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  Come on in here everyone and post your placements! R any of us Knowflakes Soulmates? (Page 4)

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Author Topic:   Come on in here everyone and post your placements! R any of us Knowflakes Soulmates?
posted March 04, 2009 04:58 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Hi PeaceAngel,
I know about your Karma but yours is not a random chart we interact regularly.

My wife has Asc square this degree exact and Moon opposing it.

Likewise, I have interacted a lot with VenusDeIndia and she too has very strong aspects to 13.2 degree Aries with PHOLUS on that degree and True Node exactly squaring it.

I do not know anyone with birthdate 3rd of April, such a person will make friends with me instantly in the real world.

Others who have an impact or interact with me a lot have a very strong conjunction to my South Node at 21.2 Aries.
My best friend so far has his North Node conjunct my South Node!

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posted March 04, 2009 05:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

Do you feel a connection with any celebrities born on 3 April?

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posted March 04, 2009 05:17 AM           Edit/Delete Message

my Chiron is on 20.0 Aries conjunct your SN. Do you think this means that I have hurt you in the past?
If so, I sincerely apologize. I`m sure I didn`t want to do that.

Oh and I just realized that my DNA and Babel are on your True Node, and my Dr Vesta is exactly on your SN.
Hm, interesting. Not sure how to interprete that though.
But it doesn`t seem so surprising that you instinctively knew about this Babylonion past life I´ve had.

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posted March 04, 2009 05:26 AM           Edit/Delete Message
In lieu of an introduction:

It's nice to put a chart to a username.

P.S IQ I think my Venus likes your ASC - does she make you feel 'pretty' [<-- Harmless jest]
Having a day when everything I say comes out wrong.

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posted March 04, 2009 05:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lechien     Edit/Delete Message
Iq, my moon falls on your AC.

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posted March 04, 2009 06:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MyVirgoMask     Edit/Delete Message
Red Star, my goodness, your North Node is conjunct my South Node by about 2 degrees!!!

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posted March 04, 2009 06:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message
MVM we should trade tips and secrets, since with reversed nodes, we are going to the places the other is coming from Thats not cheating, right?

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posted March 04, 2009 06:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MyVirgoMask     Edit/Delete Message
Can't be cheating, the information is too accessible

I've got my NN in the 9th in Cappy...SN in Cancer in the 3rd....that means it's too easy for me to feel at home online

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posted March 04, 2009 06:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Lol hey online is a great place to call home
My SN is conjunct Neptune so I'm not sure what that was all about, as my recollections are hazy to say the least.

From what I gather, keep your heart intact, and you'll be soaring through your Capricornian lessons.

* Goes off to retrieve and dust off her heart from it's secret locker 20,000 leagues under the sea.*

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posted March 04, 2009 06:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Raymond, there are some interesting connections between our charts.

I don't know how to post my chart, so here's just a list:

Sun 5 deg Virgo
ASC 13 deg Leo
Moon 6 deg Libra
Mercury 8 deg Leo
Venus 11 deg Libra
Mars 5 deg Scorpio
Jupiter 27 deg Gemini
Saturn 14 deg Pisces
Uranus 14 deg Virgo
Neptune 17 Scorpio
Pluto 15 deg Virgo
NN 8 deg Gemini

Chiron 20 deg Pisces
Vertex 29 deg Sagittarius
Eros 17 deg Pisces
Valentine 10 deg Capricorn
Juno 3 deg Aquarius
Karma 23 deg Aquarius

~ Lana

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posted March 04, 2009 06:58 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Hi RedStar,
Not surpising, we interact a lot too. Look at the T-Square of my Asc conj your Venus to your Kaali and my KARMA!

Hi PeaceAngel,
What a great tip!

Famous People born on April 3rd:
<<1924 Doris Day (actress, singer)
1924 Marlon Brando (actor)
Am a fan of both, completely fascinated by Brando's life.

<< 1942 Wayne Newton (singer) >>
Absolutely like his voice and his endurance in Vegas.

<< 1944 Tony Orlando (singer - "Tie A Yellow Ribbon 'Round The Old Oak Tree") >>
I have never heard of Tony Orlando but this song is the only song I remember completely from age 4.

<< 1958 Alec Baldwin (actor) >>
Hate him, yet have watched all his movies...

<< 1961 Eddie Murphy (comedian, actor) >>
Am a total Fan. Again, have watched all his movies.

<< On This Day In History.
1984 Rakesh Sharma is the first Indian in space.
Yup, India started Her modern growth story from this day. 1984 was when I came to India for good from Arabia.

So our Ascendant has more impactful effect than we realize?

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posted March 04, 2009 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dazzled     Edit/Delete Message
Hey IQ, this is quite amusing and potentially embarrassing...I have Eros at 13 Deg Aries!


Don't worry! I know you're happily married!

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posted March 04, 2009 08:29 AM           Edit/Delete Message

I definitely think the ASC is very much underrated. It seems to make a HUGE difference. And it`s even logical, isn´t it?
It`s our cord to this physical realm.

AND without its existence people, born on subsequent days would be the same. and it`s not like that.

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posted March 04, 2009 09:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message

your chart is almost identical to the one of my youngest brother.

Just the angles are different, and your Moon is 6° off his Sag-Moon.

Synastrywise we have some interesting aspects going on.

Your ASC conjuncts my Valentine
Your Psyche trines my Eros
Your Moon conjuncts my Mars, Amor, ASC
your Uranus / Jupiter conjuncts my Neptune, ASC, NN
Your Neptune conjuncts my Sun
Your Sun conjuncts my Juno and Jupiter
your Vesta / Mars conjuncts my IC and trines my Mars / ASC
Your Antivertex conjuncts my Venus
Your Pluto conjuncts my Union
Your IC conjuncts my Juno exactly

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posted March 04, 2009 11:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message
I didnt know that your ASC was at 13 Aries.

My DNA is exactly opposed that at 13 Libra
(your ASC is exactly conj my sisters DNA!).....interesting
My Juno is conj at 15 Aries
My Lucifer is conj at 11 Aries
My Eris is conj at 14 Aries
Isis is widely con at 10 Aries

Atlantis is Semi sextile at 13 Taurus
Sphinx is square at 13 Cancer
Anubis is square at 14 Cap

NN is inconjunct (widely) at 16 Virgo.

There is like 5 or 6 more but thats interesting. But then again I guess I don't really count, because we interact. lol

Also look at what else I found:

Your Sun at 3 Cancer
Conjuncts my Vertex at 5 Cancer
Trines my Adonis at 5 Aquarius

Your Moon at 7 Libra:
opposes my Tut at 5 Aries
exactly opposes my Mars at 7 Aries
Trines my Psyche at 7 Aquarius
Sextiles my Kaali at 7 Leo

Your Merc at 26 Gemini:
Sextiles my Sun at 26 Aries
Trines My IC/Pallas at 25 Aquarius
Squares my Merc at 29 Pisces

Your Venus 17 Taurus:
Conjunct my DC at 18 Taurus
Opposes my Uranus at 19 Scorp

Your NN at 22 Libra:
quincunx my Venus at 22 Pisces
SN is not far from my Sun at 26 Aries

Your Pluto at 11 Libra:
quincunx my DNA at 13 Libra
semi sext my Angel at 11 Virgo.

Your DNA at 15 Gemini:

Square my NN/Musa at 16 Virgo
Conjunct my Hekate at 15 Gemini
Conjunct my Rudra at 16 Gemini
Trines my DNA at 13 Libra
Trines my Pluto at 17 Libra

Your Karma at 13 Cap is:

Conj my Anubis at 14 Cap
Circe at 12 Cap
Opposed Stargazer at 13 Cancer
Sphinx at 13 Cancer
Semir at 14 Deg Cancer

Your Isis/Osiris at 27 Leo:
Conj my Midheaven at 25 Leo.
Trine my Sun at 26 Aries

Last but not least Your Valentine at 27 Taurus is:
Conj Horus at 27 Taurus
Conj Echanaton 29 Taurus
Conj Drako at at 26 Taurus
Trine Nephytys at 26 Cap
Semi Sextile my Sun at 26 Aries
Sextile Merc 29 Pisces
Sextile Jup at 29 Cancer

Also just noticed your Uranis is conjunct
my Tyche at 6 Scorp

I never looked at all of that.
That explains alot.

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From: South Carolina
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posted March 04, 2009 11:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message
Here is mine:

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posted March 04, 2009 12:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message

Our Eris' are conjunct exactly
Our Mars are conjunct
Our Vestas are Widely conjunct
My Mars your Vesta are conjunct

Your Venus:
is conjunct my Eris
conjunct my Juno
cojunct my Isis
conjunct my Lucifer
and opposes my DNA exactly

Your Pallas at 12 Cap:
Conjunct my Circe 12 Cap
Conjunct my Anubis 14 Cap
Opposes my Sphinx at 13 Cancer
Opposes my Semir/Stargazer at 14 Cancer

Your MC is conjunct my NN/Musa

Your Karma is conjunct my DC and Oppose my Uranus

Your Psyche Trines my Ceres and Venus

Our Vertexs are Conjunct

My Mercury Squares your Nep exactly and
quincunxs your Pluto Exactly

Your Juno and Merc are conjunct my IC/Pallas and sextile my Sun

Your ASC squares my MC

My Kaali at 7 Leo trines your Moon and Uranus Conj and your Mars

Your Sun is:
conj my Osiris
Conj my family name at 15 Pisces
Conj Neith Exactly
Opposes my NN

My Venus:
trines your ASC/Psyche
sextiles your Karma/Chiron

Your Eros at 3 Pisces:
Conjunct my name Asteroid at 4 Pisces
Giza at 2 Pisces
Sekmet at 5 Pisces

This is all quite interesting.... Not sure what to make of all of it...

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posted March 04, 2009 12:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message
IQ my Assteroid Karma @ 19'38 Aries is pretty close to your S.Node and Proserpina @ 14'3 Libra conjunct your DC lol

Nice to meet you too G.G

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posted March 04, 2009 02:54 PM           Edit/Delete Message
ORBM, If I had married an American, you would have been my best man in the wedding and the GodFather of my kids

DD, Chiron conj South Node can also mean I borrowed/was taught from your Occult notes in Ancient Sumeria

Dazzled, you have a very powerful EROS, my Ascendant degree rules Kundalini Tantra and rules the myth of Adam/Eve/Serpent as well as the Tarot Card Number 15.

Lechien, your Moon conj my Ascendant is very very significant. I must be having some info or the other that is beneficial to you. Will send you a mail tmrw, I think I know what it is. [It is a Longshot but it may work.]

This is one very useful thread, thanks GG!

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posted March 04, 2009 03:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message

"DD, Chiron conj South Node can also mean I borrowed/was taught from your Occult notes in Ancient Sumeria"
Then it`s only fair that I shall learn from you this time.

BTW do you consider Chiron being an occult asteroid / planetoid?

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posted March 04, 2009 03:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message
"ORBM, If I had married an American, you would have been my best man in the wedding and the GodFather of my kids"

I am thinking there won't be a next time around, so I will have to chalk those things up as an opportunity missed. But how awesome to be granted the privilege to meet up again at the Golden Age of Humanity.

You know I was just thinking. Knowledge is Energy. Where our thoughts go our Energy flows. Through threads like this we are all learning about our interconnectedness. It is not enough to clear our fields and heal the pain if we remain insular. So this thread to me is serving a greater purpose, it is helping to enhance the Gossamer Web that exists in us and through us. This golden web of love is spinning through the Great grid and will eventually be its undoing. It is made of our love and light and is reaching out and interconnecting with light ones of fartherest reachest of the galaxy and aiding Gaia through her own transformation. Just seeing these connections and acknowledging them floods them with Energy from our thoughts.
So I join IQ in saying great thread GotGemini! , way to contribute to the growth of all of us, as we learn how much love and light exists between us and through us. Extraordinary things are happening with great rapidity now, and we are privileged-as the New Aquarians.

Hey DD! Post your chart. I am dying to see what else can be unearth!
*sliding hands back and forth with a mischievous look*

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Posts: 537
From: South Carolina
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posted March 04, 2009 04:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message
Got Gemini-
Was looking over our connections.
And I found some interesting things.

Your Ascendant at 6 Virgo is
conjunct my Saturn and Opposes my Mars.
Your DSC is conjunct my Asteroid Name, Stonehenge, and Sekmet

Your Moon at 14 Libra is:
Conj my Pluto
Conj My DNA
Opposes My Juno

Your Mercury Trines my IC
Your Karma is conjunct my Sun
Your last name Aseteroid is conjunct my MC
Our Chirons are conjunct
Your Nep at 16 Sag is conjunct my Asteroids King and Kleopatra and opposes Amun, Hekate,and Rudra
Your Venus at 29 Cancer is Square my Sun, Trine my Mercury(exact) and Conjunct my Jupiter(exact)
Your Saturn is conjunct My MC
Your IC is conjunct my Astrowiz
Your SN is conjunct my Ceasar Asteroid and my Vesta'
My Urda and Innanen are conjunct your MC


I noticed that your MC is conjunct my ASC.
My NN trines your ASC
My DC trines your ASC
And your DC trinses My ASC

And our moons are Conjunct.
My Nept is conjunct your Moon as well

Your Sun is conjunct my DC

My Mars conjuncts your Venus and your mars

Your Pluto is conjunct my DNA

Your Vesta and Juno Trine my Venus

My SN is conjunct your Pholus

Your SN is conjunct my Sun

Your Vertex is conjunct my MC

My Karma opposes your Moon

Your Karma Trines my DC

all these connections , I love it!

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posted March 04, 2009 04:44 PM           Edit/Delete Message

unearth is not bad, since the only big planet I have in earth is Venus.

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posted March 04, 2009 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message

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posted March 04, 2009 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message

I have osiris at 14' aries

Your SN is conjunct my:
venus 21' aries
moon 22' aries
King TUT 21' aries

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