posted May 29, 2009 11:22 PM
Here are the results of the study of two hundred charts progressed to the date of marriage. I asked ten questions of each chart and this page is the tally of the answers.The questions were put together from various sources. Both old and modern astrologers, as well as my own ideas, contributed to this compilation of questions, teaching how to see and predict a marriage from the progressed chart. I was interested in seeing solid clear results of astrology's ability to predict and understand this very important time in a person's life. After completion I have even more questions regarding fate, soulmates and regarding the inevitable coming together of lovers under the stars of their birth.Note- in all charts I use only the major aspects (conjunction, square, opposition, trine and sextile), and small orbs.
1. Does the natal or progressed ascendant ruler aspect the natal or progressed descendant ruler?
145 yes answers (73%) show a likelihood of finding this in an individual's progressed chart at the time of marriage. Also 86 charts (43%) had more than one aspect, having up to 6 different aspects, that showed this connection between the first house and the seventh house rulers. The charts that did not have this often had an aspect between a planet in one of these houses, or between one of the planets in the house and the ruler of the other house or some other significant connection.
Here's how to find the relevant planets:
The natal ascendant ruler is the planet that rules the sign found on the ascendant. So if you have an Aries ascendant the planet that is the natal ascendant ruler is mars. In the same example the planet that is the natal descendant ruler is venus, through it's rulership of Libra which would be found on the seventh house cusp. The progressed ascendant ruler only applies if over time the ascendant has progressed into the next sign. Then one can compare the progressed ascendant ruler to the natal descendant ruler, and the natal ascendant ruler to the progressed descendant. A lot to keep in mind, huh?
Here's the worksheet I used to keep it straight.
ntl asc ruler, ntl position: ntl des ruler, ntl position:
ntl asc ruler, prg position: ntl des ruler, prg position:
prg asc ruler, prg postion: prg des ruler, prg position:
Look for a planet in the left row to aspect a planet in the right row.
2. Does the progressed asc/des aspect the natal descendant ruler?
49 charts (25%) had a yes answer to this question.
3. Does the progressed moon conjunct an angle of the progressed or natal chart?
124 charts (62%) had a yes answer to this question. The breakdown of which angle is as follows, in order of frequency:
ascendant-36 charts the descendant-33 charts the mid heaven- 32 charts the nadir- 23 charts The progressed moon is very important factor in reading the progressed chart. It's cycle around the chart is completed in 28 years, moving at the approximate rate of one degree every month of life. Once it conjuncts one of the angles of the chart then every seven years it will conjunct one of them. I also used the changing progressed angles, which would happen shortly after the conjunction to the natal angles. This is a factor to watch in regards to relationships, as well as many important events in a person's life. As an example of the seven year cycle Abbie Hoffman comes to mind. He had three different significant relationships in his life all being cemented at the time of the progressed moon conjuncting a different angle, every seven years.
4. Does the progressed or natal sun, moon, venus, or mars aspect an angle of the progressed or natal chart?
there were 194 charts (97%) that had a yes answer to this question. This is quite common and occurs at many other times besides marriage. Almost half (332 aspects) of the aspects recorded in this section were conjunctions between one of these planets and the angles. The kind of aspect and the planet and angle involved are outlined on an other page.
5. Does the planet in the seventh house, if any, receive aspects in the progressed chart?
There were 85 yes answers to this question. As only 103 charts had a planet in the seventh house most did have this indication. 18 charts did have a planet there and it did not receive a major aspect. (83% yes)
6.-10. Involve the frequency of aspects between the personal planets - sun, moon, venus, and mars.
6. sun and mars any aspect -78 yes answers (39%)
7. sun and venus any aspect - 73 yes answers (37%)
8. venus and mars any aspect -105 yes answers (53%)
9. moon and mars any aspect - 100 yes answers (50%)
10. moon and venus any aspect - 111 yes answers (56%)
70 charts had more than one aspect for each question.
The most common aspect showing up between these planets was the conjunction of the progressed sun to natal venus. Following that was the conjunction of the progressed venus to the natal sun. 24% of the charts had one of these aspects. The next most common pair was the moon and venus found in trine, followed by venus being in trine to mars.
The least common was venus and the sun being found in opposition. There weren't any charts that had this aspect in the study. Next was mars and venus found in opposition, and also sun and mars found in opposition. Only one chart out of two hundred had each of these.
On the following page the aspects are listed in order frequency.
All of the charts studied answered yes to, at the very least 2 ,questions. Most had between 4-6 yes answers.
2 yes- 7 charts
3 yes- 26 charts
4 yes- 48 charts
5 yes- 50 charts
6 yes- 46 charts
7 yes- 16 charts
8 yes- 6 charts
9 yes- 1 chart
The one that had 9 yes answers also did not qualify for question 5. jacq o'nassis- second marriage.
I will have all but one within the next two years.