posted April 15, 2009 10:15 AM
I have been reading how some people use words like afflicted when it comes to squares and oppositions in a chart. With that logic, a t-square would be considered an afflicted aspect pattern.
Of course, I don't use words like affliction or negative, bad when it comes to aspects,placements in Astrology
The manifestion of an aspect is negative or positive really depends on the person and how he/she seems to use that energy. It also involves environmental,sociocultural factors.
Also t-squares are said to be common in successful people, and so they can't be all bad
the opposition correlates with Libra
the square correlates with Cancer and Capricorn
those along with Aries are the cardinal signs of the zodiac. They are about action and initiation.
T-Squares have to do with action and initiation
Of course,t-squares can be stressful because of the internal and external pressures, but those tend to push a person to act and..........especially using the energy of the planet that is the focal point of the t-square
I am going to post about the following bodies in t-square. It will give you an idea of how planets in multiple hard aspects can function in both positive and negative ways.
from the book, DYNAMICS OF ASPECT ANALYSIS New Perceptions In Astrology by Bil Tierney
part 1. Moon
part 2. Sun
part 3. Mercury
part 4. Venus
part 5. Mars
part 6. Jupiter
part 7. Saturn
part 8. Uranus
part 9. Neptune
part 10. Pluto
Part 1
The Apex Moon denotes a sensitive individual with a highly-charged, easily triggered emotional nature. Instincts are acutely alive and active, but due to the stress of this configuration, they tend to operate from a defensive pose. Security is very important for this self-protective person, who may tend to feel easily threatened. He normally is prone to overreact to external stress factors, in which he either puts upt barriers that keep him at a safe distance, or else withdraws deeply into himself in an attempt to tune out tensions. The feeling nature is bound to be in a state of constant conflict or instability until this person makes a conscious attempt to objectively reprogram negative subconscious conditioning, often the result of vivid, misunderstood impressions from the past. Although he craves lasting psychological comfort and support in his intimate relationships, his needs tend to fluctuate too rapidly due to his hard to control mood swings. In general,he will be challenged to become less touchy about himself if internal friction here is to be reduced. The apex Moon normally does represent the potential for an unusually high degree of receptivity, which generally urges the individual to actively work in the public eye on some level where he can feel needed. His nurturing, caring ability is often very powerful although his need for self-nourishment may be equally intense. This configuration could denote high-strung relationships with the mother or mother principle. Interestingly enough, two of the examples I was able to find were very popular Hollywood "sex" symbols (representing the glamorization of the feminine principle). (Greta Garbo - Jean Harlow - Gandhi - Martin Luther King - Oscar Wilde - Walt Disney)
I can relate to everything that was written about the t-square.
My t-square consists of
Moon in 3'11 Pisces
retrograde Saturn in 5'08 Gemini
Jupiter in 8'17 Gemini
Neptune in 1'48 Sagittarius
corresponding midpoint pictures:
Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune - '17
Psychological interpretations from Ruth Brummond's Rulebook:
+ empathic. sensitive . private; drawn to obscurities. serious. free of confinement or restraints. cautious. deals with medical issues. seriously interested in metaphysical factors.
- secretive. insecure. dissatisfied; discontented. hopeless. pessimistic. melancholy. contrary. lacking in self-confidence. dejected; mournful. emotionally distraught. manic depressive. emotionally cold.
Saturn semisquare Moon/Jupiter - '36
Psychological interpretations from Ruth Brummond's Rulebook:
+ emotionally mature. responsible. duty-conscious. conscientious. economical. thrifty. frugal. moderate. humble. calm. imperturbable. nonchalant. retrospective; interested in historical factors. frugal.
- miserly. indifferent. apathetic. negligent. lax. boring. dull. stymied. stuck in the past. unfair. has legal problems. contrary. covetous. miserly.
In Right Ascension converted to Ecliptic Longitude
Moon in 4'24 Pisces
Saturn in 3'36 Gemini R
Jupiter in 6'37 Sagittarius R
Neptune in 0'02 Sagittarius
corresponding midpoint pictures:
Moon oppose Jupiter/Saturn - '42
same interpretation as Saturn semisquare Moon/Jupiter
Many astrologers would say that my highly sensitive,emotional nature as well as my tendency to overreact to external stress factors,be emotionally touchy and my capacity for nurturing and caring is indicated by my strong water chart of Sun,Mercury,Venus in Scorpio along with Moon in Pisces.
Sidereal Astrologers would disagree because my Sun,Mercury,Venus are in Libra,and my Moon in Aquarius in the Sidereal Zodiac. Ecliptic Constellation Astrologers would disagree because my Sun is in Virgo, My Mercury and Venus are in Libra,and my Moon is in Aquarius in the Ecliptic Constellation Zodiac.
They would point out that all the things that are attributed to the tropical zodiac can actually be attributed to the Apex Moon t-square
As an tropical zodiac astrologer, I believe that all those things can be attributed to both the Apex Moon T-Square and the strong tropical chart. It can indicate a strong theme. I look at strong themes in charts when doing an analysis of a chart. Aspect patterns by themselves tend to indicate a a major life theme, especially if they have corresponding midpoint pictures.