posted June 05, 2009 12:56 PM
hi carl, a cradle is four sextiles that are linked together making 2 trines and an
An aspect configuration consisting of two planets in an opposition aspect. There are two more planets, each forming a trine aspect to one side of the opposition and a sextile to the other.
In effect, there are two Wedge configurations. In a Wedge, the apex planet (that trines and sextiles the opposed planets) provides a release or relief point for the stress of the opposition. The apex planet can be a source of great creativity that channels the stress into positive, constructive activity, although the stress of the opposition may or may not finally be resolved by this. The apex can also be a place of escapism where the stress is simply avoided and never resolved.
The Cradle configuration has two Wedge figures in it, providing two different ways to potentially escape from the stress — or transform it into creativity. However, with so much opportunity to avoid problems, the temptation to take the easy way out is very strong. As a result, someone born with a Cradle configuration in their natal chart may find it very difficult to resolve and heal the conflicts in their life represented by the opposition. By not fully facing this challenge, part of the maturation process is missed and the person may remain under-developed in some ways. Hence the name: Cradle.
The more the person can learn to face and resolve the conflict of the opposition, the more they will be able to use the talents and natural abilities in the Cradle in ways that are healthy, constructive and healing. On the other hand, the avoidance of problems can generate some pretty impressive creative ability, in the broadest sense of the word - not just artistic but any innovative, original or imaginative approach to the obstacles and challenges of life.
See also: Aspect configuration, Wedge.