Topic: Vindemiatrix . Libra 8'50 . The Widow Maker
Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 09, 2009 03:20 PM
I've contemplated this degree for quite some time now since I have Pluto, but more importantly, asteroid Karma at exactly 8'9 degrees LIBRA.Apparently it frequently marks the death of one's partner, obviously making one a widow (or widower if you're a man). I generally don't buy into doom and gloom interpretations when it comes to astrology but since it's a fixed star, I'm not so sure it's influence would not be felt in some manner... Interestingly, in my Draco chart, I have Jupiter at 9'01 degrees Libra. Who else has planet/asteroid.angle at 8 degrees LIBRA? Do you have any experiences or observations to share? IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 10, 2009 05:13 AM
I have the Moon at 7.5 Libra and my father became a widower in the prime of his life.
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praecipua unregistered
posted February 10, 2009 09:39 AM
karma 8'35 for me too. i searched it on the web and came up, like u did, with this definition of "widow maker". but that is, like so many other information on the web, only one idea (vivian Robson's version of this star) that is repeatedly used by every website. they don't bother to dig deeper but just cut and paste' something that was previously said somewhere else. it is the same with so many subject regarding astrology when you find the same article published on different websites. i'm lucky to be french and be able to multiply the sources for that reason. i'd like to tell u what i found about vindemiatrix. The history of the star Vindemiatrix this star is also called: Almuredin perhaps from Al Muridin, which means in arabic "Those Who Sent Forth", "who shall come down", or "who shall have dominion" Vindemiator, Vindemitor, Provindemiator, Provindemia major are latin names derived from the greek words Protrugeter, Protrugetes, protrugetos, and Trugeter. these words signify the "Grape-gatherer" or "Fruit-plucking Herald" because the star was rising in the morning in late august (begining of the harvest). vindemiatrix is also a Chaldee word which means "the son", or "branch, who cometh". so let's not get abused by Robson's definition of this star as the only and unique. IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted February 10, 2009 10:49 AM
abou the link up there, it's funny to note that with the same link, we can notice different informations (i don't mean that i don't agree with this idea, but i don't want to swallow it just because viviane robson said this star makes widows.) if u scroll down this page, there is a paragraph about vindemiatrix IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 04:10 AM
i decided to look at it myself. on astrotheme, u can find more than 34000 chart of famous people.i first started to look at famous people i knew were in a couple and one of them became widow (male or female). i only thought of 5 couples. Rainier 3 of monaco who married Grace Kelly. she died in a car accident a long time before him. he had saturn at 13'35 libra. Coretta Scott King was the wife of Martin Luther King. she has her asc at 6'38 libra. Michel Berger is a famous singer/songrwriter in france, he was married to France Gall, a singer. he died in the 90's and his widow has neptune at 10'53 libra. yoko ono has her ascendant at 8'30 libra. the only couple that i thought of which didn't fit was pierre and marie curie. they were two french scientist who worked on uranium at the bigining of the 19th century. pierre died 30 years before his wife but she didn't have any planet or angle around 10' libra. because i din't know any other famous couple with one of them becoming a widow, i decided to look at the list given in with planets located in libra. i'll write here what i found. not right now because it will take time but the first 2 of the list are Monica Belluci (sun 7'34) and Mahatma Gandhi (sun 8'53). she is married to Vincent Cassel, a french actor and still alive. the mahatma was married to his wife since the age of 13 until she died... 4 years bnefore him in 1944. so he was a widow for 4 years but their marriage lasted for more than 60 years. i'll get back with more data.  edit: i came across 2 other couples: Linda and Paul McCartney. he's a widower but doesn't have any planet around libra 10'. however, she has juno at 9'16. Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford. his ascendoant is not within a reasonable orbn, around 2' of libra. so i don't count it. but she's got her MC at 8'21 and venus at 13'35 libra. however, considering the 22 years gap between them, i believe it is likely that he dies before her. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 13, 2009 02:42 PM
Thanks for the replies praecipua and IQ!Wow praecipua, thanks for all the links and info. Have not been around much this past week but I will be back online next week, both to respond properly as well as see if I can dig up any more info myself  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted February 13, 2009 03:17 PM
This fixed star also interested me at some point and I've done some research on it too. Unfortunately I don't keep records, but I do remember finding a link between Vindemiatrix and widows. I also found asteroid VESTA (one of its meanings is sacrifice, loss) to be of importance, especially if it makes an aspect to Saturn (of course squares and oppositions and quincunxes, but I also found conjunctions in widow's charts). I have POF at 8 Libra, in the 8th house of death... We'll see. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 163 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 13, 2009 04:36 PM
I have BRADY'S BOOK OF FIXED STARS by Bernadette Brady.This is what she wrote about Vindemiatrix. Please keep in mind that she uses the paran method and doesn't project stars onto the ecliptic like Diane Rosenberg does. It would seem that statements made by Robson and Rigor concerning the evil nature of the star are not supported in its history. Vindemiatrix no longer seems to hold its strength or power in our times, for not only has it dimmed in magnitude but also in effect. Vindemetriax was connected with the time of harvest and therefore implies a time of action, a time to pick up what one has sown. Marie Curie, the Polish-born French physicist who, along with her husband Pierre, discovered the new element radium and then managed to extract a small of it from hundreds of pitchblende, was born with Mars,Saturn,and Mercury conjunct and setting with Vindemiatrix. She is generally remembered for her remarkable "harvest" of the new element. Vindemiatrix in the Natal Chart: This star will not force its mark onto your life, like the great Spica or one of the Royal Stars. However,it will show that you are a collector or gatherer. You will be action oriented, not in an Aries-Mars manner but in a gentler way, focused on taking the time to harvest what you have planted, to patiently collect the things that you like or need. Art collectors, stamp collectors, people who gather facts or things are expressions of this star. Raymond
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praecipua unregistered
posted February 14, 2009 08:36 AM
quote: Marie Curie, the Polish-born French physicist who, along with her husband Pierre, discovered the new element radium and then managed to extract a small of it from hundreds of pitchblende, was born with Mars,Saturn,and Mercury conjunct and setting with Vindemiatrix.
her chart doesn't show mars saturn and mercury near vindemiatrix. i really want to dig more about this star. i'll do the resaerch that i said, and i started, but because i want to do it thoroughly i'll have to give it some time. i've got some exams to prepare for uni so this will postpone the results; IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 163 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 14, 2009 10:15 AM
That's because it's the paran methodBernadette Brady doesn't use stars projected onto the ecliptic like Diana Rosenberg. a paran is when a planet is on one angle and star is on an angle at a moment of time for instance while Fomalhaut is setting at the time Moon is Rising. it's using the horizon coordinates here is a lecture of Visual Astrology I hope that clears up confusion.
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