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Author Topic:   For Redstar and IQ - Our star origins and our Dna
posted March 14, 2009 10:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Venus has the Montauk project anything to do with Nikola Telsa's papers, the ones given to his family when he died.

I dont know, but i DO know that he made most of the technology they used for their experiments

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
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posted March 14, 2009 10:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Tesla detested what others were doing with his theories and secret inventions.

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posted March 14, 2009 11:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You wrote:
"I don't think this comment was directed at all outside. It is totally a WITHIN comment "

I understand what you mean when you say that Lara.
Go head sista girl and love thine self!

Peace Angel-
I did not mean to say that it is all predestine. We do have free will, I agree 100 percent with you on that one. But we do incarnate with a purpose. There are specific lessons to learn and Karma that is to be dealt with. We cannot avoid those, even if we exercise our free will to attempt to, the Universe has a way of you throwing you back under the same bus, only a different colored one. lol

Wow. Your statement is profound and deep. You feel very strongly about this, it concerns you . And you are right not everyone has that awareness. And when someone sees you as the enemy they will take up arms against you. That is when you must believe PA, in the force that created you, and this beautiful Universe, in the ability of the Prime Creator, God to take care of you and provide in that instance what you need. All things are possible with God. Whether it be the strength to fight back, the knowledge to out wit, or the faith to stand still and watch your Energy that exists in you as Him, work in your behalf. You will know what to do hon. Your higher self will not forsake you.
What can your enemies take?
Your life on in the 3D right now?
Who cares.
Your soul is eternal. For what is death but a continuation of life.

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posted March 15, 2009 04:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lara, dont feel bad at the star aspects though.Unless they are major stars i dont give them much leverage.

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posted March 15, 2009 06:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Forgiveness and love is nothing that can be commanded. It can only be given voluntarily, from the depth of your heart.

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posted March 15, 2009 09:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree DD, they cannot be commanded.

when you start loving yourself unconditionally though, you love others unconditionally and when that happens you forgive and love UNconditionally which basically means it flows from the deepest part of you 24/7

thanks 1rulesbyram

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posted March 15, 2009 09:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ok PA, i'm sorry - i have only just seen this post.

"Not everyone has the awareness of which you speak. Not everyone is aware that they have the choice to see things through love. People who are brainwashed or have a fear instilled into them that any other belief or behaviour leads them to a path in a place called Hell with someone called The Devil. They don't see a choice. They may well have the option to see love, but they don't have the awareness of it. So when they take up arms against you, it is in their belief of their God (or whatever version in their own faith). Their conviction to their own cause is equal to yours in your own faith. So when someone sees you as their enemy, yes, they are going to take up arms.

I agree and fear really is your worst enemy. Actually, you and l think similar - we just express differently because when l wrote about the 'within' being the most prolific enemy l meant one's own fear. Fear is an absolute killer of reason, logic, good, clear-sightness.

I guess, at the end of it, where I'm going with this, if I follow my thoughts, is that, when you are "against" someone who is willing to do things to you that you aren't prepared to do to them, how do you win? If someone is prepared to kill you - and they do - and all the "love" people are killed - what's left?"

yup. I agree although l have noticed that people who get abused, attacked, murdered, raped, mugged DO tend to have a weakness about them which is visible. the attacker picks up on this vibe and picks them out of a crowd.

Weakness comes from fear, a lack, a need, a lack of self-worth. LOVE replaces all these weaknesses so l still say that love will allow the person to become strong in his/her entirety through conscious work on SELF.
I know you understand this
Do you agree though? x

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
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posted March 15, 2009 09:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree although l have noticed that people who get abused, attacked, murdered, raped, mugged DO tend to have a weakness about them which is visible. the attacker picks up on this vibe and picks them out of a crowd.

Weakness comes from fear, a lack, a need, a lack of self-worth.

What about children who are abused, raped and or murdered? I do not see how that applies to them. The bolded/highlighted bit is the part I am mostly referring to.

I do however AGREE with you on this point!

Love thine enemy is so profound for me (personally) because the greatest enemy l can have is MYSELF!


In other words, if l don't LOVE mySELF then l am at my weakest and the worst enemy to myself. I can do nothing well or in a positive way if l don't love the self.

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posted March 15, 2009 10:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Depends LEXX on whether it's the parent, family member or babysitter, stranger.

I am pretty black and white on these issues. I believe that we chose our parents, we are fated to experience what we experience, that nothing happens for no reason and that we are no more special or a victim if it does or doesn't happen to us.

I don't see any difference between a child who is physically abused to one whom is verbally or emotionally abused. On the first it shows on the body, on the second it still shows on the body.

Everyone's experiences are relative.

One can damn the abuser or attacker yet you have to forgive. If you verbally scorn or judge; criticize or hate you are no better than them.

Of course we all feel. We feel for the abused and abuser and we can change our own lives by making sure our kids are safe. For instance l will absolutely NOT use a babysitter that l don't know personally. I set traps and l use my intuition.

A lot of kids who are abused are simply at the mercy of their parents ignorance which breaks my heart, yet l must always remember that these kids CHOSE their parents. They chose this karma and they chose their destiny with the parents.

Now you can say that is cruel, it is not. It is simply viewing without excessive emotion. If one can't do that then one can't help in any way at all. Every experience has a lesson or a feeling attached to it. I can't take and own another's feelings or experience. I can empathize and have compassion and be there for them but l can't actually take the lesson and own it myself. The burden of it is theirs.

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 15, 2009 10:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Since the issue has been broached here, I feel this thread link applies here also:

Is it ever okay to kill?

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
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posted March 15, 2009 10:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A lot of kids who are abused are simply at the mercy of their parents ignorance which breaks my heart, yet l must always remember that these kids CHOSE their parents. They chose this karma and they chose their destiny with the parents.
I personally do not believe that is always the case(or maybe that is a myth to justify that crap of there are no "innocenrt" victims, or we asked for the bad, even as a child, it is our fault, I just do not buy into that with rare exception)).
It is usually...
Luck of the draw.
Random chance.

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posted March 15, 2009 10:27 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

LEXX, l express a personal opinion and you wanna rock the boat - go right ahead!

I don't agree with you.

It's not the childs fault; it's the child lesson!
luck doesn't exist in my book and random isn' ever random

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 15, 2009 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

LEXX, l express a personal opinion and you wanna rock the boat - go right ahead!

I don't agree with you.

Lara sweetie....please do not over react.
I was simply voicing my opinion as you did.
That is not rocking the boat.
Part of discussion is voicing personal opinions.

On that note....
you said:

It's not the childs fault; it's the child lesson!
So and others who were brutally raped/sodomized as innocent children, beaten bloody...and so forth.....
had a lesson to learn??????????
What pray tell lesson did I or other children need to learn from enduring such horrors? To fear bad people? To fear sex? What lesson?

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posted March 15, 2009 11:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I meant by bringing the link into this thread.
That's all. lol

me overreact? hahaha
amazing how one can be misread on the net

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 15, 2009 11:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I meant by bringing the link into this thread.
That's all. lol
I would NOT have posted the links you were referring to...until YOU brought it up when referring to posts you made on another thread Lara, and saw yourself as a victim because folks were disagreeing with you.
I've said this before on another thread and got totally slated for it

You quoted:
How difficult a task it would be to send pure love to someone who murdered your child or husband, but it has been done. I've seen it and it is the only way because those who can't forgive go on to hurt others even if that other is themselves.
Then you said:
Now THIS l completely agree with. One must send love to the murderer of one's child. I've said this before on another thread and got totally slated for it and l admire you for bringing this up Quinnie.

It can be done, it is being done by a very few and it is imperative to forgive everyone whoever they are or whatever they have done.

There it is..YOU bringing it up dear...not me.
I've said this before on another thread

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posted March 15, 2009 11:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

btw i had a bacon sandwich for breakfast this morning. Can you post a pic of it please?

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 15, 2009 11:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BLT? Or BLTM? Or plain B?


Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

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posted March 15, 2009 11:50 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BLT with lashings of ketchup...!

The thing l love about you LEXX is that you have a rock solid sense of humour

Peace girl xxx

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 15, 2009 03:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Who me?


Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

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posted March 15, 2009 05:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LEXX, this is hard to put and i hope i get it right because i can see you have a personal reason for objecting to such theories..."the child's lesson" is not necessarily for the child, but for the perp (or parents if they are not the perp) and others involved in the abuse either by collusion or just observation...and the child has made a soul contract to be the bearer of that lesson.

for instance lara (and myself) would not let anyone babysit her child that she had not vetted to her satisfaction. i agree with that and there were times when even that was not enough, i just couldn't leave her with others very was always difficult for me to find people who weren't even mildly abusive, i was very perfectionist in this sense...when i was young people didn't worry about this so much in fact i was babysitting other people's kids when i was completely unsuited to the job...not that i abused them but i had no idea how to deal with kids...usually THEY abused me though not in any serious way!

the other side of this is the parents who discovered their kids were being abused by their sitters (thread started by writesomething, i think, recently).

in that case both the parents of the victims and the abusers have been receiving the lesson. and perhaps the children, too, in the sense that they are learning to live through and beyond such an experience. IN NO WAY is it a case of it being the child's FAULT. and in no way is it condonable!! quite the opposite.

the lesson is to teach us NOT to allow this or to perpetrate it. sadly i think a lot of people do not "get" this lesson...

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From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 16, 2009 12:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It can lead the innocent child to having to deal with deep issues of martyr/victim complex.
In my situations, no one learned a damn thing and my siblings were abused too by many people and sitters.
And the molesters and rapists were never punished but continued to do it to others.
I see no justice nor lessons in any of it.

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posted March 16, 2009 02:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I agree with you.

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posted March 16, 2009 03:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Quinnie, ORBM & Lara

Thank you for all your replies.

Quinnie - I guess living in Austrtalia, we are fairly cocooned from a lot of what goes on around the rest of the world, even though we are aware of it and we are comprised of people from all nations, as a nation we are quite distanced from a lot of the goings on and it's all just theoretical, and there is a big difference between imagining something and experiencing it. There are racial and religious issues, but they do not disturb the whole in general. And, I believe, where there is religion there is always conflict. There's always someone who is going to believe that their religion or belief is superior or the only right way over any other - regardless that they may well be believing or worshipping the same God. For something that is meant to bring love and peace, religion sure does bring up a lot of conflict.

And I suppose this is where what Lara has said about love being something that starts within you. And I do agree with that. Years ago I read something along the lines of "A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world", and made the conscious choice to live in a loving world. And it does come down to how you choose to see things and experience them. But I'm also conscious that we don't all see things the same way, and nor should we, that the world is a difference place for each one of us. And I guess it's a personal quest for me to understand the whys of the universe. Why do certain things happen to certain people -which touches upon the other thing that Lara has said and katatonic has offered a perspective as well. Most definitely agree that children are innocents and that they don't choose to have any of these things placed upon them, but when you shift the view and say that we are souls and that this is not a first lifetime and there is an accumulation of karma (if you believe that) and there are lessons to be learnt - possibly even agreed upon before incarnation - then it offers some "reason" as to why some things come about. I just think as human beings we can't accept some of the atrocities that happen and we need an answer as to why.

Which brings me to ORBM and what you've said. Yes, spot on - this is a big question for me - one that I can't see past because I can see that love is the key to peace, but I can't see that everyone is willing to take that path. And that's disturbing, disheartening. Not everyone wants love. And not everyone is on path of love - well, I think we all are and that's our purpose - but that not everyone holds that awareness - and until they do, this is where we are, as a whole. And when I look at humanity and some of the beliefs and ways that people choose - even though there is this background thought that things are as they are meant to be - my heart sinks, because are we going backwards or moving forwards? I can't tell sometimes.

Lara. Something you said really hit the mark with me. You said that we see things similarly, but express them different. Yeah, I totally agree there. We've had some differences of opinions and we're both quite fervent, but I think we are both here for genuine purposes and learning.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Much appreciated. I guess in short, there is never a single answer when it comes to love and peace. It really has to be a collective effort.

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posted March 16, 2009 04:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It`s not an easy subject.

I know how you can think of it in "karmic" terms. But I think this *could* be a dangerous perspective, if not thought through very well. Cause it could be easily mis-used as an excuse for the criminals.

And no matter how you twist and turn, it remains a horrible crime.

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posted March 16, 2009 04:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Yes, of course, you're right. Hopefully this is not a conversation between criminals, but people who are looking for answers to the same questions. Of course, you don't know who is out there reading this and how it's going to be taken. But that's the same risk you run with any opinion or perspective. It's always hard. There are people who will always (mis)use information or knowledge for perverse purposes as much as ones that help others. That's the problem. I do believe that we're all here for growth purposes and that everyone and everything offers us those personal lessons and growth, whether we choose to learn it or not is another thing. That's the free-will part of it, I think.

There's this whole thought system about things being as they are meant to be. I don't know how that works when we're always wanting things to be different or better or when awful things are done (and sometimes under the name of good or love). And at the same time, I question - desire to know/understand - there has to be some balance in it - of "what's meant". How much of it? When? How do you determine?

EDIT: I can't accept that people were "meant" to be abused. I don't understand why some people are born with certain disabilities. I don't understand why some people are made a certain way - wired in a way that chooses to inflict harm. I don't understand how people can act upon certain thoughts and desires as opposed to just harmlessly fantasising about them.

But the thing is - that if you apply one law to it, I really believe, you have to be consistent, and apply the same rules - to everyone equally - to victims, abusers, observers, peace-lovers, war-mongers - everyone and equally.

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