Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 11, 2009 02:57 PM
LL needs an updated asteroid list so here it is! My gift to LL  (2101) Adonis (1221) Amor (11911) Angel (1388) Aphrodite (1862) Apollo (2597) Arthur (1198) Atlantis (1488) Aura (19029) Briede (19521) Chaos (4580) Child (34) Circe (763) Cupido (6583) Destinn (11419) Donjohnson (433) Eros (5261) Eureka (1589) Fanatica (4342) Freud (2415) Ganesa (1237) Genevieve (1812) Gilgamesh (5249) Giza (3018) Godiva (5129) Groom (103) Hera (1924) Horus (4950) House (243) Ida (3497) Innanen (42) Isis (9007) James Bond (11518) Jung (4227) Kaali (3811) Karma (1181) Lilith (61342) Lovejoy (4386) Lust (2696) Magion (149) Medusa (2598) Merlin (600) Musa (3199) Nefertiti (3688) Navajo (128) Nemesis (287) Nephthys (1068) Nofretete (875) Nymphe (171) Ophelia (1923) Osiris (2847) Parvati (399) Persephone (26) Proserpina (16) Psyche (5011) Ptah (14871) Pyramus (4416) Ramses (5239) Reiki (5381) Sekhmet (1170) Siva (896) Sphinx (37452) Spirit (1970) Sumeria (33154) Talent (88) Thisbe (4848) Tutenchamun (258) Tyche (4257) Ubasti (1585) Union (447) Valentine (5731) Zeus Please feel free to add to it 
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vertiver Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Firey Jupiter Registered: May 2009
posted July 11, 2009 05:20 PM
Thanks Lara, this helps lazy people like me, who think it takes to long to look for each asteroid number! IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 11, 2009 05:50 PM
Lara...That was very generous of you. Thanks.  IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 11, 2009 07:22 PM
You are both welcome. It makes life easier  Took ages to go through the astro asteroid list but well worth it to have everything in one list and we can add to it, via editing ! x IP: Logged |
Antiquarianbookcollector Knowflake Posts: 346 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted July 11, 2009 07:27 PM
This might sound really stupid but how do these astroids really affect natal and synastry charts. Or, are they details to further illuminate something? Sorry... IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 11, 2009 07:32 PM
ABC, they are there to use once you get the hang of natals and synastry. If you start with asteroids you will feel like you are in spaghetti junction  Welcome to LL  IP: Logged |
Shankara Knowflake Posts: 290 From: Gainesville, FL Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 11, 2009 08:34 PM
Thanks Lara!Just one question though, there are MANY more asteroids on astrodienst, right? How/Why were these particular asteroids decided upon? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 11, 2009 10:31 PM
Lara, that's aweseome. Thanks.  Can someone explain to me how to apply asteroid Donjohnson to my chart?  IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 11, 2009 10:44 PM
19913 Aigyptios Greek for Egypt 136818 Selqet In Egyptian mythology, Serket (also spelt Selchis, Selket, Selkis, Selkhit, Selkit, Selqet, Serkhet, Serket-hetyt, Serqet and Serquet) is the goddess of healing stings and bites who originally was the deification of the scorpion.
Raymond ------------------ “It is absolutely the perfect name,” Dr. Brown said, given the continuing discord among astronomers and the public over whether Pluto should have retained its planetary status. In mythology, Eris ignited discord that led to the Trojan War. “She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong,” Dr. Brown said. “It really is just perfect.” IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 12, 2009 07:33 AM
LOL PA  I had to put him in - he's so cool!
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2009 07:49 AM
For obvious reasons - asteroids:Linda - 7169 Goodman - 4239 Plus, I wanted to bump this thread. I'm not ready to see it go off the page just yet. It has more to offer. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2009 07:50 AM
Thank you for the list.  IP: Logged |
Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2009 08:58 AM
Greek Theme Asteroids:5731 Zeus 103 Hera 399 Persephone 46 Hestia 1108 Demeter 2 Pallas (also called Pallas Athene) 881 Athene 433 Eros 16 Psyche 1388 Aphrodite 1862 Apollo 3361 Orpheus 80 Sappho 201 Penelope 1943 Anteros 2101 Adonis 108 Hecuba 4450 Pan 74 Galatea 88 Thisbe 14871 Pyramus 875 Nymphe 499 Venusia 60 Echo 1036 Ganymede 3671 Dionysus 1809 Prometheus 258 Tyche 128 Nemesis 5 Astraea 19521 Chaos 638 Moira 273 Atropos 97 Klotho 120 Lachesis 57 Mnemosyne 600 Musa 22 Kalliope 84 Klio 18 Melpomene 27 Euterpe 62 Erato 81 Terpsichore 30 Urania 23 Thalia 33 Polyhymnia 14827 Hypnos 10 Hygeia 2878 Panacea 1027 Aescualpia 3063 Makhaon 4086 Podalerios 5261 Eureka 5450 Sokrates 5451 Plato 6123 Aristoteles 193 Ambrosia 7 Iris 307 Nike 40 Harmonia 55 Pandora 43 Ariadne 79 Eurynome 105 Artemis 407 Arachne 52 Europa 212 Medea 34 Circe 100 Hekate 69230 Hermes 114 Kassandra 432 Pythia 4341 Poseidon 382 Dodona 342 Endymion 157 Dejanira 1009 Sirene 1309 Hyperborea _________________________________________________________________ Roman Theme Asteroids:
3 Juno 4 Vesta 1 Ceres 93 Minerva 26 Proserprina h57 Proserpina 16 Psyche 763 Cupido 78 Diana 2063 Bacchus 19 Fortuna 151 Abundantia 490 Veritas 1930 Lucifer _________________________________________________________________ Vedic/Indian/Hindu/Tantric Theme Asteroids:
1170 Siva 4227 Kaali 2847 Parvati 20000 Varuna 2629 Rudra 2415 Ganesa 5863 Tara 4106 Nada 12472 Samadhi 2815 Soma 25290 Vibhuti 1387 Kama _________________________________________________________________ Egyptian theme asteroids:
42 Isis 1923 Osiris 4257 Ubasti 1924 Horus 2340 Hathor 1912 Anubis 5381 Sekhmet 287 Nephthys 5011 Ptah 1813 Imhotep 5249 Giza 896 Sphinx 2062 Aten 4848 Tutenchamun 4847 Amenhotep 216 Kleopatra 3199 Nefertiti 4416 Ramses 19913 Aigyptios 136818 Selqet _________________________________________________________________ Sumerian/Babylonian/Chaldaean theme asteroids:
1970 Sumeria 22260 Ur 15417 Babylon 5805 Babel 56000 Mesopotamia 313 Chaldaea 1812 Gilgamesh 2101 Adonis 3497 Innanen 7088 Ishtar 584 Semiramis _________________________________________________________________ Anglo Saxon theme asteroids:
9500 Camelot 2598 Merlin 9499 Excalibur 2597 Arthur 2483 Guinevere 2041 Lancelot 2082 Galahad 2095 Parsifal 2054 Gawain 3180 Morgan 9501 Ywain 1966 Tristan 211 Isolda 29391 Knight 17612 WhiteKnight 9325 Stonehenge 5029 Ireland 28346 Kent _________________________________________________________________ Norse Theme Asteroids:
3989 Odin 2155 Wodan 77 Frigga 76 Freia 894 Erda 1130 Skuld 167 Urda 949 Hel 4484 Sif 343 Ostara 4572 Brage 176 Iduna 4213 Njord 601 Nerthus 4862 Loke 4092 Tyr 3990 Heimdal 1260 Walhalla 256 Walpurga 1309 Hyperborea _________________________________________________________________ Spiritual theme asteroids:
3811 Karma 12472 Samadhi (Vedic) 14827 Hypnos (Greek) 55555 DNA 1488 Aura 5239 Reiki 37452 Spirit 6583 Destinn 3561 Devine 1252 Celestia 11911 Angel 5264 Telephus 33154 Talent 490 Veritas (Roman) 9770 Discovery 5261 Eureka (Greek) 227 Philosophia 5450 Sokrates (Greek) 5451 Plato (Greek) 6123 Aristoteles (Greek) 8990 Compassion 8991 Magnanimity 8992 Solidarity 7899 Joya 7707 Yes 2878 Panacea 4955 Gold 5325 Silver 151 Abundantia (Roman) 19 Fortuna (Roman) 258 Tyche (Greek) 193 Ambrosia (Greek) 2815 Soma (Vedic) 25290 Vibhuti (Vedic) 390 Alma 2791 Paradise 1282 Utopia 9500 Camelot (Anglo Saxon) 2598 Merlin (Anglo Saxon) 9499 Excalibur (Anglo Saxon) 1198 Atlantis 279 Thule 1309 Hyperborea (Greek/Norse) 251 Sophia (Greek) 7 Iris (Greek) 167 Urda (Norse) 1130 Skuld (Norse) 1260 Walhalla (Norse) 638 Moira (Greek) 273 Atropos (Greek) 97 Klotho (Greek) 120 Lachesis (Greek) 3235 Melchior 52301 Qumran 634 Ute (Native American) 2938 Hopi (Native American) 8275 Inca 3688 Navajo Vulcan _________________________________________________________________ IP: Logged |
Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2009 08:59 AM
Psychic , Witchcraft, Magick & Occult Asteroids:1198 Atlantis 279 Thule 2696 Magion 1309 Hyperborea (Norse/Greek) 5264 Telephus 6583 Destinn 3811 Karma 5239 Reiki 1488 Aura 2598 Merlin 8405 Asbolus 2060 Chiron 11518 Jung 4342 Freud 1170 Siva (Vedic) 4227 Kaali (Vedic) 2847 Parvati (Vedic) 12472 Samadhi (Vedic) 2815 Soma (Vedic) 25290 Vibhuti (Vedic) 42 Isis (Egyptian) 1923 Osiris (Egyptian) 4257 Ubasti (Egyptian) 1912 Anubis (Egyptian) 1924 Horus (Egyptian) 287 Nephthys (Egyptian) 5381 Sekhmet (Egyptian) 5249 Giza (Egyptian) 896 Sphinx (Egyptian) 93 Minerva (Roman) 78 Diana (Roman) 16 Psyche (Roman/Greek) 2 Pallas (also called Pallas Athene) (Greek) 881 Athene (Greek) 432 Pythia (Greek) 34 Circe (Greek) 100 Hekate (Greek) 114 Kassandra (Greek) 212 Medea (Greek) 258 Tyche (Greek) 7 Iris (Greek) 19521 Chaos (Greek) 128 Nemesis (Greek) 638 Moira (Greek) 273 Atropos (Greek) 97 Klotho (Greek) 120 Lachesis (Greek) 1862 Apollo (Greek) 69230 Hermes (Greek) 3361 Orpheus (Greek) 4341 Poseidon (Greek) 14827 Hypnos (Greek) 3671 Dionysus (Greek) 79 Eurynome (Greek) 157 Dejanira (Greek) 1009 Sirene (Greek) 382 Dodona (Greek) 3989 Odin (Norse) 2155 Wodan (Norse) 77 Frigga (Norse) 76 Freia (Norse) 894 Erda (Norse) 1130 Skuld (Norse) 167 Urda (Norse) 949 Hel (Norse) 4484 Sif (Norse) 3990 Heimdal (Norse) 1260 Walhalla (Norse) 256 Walpurga (Norse) 3258 Somnium 2522 Triglav (Slavic) 1930 Lucifer (Roman) h13 Lilith (True BM) 1181 Lilith (asteroid) Lilith (Dark Moon) h21 Lunar Apogee _________________________________________________________________ Love, Sexual and Relationship Asteroids:
3 Juno (Roman) 103 Hera (Greek) 5731 Zeus (Greek) 399 Persephone (Greek) 26 Proserprina (Roman) h57 Proserpina (Roman) 4 Vesta (Roman) 46 Hestia (Greek) 1 Ceres (Roman) 1108 Demeter (Greek) 2 Pallas (Greek) 881 Athene (Greek) 433 Eros (Greek) 16 Psyche (Greek/Roman) 763 Cupido (Roman) 42 Isis (Egyptian) 1923 Osiris (Egyptian) 1170 Siva (Vedic) 4227 Kaali (Vedic) 2847 Parvati (Vedic) 1388 Aphrodite (Greek) 1862 Apollo (Greek) 80 Sappho (Greek) 201 Penelope (Greek) 1943 Anteros (Greek) 2101 Adonis (Greek/Babylonian) 108 Hecuba (Greek) 3361 Orpheus (Greek) 4450 Pan (Greek) 78 Diana (Roman) 5 Astraea (Greek) 10 Hygeia (Greek) 43 Ariadne (Greek) 875 Nymphe (Greek) 7328 Casanova 1036 Ganymede (Greek) 2063 Bacchus (Roman) 3671 Dionysus (Greek) 3989 Odin (Norse) 2155 Wodan (Norse) 77 Frigga (Norse) 76 Freia (Norse) 4484 Sif (Norse) 74 Galatea (Greek) 3497 Innanen (Sumerian) 7088 Ishtar (Babylonian) 672 Astarte (Assyrian) 88 Thisbe (Greek) 14871 Pyramus (Greek) 2832 Lada (Slavic) 1387 Kama (Vedic): 2060 Chiron 447 Valentine 1221 Amor 4386 Lust 3811 Karma 1585 Union 37452 Spirit 7558 Yurlov 499 Venusia 19029 Briede 5129 Groom 1487 Boda 4950 House 306 Unitas 868 Lova 73511 Lovas 61342 Lovejoy 6583 Destinn Mythological couples: Pluto - Persephone Pluto - Proserpine Hera - Zeus (Greek) Jupiter - Juno (Roman) Eros - Psyche (Greek) Cupido - Psyche (Roman) Mars - Venus (Roman) Siva - Parvati (Indian) Siva - Kaali (Indian) Osiris - Isis (Egyptian) Adonis - Innanen (Sumerian/Babylonian/Chaldaean) _________________________________________________________________
Creativity Asteroids and Muses:
600 Musa (Greek) 2 Pallas (also called Pallas Athene) (Greek) 881 Athene (Greek) 1862 Apollo (Greek) 3361 Orpheus (Greek) 80 Sappho (Greek) 93 Minerva (Roman) 2340 Hathor (Egyptian) 5011 Ptah (Egyptian) 1813 Imhotep (Egyptian) 443 Photographica 57 Mnemosyne (Greek) 22 Kalliope (Greek) 84 Klio (Greek) 18 Melpomene (Greek) 27 Euterpe (Greek) 62 Erato (Greek) 81 Terpsichore (Greek) 30 Urania (Greek) 23 Thalia (Greek) 33 Polyhymnia (Greek) 14827 Hypnos (Greek) 4106 Nada (Vedic) 2415 Ganesa (Vedic) 4572 Brage (Norse) _________________________________________________________________ Medical Asteroids:
2060 Chiron 1862 Apollo (Greek) 10 Hygeia (Greek) 212 Medea (Greek) 2878 Panacea (Greek) 1027 Aescualpia (Asklepios or Askalaphus) (Greek) 3063 Makhaon (Greek) 4086 Podalerios (Greek) 5239 Reiki _________________________________________________________________ Kuiper Belt (KBOs):
136199 Eris 50000 Quaoar 90377 Sedna 20000 Varuna 90482 Orcus 28978 Ixion 136472 Makemake 136108 Haumea _________________________________________________________________
2060 Chiron 5145 Pholus 7066 Nessus 8405 Asbolus 10199 Chariklo 10370 Hylonome _________________________________________________________________ Astrology theme asteroids:
8958 Stargazer 24626 Astrowizard 1154 Astronomia 30 Urania 6465 Zvedotchet
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songwriter Knowflake Posts: 319 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2009 02:29 PM
Tigerlily's Asteroid ListThank you! 
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Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1205 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2009 02:56 PM
Thank you! Makes life so much easier  IP: Logged |
braveheart Knowflake Posts: 132 From: sydney, nsw, oz Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2009 02:42 AM
Great Idea!IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 18, 2009 09:43 AM
Tigerlilly - Thank you! Wow! That was extensive. Much appreciated.IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 18, 2009 11:47 AM
Thank YOU Tiger Lily  I was hoping you'd come along and extensively add  IP: Logged |
cooljen Knowflake Posts: 269 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 18, 2009 03:12 PM
Thanks for the list Lara & Tigerlily. I looked up a couple of asteroids: Varuna, Adonis, Stargazer, Astronomia, Urania, and Hypnos. Though I could use some help interpreting them. What do you think? Varuna is in my 8th house (in Gemini): Sextile my MC, Semisquare my moon, and Quintile Mercury - so this means I'd have notoriety from a talent of communcating about death, sex, and other peoples money?Adonis is in Libra in the 12th house (so is Pluto conjunct Saturn). It is sextile my MC, quintile my Sun, and square my Mars. - my ideal guy is a Libra?? Hypnos is in my 9th (in Cancer). It's Quintile my moon, conjunct my Mars, and Semisquare my Chiron. So I have a talent for interpreting my dreams and I'm driven to do so, and through that I can heal wounds?? Urania is in the 9th house, in Leo, and it is conjunct my MC. Stargazer is in the 9th house, in Cancer, nd it is Semisquare Venus, Conjunct Mars, and Square Saturn & Pluto. I thought its kind of interesting that Urania, Astronomia, Stargazer, and Hypnos are all in the 9th. I guess that shows my interest in the study of astrology and dreams. ------------------ Leo with Scorpio Rising & Moon in Taurus.
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 18, 2009 04:16 PM
Here is a complete list of named centaurs and transneptunians.I also want to point out that these aren't asteroids. Asteroid is a term associated with objects that are made of rock. the main asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter. centaurs are objects that behave as half asteroid and half comet. Transneptunians are objects that orbit beyond Neptune. all asteroids,centaurs,and transneptunians are classed as minor planets, and so they all have minor planet numbers. Asteroid and minor planet aren't synonymous. Asteroids are minor planets, but minor planets are not asteroids. also not all transneptunian objects are kuiper belt objects. There are scattered disk objects like Eris and detached objects like Sedna. There are also Neptune trojans that are objects that have the same orbital period as Neptune,but none have names yet. Named Centaurs: Amycus (55576) Asbolus (8405) Bienor (54598) Chariklo (10199) Chiron (2060) Crantor (83982) Cyllarus (52975) Echeclus (60558) Elatus (31824) Hylonome (10370) Nessus (7066) Okyrhoe (52872) Pelion (49036) Pholus (5145) Thereus (32532) Named Transneptunians: (kuiper belt objects,scattered disk objects,detached objects) Altjira (148780) Borasisi (66652) Ceto (65489) Chaos (19521) Deucalion (53311) Eris (136199) Haumea (136108) Huya (38628) Ixion (28978) Logos (58534) Makemake (136472) Orcus (90482) Pluto (134340) Quaoar (50000) Rhadamanthus (38083) Sedna (90377) Teharonhiawako (88611) Typhon (42355) Varuna (20000) Raymond ------------------ “It is absolutely the perfect name,” Dr. Brown said, given the continuing discord among astronomers and the public over whether Pluto should have retained its planetary status. In mythology, Eris ignited discord that led to the Trojan War. “She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong,” Dr. Brown said. “It really is just perfect.” IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 18, 2009 04:58 PM
"Varuna is in my 8th house (in Gemini): Sextile my MC, Semisquare my moon, and Quintile Mercury - so this means I'd have notoriety from a talent of communcating about death, sex, and other peoples money?"shrugs...I don't know where you got notoriety from talent from but I will give you some stuff that Phlip Sedgwick wrote about Varuna Varuna is a transneptunian object, and so it's very outerplanet-like in its influences like Pluto. Because it's a transneptunian, it's a highly metaphysically oriented planet. Saturn is the planet of physical boundaries, and so all objects that orbit beyond Saturn are metaphysically oriented. Neptune is the planet of dissolution of physical boundaries. Once you get passed Neptune, then you get into the "unknown", "other side" which many astrologers associate with Pluto. Those things can easily be associated with all the other transneptunians. My Varuna is in 3'01 Gemini R in 9th conjunct Saturn in 5'08 Gemini R in 9th oppose Neptune in 1'48 Sagittarius in 3rd trine Pluto in 0'51 Libra in 1st square Moon in 3'11 Pisces in 6th
so I have Varuna in t-square with Saturn,,Moon,and Neptune. In Right Ascension, Sun quincunx Varuna with 5 minutes of arc Transiting Varuna is in 20'25 Cancer right now.
Philip Sedgwick gets insight into kuiper objects/transneptunians and centaurs by looking at the Heliocentric North Node and Perihelion of the object in Varuna's case, Heliocentric North Varuna Node is in Cancer Varuna's Perihelion is in Aries so he blends Cancer and Aries, and he comes up with keywords from that blend Of course, he does consider the mythology too. from SOUL OF THE SKY by Philip Sedgwick
Varuna came to the attention of astronomers on November 28, 2000,initially known as Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) 2000WR106. Once its orbital parameters were refined, it was given the Minor Planet Number 20000. This numbering process occurred fairly quickly given the object’s low eccentricity. Then, on March 6, 2000, the minor planet received its name - one of the first Vedic namesakes applied!
Varuna means “he who covers,” most likely an association with his once held rulership of the heavens. At one point Varuna maintained a top deity ranking. Not only did he direct the heavens, he managed the waters, regulated day and night, oversaw the flight of birds, took care of the motions of the Sun and Moon and served as honored guest at all ceremonies. A master healer, he applied healing, cosmic waters, much akin to Aquarius, for the good of people. This flow also symbolized the natural internal movement of kundalini energy. Varuna was motivated to relieve karma, absolve the pain of wrongdoing, and guide people on their way. This would be done with proper choices, forthright activity and clear vision. He could remove sin, pain, debt and injury, if only one offered proper propitiation. So, what went wrong? Given than Varuna was a god of illusion (maya) he was inclined to the use of soma. This hallucinogen perhaps granted visions and insights, but it angered other deity. After a time, he was reduced in authority to keeper of the waters, his profound responsibilities being largely replaced by Shiva and Vishnu. Much of his subsequent work went to assist drowning souls. Varuna, being a slower moving body, as will be the case with all the Trans-Neptunian bodies,operates as a generational influence. Should an individual hold personal natal contacts (critical angles, Sun, Moon, Mercury through Mars) in precise relations with Varuna, then a specialized soul mission evolves within Varuna’s themes.
One might suspect that working with the planetary waters or heavenly waters (the atmosphere) would become natural concerns. A consciousness of fighting pollution and the will to take on adversaries who disrespect water, sky and Earth could be a huge life theme. Personal contacts with Varuna suggest an additional urge to work to spread consciousness, a sense of collective cooperation (and an understanding of how all thoughts and actions affect every other thought and actions). Given that many people currently complain about drowning in the emotional tides prevailing upon the planet, Varuna takes charge in the nick of time. On the most personal level, his attentions refer to the node and perihelion point. This comes from the blending of Cancer (North node) and Aries (perihelion). Such a combination reflects the urge for self-nurturing at the most fundamental level. One must make personal care the utmost priority. Feeding the self on all levels of real world reality (food, drink, feeling, love) supports the spirit in self-realization to the extent that it may assert itself into the flow of the cosmic waters. Participation on the planet becomes an important task, but follows proper personal sustenance. Positive - sovereign, competent, regulating without force, mastery of all tasks accepted Negative - incompetent and blaming, lamentation of life’s losses, holds resentment Mundane - appointments or elected positions, delegation of authority, promotions, demotions,court martial, public humiliation Ceremonial - ceremonies to confirm positions, spiritual coronations, “induced” journeys as in shamanically led vision quests Raymond ------------------ “It is absolutely the perfect name,” Dr. Brown said, given the continuing discord among astronomers and the public over whether Pluto should have retained its planetary status. In mythology, Eris ignited discord that led to the Trojan War. “She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong,” Dr. Brown said. “It really is just perfect.” IP: Logged |
cooljen Knowflake Posts: 269 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 18, 2009 05:33 PM
quote: "Varuna is in my 8th house (in Gemini): Sextile my MC, Semisquare my moon, and Quintile Mercury - so this means I'd have notoriety from a talent of communcating about death, sex, and other peoples money?"shrugs...I don't know where you got notoriety from talent from
I was combining the statements that I had read about the planets, asteroids, or whatever you want to call them, involved. I said already that I'm not sure how to interpret this. Thanks for your input regardless. ------------------ Leo with Scorpio Rising & Moon in Taurus. IP: Logged |
Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 18, 2009 10:37 PM
I've spent the past few years doing intensive research of asteroids, KBOs, etc. and in researching Varuna I found this: quote: Varuna is 900 km (550 miles) in diameter and has an orbital period of 285 years. It was discovered 28 November 2000, coinciding with the contested election results in the USA (astrologer Jerome Armstrong has noted that the GOP has its natal Varuna at 19 Sagittarius, conjunct George W. Bush's South Node, which Pluto is currently transiting).Interestingly, the pre-Vedic deity for whom it was named was seen as a Keeper of Divine Order. Lord of the Cosmos, Varuna was omnipotent and omniscient, an enforcer of contracts who punished mortals who did not keep their word, and was also a Lord of the Dead who could confer immortality. He was thought to be responsible for the movements of the Sun, the separation of day and night, and the maintenance of the Earth's form. After centuries of dominance, Varuna was unseated by the Vedic pantheon of the Indo-Aryan invaders who overran the Indian subcontinent (much in the way Zeus and the Olympians supplanted Cronos and the Titans in Greece), and he was demoted to the rulership of the oceans and rivers. Russian astrologer Denis Kutalyov indicates that the Kuiper Belt may be seen as a sort of boundary of what is knowable; the multiplicity of objects in this region therefore suggests that the doors to the mystery beyond are legion. He further states that Varuna in particular may be seen as conferring notoriety, not to say infamy, and immortality in the sense of renown. He backs this up with illustrations as to Varuna's prominence in such impactful "remember-where-you-were-when..." events as the Kennedy assassination in 1963 and the Challenger explosion in 1986. Jerome Armstrong also notes its prominence in the 9-11 terrorist attacks, where it was conjunct both transit Jupiter and the USA Sun. (As an aside here, by way of additional confirmatory evidence, Varuna for the destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003 was at 12 Cancer retrograde, exactly inconjunct the Sun at 12 Aquarius (itself conjunct Black Hole Kybele) and square Black Hole Nemesis at 13 Libra.) quote: Varuna for someone who was once a vastly important god of the ancient Vedic world, he was demoted by invading Aryan conquerors to a god of rivers and waters. In earlier times, mortals who did not keep their word would meet his version of justice and could be killed. He could bestow immortality as well. Questions of the gain and loss of reputation, and the issue of immortality through fame, seem inevitable with this planet. Astrological associations include the impersonal laws of nature (as opposed to human nature) and the incomprehensible cosmic order (as opposed to the order of society). It would seem he mediates between these two orders of reality. quote: Varuna (2000 WR106) was discovered in 2000 and given designation minor planet 20,000 -- a big honor for the discoverers R. S. McMillan and J. A. Larsen. This was the first planet beyond Pluto to get a name. [It was not the first discovered -- that was 1992 QB1, which has not yet been named.] Varuna has an orbital period of 282 years. Varuna is a mighty god, one of the supreme creation deities of pre-Vedic history, still revered today by many, and this was a landmark astronomical discovery, in part because of its size.The energy of Varuna is that which is too large to comprehend. In this respect, it has some attributes of the 12th house -- the house of overwhelming or incomprehensible aspects of life that act out of sight or in the deep background. One astrologer who has done some interesting work with Varuna is Juan Revilla of Costa Rica. In an email conversation a few years ago, Juan explained to me his interpretation that Varuna is quite literally "behind everything" -- a potent and ominous force lingering in the far reaches of our lives. Among the many deities who have had planets and asteroids named for them, Varuna's energy seems closest to what we think of as God, the all-knowing cosmic entity that exists silently behind consciousness and events. Varuna (now in Cancer) also deals with the punishment of liars and those who violate contracts. In earlier times, mortals who did not keep their word would meet his wrath. He could bestow immortality as well. Astrological associations noted by Revilla include the impersonal laws of nature (as opposed to human nature) and the incomprehensible cosmic order (as opposed to the order of society). Questions of the gain and loss of reputation, and the issue of immortality through fame, seem inevitable with this planet. My phrase for Varuna is, "the great equalizer."
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Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 23, 2009 01:25 PM
Bumpity bump.IP: Logged | |