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Author Topic:   Good old fashioned Astrology...

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posted July 08, 2009 02:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pire     Edit/Delete Message
AG, i see what you mean, but i think it's only through trial and errors that we will get there, in that sense, venusdelionesse, DD, lara or diandra contribution are very useful.

though it's hard to read through pages of personal listing. but the reflexion associated are how i think we can make sense of it all.

personally, i don't want to list mine on a public forum because i would feel naked.

also, i wonder if through thousand of years, some insight haven't been brushed aside to protect some social or personal beneficiaries?

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posted July 08, 2009 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
I've been thinking/8th house obsessing about this issue a LOT...I am highly skeptical about not only new-fangled astrology, but the old-fashioned stuff too. It is often highly accurate, for sure, but its efficacy seems to depend to an extent on the practitioner's facility with metaphor...a skilled psychologist could also get a dazzlingly accurate read on a personality or relationship from a few cues.

I waver between skepticism and belief. I've enjoyed learning about all kinds of astrological practices here. I'm one of those asteroid abusers (obsessively listing my 0 degree yooyoo-Valentine conjunctions with guys I have the hots for--when if I were actually having an exciting and passionate life right now and my yooyoo or Valentine was getting any action, I would not be here--I'd be off making love and talking about philosophy with some hot guy), but a happy side effect of my behavior has been that I've learned to read regular charts pretty well!

And I have seen plenty of convincing evidence here about the validity of asteroids. While I agree with AG's point that we've had millenia of comparative study of classic astrological elements, I think "good old-fashioned astrology" can ALSO be abused in the way some of us overdo it with the asteroids. For example, all those threads here where someone obviously just wants to hear "You and that guy who barely talks to you are Soul Mates" or "You have a spectacularly important soul destiny and are connected to royal lineage" or whatever...

I have read some things on this site that I personally think are really deluded, and that's made me question and consider the beliefs that I personally hold dear and the things I see as unshakable "truths"...I find it very valuable to question what I believe to be true.

I take my obsessive behavior on internet forums lightly...I always get into it when I'm feeling hurt or shy and don't have a lover...but I think that, whether you focus on new or classic approaches, astrology has a rich history and is a deeply interesting area of study.

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posted July 08, 2009 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
I hope Todd won't mind if I take the liberty of re-posting his post from the Asteroid Sphinx thread...I LOVE his argument here, and it really addressed a lot of my questions/concerns about why certain astrological practices work:

i noticed there were several post about the validity of asteroids .Being as they are so small and numeous as to have no effect because of their banality.
speaking in favor of acknowledging asteriods, i would like to expand on my above common about quantum physics.
the state of the art theories about "reality",subatomic particles and mass, indicate that all particles of reality are entangled.entangled means that are particale are connected to a larger matrix.and as such these particles can interact insantaneously to one another even if they are separated by 20 billion light years.this is a radical departure from the belief that no information can travel faster than the speed of light.and the concept that all matter is entangled to a main quantum matrix dovetails with what all Spiritual Fountainheads have mantained, that we are all connected and part of one "One Plan". furthur more the quantum theorists propound that even the quantum matrix behind our reality could itself be a interference pattern of a more seminal quantum matrix.And that even "meaning" could be a function of entanglement.This means that objective scientific inquiry is an illusion because matter and causality have a subjective element inherent to their functioning.
A concrete example is a experiment run innumerable times by various researchers.
a beam of light is directed through two slits and project a pattern ont screen behind.when a particle detector is placed by the slit openings, the pattern on the screen is characteristic of particles.BUT when the detectors are removed the pattern now indicates a wave the mere looking/inquiring about the particle changed it idenity/characteristics. this is an example of entanglement.there was a entangled connection between the characteristics of the wave and the researchers consciousness.
in th esame way,i believe,when one has a "feeling" about an asteroid,that feeling is already entangled with the meaning of the the septics criticism that the asteroid is to whimsical to have meaning is moot,because the entanglement of meaning between the inquirer and the asteriod is inherent in the currenttime/space continuum.there is no need to find a connection,the connection was prexistant/simultaneous to the inquiry.
it sounds some simple yet is based on the most scientific, up to date theories about the nature of reality of our time/space continuum.

with the asteroids using classical or descritive images,the entanglement of the asteriod is embraces the mythical qualities of the symbol.
with common named asteriods,say as the asteriod for nemaed for common manes,then the entanglement is revealed when the querent decides to consider a asteriods meaning to them.

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posted July 08, 2009 02:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deux*Antares     Edit/Delete Message
I don't want intuited meanings associated with the new stuff.

*clears throat* I believe that great discoveries are not possible without intuition. Intuition is not mere "guessing" to people who have accepted it as a natural skill that can be used for practical purposes and as a valid "sense" more powerful than the 5 physical senses combined.

My two cents.

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posted July 08, 2009 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
I was especially awed by this:

when one has a "feeling" about an asteroid,that feeling is already entangled with the meaning of the the septics criticism that the asteroid is to whimsical to have meaning is moot,because the entanglement of meaning between the inquirer and the asteriod is inherent in the currenttime/space continuum.there is no need to find a connection,the connection was prexistant/simultaneous to the inquiry.

Very, very interesting! But yet, there are clearly some people who use their interpretations of asteroids or other astrological forces to nurse major delusions.

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posted July 08, 2009 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cpn_edgar_winner     Edit/Delete Message
the earth is flat
no its not
yes it is
no its not

i think it is very interesting. i think many astrologers dont much use, quitlies, harmonics and such when reading charts and therefore many of the basics or minor aspects even get over looked when chart readings are done.

iq's readings that include sabians and asteroids are pretty advanced readings and pretty acurate, or mine was anyway. i dont neseccarily understand it all, but i respect the study. i would think a mythology course of study would go hand in hand with it.

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posted July 08, 2009 02:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pire     Edit/Delete Message
cpn is right, mythology should have its own forum on lindaland. (you didn't say it but i heard you whispper it )

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posted July 08, 2009 02:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
I accept intuition as something, but I don't trust everyone to have a scientific intuition about things. I agree with Lucia that some people use their interpretations of asteroids and the like to nurse major delusions. Part of it comes from my natural distrust of many people's cognitive abilities in the first place. Everyone's not born a statistician, but I don't think the statistician should be removed from the astrological equation.

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posted July 08, 2009 02:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deux*Antares     Edit/Delete Message
Lucia, I hope I don't offend you. I'm not a moderator but I caught something in your last post that could stir up some trouble.

"Delusion". I'm not a native English speaker but I think it's much better to use the word "belief". Delusion is loaded.

To everyone:

Yeah, I know it's too much hassle, but let us self-moderate please. Before we hit the "submit reply" button re-read what we have written and check for any possible or potential source of misunderstanding. Thank you.

My Libran influences acting up. Sowee

EDIT: I am taking back what I just said. I don't want people to walk on eggshells. As you were. Fire away!

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posted July 08, 2009 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cynnared     Edit/Delete Message
This appeals to my bull mentality! I just stick to what I have taught myself and will sometimes go into the extras, but not too much. Maybe cause I like things plain and simple.

When I do readings - I use the basics and then I look at the Progressed, Solar return and Relocation charts. and that is about it.

Yeah this is my bain of existence in the Astroworld anyhow!


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posted July 08, 2009 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message

I am with you all the way!

especially the last paragraphs.

I have begun to question my belief systems about certain things like reincarnation,pastlives,and karma even though I have believed in those things.

I have even had doubts about the validity of Astrology over a year ago....especially after watching videos made by skeptics of astrology and even my own beliefs/practices being very negatively criticized by them.

I have looked into the work of Theodor Landscheidt that was more scientific in his Astrology in that he actually used it in his climatology work. He devised the golden section aspects. I have also been influenced by the work of Reinhold Ebertin who also had strong doubts of the validity of traditional Astrology and pretty much said the houses were B.S. and didn't use them in his system.

I have also let astronomers influence my views about Astrology. They don't know everything. They are the ones that think Astrology is B.S. However, I do believe that astronomers are helping us advance Astrology even though they think that they are diminishing Astrology. They are giving us more things to work with that can give us insight. It's obvious that astronomical discoveries have influenced Astrology or else mainstream astrologers wouldn't be using Uranus,Neptune,and Pluto as well as the eclectic astrologers wouldn't be using minor planets as well as other objects that weren't used in ancient times.

There are astronomically oriented astrologers like Philip Sedgwick (my favorite) who can grasp meaning of the new objects by studying their astronomical properties and symbolism. He looks at the north node and the perihelion of an object to find clues to the meanings of centaurs and kuiper belt objects. He has written a book, Astronomy for Astrologers. It is a part of his Galactic Triology CD. He is also the main astrologer when it comes to Deep Space Astrology which is the study of black holes,quasars,pulsars,and other deep space objects. Who is they say that they don't validity...especially when there are astrologers that have use stars.

I try to temper being openminded with critical thinking. There are times,I have been gullible when it came to certain things in Astrology. There are times that I have been narrowminded when it has to come to certain things in Astrology.

so what it really all comes down to

to each,his/her own
use whatever you feel comfortable with and gives you the best results


“It is absolutely the perfect name,” Dr. Brown said, given the continuing discord among astronomers and the public over whether Pluto should have retained its planetary status.

In mythology, Eris ignited discord that led to the Trojan War.

“She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong,” Dr. Brown said. “It really is just perfect.”

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Posts: 70
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posted July 08, 2009 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for downtomars     Edit/Delete Message
I am starting to wonder if I am getting in too deep with this asteroid and that fixed star. What it all boils down to with me is boredom. I just graduated, I am unemployed (save for this weeklong temp gig) and I'm just...bored.

Don't get me wrong - I am very much into astrology but I just recently started adding the "goddess asteroids" to my natal chart on astro and now I'm looking for my Duffell (get it, supposed to be like "duffel bag" or "travel") and my Robinwilliams (to see if I have hairy knuckles).

I see that they have both my first name and last name listed as asteroids...and they are in opposition, 3rd house first name, 9th house last name...

Saturn's return sucks, I need a life...

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posted July 08, 2009 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aya_and_baby     Edit/Delete Message
Nothing wrong with the basics. When something works in its simple state, then there's no reason to complicate it.

I've stuck with natal astrology myself ever since I started learning astrology. I know there are other kinds of astrology, but natal astrology gives me all I need, but I suppose it's what you want from astrology that makes you drawn towards either the basics or the whole nine

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posted July 08, 2009 09:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
and now I'm looking for my Duffell (get it, supposed to be like "duffel bag" or "travel") and my Robinwilliams (to see if I have hairy knuckles).

LMAO! With my Cupido-Moon-Saturn-Venus in the 7th, Mars-Adonis-Aphrodite-Sun-Merc in the 8th, and the July eclipses hitting my tender 7th house bits, I notice I don't care about ANYTHING about myself at all astrologically except whether I am alluring to certain men (who, if I was, I would be with them instead of here)...I'm not even vaguely interested in anything that indicates anything about my career, my destiny, my creative life, travel, family relationships, fame, money, luck...that all seems to be taking care of itself...I'm just all, "Ohhh, does his Valentine-Eros semisextiquadrahedron my Yooyoo-Robinwilliams conjunction at 3 degrees mean he lusts after my hairy knuckles?"

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posted July 08, 2009 10:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

I believe that great discoveries are not possible without intuition.

Yes, I agree. Go back some time and think when there was nothing to base anything on - all the information - the visions in the stars, etc - it had to be intuited. That's what we've based our "knowledge" upon. I think most things come through intuition or "inspiration" - music, art, technological ideas, etc. I think that it's man's job to "discover" things, that we're not actually creating anything that isn't alreaady there.

Re: the "delusions" - I get what Lucia is saying in that, as AG suggested, all these theories are untried and tested really, and that because we're the ones researching them now, that it's possible that people are making interpretations based on wishful thinking rather than objective astrological research.

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posted July 08, 2009 11:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
downtomars, you cracked me up...i just wanted to say that sometimes being bored and jobless is just the ticket to take you where you want/need to go...i started getting into astrology in the long evenings as a single mom, refusing to watch tv and too tired for much activity. it's a great time to learn things! when you have a job life can run away with you and the time for real in-depth study can be hard to set aside.

deux, i appreciate what you said about editing ourselves. i usually do anyway because i always remember something after posting! but i while i want us to be kind and not hurt each other i think we can be TOO careful and PC which kills honest debate and colourful characters!

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posted July 08, 2009 11:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for aerialcircus     Edit/Delete Message
This thread is a bummer!

Coming to the realization that there are different house systems that produce drastically different results for me natally really tripped me up, and has sort of cooled my heels astrologically lately. I just don't know how to reconcile it, or how folks can jump from one house system to the other without questioning EVERYTHING in the process.

Prices for readings have really been getting me down, too. I don't want to "free reading grub", but come ON! I know it's important for professional astrologers to make a living (which is why I'm more than willing to pay for services), but when a horary reading costs $75? I just begin to question the legitimacy of that. At what point does access to astrological services become a class issue? I find it hard to believe that many people have $75 to throw around casually these days.

I was talking to a friend of mine about astrology the other night (The Libra I'm forever yammering about but never jumping), about how it's become such an integral part of my life (even professionally, as I make & sell astrology related jewelry) that my own skepticism scares me. I asked his opinion and he said something I thought was pretty wise (as he tends to do):

"I'm willing to accept that everything you tell me about astrology is true. I like hearing about it, it's fascinating, but I have to keep a distance. I know myself well enough to know that if I let myself believe completely, I'd fall so deeply into it that I'd never come out. Skepticism is my life preserver, it keeps me from drowning inside myself."

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posted July 09, 2009 01:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
i started getting into astrology in the long evenings as a single mom, refusing to watch tv and too tired for much activity

This really ties into the crux of why I like the old school over the new school. Thousands of years ago when astrology was coming into existence, the stars were tv. They didn't have the distractions that we have, so they had much more time to devote to theorizing, studying, and testing their astrological theories. For hundreds of years they lived without our distractions.

That's not to say that all modern astrology is bunk. Just that time testing favors traditional astrology.

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Geocosmic* Valentine

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posted July 09, 2009 01:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Geocosmic* Valentine     Edit/Delete Message

I DESPERATELY need to know, where is asteroid YOOYOO??? If YooYoo conjuncts my Valentine, will I get some action?

YooYoo=priceless! I love it.

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posted July 09, 2009 02:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Redstar     Edit/Delete Message
Perhaps you could look at Bonk (14965)
Geocosmic to ascertain your chances on that matter

On a serious note, wow what a discussion this ended up being!

I like the position of being between the two worlds - the old and the new.Balance in all things.

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posted July 09, 2009 03:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for downtomars     Edit/Delete Message
There are too many squares to my natal Bonk, I'm not liking it, lol

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posted July 09, 2009 03:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deux*Antares     Edit/Delete Message


I like the position of being between the two worlds - the old and the new.Balance in all things.

Have you checked where asteroid Sandwich is in your chart? I have a strong feeling it is conjunct either your sun or venus!

Kidding aside, I believe we need to have a strong grasp of the basics because they serve as foundation. Without a good foundation the structure will collapse. But we should also encourage exploration.

As to this delusion thing, which in our current context relates to the concept of reincarnation, I believe in parallel universes and multiple dimensions and probable selves etc. In short, we have all had regal past lives and past lives as nobody. It is just a matter of what we remember and what we need to work on/work with/work out during our present life.

I wish I could share more about this topic but this is not the proper thread. So maybe next time.

Be humble, but not weak.

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posted July 09, 2009 04:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
I love this thread. So much intelligence and interesting exchange of ideas in here. Woo-hoo!


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posted July 09, 2009 04:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

I hear what you're saying about the prices. I think with anything considered "new age" when people are skeptical that things being so highly priced it doesn't help our cause much. It makes people think that anything "new agey" equates to "charlatan".

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Posts: 72
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posted July 09, 2009 04:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Redstar     Edit/Delete Message

Is it sad that I actually went looking for asteroid sandwich?
(Which doesn't appear to exist, yet. But I did find 'Split - 12512' which squares my Sun and sextiles my Venus exactly! I bow to your superior astrological abilities )

I hope you come back and contribute to a discussion or two, or start a thread to share those wise thoughts of yours.

I am still admiring the fortified asteroid-proof walls built by a sturdy and patient T.

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