Topic: Composite Q & A
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 27, 2009 11:44 AM
IQ,let`s see how much on target you were. You said: "Pluto aspect Prosperpine Juno aspect Karma Union aspect Saturn Something very powerful conjunct midpoint of composite Sun and Moon." synastry: my Dad`s Pluto trines my mum`s Persephone (even if it isn`t Proserpine, it`s still pretty good I think)
no Juno-Karma aspect (except for a wide quinkunx with 2.2)
Composite: Juno widely squares Karma (2.9) Sun/Moon opposes Valentine Sun/Moon conjuncts the Davison Saturn Davison: Pluto squares Proserpine no aspects to the Davison Sun/Moon-midpoint, but curiously it falls exactly onto my tropical Venus with an orb of 0.0! Hmm, I`d say you have been right on the money with the connection between Pluto and Persephone / Proserpine
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted January 27, 2009 12:17 PM
Hi DD, I am not yet psychic Hmmm, Juno-Karma quincunx was almost there, 20 seconds off the mark... but we are getting some very strong clues to end this Venus-Pluto synastry misunderstanding and seeing the truth of Pluto-Persephone/Proserpine instead.Hi Lara, <<I have about 50+ bookmarked threads of IQ's with info scattered throughout and some of the info changes depending on the year of the thread>> To be very honest, many times when I read my posts, I think "Did I write that??!" My writing is burst-writing, inspired by that very moment. I never ever plan on what I am going to write, that keeps readings very fresh and non-boring like computer generated reports. Some of the writings look absurd to me after a few weeks, then after a few months they dont look so absurd. Hi PA, All the basics and advanced info will be part of the e-book, I must discuss with Randall on keeping the basics as a free download for all Knowflakes. My goal is that the free material alone should be better than the $39.95 books on astrology. Today my study on Asteroids proved to me that it is better than anything else available on Astrology. Many would have heard of Ramalinga Raju, the master of all frauds in Indian Corporate History through "Satyam". He stashed away 2 billion$ through fraudlent accounting and bought more than 10000 acres of land across South India using 247 fictitious companies held in the name of non-existent people for whom he was forging signatures. 50,000 families are afflicted and hundreds of thousands of samll investors have lost their shirt when the Satyam stock crashed to 50 cents from 20+. Every day we get more shocking news of his malpractices. I can challenge every traditional astrologer to find out what shows this specific tendency to swindle in this large scale that leaves the Govt of India speechless, for weeks. They wont find anything in his chart. Neither the vedics nor the tropical nor the Uranians. If I show his chart to them in a mix of 10 charts, they may even praise the man generously. It is true, there were so many nice placements of the planets. Only the Asteroids revealed the truth. He has Asteroid MIDAS retrograde conjuncting ALGOL absolutely precisely opposed to Asteroid SWINDLE in Scorpio. Precise. Precise. Precise. My book will strive honestly to be the most useful one ever in modern astrological applications for exposing the specific truths for attaining self actualization. ------------------ IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 27, 2009 02:16 PM
Hi IQ,"I am not yet psychic" I wouldn`t be so sure about that. I think your intution is extremely strong. "ut we are getting some very strong clues to end this Venus-Pluto synastry misunderstanding and seeing the truth of Pluto-Persephone/Proserpine instead." Yes, and it makes sense, too. There has never been a romantic bond between Venus and Pluto in mythology, on which our interpretations of astrological aspects are largely based. Instead there has been one between Pluto and Persephone / Proserpina.
For me it definitely is true. I also looked at my aspects between mythological figures, I share with that singer, and it seems to confirm that yet again, that this couple is important for me, at least. We have: in synastry: his Sun exactly sextile my Moon my Pluto exactly trine his Proserpine my Pluto exacty opposes his Persephone his Adonis trine my Inannen in midpoint composite:
Eros opposite Psyche Isis conjunct Osiris Sun/Moon-midpoint widely conjunct Hera (3.1) in Davison:
Jupiter conjunct Hera Eros conjunct Psyche Those links between Pluto and Proserpine / Persephone look intriguing to me, and might explain to a certain degree why I have admired him for so long. "To be very honest, many times when I read my posts, I think "Did I write that??!"" Ah, I know that feeling, can relate well to it, as it has happened so often to me. Sometimes when some of my old threads are being bumped and I reread them, I almost feel embarrassed. Sometimes, though, I am almost impressed with the train of thought. But that happens if you write instinctively. I could never plan it. If I did, it would be no good. "He has Asteroid MIDAS retrograde conjuncting ALGOL absolutely precisely opposed to Asteroid SWINDLE in Scorpio. Precise. Precise. Precise." That is just so astounding, how precise the asteroids describe what really happens.
I looked up Inannen in my chart, and it is exactly conjunct Kaali (both are retrograde though) and both are conjunct SN and trine Pluto and Aphrodite. Why am I even still surprised? lol
"My book will strive honestly to be the most useful one ever in modern astrological applications for exposing the specific truths for attaining self actualization." I can`t wait for it. When will you publish it?
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Lara Knowflake Posts: 420 From: aspideronmars Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 27, 2009 02:47 PM
ok l did mine too cos i'm stuck at home tonight and was interested.SYNASTRY his juno sq my jupiter his prosperpine trine my pluto his karma trine my juno his osiris trine my isis exact his eros trine my psyche his psyche trine my eros his zeus quincunx my hera his zeus trine my juno his innanen trine my adonis COMPOSITE eros trine psyche exact venus conjunct mars jupiter sextile juno zeus sextile hera (5) sun/moon midpoint exact conjunct his sun DAVISON proserpina conjunct pluto juno semi sextile karma exact osiris conjunct isis siva sextile kaali exact mars trine venus zeus semi square hera exact sun/moon midpoint exact conjunct my neptune IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 27, 2009 02:59 PM
IQ,what orbs do we use? 2°, and 3° for conjunctions? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 27, 2009 03:05 PM
Lara,if the orbs are reasonable (yes, I know, I can be annoying. ), this is a very impressive list. IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 420 From: aspideronmars Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 27, 2009 03:09 PM
reasonable orbs.. the only ones over 2 degrees areeros/psyche DW but at 4/5 degrees and double whammy l figured they were potent Thanks DD.. thats why i listed, cos they looked HOT! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 27, 2009 03:53 PM
Well, personally I would sort them out; 4 / 5 are just too wide for asteroid aspects for my taste, especially if both are over 2°.But that is just my very personal opinion. However, you do have the exact Eros-Psyche-trine in the Composite, right? I think you may feel that much more than the wide Eros-Psyche-aspects in the synastry. But yes, I agree, it looks hot. So, how are things going with that guy?
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Lara Knowflake Posts: 420 From: aspideronmars Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 27, 2009 04:09 PM
we have persephone conjunct saturn exact too..I personally think 4/5 is fine for a DW especially as it's also in the composite or davison too which is exact. The DW makes it a circle of continual energy so l don't have a problem with it. We have osiris/isis EXACT and siva/kaali so i'm not so bothered about whether eros/psyche comes within the rules or not IP: Logged |
evander Knowflake Posts: 19 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 27, 2009 04:37 PM
since i am very lousy at interpreting composites i would like if anyone could answer to a synastry asteroid question:How important is the asteroid Union? (I have it conjunct Juno) It exactly conjuncts the venus of the guy Not a double whammy... though he does have proserpine conjuncting my venus/pluto Does any of that mean something significant? tia IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 27, 2009 05:03 PM
Lara,I think if we allow too wide orbs, everything will be in aspect with everything, and we can read the nicest things into it. Espeically if we are dealing with asteroids, it can get out of hand. But you`re definitely on the safe side with your exact aspect in the composite. However, let`s just agree to disagree on the matter of orbs. Evander,
According to IQ Union is very important in relationships. Union-Venus could hint at a love relationship, or at least a connection that is founded on admiration, sympathy and everything Venus stands for. Proserpine-Pluto is a soulmate couple, so definitely significant. Pluto is pretty passioante about Proserpine. I think the Pluto person would be affected first and very strongly, and Proserpine needs to get "convinced" a little bit.
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Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 27, 2009 09:27 PM
Our synastry:His Jupiter square my Zeus His Hera trine my Zeus (and conjunct my Asc) His Juno quincunx my Zeus His Zeus quincunx my Hera His Pluto sextile my Persephone My Pluto quintile his Persephone His Psyche quincunx my Cupido His Isis conjunct my Osiris His Siva semi-sextile my Parvati Other aspects I found interesting:
My Siva trines his Mars His Kaali trines my Mars His Innanen trines my Jupiter My Adonis trines his Mars My Adonis conjuncts both our NN's We have an exact grand trine with both our North Nodes conjunct with my Adonis in Scorpio, trining my Siva in Pisces and his Mars in Cancer. The Composite: Siva conjunct Parvati Jupiter trine Juno Adonis sextile Innanen Venus quintile Mars Isis semi-sextile Osiris Eros quincunx Cupido Davison ~ same as composite, plus:
Eros quintile Psyche Jujo quincunx Zeus Siva quintile Kaali I think that's it...I'm pretty tired right now so I'll come back later to double check these. But I think that about does it. There seem to be a lot of minor aspects going on here...alot of quincunxes and quintiles! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 28, 2009 02:56 AM
Love,you have Isis-Osiris and Siva-Parvati, and since those are conjunctions this looks very strong to me. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2009 05:27 AM
Not sure if I should post here or go back to the Proserpina/Persephone board... Anyhow, I am starting to notice quite a few exact aspects with these two in my synastry.My Persephone quincunx his Mars His Persephone trine my Mars My Persephone sextile his Karma His Persephone quintile my Karma His Proserpina trine my Neptune My Proserpina quincunx his Neptune and my Persephone conjunct his Neptune My Proserpina is conjunct his South Node/Vesta and quintile his Valentine My Persephone is quincunx his Vesta and semi-sextile his North Node and His Persephone is square my Valentine Also, I found it interesting that my Natal Proserpina conjuncts his Draco Persephone.
Also, in his natal chart he has Persephone exactly conjunct his Ascendant with only 9 minutes of arc *and* he has Proserpina exactly conjunct his IC with only 14 minutes of arc!!! IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2009 05:31 AM
DD ~ So, with the conjunctions of Isis/Osiris and Siva/Parvati, are these simply suggestive of a soulmate relationship/past life together or is it even more specific than that?Would it mean that our past life together was Egyptian? It's funny because I feel like it resonates more with me that we would have had a medieval past in the UK somewhere. Maybe I should look up some Arthurian asteroids... IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2009 06:01 AM
Arthurian asteroids: (not all, but some) My Guinevere oppose his Moon My Lancelot trine his Moon (although widely) My Merlin trine his Moon My Camelot square his Moon
My Lancelot square his Sun My Camelot trine his Sun His Camelot trine my Amor His Camelot opposite my Sun and Venus My Merlin conjunct his Arthur and his SN His Merlin opposite my Pluto and Karma My Arthur sextile his Amor His Arthur conjunct my Amor His Arthur conjunct my Moon My Arthur square his Moon My Camelot conjunct his Ascendant His Excalibur trine my Ascendant My Guinevere sextile his Lancelot His Lancelot sextile my Valentine His Camelot quintile my Valentine His Guinevere trine my NN My Lancelot quintile his NN There are still more I think, but I guess that's enough. Those are all pretty close orbs too. Hm.
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evander Knowflake Posts: 19 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2009 08:04 AM
dd thank you for clearing it up for me IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 28, 2009 08:07 AM
Love,hm, Siva conjunct Parvati and Isis conjunct Osiris could relate to a Tantric or Egyptian past lifeline I guess (better ask IQ about it, too, though). But I know what you mean about the UK, I also have a very very strong feeling I have had a past life there. Synastry seems to be strong relating to Arthurian asteroids, but have a look at your natals, too. Maybe you will find an Arthurian asteroid conjunct Sun, Moon, NN, Karma, DNA or ASC or Saturn. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 01, 2009 06:56 PM
DD ~I just checked a few of the Arthurian asteroids in my natal and I have Merlin in the the 12th conjunct my Moon/South Node which, along with POF, Psyche and my name asteroid in my 3rd, form a yod with the apex point being Camelot Rx in the 7th. Camelot opposes Arthur in the 1st. And also Guinivere is conjunct Valentine, exactly. So I suppose my intuition on that is backed up a bit astrologically IP: Logged |
yuting unregistered
posted February 01, 2009 10:02 PM
From these posts, I am starting to get fascinated by asteroids. I am sure it has been discussed somewhere, but how can I find out the asteroids of indiv charts and composite charts?IP: Logged |
yuting unregistered
posted February 01, 2009 10:26 PM
Can someone help me with this composite? Female: hong kong, CHINA Aug 11 1971 12:57:00 AM AWDTMale: Hong Kong, CHINA Oct 20 1970 6:15:00 AM AWST Composite aspects: Sun is Trine Moon Orb 1` 05' Sun is Sextile Jupiter Orb 2` 13' Sun is Conjunct Pluto Orb 6` 25' Moon is Opposite Jupiter Orb 1` 07' Moon is Square N. Node Orb 2` 12' Mercury is Conjunct Venus Orb 3` 16' Mercury is Trine Saturn Orb 2` 37' Mercury is Sextile Neptune Orb 0` 49' Mercury is Conjunct Pluto Orb 2` 30' Venus is Conjunct Pluto Orb 5` 47' Mars is Sextile Uranus Orb 2` 11' Mars is Trine Ascendant Orb 0` 20' Mars is Trine Chiron Orb 2` 10' Jupiter is Square N. Node Orb 3` 20' Saturn is Opposite Neptune Orb 1` 48' Saturn is Trine Pluto Orb 0` 07' Uranus is Sextile Ascendant Orb 2` 31' Uranus is Opposite Chiron Orb 0` 01' Neptune is Sextile Pluto Orb 1` 41' Chiron is Trine Ascendant Orb 2` 30' Composite Houses: 2H - sun, Mer, Plu 3H - Ven, Ura 4H - Jup, Nep 5H - Mars 10H - Moon, Sat I dont have the asteroids. Thanks in advance
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