential to be verbally abusive...and also what element its in makes a difference to, fire would be more impulsive.------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer "I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me" IP: Logged |
FistOfLegend unregistered
posted January 06, 2009 04:18 PM
If he gets angry, he might become physically and/or verbally abusive rather quickly, but I don't think for cruel reasons. Uranus isn't known for its cruelty. Between charts, energies can be explosive. They can be directed towards physical activity, sex, or fighting. It's been said that when the atom bomb hit Hiroshima, Mars conjunct Uranus was in its full form. IP: Logged |
Astra Knowflake Posts: 11 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 06, 2009 04:25 PM
In a natal chart, do soft aspects between mars/uranus or mars/pluto indicate an explosive temper or is a bad temper only indicated by hard aspects?IP: Logged |
FistOfLegend unregistered
posted January 06, 2009 04:25 PM
I would only worry about hard aspects. IP: Logged |
leapinglemur14 Knowflake Posts: 49 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 07, 2009 02:35 AM
i was abused my brother and (if im reading this right)his pluto (in the 12) oppose my mars (in his 6th) his sun and venus (3rd) oppose my saturn and uranus (his cusp of 3rd my cusp of 10) his pluto square my neptune (in his 3rd) his pluto square my venus (in my fourth, his 9th) i was going to start a thread on this too, but considering how personal it is...i hesitated. thank you tho..maybe this helps some
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leapinglemur14 Knowflake Posts: 49 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 07, 2009 02:38 AM
his moon also opposes his saturn/asc and squares his uranus. mars square jupiter saturn square uranus and ascthat might also be of help IP: Logged |
leapinglemur14 Knowflake Posts: 49 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 07, 2009 02:40 AM
also i his only 12 house planet is pluto..IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 247 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 07, 2009 05:33 AM
His Pluto is in the 12th, leaping?A lot of times we disown what falls into our 12th - Pluto's intensity is disowned somehow in the 12th (for some people, anyway). It's like we forget/repress what we put in the 12th sometimes, and it can emerge explosively at times...especially if it's something as intense as wouldn't come out nicely!! IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 247 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 07, 2009 05:39 AM
Moon opposing Saturn can show a level of personal depression also...sometimes. Do you know what signs they're in, leaping?IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 247 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 07, 2009 05:58 AM
I've noticed Pluto squaring the Sun in people can put them through the wringer in their own life. If it makes a tight square in synastry and the Sun person isn't familiar with the energy, it can be hell. But I think it also depends on type of 'abuse' you are talking about. It can be trans formative, but really almost harrowing. I don't see it as sweet or nice at all, and it can turn nasty if both people aren't completely honest with themselves or the other. Maybe a door-opener for some kind of abuse...don't know...
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted January 07, 2009 06:25 AM
Peri is 100% correct, first check for NESSUS and Pluto hard aspects. Pluto sq Moon or NESSUS sq Mars/Venus can be devastating.------------------ IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 07, 2009 06:51 AM
Off the top of my head,I've had two boyfriends and have one close friend who have Mars/Uranus aspects in their charts: two of them have the conjunction and the other has the square. None of them are remotely violent, which I am very sensitive to since I grew up in an abusive home, and I've never been in a physically abusive relationship.The way I have experienced Mars/Uranus hard aspects is that they do not want their freedom impinged upon. In other words, don't tell them what to do because that will undoubtedly make them do the opposite. I used to tease one of them that I knew the secret of how to make him do all sorts of things and that he was just lucky I have such a good heart!  The most they might do is get good and angry if they feel you are trying to control them, but never - in my experience - in a violent way. Or for the guy with his a full 12th house, he would just act in a passive-aggressive manner. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 07, 2009 06:55 AM
IQ ~ I have Nessus conjunct my Sun/Venus in Cancer, 2nd House and square Pluto in Libra, 5th. The only time I was ever violent was when I was fighting to save myself when I was little.So do you mean that aspect applies only to synastry or to natals as well?? IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 247 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 07, 2009 07:12 AM
Mars/Uranus is electric. I think of sparks flying off a person. I knew someone with this, and the first time I touched their hand, it was like a jolt of electricity (nothing bad...and they are up to this day one of the sweetest people I know), and on top of it, our Mars/Uranus opposed in a double whammy. I think it means also that you know how to push each other's buttons in ways that can get under the other person's skin, but you can also get each other out of ruts.And it can be highly sexual! IP: Logged |
AceNeerav unregistered
posted January 07, 2009 08:00 AM
i think u are asking for a very general answer for a very specific question. the planet pluto and the sign scorpio are linked with abuse. but that would mean that if the chart has pluto in some major aspect or heavy scorpio influence, it would make a person abusive. its just one of the tendency of this planet and sign.IP: Logged |