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Author Topic:   For Redstar and IQ - Our star origins and our Dna
posted March 09, 2009 02:19 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm with Quinnie on the "leave for 24-hours and welcome to exponential growth central " observation.

ORBM Wow Tesla's chart is just insane.
And that T-square of Jupiter opposite mars both square his Sun/Ic/Sirius is like a big fat red arrow pointing to that point in his chart.
I never realized what a square person he was.

LEXX so good to see you here! Welcome to the thread

I can only speak for myself here - I am just a humble beginner, still playing in the sandpit and drooling on myself, while you are
jetting around in intergalactic spaceships far above me, spiritually speaking when it comes to all this stuff

Thank you for your posts and insights.

I do theorize however that he was possibly in contact with them telepathically, or remembering the technology, whilst in the incarnation as Tesla. Perhaps much of inventions stemmed from those memories.

That is what I was referring to in my post above, I read it in a serbian book on him a long while ago (and it struck me as a strange thing to be associated with him, so I remembered it)- but I know that authors are human, and are thus fallible.

I don't think anyone here thinks Tesla was physically Sirian - but the energy does appear in his chart astrologically as ORBM pointed out, whatever function it may serve.

Great Lexigrams - Martian eh? a pleasure to meet you.

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posted March 09, 2009 02:19 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting take on fixed stars- I'd love to hear IQ's views on all of this, and his theories.

My sun conjuncts Achernar:

Sudden success in public office, religious benefits, access to another realm

My moon conjuncts Marfik:

Passionate, blindly good-hearted, easily seduced, healer with herbs

So no connections to any of the extra-terrestrial races, which is not surprising at all, as from everything I have learned about myself, I have been on this pretty rock long enough to grow very attached to it and it's lifeforms, so I wouldn't rule out the possibility of me being a true-blue earthling (made with whatever genetic material was on offer at the time).

ORBM,LEXX and Venus you guys had one interesting discussion in here!

*hugs you all*

ORBM_ I know that usually with fixed stars the orb is around 1 degree,but can be increased up to 3-4 by some astrologers, if the star is of great magnitude, i.e Algol is given anywhere between 1-4 degree orb!! So use your intuition/wisdom

I make the same faces as ORBM when I try and Lexi- it is not a pretty sight...

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Posts: 6263
From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 09, 2009 02:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ahh Lexx thanks...

You are too cute!

Thank you!
I love those Lexigrams.
Thank you!
I added to the above line this:
Lexigrams are fascinating to me because I have no clue how they work. I stare a name for hours trying to make one word out of it.
My face ends up looking like this...
.....and then I just have to give up. Which is so hard for a Scorpio Rising. So I admire your skills....
Its truly magical.
Thank you again!
When it is time, Lexigrams just write themselves for me. Or I trance and let it happen then.
I have Anubis, Sirius, and Sirian in my name.
You might have even more!
I have always wanted a Martian friend... *wink*

Or a LYRAN CAT MAN friend?
Good night for now.
Thanks for an intriguing time.

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Posts: 6263
From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 09, 2009 02:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you!
It has been enjoyable!
I just wish I knew how to find out what alien connections are in my chart.
I guess I will have to learn how.
off to bed here.

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Posts: 883
From: South Carolina
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 09, 2009 02:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"ORBM Wow Tesla's chart is just insane.
And that T-square of Jupiter opposite mars both square his Sun/Ic/Sirius is like a big fat red arrow pointing to that point in his chart.
I never realized what a square person he was."

I know right! I was like dude had some issues man. lol
I bet he was boring! lol

"*hugs you all*

ORBM_ I know that usually with fixed stars the orb is around 1 degree,but can be increased up to 3-4 by some astrologers, if the star is of great magnitude, i.e Algol is given anywhere between 1-4 degree orb!! So use your intuition/wisdom "

I love your hugs. If you lived closer we would totally be BFFs, lol. I can handle that, gives a method to my madness,
Hear that DD! *yelling over my shoulder*
"Alright Fixed Stars"
*loading my gun*
*lowering my shades*

Here we come!

Scene 2

*enter Lexx, ORBM, and Redstar*

ooohh ooohh
*jumping up and down*

I'll take the Martian Fairy Elf
Redstar can have the Lyran Cat Man, she likes Lyrans and loooovesss Cats! lol

I need to go to bed too.
This time change thing is killin me!.
I think I am getting delirious
Night Lexx.
Night Redstar...
Night John Boy....

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posted March 09, 2009 02:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lexx, where did you get that info about the Pleides - i mean from which writer - if it was personal experiences and you dont want to talk fine. I just want to know if from a writer - which one.

Most of my info comes from Alex Collier and Stewart Swerdlow - and it finds acceptance among most , but you can never know.

I also am on some online groups which include individuals that have had experiences that more or less concur with the above writers.I also think what you call Pleideians is actually called somethin else by my sources...


In order to complete the capture of the entire universe the scientists of that civilization created entities called Mind Eaters. The Mind Eater was a geoplasmic energetic entity that attached itself to the physical brain and auric energies of the being it invaded, removing the being’s thought patterns and replacing it with new Empiric programming.

The scientists released these entities into unconquered worlds and also used them to program their own people. Imagine their shock when they realized that these entities could multiply themselves. When a Mind Eater absorbed a certain amount of energy it split into two separate entities. Eventually the Mind Eaters became uncontrollable and started feeding on their own creators the Old Universe’s form of A.I.D.S. Over a period of centuries there was virtually no life left in the Old Universe except for the Mind Eaters

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posted March 09, 2009 03:06 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ORBM lol! - "That Tesla- total square!" tee hee.

Oh we totally could be BFFs, mind you, I think we'd always be in trouble for one thing or another We'd have to have DD keep us in line.

Redstar can have the Lyran Cat Man, she likes Lyrans and loooovesss Cats!

Dude you have no idea how spot on you are!
I used to have constant dreams about beings who would try and 'educate me', telling me my roots were from Lyra!
Only later on in highschool did I find out Lyra is an actual star system/place.I was pretty tripped out for a while there after that.

And loving cats needs no explanation

I like your delirious self!
He's highly entertaining and Fey, with a smidgen of mercurial madness thrown in.

G'nite LEXX
G'night ORBM

*pulls over cushion and sits down for lesson*

I think my teensy brain is going to explode form an overload of information tonight.

I think you were bang on with the Fixed stars.
So far there have been some interesting replies posted.
Funny how the stories of the soul's journey begins to emerge piece by piece in the natals.
[I emailed you-*slaps forehead* with a delayed reply! Doh]

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posted March 09, 2009 03:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the Sirians are a 6D race of beings that have cat-like or dog-like features, they emanate from the star Sirius. I think they are the gods of the Annunaki, and if Nibiru exists it would orbit between our Sun and Sirius. Since the Annunaki are the 4D gods of us, their 6D gods would have influence on our development. The Sirians are supposed to be highly alchemical, and they are supposed to be of a "dark" charge. Since "evil" doesn't really exist beyond 4D, they are part of the balancing universal force, or sort of like the universal kundalini. This applies to the Egyptian cat goddess Sekhmet for sure, and also Anubis being the god of death would have a dark charge as well

Like i was saying - my whole idea for this thread came from the alien scenario in the births of so many great men who go on to be avatrs or leaders.


I convinced the head of one of my religions monastries to talk to me about this.So he goes on about reptiles - he who doesnt know english and has never googled the insane info on the web !!

He pretty much confirmed about the Reptilians and Sirians what i and Iqhunk believe in.Then i convinced him to talk about the 24 Christ like leaders in our Religion.ALL of them were conceived via " Immaculate God Conception ".Here God implies Sirians - they are 6 D creatures and hence with their messing around in our lives they become gods. THAT is what the huge mass of gods and godesses in hinduism and other old cultures was in fact.

At the birth of every such christ leader in our religion - a whole party of such gods would come down to earth and celebrate the arrival of the child.

I bullied him into giving me the natal details of these 24 Christ figures - some of whom go back to our earliest days on these planet.Hell their biographies are the most blatant alien fictio never.The first Christ figure - he learnt civilised living from the " Gods " and taught it to us..apparently

So the charts of these 24 christs - 5 have their Moons conjunct Sirius , 7 have their suns conjunct Sirius and ALL the rest have their Ascendents conjunct Sirius

Iqhunk - Stewart Swerdlow has his Ascendent conjunct Sirius and his wife's moon conjunct it too !

Tesla was known to be in contact with Sirians -he had access to their technology and even developed it for them.

Yes he was a Sirian - in the sense of Dna origins.

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posted March 09, 2009 03:27 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ORBM - you DO have links with Sirius !

Here's a shot for the members who think they have seen it all

Harry Potter anyone ?

Look at the front page of any Harry Potter - an emblemof Hogwarts with 4 words o it.

Draco Dormiens Nunquam titillandus

Draco = Reptiles as THEY call themselves

Dormiens = They are as of NOW dormant - as in not openly declaring themselves to us as a race.

Nunquam Titillandus = dont tickle ( mess with )

Which translates to ?

dont mess with a sleeping Dragon

Now for the story - A boy who doesnt know his powers that come from his DNA - in school his school - house Griffindor is symbolised by a Lion ( created by Sirians on earth ) fights a man Lord Voldemort who not only talks to Snakes ( reptiles ) but even resembles a Half- Human Half - Snake

His godfather is called Sirius - an animagus who transforms into a black DOG - a.k.a. Sirius - the Dog Star ...


That J. K. Rowling - she knows more than she lets on

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posted March 09, 2009 03:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Venusdeindia you make a good point with Harry Potter links as it crossed my mind with the reptilian links a few weeks back in the book HP and The Chamber of Secrets. I have read all the books back to back, now i feel inspired to read them all again.

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posted March 09, 2009 03:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The Sirius Star system is located at 14 Cancer.
Perhaps he was involved in battles with them. But when his life line known as Nikola Tesla incarnated on the Earth, he did indeed have a strong connection to the Energy that emanates from Sirius, even if you throw out the wide conjunction to his Sun his chart is infused with Energy from Sirius.

[quote]The agreement stated that a new breed of humanity would be created on Earth that would contain the DNA of all interested parties who participated in the "peace" process. A designated area on Earth would be set aside for the creation of this new species. The Earth-based Reptilians of Lemuria agreed to this under the condition that the Reptilian body be the foundation for this new being.

This is why the original Bible states, "Let us make man in our own image." This is a plural statement because it was a group project.

Many prototypes were developed over millennia. Under the supervision of the Hatona Council, races were created and then destroyed when it was not acceptable by all parties. This explains why ancestors of mankind appear and then suddenly disappear in layers of archaeological analysis.

Twelve humanoid, and one Reptilian, groups donated DNA for this purpose. Mankind was developed in the area now known as Iran/Iraq, as well as parts of Africa. Hybrids were also developed on Atlantis and Lemuria.

The cosmic joke to this project is that all of the groups donating DNA secretly programmed sequences to cause their genetic strand to be predominant. This set the precedent for eternal conflict. Humanity was doomed to fight and be controlled. No one group would ever be in charge. The project was doomed for failure before it even began!

Such DNA programming invites tyranny and oppression. Soul-personalities attracted to such a planet have a victim mentality. Many advanced cultures call Earth a prison planet, and dump their criminals here as punishment.[/b]

Many of us have lived as higher 4D or 6D beings in star systems that are way more developed.

A star conjunct Sun, Moon or Asc will show which Race DNA is most prominent in your makeup.And look at how many Leaders have a star - Sirius conjunct to their planet - the star whose beings are called gods and godesses and which was supposed to have created human and reptilians in the first place.

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posted March 09, 2009 06:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Venus de India,

yes, I was pretty fascinated, too, when I noticed that about the Harry Potter books.

I`m not sure, though, how conscious she is about wh at she has been writing.

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Posts: 883
From: South Carolina
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 09, 2009 08:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thats very interesting info.
ALOT to take in.

The conception thing:
"He pretty much confirmed about the Reptilians and Sirians what i and Iqhunk believe in.Then i convinced him to talk about the 24 Christ like leaders in our Religion.ALL of them were conceived via " Immaculate God Conception ".Here God implies Sirians - they are 6 D creatures and hence with their messing around in our lives they become gods. THAT is what the huge mass of gods and godesses in hinduism and other old cultures was in fact."

Ok so VDI my mother has no idea when I was concieved, she was 4 MONTHS pregnant before she even knew she was pregnant. She was still having her menustral cycle and was taking birth control. They told her she could have a legal abortion because they were positive I would have birth defects of some kind. And while I am a little "special" in my own way! lol
I was born as healthy as any baby could be. But I was really sensitive to food. And alot of bad reactions to them.
I still do. I have found that the more natural my diet is the better I look and feel, and the more intense my dreams are. What is even more ironic is that my mom raised us almost completely organic because she said that she wanted us to have the best start in life possible, and especially me because she carried so much guilt about the issues that she had before my birth.
I have neice that is due in 2 weeks who my sister did not know she was pregnant with either until she was 3 months.
She does not know when my neice was concieved so they are doing a Ceasarian, and there going to have to do it early because my neices birth weight and development is a month ahead of there charts so they think there timing is off.

This is all quite interesting.

And Harry Potter thing! After I had that whole experience of that woman telling me that my neice and I were soulmates and that she is going to be a Crystal Child. The Harry Potter and Children of the Corn type thing has been going through my mind. Like DD I have to agree that she may not know what she tapped into to write those books but she definitely channelled info from the pool of Universal Consciousness.

How do you feel about Crystal Children VDI?

Don't mess with a sleeping Dragon....
Quite an interesting find there to Miss VDI.

So happy to have found you on here. Really I am. Your energy is amazing, I have much to learn by your side.
And we are both actors! Love it!

*pulling up a cushion beside Redstar*

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Posts: 6263
From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 09, 2009 09:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lexx, where did you get that info about the Pleides - i mean from which writer - if it was personal experiences and you dont want to talk fine. I just want to know if from a writer - which one.
I began getting this information when I was about 4 years old.

edited/deleted rest of post.

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posted March 09, 2009 09:32 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What would moon conjunct Sirius mean and dr sun conjunct Sirius? This man was born and raised in Alexandria!

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posted March 09, 2009 09:49 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ORBM - thanx for the complimets

Lexx -

You must not have understood my previous post:

I Did, i just wanted to make sure there were no other sources like books or gurus - i am thinking your experiences do sound like you had some help from above

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posted March 09, 2009 11:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tigerlily     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Question: How wide of an orb are you all using for Fixed Star conjunctions?

IQ and Venus, in particular...what orb do you use for the Fixed Star conjunctions, and do you only use conjunctions or do you include other aspects?

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posted March 09, 2009 12:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I have no idea of orbs - i have my True Node conjunct Sirius - zero degree - IQ pointed that out AFTER i told him about my ET regressions.So i really dont know. Also i dont know about minor aspects . See i have 6 planets conjunct MAJOR fixed stars - all in a degree orb.

Also as to WHAT it means to have a Fixed star conjunct Sun ,Moon or Ascendent.


humans are lower vibrations of their ET selves. The Alien Connection

One really needs to read all the links in order to get what it implies - just like we are the lower vibrations of God, Oversoul - so also we are lower vibrations of our ET. selves - not all of us i must say.

The above chart should make the meaning clearer... THAT is why all the avatars , christ figures and like have personal planet conjunct Sirius - they are a lower 3d vibration of their OWN ET self - that is 6d.

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posted March 09, 2009 01:11 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Superb points from VenusDeIndia and Lexx.

There is plenty of contradictroy info and even disinformation on these topics.

This is exactly why Astrology is the trump card.

Lexx, you are correct about the Insectoid Hive Mind as being very evil and dangerous.
But does that make tramua based mind control and satanic ritual abuse by the 13 Illumnati Dragon Worshipping families a better alternative? I have first hand witnessess to the evils done by Illuminati who ARE NOT Insectoids but instead fear and hate them.
They worship the Serpent for ages, all their secret occult links have the worship of Serpent Fire and raising Kundalini by offering "prana" to the vampiric astral goddesses.

If you have expereince with the Goetia or Solomon's lesser keys, you will again not see insectoids but reptilian astral demons being summoned in ritual magick. OTO, Crowley, Parsons were all reptilian black magicians.

Yes, we too have reptilian DNA but it is the 50% DNA and superiority complex of the Reptilian Illumianti Elite that is evil.

Like you, I too do not trust any "official" Pleadian Information, I trust only first hand unpublished Alien contacteess when their info does not contradict. Contradiction is a red flag.

So there are two wicked ET groups with their own illusions and deceptions. Sirians may or may not be stooges but on their own they are very technological, just as Arcturans are very spiritual, and Andromedans very powerful. There is a Lion Group as well ["Ari" who may have created the actual Aryans. Hitler wanted an Aryan-Reptilian Hybrid group as a superhuman race.]
Aldebarans have a civilization that created many Nordic races.

So it is very much an Alien Zoo, which explains why there is so much infighting in humans, our DNA has genetic memory of our forefather's battles.

Astrology alone can clarify the highest probability of the choice of DNA in any particular lifeline. Second is the name which can be analyzed by Lexigrams.

All deceptions can be countered by following certain spiritual principles and disciplines:
1. Forgiveness
2. Avoiding judgmentalism and hatred
3. Law of Karma, whatever we put out comes back to us manifold.
4. Connection to our Higher Self. No
ET Group can infleunce our Oversoul because that is a dimension where control is impossible by definition. Even Evil Insectoids and Evil Reptilians have to someday account for their actions to their own Oversoul.

Oversoul can create many life streams. So one can be Lyran, Atlentean Earther, Reptilian Lemurian, Sirian and even Pleadian, all together but in different timeliens and dimensions to account for the karmic debts. With God, All is Possible.

One of my contacts too remembers the epoch you described, there is plenty of concurrance there. She has seen even a "good" race of insectoids, ones that look like Praying Mantis. Time will reveal the actual truth.

Anyway, thanks for opening up a new stream of thought, the evil insectoids are very raely discussed.

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posted March 09, 2009 01:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

My Moon is conjunct Fomalhaut with 17 minutes of arc.

It is the alpha star of Pisces Austrinus (Southern Fish)

It was Hastorang in Persia 2582 B.C., at the winter solstice, and a Royal Star, one of the "four Guardians of Heaven", sentinels watching over other stars; while about 500 B.C. it was the object of sunrise worship in the temple of Demeter at Eleusis.

Fomalhaut is said to be associated with ideals,mysticism. It is known as the "Star of Alchemy"

For some reason, Fomalhaut is associated with birth defects. I have no idea why it's associated with birth defects. I don't have any birth defects unless it's my Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,ADHD which I don't view as defects but differences. I just see it as neurodivergence. However to mainstream society,I'd be viewed as being defective. I believe that my idealism and my differences are strongly connected. I could be considered to have a defect when it comes to hormonal imbalances as a male with a high estrogen and lower than average testosterone. I don't believe that's a defect either. Now I view it as just being sex hormonally divergent.

There hasn't been any talk about Fomalhaut in regards to races, aliens.

so I looked up some stuff.

Fomalhaut has a planet evolves around it.

Stars and planetary systems in fiction

Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Austrini)

* The House on Curwen Street (1944), by August Derleth and other stories of H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. Fomalhaut is the home of the god Cthugha.
* The Forever War, novel by Joe Haldeman. Fomalhaut is the name of a planet near a collapsar.
* Rocannon's World, novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. Rokanan is the second planet of Fomalhaut. Rokanan was Rocannon's name among the native Gdemiar.
* Childe Cycle novels by Gordon R. Dickson. Fomalhaut 3 is the homeworld of the Dorsai.
* Return from the Stars, novel by Stanislaw Lem. The protagonist astronaut Hal Bregg returns to Earth from an expedition to the Fomalhaut system.
* The Unteleported Man (later republished as Lies, Inc.), novel by Philip K. Dick. Whale's Mouth is a colony located in the Fomalhaut system.
* Radio Free Albemuth, novel by Philip K. Dick. Fomalhaut is the origin of an alien satellite.
* Pebble in the Sky, novel by Isaac Asimov. Fomalhaut is referred to as being the star system of a group of humans who speak with a pronounced accent.
* FTL:2448, role-playing game by Tri Tac Games. Fomalhaut is the location of a major space station, Alverez Station, orbiting the planet America (Fomalhaut V).
* Frontier: Elite II and Frontier: First Encounters, computer games. Fomalhaut is home to a terraformed agricultural colony that grows grain and exports them to other systems for a profit. To prevent pollution, manufacturing is forbidden.
* The Steps of the Sun (Doubleday 1982), by Walter Tevis has a starship travel to the uranium-rich FBR 793 to solve Earth's energy problems in 2062
* The War Games of Zelos (Fawcett Books, 1975) by Richard Avery. Zelos is the fifth planet, colonized in 2078
* Escape Velocity Nova, computer game by Ambrosia Software. The Fomalhaut System is a minor trade hub featuring the inhabited worlds Gem and Snowmelt.
* In Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century, Fomalhaut is the home star system for an alien race known as the Chatlian.
* In the 2001 Particle Systems game Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos, Fomalhaut has been colonized by humans and is the first accessible star system in the Gagarin cluster, by virtue of possessing a jump accelerator linked to Santa Romera in the Badlands cluster. It is also, therefore, the best-defended and last to fall against the alien invasion.
* A written Star Trek story entitled The Truth Machine features the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise led by Captain James Kirk encountering the armies of Fomalhaut V, who seeks the secret of Warp Drive in an effort to conquer the universe, after being tricked into beaming down to the surface of the planet.
* In Children of Dune, near the end, Leto muses briefly about Fomalhaut while marveling at various ancient kernels of wisdom he recalls easily yet are lost to all but the inherited ancestor lives retained in his memory, as he moves about peering through narrow windows in time-space.

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posted March 09, 2009 02:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
this is absolutely riveting!
bravo lexx and venus!

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posted March 09, 2009 04:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for milyi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oneruledbymars thank you for your reply.It's interesting that I have a BA in ancient history and I have focused on Mesopotamia and ancient India in my studies.Hmm,It makes me wonder...

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posted March 09, 2009 11:17 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay more for those who didnt get shocked enough

Stephen King - The spook man rumored to know more than he lets on overtly in his books

Ascendent conjunct Procyon

Violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation

Sun conjunct Alkaid

Associated with death and mourning, war, natural catastrophes

Martin Luther King

Ascendent conjunct Alycone ( Central Pleidian star )

Ambition, honour and glory.

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posted March 09, 2009 11:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay best one ever...

In chart of the USA - 4 July 1776

Sun conjunct SIRIUS

JFK has his Node conjunct Sirius

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posted March 09, 2009 11:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Princess Diana

Venus conjunct Algol

South Node conjunct Regulus

The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel.

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