Topic: 9Th Harmonic Charts and Soulmates
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted July 24, 2009 10:04 AM
Okis..i looked onto ours. I compared the 9TH-9TH and 9TH-Natals. In fact it appeared some very interesting conections: My 9TH-HIs NATAL after work i will continue my researching 
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lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted July 24, 2009 10:23 AM
Diandra, i don't really understand the concept of Harmonic charts. could you explain briefly? thanks!IP: Logged |
amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 24, 2009 11:27 AM
Why 9th harmonic? Why not 7th?IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted July 24, 2009 12:16 PM
because 9th house is the house of spiritual expansion = soul connection???IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 24, 2009 12:19 PM
The idea that the 9th harmonic relates to marriage and / or soulmates, stems from Vedic astrology.Vedic astrologers believe the birth chart to be an emanation of the physical existence, and the Navamsa - the 9th harmonic- is seen as a "soul-chart" and interpreted extensively. Why the 9th? Well, the 9th is associated with jupiter, and associated with happiness and all good things, spirituality and marriage in Vedic astroly (correct me if I amw rong). The 7th would be associated with Venus - Shukra. But she is not seen as purely positive, as she is associated foremost with sensuality. Actually it is interesting that in WEstern astrology Venus became associated with marriage; personally I think that is a misinterpretation of her symbolism, coming from the equalizing of marriage with relationship / love in our age. Even in Greek or Roman myths you can see clearly that Venus has a very selfish, superficial, yet sensual and lovely streak. But she isn`t really the most faithful one, now is she?  I think that is the reason that Vedic astrologers use the 9th chart. Also, the 9th chart is a chart where all noviles are highlighted, including the trine (3x40), which is seen also in Western astrology as harmonious, and it relates to the trinity, which equals completion in a spiritual context. Actually novile-series is said to signify all these things: bliss, karmic completion and so on.
The 7th harmonic would highlight the septile series, a rather mysterious aspect, an irrational number.
There is also an article I once found on the 9th harmonic in synastry: and "Soulmate"
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amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 24, 2009 12:44 PM
But Libra rules the 7th, Sagittarius rules the 9th. Sag isn't exactly the most marriage bound sign. Though I can see for the legal purposes of marriage why the 9th is used.IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 24, 2009 01:40 PM
In Vedic Astrology, the 9th harmonic chart is used as a 2nd main chart.It's used to determine overall strengths of planets. When a planet is in the same sign in both the rasi (the main chart) and the navamsha(9th harmonic chart) the planet is vargottma. It is said to be powerful. for example. My Jupiter is in Scorpio in both the rasi and navamsha. Therefore, Jupiter is vargottma. I thought about using the 9th harmonic in Western Astrology as a 2nd main chart too. Raymond ------------------ “It is absolutely the perfect name,” Dr. Brown said, given the continuing discord among astronomers and the public over whether Pluto should have retained its planetary status. In mythology, Eris ignited discord that led to the Trojan War. “She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong,” Dr. Brown said. “It really is just perfect.” IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted July 24, 2009 02:17 PM
hi all!well...i jjust saw in other thread someone saying that the 9Th is the "Soulmate Chart",and it was related to Vedic Astrology. i did a small research:btw DD your explanation is excellent Some say that the 9Th ,as it stands for our inner self,our Soul,that it might show our later life,as then,we tend to live more through our own way,rather than through the conditioned elements of their early and physical life. this one talks about the 9Th and Soulmates:how the 9Th represents the Higher vibracional frequencies of Pluto. 9th represents the Hole Trinity (3x3):"This formula brings chemistry which can lead to marriage, a heavy, meaningful partnership or brings the characteristics to test you" "this charts describes by parallel symbology your mate, or if unmarried, what turns you on to your destiny. Either marriage, or learning to live with the not self, serves as an earth test for completion." IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted July 24, 2009 02:27 PM
EDITEDTo show later. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted July 24, 2009 02:43 PM
edited...IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted July 24, 2009 03:22 PM
NOW THE FINAL COMPARISON  9TH - TO 9TH "When you find one exact hit or conjunction, or a number of them, these depict the actual areas of soul connection. Other astrologers believe the 9th Harmonic demonstrates sexuality; while others believe it shows the capacity for joy and living life to the fullest or caring and warmth; still others believe this chart reveals the capacity to disengage in struggle or maintain a spiritually detached relationship to life. It is a general consensus, however, that this chart is particularly pertinent for understanding issues involving love and marriage. "
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woah city Knowflake Posts: 578 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 25, 2009 02:14 PM
wow diandra! in honour of the eclipse hitting my jupiter (and sun being on it right now, exact), as well as my sag neptune, rising and venus, i checked our 9th harmonics today. we're not technically a couple, though we're intimate and very good friends. i found some interesting stuff and would love to know if it seems powerful!9th to 9th -his NN conj my pluto exact -my SN conj his jupiter exact -my mercury and mars conj his neptune within 2 -his mars conj my neptune exact -grand trine of my AC, my moon, his saturn within 2 -his stellium of merc, chiron, venus opposing his sun pluto AND uranus MC conjuncting my sun and chiron (other than those last two i'm only counting tight conjunctions because i'm too lazy to calculate and i'm sure i've missed something)
-also our ACs are conjunct, but by 7 9th to natal/draco:
-my moon conj his MC exact -my NN conjunct his chiron at 1 -my neptune conjunct his mars exact -my saturn and jupiter conj his moon (2,3) -my AC conj his sun/pluto (2,2) -his MC conj my dr sun, merc, mars (2,3,3) -his uranus conj my dr merc, mars (2,2) -actually his whole stellium-opposition that i mentioned above also contains my draco jupiter and natal jupiter, sun, merc, mars as well. oops! looks like that's all my daughter's gonna let me type. there was a bit more but i can't concentrate now. oh yeah i also find it interesting that my draco AC (which incidentally conjuncts his natal MC exact) is my 9th persona moon, also exact. and his 9th MC is his draco AC exact (which also closely involves his mars by conjunction and my sun, merc, mars as well, all within 3 degs). gotta go! the lady calls.. IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3671 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted July 25, 2009 03:24 PM
I agree, DD. I can hardly associate Venus with fidelity LOL. I think we'd be getting stuck looking at it from a purely Western perspective alone, good thing we have these other perspectives IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3671 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted July 25, 2009 04:11 PM
I don't get how to do the 9th hamonic on IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 25, 2009 04:15 PM
make the date of the reading the 9th, 18th etc... at "Start date for chart*with the Harmonic Chart Day option. IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3671 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted July 25, 2009 04:38 PM
Thanks, Unmoved. Got it IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 25, 2009 04:41 PM
BTW I would only consider conjunctions and opposition in the 9th chart or between 9th and natal, but would widen the orb slightly to about 5 degrees. A novile with 1 degree in a synastry chart would appear as a 9 degree conjunction in the 9th harmonics.IP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2940 From: France Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 25, 2009 05:17 PM
DD, when u say u would consider only conjunctions and opposition, do you mean for synastry only or for a single chart analysis too?IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2009 06:19 AM
well, I was thinking of synastry here, but yes, for a beginning I probably would be limiting it to conjunction and opposition, too.Only after seeing the dominant theme (in conjunction / opposition) I would look at the other aspects, especially if they are part of planetary geometry. So I think, having a T-square or Yod or Grand Trine can be very telling, too. Actually I start getting fond of this perspective in synastry, too. To see the geometry rather than isolated aspects.
For example: in my own natal I have
Moon on 17 Aquarius Juno on 17 Pisces Saturn on 17 Cancer karma on 16 Gemini I definitely feel that all those belong together or have to analysed together. Also, synastric aspects to one of them, will mostly hit all.
But yes, to make it easier, I concentrate on conjunction and opposition in a first approach.
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2009 07:10 AM
This is my 9th harmonic chart: IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2009 07:23 AM
The aspects, that "jumped" out at me, were:° Karma conjunct Venus (and currently being hit by the transiting Jupiter, Chiron-Neptune-conjunction) ° Mercury conjunct MC, opposing Mars on the IC °exact Juno-Saturn-conjunction exactly on the DSC °Chiron conjunct Cupido ° Union conjunct Neptune conjunct True Node ° Vesta -Eros-conjunction ° Moon - Valentine conjunction IP: Logged |
comica23 Knowflake Posts: 1212 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2009 12:37 PM
9th harmonic synastry with my bf:- his Moon (22º47' Libra) conjunct my Moon/Angel (24º19/24º36' Libra) and oppose my Sun (23º50' Aries); - his Saturn (20º36' Virgo) conjunct my DNA (19º03' Virgo); - my Juno (20º50' Scorpio) conjunct his Juno/Venus (22º06'/18º28' Scorpio); - his AC is Capricorn 17º23' and mine is Cancer 6º15'; - etc. X3 *edited (20/9/2009)* My 9th harmonic Siva is opposed to his 9th harmonic Kaali by some 0º14' degrees. O_o Another fast look at our 9th harmonic charts and natal charts: His 9th harmonic to my natal: - Moon oppose Moon by 0º05' degrees; - Mercury conjunct Sun; - Venus conjunct SN; My 9th harmonic to his natal: - Saturn conjunct Moon; - Venus conjunct Venus. IP: Logged |
vesta Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted July 29, 2009 03:47 AM
Looking at the 9th harmonic of the guy I was involved with his Jenny, Jennifer and mars were conjunct my Tropical NN (1) and his (9th harmonic Jenny Taylor was conjunct my Tropical ASC (0). I will take a closer look at mine when I get home and see, But I believe he may be a member of my soul family. The clue was his Tropical DNA conjunct my Tropical Saturn. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 30, 2009 12:00 PM
I just realized that I had never really looked at my 9th chart with jude.OUt of the top of my head, we have> - his 9th Sun conjunct my 9th Moon and Valentine - his tropical Juno exactly conjuncts my 9th Juno, Saturn and DSC - his 9th Moon conjuncts my tropical SN and DSC - his tropical Amor conjuncts my 9th Venus and Karma - his 9th psyche conjuncts my pluto - my 9th ERos conjuncts his Sun - his 9th Jupiter, True NOde and Destinn conjunct my 9th ASC - my tropical Sun conjuncts his 9th DSC - my 9th Pluto conjuncts his tropical Karma - his 9th Cupid conjuncts my DSC exactly (and his tropical Cupid sits exact on my ASC) there are more bu5t I have to check IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted August 02, 2009 07:07 PM
OK DIANDRA, I'd like to ask you what you make of these please cos they look very exciting to me  9th/9th his VERTEX conjunct my LUST/APHRODITE his VENUS conjunct my VERTEX his MOON conjunct my DESTINN his MOON opposes my VENUS his JUNO conjunct my MOON his GROOM/APHRODITE opposes my AC his CUPID/SATURN conjunct my PLUTO his KARMA conjunct my UNION/BRIEDE (0) his KARMA opposes my VALENTINE his AC conjunct my UNION/BRIEDE (1) his AC opposes my VALENTINE his UNION conjunct my CUPID his OSIRIS conjunct my PSYCHE his SIVA opposes my JUNO his MARS/ATLANTIS conjunct my SUN his NN/PSYCHE opposes my KARMA his VENUS opposes my NN/MOON 9th/tropical My AC conjunct his SUN His AC conjunct my VALENTINE/OSIRIS My AC opposes his EROS His SUN opposes my LUST My SUN opposes his ANGEL/JUNO His MOON opposes my ANGEL/EROS My MOON conjunct his PLUTO/UNION/DESTINN My MOON opposes his ZEUS/AMOR His VENUS conjunct my DNA My VENUS opposes his SATURN (0) His VENUS opposes my PLUTO My PLUTO conjunct his JUNO My JUNO conjunct his ANGEL HIS JUNO OPPOSES MY SUN His JUNO opposes my DNA His 9th ANGEL conjunct my n ATLANTIS His 9th ATLANTIS conjunct my n AURA My 9th harmonic JUNO conjunct his natal JUNO His NN opposes my EROS My NN conjunct his PLUTO My NN opposes his UNION/AMOR/ZEUS His UNION opposes my OSIRIS My UNION conjunct his APHRODITE My UNION opposes his TYCHE His VERTEX opposes my EROS/PLUTO My VERTEX conjunct his ZEUS/AMOR His GROOM conjunct my ISIS/UNION/MARS My GROOM conjunct his PSYCHE/NN His CUPID conjunct my SOULIE/IC
His BRIEDE conjunct my LARA/UTOPIA/DESTINN/APHRODITE His BRIEDE opposes my EROS/TYCHE My BRIEDE conjunct his SATURN His 9th APHRODITE conjunct my natal ISIS/MARS His 9th VALENTINE opposes my natal APHRODITE/UTOPIA His 9th KARMA conjunct my natal VALENTINE HIS 9th APHRODITE OPPOSES MY natal AMOR His 9th KARMA opposes my natal DESTINN DOUBLE WHAMMY'S 9th/tropical My SATURN opposes his UNION His UNION opposes my SATURN My KARMA opposes his ISIS My OSIRIS opposes his OSIRIS My OSIRIS conjunct his KARMA His EROS conjunct my LUST My PSYCHE opposes his LUST/VALENTINE My 9th Harmonic DESTINN conjunct his natal APHRODITE My 9th Harmonic APHRODITE opposes his natal DESTINN :O IP: Logged |