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Author Topic:   $$ Money Maker $$

Posts: 2196
Registered: May 2009

posted September 03, 2009 06:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Can we explore money in the:

(a)Natal Chart
(b)Synastry Chart
(c)Composite Chart...

...and variations of which, such as progressed charts, draconic charts and with predictive tools such as Solar Arcs and Transits.

I have a hard time believing that Just having Jupiter as ruler of the 2nd house is enough to make a person rich; similarly, I have trouble believing that Saturn as ruler or tenant of the second house can get you poor. There are other factors in making money involved, just as there are many ways of making money. So, let's explore these ways and see how money shows itself in astrology.

It could be a number of factors combined that suggest whether a person has, had and shall have money. I will post my chart and discuss my relationship with money. But before that, here is a list of how a person can have money, and ways a person can't have money:


  • Being born in a rich family
    -Old Money (just always had it)
    -New Money (working class parents)

  • Working for it
    -easily (lucky with salaries and work)

  • Inheriting it
    -from family
    -from friend

  • Winning it

  • Stealing it

    2. HAVE NOTS:

  • Being exploited
    -having money embezzled by those you trust
    -having money stolen by enemies

  • Negligence of personal finace
    -not investing/saving
    -over-spending and debt

  • Poverty
    -from rich to poor
    -always been poor

  • Living from check to check
    -low income
    -trouble holding onto money


    Okay, here is my Chart and my case.

    I was born in and out of money.
    My father had money, and my mother did not. So, naturally, my father gave my mother stability by raising her social standing as well as material stability. Then my father died, and when he died my mother was able to retain her position.

    Then my mother met my step-father, who was a gold-digging gambling conman. This man had a double-life and in time reduced my mother to nothing materially, bleeding her dry. We also, as the children, felt this as our standard of living decreased. Fortunately, I was a child so I didn't need too much adjusting.

    Then my mother finally divorced this guy, but now she had lost everything and had to start from scratch. She has recovered, but not completely. I went to school as usual but my life was without luxury. Instead it was a daily struggle and I grew up with an open mother who pretty much showed me how bad it was, so I couldn't complain because I knew that we had to pay for utilities, mortgage and other expenses; therefore, not having was just part of my growing up.

    I left school, and home, and started working. I got jobs easily, I made insane money very easily and quickly. I helped my mom out, but she carried on with her job because it made her feel good to work. Then, I had a moral and destiny crisis and quit the rat-race to be an artist, and like my mom I am now back to square one as she was when she lost my father. This was very hard to do because it meant that I couldn't provide for my family, but I desired personal fulfillment more than fulfilling a duty. So, I quit.

    So, for me, Jupiter conj AC, and Jupiter ruling my 2nd house is probably the reason why I've been able to make money easily in the past, ALTHOUGH, now that I am doing something I love, it is hard to come by the same luck. Why is that? Is Jupiter a flighty and fickle way to make money? Should I not trust Jupiter?

    Personally, I would have loved some Saturn in first or 8th. Anyway, do you see money in my chart, or do you see a life of a struggling artist? Which is it? How does the "HAVE" and "HAVE NOTS" list play out in my chart?

    As for my mother, could her case be a case of composites and synastry? (I do not have her chart because there is no time of birth.)


    Post your chart too and tell me how the list above plays out in your life.

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  • Diablo

    Posts: 888
    From: Melbourne, Australia
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    posted September 03, 2009 06:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Diablo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Very interesting post, i dont normally read the long ones but your's kept me interested to the end cos i can relate to family and $$$.

    I've got Saturn in the 8th house, ruled by scorpio and I've also got Venus in the 2nd house, ruled by Taurus (ha! 2 opposite signs) and in my life its always been a case of, "money comes and goes", so ive either got $$$ and my family is struggling, or we all are, or im just dead broke depending on circumstances. Im a student too, so that has a lot to do with it.

    As with work, ive had heaps of different jobs but all low-income (being a student ) except for the time i worked as a dancer (venus in the 2nd) but i spent it all (saturn in the 8th), i dont take any job serious and probably never will until i finish my degree and become a psychologist, probz to do with neptune and uruanus in the 9th.

    Interesting to note, my mother had Venus in the 2nd house too,ruled by taurus and she's always been with my dad, lived well off his business and been one of those elegant, trophy wife/mother but also down to earth and real.

    Hopefully you'll be able to interpret that in a way that helps u understand ur experiences better

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    Posts: 2196
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    posted September 03, 2009 06:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Very interesting post, i dont normally read the long ones but your's kept me interested to the end

    Thanks, and thank you also for responding Diablo.

    Saturn in 8th and Venus in 2nd, eh? Well, since you're still a student, we can't really tell until you come into your own, right? Interesting about family.

    There should be a placement for marrying money, right? Like, 7th house Venus, 10th House Venus. Or... Juno in 7th, 8th or 10th... Maybe 7th house ruler in 10th? Hmmm... in deep thought.

    Come guys! I need your cases, here. Let's explore this.

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    aka Kat

    Posts: 299
    From: Cleveland, Ohio
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    posted September 03, 2009 07:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for aka Kat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Have you heard of the book with a title, do what you love and the money will follow? I think that there is truth in this. If someone is really good at something IN A PROFESSION that enables someone to MAKE A LOT OF $ and they love it/feel passionate about it, there is a good chance that they will get rich. Someone who is passionate about being a janitor in an elementary school will not get rich in his profession unless someone is padding his income and he happens to invest the money in some phenomenal stock. Yet it would be his ability to invest that would get him rich and that would entail looking at a completely different astrological "setup" in his chart.

    Astrologically speaking, I think some of the signs/aspects of getting rich could possibly be outdated. As a Cancerian, I learned that people like Rockefeller were also Cancers so making money was in my stars. We Cancers are good at keeping our money in a bank and it is true for me. But I'm no where near wealthy. Taurus and Scorpio --money makers too right? maybe

    I recall last year running across some info that Gemini leads the pack in wealth (Billionaires) these day. That would make sense because in this technological/communications based world who else who profit so highly? In the days of getting started in business and real estate, perhaps it took a Rockefeller and other people with those types of skills and personalities to excel in making $. Today the professions that make a lot of money are different and that brings out a whole different group of people astrologically speaking.

    But I just threw away the new count for the Billionaires and off hand out of the whole list about 40 were born in one month ----------------September. So here's the list anyone want to do the legwork? -Worlds-Billionaires_Rank.html

    So I look at my chart and think. How could I make a lot of money. What do I absolutely love that I'm good at, that could bring profit. As a Cancer I'm a good saver, I have an intuitive sense of what people want, I excel at the arts, I've got Virgo work ethics, I have good 12th house behind-the-scenes energy to work independently, my PofF is conjunct my Jupiter in the 9th house. Slow and steady Virgo is in my second house (building wealth), my 8th house did not bring any great inheritances so that's out. etc etc.

    Of course there are lucky ways of getting rich - through other people's money. I believe Paris Hilton is an 8th house sun.

    Out of time, there is much more to say, but to sum it up there is no one way to see if making $ is in your chart. You need to take in account "easy" ways to get rich, your personality, your ability to invest or use money wisely, your profession's ceiling or lack of ceiling in making money, your business sense, your ability to be objective about making money, your ability to spend wisely or spend foolishly, etc. etc.

    By the way, your idea of struggling artist is BS and very old school. I see art as a way of sustaining myself and possibly flourishing. I know some stuggling artists and they enjoy their European vacations.

    Great post! I'm glad you are aware that there is not one way to determine wealth. I'll check back later - Off to work I go.

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    Posts: 2196
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    posted September 03, 2009 08:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

    This is a diamond post!
    Let me read properly and then respond.

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    Posts: 2196
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    posted September 03, 2009 08:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    f someone is really good at something IN A PROFESSION that enables someone to MAKE A LOT OF $ and they love it/feel passionate about it, there is a good chance that they will get rich.

    I suppose, but even so, there are always these horror stories about highly talented people who love what they do who died in poverty. Actually, that's usually the case in people with no business skills.

    Astrologically speaking, I think some of the signs/aspects of getting rich could possibly be outdated.

    Now we are getting somewhere. Interesting. It makes sense as you said in your post that markets change. Emerging markets for example are usually beneficial for those who are not yet in power, not yet rich... so, it makes sense why the astrological "get rich" model should also evolve with the markets.


    I recall last year running across some info that Gemini leads the pack in wealth (Billionaires) these day. That would make sense because in this technological/communications based world who else who profit so highly?

    But I just threw away the new count for the Billionaires and off hand out of the whole list about 40 were born in one month ----------------September



    I am going to use your methos here, for just a second:

    So I look at my chart and think. How could I make a lot of money. What do I absolutely love that I'm good at, that could bring profit. As a Cancer I'm a good saver, I have an intuitive sense of what people want, I excel at the arts, I've got Virgo work ethics, I have good 12th house behind-the-scenes energy to work independently, my PofF is conjunct my Jupiter in the 9th house. Slow and steady Virgo is in my second house (building wealth), my 8th house did not bring any great inheritances so that's out. etc etc.

    If I were to be honest, I have done the right thing. The only step left is accessibility to the public.

    By the way, your idea of struggling artist is BS and very old school.

    Honestly, if I didn't have a shot at success, I wouldn't have tried, but I never want to be over confident. So, I do consider things like struggling all my life as a possibility, but I would not settle for it. My personality doesn't allow it.

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    Posts: 1212
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    posted September 03, 2009 10:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Hmm maybe Jupiter, Pluto and Venus can tell about our luck with money? Maybe house rulers too. For example, maybe where the 2nd house ruler is shows where our money tends to go.

    I know a chart that has dignified Jupiter (Sagittarius), ruler of MC right conjunct MC on the 10th house side, that semisquares Pluto, and this person seems to know how to make money and might have luck in it. Jupiter is also conjunct South Node so I wonder if it points out that money in the background or so.
    But on the bad luck side, his 2nd house ruler is in the 7th house, and it does seem that his money goes mainly spent in his relationships (including family).

    Just out of curiosity.. have you guys ever looked at other branches of astrology or some other systems of predictions?

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    posted September 03, 2009 10:32 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    my second house has jupiter in sag. I have saturn in first. I want to be rich

    •' •.♥♫♫´°°♫ • Life is Beautiful •.♥.•♫°°´♫♫ ♥ •

    •Sun• Cancer
    •Moon• Gemini
    •Mars• Cancer
    •Mercury• Cancer
    •Venus• Leo

    •••Virgo Rising•••

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    Posts: 2196
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    posted September 03, 2009 10:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    and that's why I love youz Belgz! Honest! I also want to be rich! I didn't care a week ago, but now I want to be. Maybe this is the mental change I needed to attract it. I now desire $$$

    Anyway, I found this article "Mystic Medusa"


    Prosperity Mandala

    The 2nd house of your chart is known as the House of Earned Income – as opposed to the 8th house which can be money that just sorta comes to you…The 2nd House is your Money Box, your Wealth Sector and is symbolic of your attitude toward toward lucre, material possessions and – deeper – your sense of self-adequacy.

    Look first to the sign on the cusp of the House. And guys, the point of D.I.Y. Astro is that you glomp your chart off Astrodienst & have fun figuring it out here. There are always peeps to help or me, if you spring for an Astro-Query. Anyway, look to the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house. This is FUN. That sign is how you are with $$$.

    So even though YOU may be a super-cautious & canny Capricorn, if you’ve got Leo lurking on the cusp of your 2nd – LOL. You will LIKE the sensation of having “proper” champagne in your fridge and you do not give a **** about what some wine wanker says about how some **** -house cheap sparkling wine is superior. No-no-no. You feel soothed by the registered orange hue of the Veuve label. Soothed.

    Pisces on the cusp of the 2nd? You are so prone to giving stuff away. Things come to you when you need them as if by osmosis. Things go with ease. You’re like a walking installation of The Secret. Scorpio/Cancer on the cusp of the 2nd? You’re likely to be one of those peeps who just have the investment knack. You leapt in at the start of the tech boom and nipped out again quick smart. You can turn $5 into $500 and to you it’s as sensual and pleasurable as growing something in the garden.

    But it’s not just the signs on the cusp of the 2nd. It’s also what’s in there! The classic challenged-by-money placement is our ye olde friend Saturn. Yet remember that your Saturn area gets buffed and buffed via loads of work and angsting till finally it becomes your shiniest area? Saturn in the 2nd house gets clobbered in early youth by seeming to lose money, be ripped off, just feeling always stuggling but by Jove, when this lot get self-reliant, they are a force. Healthy, wealthy & wise indeed.

    Venus & Jupiter there – the benefics of trad astro – bless the person with the ability to sort of drum it up from nowhere, walk out the door and get offered the gig they need & even be fairly fortunate in just finding the stuff. Venus/Jupiter in the 2nd trots into garage sales & comes out clutching the actual valuable antique. Or gets a massive crush on some artist at uni who gives her his/her etchings & voila, they’re worth heaps at a later date.

    Think also that you can make money via following the attributes of whatever sign/planet is plonked there. And don’t worry if no planet there – it just means it’s not that important to you. Uranus in 2nd; money off the net, via inventions & television. Neptune; film, acting, science fantasy. You could even have the gift of literally dreaming up profitable ideas. Pluto is like mogul-land. People who literally go from having zilch to being officially selfmade millionaires often have Pluto (or Scorp) in the 2nd.

    Mercury & the Moon in the 2nd – you’re able to intuit so eerily well what peeps want that you do amazingly well in corporate world/sales & – obviously – writing/self-expression. Retail genius often goes with the Moon in the 2nd. Knowing what peeps want before they know it. Being able to divine trends.

    So check out your 2nd house and try to go with it a bit. Oh and another one – Mars/Aries in 2nd house – they will go hard at it and take it as a personal assualt to their ego if you try to come between them and their earning power. They get off on earning & flashing it about a bit. It’s not vulgar – it’s just like someone with another kind of strong Mars doing chin-ups on the door to impress you.

    Again, this is why i love astrology, it’s so helpful to get how peeps truly are different. So if one person feels inclined to hoard & hoard whilst another is like carpe-diem, it’s not that either of them are wrong! Go for it – check out your 2nd house, the sign on the cusp, anything in there (South NOde is like you’re over material security and feel stuck by it, North Node is like you GOTTA get it and have it to feel spiritually secure) whether or not you’re working it right AND any big transits through it…

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    posted September 03, 2009 10:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    comica23- great insights, and thanks for your comment about 2nd house ruler being in the 7th.


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    wheels of cheese

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    posted September 03, 2009 11:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for wheels of cheese     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    I have Pluto in my 2nd house (Libra). Nothing in the 8th. I am really really good at making money and resources last a long time.

    I have a low income, and apart from one job that's always been the case. I chose to work in the Third Sector and I knew the pay would be low, but I have never had any aspirations to be rich and don't expect to be any time soon. I consider I am excellent with money because I have to be.

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    Posts: 171
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    posted September 03, 2009 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for evander     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    First of, I have really enjoyed everyone's observations.

    Unmoved, your story was very interesting to me and I really admire the confidence, bravery and faith it takes to pursue such a career.

    @comica23 I have the ruler of 2nd house in 7th house and my savings usually get spent on going out with my contacts. I am very careful about money but that's one aspect of life I never regret spending on.

    Way back someone else was interested in this subject (forgive my dreadful memory), and back then iQ referred us to check the position of asteroid Tyche in our charts. (Also two others, Midas and A-something-i-can't-remember )

    my personal case:

    I was born in the late 80s, when living in my country was generally pleasant. Dad worked two jobs in his area and was paid very handsomely for one of them. Mom never worked. Then came the 90s and the sanctions. So pretty soon my life was mostly living day by day and getting by. It's still pretty tough but we manage somehow.

    LEt's just say that that's not something I expect when I look at my chart and I see my Jupiter at the exact position/house Aristote Onassis had it. And with my sun in the 8th house how come I wasn't born into money? Moving on.

    I had this dream of being a screen writer but I gave it up because of unsafe future. I really don't think can live like this much longer so I went with another interest of mine that is somewhat more profitable. Tyche in 10th house. Maybe Money-Fortune through status

    Now here's a chart of a family friend ( ) born into a huge amount of money. The parent who made most of the money was working class but he managed to break through and get a significant positions. The family friend hasn't had much luck love-wise and she married a guy who was with her mostly because of the money. They are divorcing at the moment.

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    Posts: 1597
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    posted September 03, 2009 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for starkiss1     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Thanx for great thread. My 2nd is in Aries, no planets there but my mars is in 8th alongside with Moon, and all my money is tied with other people money.

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    posted September 03, 2009 02:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Interesting X3 my 2nd house is ruled by Virgo, and Mercury is in Aries/8th house, conjunct both Moon and Venus. Maybe in some way, my money is indeed tied to others' money. ^_^; It is also trine to Uranus in the 4th house (ruled by Sagittarius), and I get some extra money from my family sometimes.
    My 8th house ruler is in the 5th house, but I'm not sure what it means.

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    Got Gemini?

    Posts: 456
    From: Mercury
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    posted September 03, 2009 03:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Got Gemini?     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Hey Unmoved, check out Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad.

    Virgo Asc 6˚& Mars 0˚
    Gemini Sun 24˚
    Libra Moon 14˚(conjunct Pluto 0˚ in 2nd house)
    Gemini Mercury 25˚
    Cancer Venus 29˚ (Mutual reception with Moon)
    And yes, i'm a guy!

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    posted September 03, 2009 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

    GG~ You know what? I actually have a copy handy. I will read it as soon as I can. Thanks, mate.

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    posted September 03, 2009 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    wheels~ I envy you!!!! but I am happy for you too. It is a place I wan to be eventually, a place of financial peace. You know, to be just good with money!!

    And, you are a millionaire waiting to happen, you know that right? I suppose it is all about choice. Excellent.


    Unmoved, your story was very interesting to me and I really admire the confidence, bravery and faith it takes to pursue such a career.

    Well, I am into being comfortable, but I am not afraid of pain and hardship as I am sorta used to it. So, what I am doing now, although it is going back to square one, to me seems like a better investment (investment in self) than say breaking my back for a conglomerate- which is what I was doing.

    Also, this is more who I am. Although I may not have the financial freedom I wish for, I am happy, for what it's worth.


    Thanx for great thread.

    My pleasure.

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    Posts: 1428
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    posted September 03, 2009 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for downtomars     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    This is a good topic and I will write a more substantial post but Evander's post reminded me of the few money asteroids I know of:

    Gold 4955
    Silver 5325
    Abundantia 151
    Fortuna 19
    Bonus 10028
    Midas 1981

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    posted September 03, 2009 04:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    jupiter in my 2nd house. ruled by gemini, merc in late degree 4th house.

    jupiter sq saturn, also square uranus and pluto in 5th, creating my t-square. (empty leg 7th house)

    i have worked hard all of my life. for what i have. no money from family, i would eat rice 3 times a day before i would never ask for a dime, but little by inheritance, which i used to buy my house.

    money has come and gone. i have been rich,i have been poor. now just careful..i like to gamble, but never my bill money. used to have a shopping problem, not so much anymore. i always look for ways to make money or trick myself into saving / making money. i am not comfortable if i don't have money in the bank...for...just in know. i can't relax if i have outstanding bill of any kind. i just find it hard to relax.

    i worked 2-3 jobs for many years, and still to this day look for side income.

    i think finally finding a balance with my saturn / pluto - uranus opposition has been good for my second house.

    too much nose to grindstone and i want to chuck it all and go be a gypsy, to much gypsy life and i crave the stability of saturn. which is where my creative endeavors save me. if i have an outlet for my 5th house uranus, venus, pluto, i can do the grind of the 9-5 required for stability. if i didnt have the outlet, i would run away with handsome men and make rash decisions that weren't in my best interest.

    my second house is getting stronger now that i am learning about the balance required...and not chucking everything and running off with handsome men.

    although i do dream of someday making a living doing the things that i love full time, for now i do what i need to do and hopefully someday that day will come.

    rich i don't care about, as long as i don't have to worry about money and my bills being paid, i can buy what i want and need and vacation a couple times a year..i am ok with the what i have. a nickel in my pocket and a dime in the bank.

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    posted September 03, 2009 05:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Biggest indication of wealth:
    Jupiter aspect Pluto.

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    Posts: 3367
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    posted September 03, 2009 06:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for popcorn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    I was born poor. Now I am rich. I am going to work early and I do it hard in many year. I am got in education when my children was small and after that I am going to work again. I moved far away from the town I growing up into an bought apartments and did good investments.

    My house 2. merk, uran, plut opposite
    my house 8. saturn

    venus, nod mars conj trine my saturn

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    aka Kat

    Posts: 299
    From: Cleveland, Ohio
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    posted September 03, 2009 06:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for aka Kat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    So much to read since this morning.
    Interesting CEW - It seems like good qualities in the 2nd house allow you to make the $, but 5th house negative qualities - shopping, gambling etc. cause the $ to "disappear"

    Regarding the 8th house issues, having Sun in 8th doesn't necessarily mean your born into $. Someone I know has a son with 8th house Sun and he is very successful as a banker. I had a boss with 8th house Sun, she got a great paying job from family connections and works very little. She is a Cancer rising and invests very well owns a few homes, but her Leo 2nd house --- she spends $ like you wouldn't believe! None of her homes are paid for.

    8th house moon could mean emotional concerns around someone else's money. I have an 8th house moon and it ticks me off that my older sister does not have my elderly father's will's loose ends tied up! It ticks me off. If I was in charged everything would be in order. I also did not get an inheritance from my mother as an 8th house moon would indicate, I was given a couple thousand by my father to get another car - but that is nothing compared to the 10s (and 10s) of thousands of dollars that I lost and indirectly saved the family by being her caretaker. She did die when I was 34 which is relatively young. I worry about my sister, her kids have 8th house moon.

    I think Pluto could also have positive and negative influences. I was raised low income and kept that BS mentality for many decades. When I was younger as astrologer told me that Pluto/Uranus would mean constant financial troubles. BS I decided otherwise now I think Pluto in my 2nd is a transformation for the better. My income is now very good, but not wealthy. I'd like to try on a transformation of significant wealth and see how that feels.

    Unmoved - yes there are lots of artists who are good at what they do and feel passionate about it. My guess is that they unknowingly decided on a poverty consciousness and have other issues with relating to people, business skills, (even basic hygiene.) The fact is if you love your art and your good at it you will simply get a good body of artwork (by the way I just started a blog for my church and just wrote about this couple of days ago. )The money comes from giving attention to the making of money. If you focus on making money that's what will happen. If you view life as lack and limitation, that's what you will also get. Catherine Ponder has really good books on prosperity consciousness if anyone is interested.

    So yes you are correct. The making of money takes skill and a mindset in making money.

    Creative professions I think are unique because your entire character and being influences greatly what you do. Essentially you become an entrepreneur. Skill is one part, but so is your attitude, personal demons, sociability, understanding the market, etc. The part that I mention "in a profession that enables someone to make a lot of $" Yes you could become wealthy in the arts, but the catch is that that ceiling is set by you and you may or may not be aware that you set it really low. Compare that with a great surgeon, my guess is when he went into medical school he thought - Man these loans are high, but I will pay them off in no time!

    Also unmoved you have moon Cancer with Leo in 10th house - think community project that you could lead (puts Leo in spotlight, Cancer community involvement) Your 11th house venus/Sun friends organization are your biggest strength. Many highly successful and some famous people have great 11th houses. Other people can help get you where you want to be.

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    Posts: 576
    From: Planet Shining
    Registered: May 2009

    posted September 03, 2009 07:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Agent_009     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Hi guys,
    When I worked as an artist, money came pretty easily. I have Scorpio 2H/ Taurus 8H. Although uranus is also in my 2H, think it indicates a freelancing type of lifestyle...which I find to be true. I have Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto all in the 1H aspecting each other.


    Jupiter-Pluto....soft or hard aspects??

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    posted September 03, 2009 08:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
    Stanley Ho ->
    (sorry, not good in descriptions ^_^; )

    Don't know his birth time, but he has Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Libra square Cancer Pluto. North Node (near Jupiter) and Moon and Saturn are also in Libra.

    Also, Enzo Ferrari ->
    (his birthday seems to be either 18th or 20th)

    Aquarius Mars/Gemini Pluto/Libra Jupiter grand trine, even thought the degrees to Pluto are a bit wide. Mercury is also near Mars. And Saturn in Sagittarius forms a kite with them.

    And then Bill Gates -> has Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Leo.

    Personally, I have a t-square involving Mars/Pluto opposition square Jupiter.. One can hope that this means wealth~~ XD

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    Posts: 576
    From: Planet Shining
    Registered: May 2009

    posted September 03, 2009 09:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Agent_009     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

    I've also read that before too, forbes top 500.....60% of the world's wealthiest were Virgos too.

    I've checked some charts of rich virgos I personally know...most seem to have mercury conjuct their sun as well.

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