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Author Topic:   Ouch! Scorpio stung Lion
posted February 18, 2009 05:07 PM           Edit/Delete Message
I don't know you but I really despise the melodramatic Leo. I often fantasize about "putting them in there place". Positively 4th street by Bob Dylan is a great example.
Leo seems to me to be absolutely incapable of doing any analysis whatsoever. Despite what is said, they aren't creative, as far as I've seen.
Leos remind me of walls. They're against you if you come at them from a right angle. They are in their position because they've been hit on it's sides causing them to face the towards that side like a rack and pinion steering system. You just have to push their side so they're not in your way, and are just bloody annoying.
Their views are made up of affectation, they have never thought to analyze anything and get to it's root.
Their use is that of the aloof icon. They're to stupid to think about what others will think of them, so they can sing in the band.

And that is my elaboration of the Zodiac sign I despise most: Leo.

Sun: Pisces
Moon: Libra
Rising: Scorpio

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posted February 18, 2009 05:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
Yep, like G.B. Shaw, Robert Graves, Carl Jung, Aldous Huxley, Alexandre Dumas, Emily Bronte, Knut Hamsen, Karl Popper, Dorothy Parker, Bella Abzug, Paul Dirac, George Soros, Sara Teasdale, Stanton Freidman, Percy Shelley, Polanski, Wenders, William Goldman, Thorstein Veblen, Herman Melville, Robert Hughes, Robert Southey, Rupert Brooke, Alfred Tennyson, Orville Wright, Marcel Duchamp, Emil Nolde, Henry Moore, Hillaire Belloc, Alex Haley, Alfred Hitchcock, Count Basie, Louis Armstrong, Charles Bukowski, Primo Levi...

Yes, we Leos are all, clearly, hopeless bimbos with no creative ability or capacity for deep thought.

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posted February 19, 2009 11:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message
I have to find the posts Lucia later on when I have permanent net access. However, there was a guy who was Virgo/Sco that kept on inviting you touch him. Maybe you were just friends and you were trying to figure out if he was interested in you. I can't remember the details, it's been too long and too much has happened in the meantime with me so I'll try and find the post later on however it doesn't seem to be the same one that we were discussing.

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posted February 20, 2009 01:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
I can't remember the details, it's been too long and too much has happened

Clearly, to me too! I don't know any Virgo/Scorpios.

Maybe you're referring to an old post about this Scorpio, when we were friends and he hadn't made his interest clear. (We broke off and then came back, recently, and he let me know how he felt about me.) But he's not a Virgo, and "inviting me to touch him" sounds really, really weird. Maybe I was contrasting my friend with the Scorpio I was attracted to in the past who was really odd about touch and seemed NOT to want me to touch him. I erroneously thought it was some Scorpio hang-up, until I met my friend, who is like a normal man vis a vis touch.

Anyway, it's not at all relevent now. I'm moving on. I'm not sure why whether or not I got hurt trying to see where things would go with a guy I'd posted about before, or with a new guy, would make a difference. It certainly doesn't to me. it's time for me to close this door.

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From: The Strand
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posted February 21, 2009 04:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message
Ok fair enough

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posted February 21, 2009 05:05 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Lucia23, this is exactly the same thing I was going through recently - only I'm an Aries. The guy was giving me grief when I'd just had a nasty accident involving my teeth. Scorpio or no Scorpio - although it was, I have to say, typical Scorpio behaviour, it was also typical of someone with borderline personality disorder - I simply couldn't put up with it, because in my book, if a bloke gives you grief when you're ill, he's not worth hanging on to. I was actually really annoyed that he almost deliberately sought out the opportunity to have a go at me for what amounted to a miniscule problem, compared to what I was facing.
I think the fact that I had the accident shocked him a bit and I got the feeling that he sort of saw me as "damaged goods" and in a sense couldn't deal with it because I wasn't as physically "perfect" as I had been - although I got everything sorted out pretty damn quick and, for the moment, the prognosis seems good (touch wood). He'd been through a similar accident a while back but wasn't as lucky - although I liked him just the same and couldn't care whether he had a few imperfections or not. Maybe he was jealous - who knows?

Anyway, I got a lot of tripe about some tiny perceived problem of his, became nettled, the argument escalated and went on for almost a week, and in the end I think we were both working out our dumping strategies - he'd dumped me 3x before (by text, and for very silly reasons), so I dumped him by text for good measure, and I have to say it gave me some satisfaction. Boy, oh boy, he wasn't pleased - but as far as I'm concerned, he got what he deserved.

I sometimes wonder whether Scorpio-influenced people put the hex on me when I fall out with them, as I can go through the most diabolical depression afterwards, and feel as though I've been given 7 years of bad luck - but perhaps that's just my imagination working overtime - I talked with someone about this and they said: "Don't give them that power. If you give them that power, where are you? Don't let them into your orbit!!!"

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posted February 21, 2009 05:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for koiflower     Edit/Delete Message
Poor you Xena. I'm glad you were fixed quick smart after your accident.

Lucia - As sunshine lion said, you are a Queen and deserve a royal romance.

One partner had Moon in Scorpio and I have felt the depths they can plunge to. It can feel hugely complex and difficult to understand. I've felt the sting too. It can knock the wind out of a Leo sail.

Whatever you choose to do, remember the Lion is a big cat and cats always land on their feet.

Love to you.....

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posted February 21, 2009 08:09 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Leos like happy people, strong but happy, not too much negativity, they also need to be cuddled and given a lot of support, this is why Leo men like an adoring mate. Even though they may be negative or get moods at times when thwarted, they need positivity in others, otherwise they can feel squelched.

I think we Fire signs are better off with mostly fellow fire or air signs. Water signs are happiest with their own kin LOL...

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posted February 21, 2009 12:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Scorpios can't be all that bad, you might just met one at the end of the totem pole, it happens and their not all negative and moody either, my Scorpio girl friend is the bounciest, happiest, alive person ever and she's quite funny but she might be higher up on the totem pole then other Scorpios, after all they do evolve.

I think Fire and Water can get along, Look at the Leo/Pisces or Leo/Cancer couples and friendships. Plus Fire and Water energies our endowded with creativity, you just have to learn to tap into that source and grow from that.

Don't turn away from another Scorpio because this one was a jerk, there might be another one out there, who is more loving and caring then this guy. Thats the only thing that irks me about Astrology, one bad apple squeezes their way into our hearts and then we start to think maybe we can't be with that sign. From personal experiences I should have sworn of Pisces and Aquarius, after what happened in the past but in order to heal my heart and I had to forgive and open up to these Signs and Im glad I did, I met the most wonderful Pisces Couple both Pisces Sun/Scorpio Moon and even had a wacky offbeat summer romance with an Aquarius my Sophmore year, even though he moved away I have found memories of him.

I hope you can heal from this, I know you Leo's have a big heart and are very sweet endearing people, my kindest and most sensitive friend from middle school and on today is a July 31st Leo, love her to pieces.X3

Yes I edited in more because my heart is soft and mushy right now, forgive me >.<.

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posted February 21, 2009 12:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mblover     Edit/Delete Message
cheshirekat, what is your birthdate? are you a male or female?

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posted February 21, 2009 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
Just for the record, this guy is not a jerk or a horrible person. He just stung me, we are both hurt, and it's sadly not gonna work out with us.

I've hurt people too, and I'm a sweet, warm, loving person. Sometimes when a lot of feelings get involved and people are vulnerable, hurt happens.

As someone with a stellium in my 8th house, including my Sun, a Pisces Jupiter, and a 7th house Cancer stellium (including my Moon), I wouldn't turn away any Sun Sign just cause of his Sun Sign, and I might be very compatible with some Scorpios. I don't think astrology dictates human compatibility and behavior.

I'm having trouble moving on. I'm not seeing or talking to him, but it's hard even to resist his phone messages and texts.

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posted February 23, 2009 12:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
Aaaghgh! Why is he so fragile?

I told him right from the beginning that I am not looking for something intense/serious right now (having been in one relationship for my whole adult life, and being single for about 4 minutes.) I've NEVER been dishonest with him or deceived him. And now he's saying I broke his heart. Via text!!!!! (Since the sting, I haven't taken his calls.)

I care about him a LOT and we were friends, but it wasn't okay for him to keep testing me and hurting me and trying to make me jealous (which is soooo not hard) and trying to manipulate me. I had to stand up for myself by gently just saying No to there being an "us."

But I can feel that he's really hurting now. This sucks. He has SUCH a double standard, too.

He wants to be friends, but I think it would hurt me too much. And he can't treat me right as a friend, either.

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posted February 23, 2009 01:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CoralBird     Edit/Delete Message
And this is why I am so dead set against people testing, manipulating and playing games. It hurts the other person. I’ve had it done to me before; to the point I became numb with indifference. There’s only so much a person will take before they say they've had enough.

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posted February 23, 2009 10:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VirgOh     Edit/Delete Message
Go Scorps! LOL

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posted February 23, 2009 01:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
Go Scorps! LOL

In what sense? That he hurt me? Or, that he's texting and leaving phone messages saying I'm breaking his heart? Are you a big fan of people getting hurt? Or is your comment not in reference to this thread at all? I find it very confusing.

That said, I like Scorpios and have some close Scorpio friends, and just because I cannot give this guy another chance doesn't mean I don't care about him, either. We just aren't a good match romantically.

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posted February 23, 2009 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VirgOh     Edit/Delete Message
I like Scorpios too. Go Scorps! LOL

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posted February 23, 2009 08:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
I just don't understand how that pertains to this thread. At all. Could somebody help clarify it for me?

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posted February 23, 2009 10:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CoralBird     Edit/Delete Message
It has nothing to do with this thread. Take a look at the ‘Why do I like Pisces’ thread.

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posted February 23, 2009 11:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks, Coralbird.

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