Topic: Help with Grand Cross Composite
Transientfire Knowflake Posts: 4 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 09, 2009 03:22 AM
Hi, I've lurked a bit and then signed up awhile ago and couldnt post till recently. Good timing because Ive run into something that.. well, havent wrapped my brain around it yet. A composite grand cross. I read a couple short things it but not much so far. What I want to say about the second person is that when I met him approx 6 weeks ago.. actually I should say that when I SAW him.. I was a deer in headlights. The vibe was.. like nothing Ive sensed before. I was nervous, couldnt speak much, like shock almost.. and kept looking back to him. Knew right away that I wanted to know him. We did speak, which felt nervous but.. easy-buddy-like too. I wanted to be near him and I didnt want to leave. All while feeling that weird/shocked vibe. This was at an art thing of his, so he was distracted. Anyway.. we've been talking through email and today was the first in his presence again, a was one-on-one mutually planned thing this time. (How I pulled that off, I dunno! Though a had a feeling it would eventually happen). It went great for the most part. What was striking to me was that though I was nervous, there was a real natural comfort level.. so easy. Good talk, very open and honest, playful, accepting, amazing eye contact.. And the physical attraction - strong .. but it was more like compulsion to touch him than it was a sexual desire, though it grew and was both by the time I left. So easy that.. we talked it over and decided to stop because of current life stuff, not to mention its so early on. We werent even kissing or such, just touching hands and arms sort of stuff. So.. I had to leave, we both knew that if I stayed much longer.. you get the idea. Only.. it was SO hard to leave. I've felt drawn to people before and even magnitism, but this was different. One neat article I read about the grand square composite was that its like 'can't' leave. That was true, and it felt sort of physical.. like my body was heavy and was arguing, because it was caught in his, or some kind of magnetic something. Wow, I can only imagine if we didnt stop. Please help with insights on this grand square or anything else. Ignore the houses and angles etc, we dont know his birth time yet. I did check his plants throughout the birthday, the time wouldnt change any of the signs they land in. Ill pop up the synastry too, which also has lots of squares. Thanks so much in advance! IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 597 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2009 03:30 AM
There is one on my synastry chart. I don't go in for composites much but the composite of the same relationship has a Kite. Grand Crosses are intense configurations but shouldn't be feared as implying some kind of doom scenario. They carry lessons and it may feel karmic. But ...looking at it from a layperson's perspective, that could be a description of many serious long-term relationships. How many people stand up in public and promise to stay with someone tell death parts them? Plenty stick to their word, though of course quite often things happen and it doesn't work out that way. IP: Logged |
MsCandeh Knowflake Posts: 49 From: Australia Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 09, 2009 07:25 AM
Hey  I'm not much good at interpreting, but it's interesting to note that you both have your natal Suns conjunct NN and these are square each other on the a DW Sun/NN square Sun/NN. Actually I think you have 'good looking' charts XD so pretty ... in the synastry there is an opposition with the squares but they are so perfect it looks like a dragonfly .... and the composite has this imposing grand cross!! (but also geometrically pretty with the 3 squares) ... this however.. doesn't mean that I know how to interpret them...XP All I know is that squares present more challenging aspects to overcome ... but maybe because of the Sun/NN DW ... there is a more fated reason why you two found each other maybe you need to work through these challenges together to grow as individuals... IP: Logged |
Transientfire Knowflake Posts: 4 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 09, 2009 02:05 PM
Thank you both. Dragonfly.. That made me smile, I didn't see it before. Couple things I notice that's different in synastry, compared to other guys I've been meeting, is the double wammy moons loosely conjuncting Mars. And the easier saturn aspects in general.. (they sextile each other, his is exactly sextile my moon, and DW tribe mars, plus a couple other loose contacts) I've had a lot of Saturn contacts in dating recently, usually squares though. Although this man is virgo, I think we are quite alike because he has scorp venus, and I'm scorp moon. Plus I'm Aries mars, his moon sign, and .... He has a really strong need for space and alone time, which normally could have the potential to stir up some insecurities in me, it's also caused harm to his past relationships to the point where I think he now questions if he is even able to have a love last very long. This was part of the decision to slow down last night (doing so was hard but new and good, for us both) Yet.. .. My sense of how we relate and communicate plus my intuition, are telling me I could meet his need for space and maybe even feel great about being about it.. because I sense he'd give what I'd need to be comfortable with that.. which would be him being open in a warm, emotionally intimate sort if why that I -understand- why he needs space at different times, and reassurance that it doesn't mean something is wrong between us, like I wasn't losing him etc. I really wish I knew his rising sign!Oh, how do people get the charts to show in the post, rather than a link? Any other input on the astro match, please? IP: Logged |
Transientfire Knowflake Posts: 4 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 09, 2009 04:02 PM
I thought this was neat- I dont know much about progressions but peeked at that same composite (with the grand cross) progressed... looks good I think... Grand Trine, fire with Sun, Moon and Saturn. That sun is in a stellium - Sun, Merc, Venus, Neptune.. which I think makes them all in the grand trine? It sounds good anyway And I think its very interesting that it went from all squares to this... IP: Logged |
comica23 Knowflake Posts: 407 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2009 07:43 PM
Transientfire, I'm far from an expert, but hope this helps. ^_^; I wouldn't consider it a t-square, since the degrees are too wide. But Saturn square Uranus and maybe Mars square Jupiter can point to problem with freedom/commitment (probably from his part). Moon oppose Pluto..some emotional pain? >_< Yet Neptune/Sun conjunction sextile/trine them, so it can rather show affinity and caring feelings. Also, Mercury conjunct Venus can show that you enjoy each other's company and talking to each other. X3Aspect to midpoints or between them can show further insights, yet I'm not sure how to interpret them. ^_^; IP: Logged | |