posted October 13, 2009 11:04 PM
scrappy - Yes, but his Mercury is in escapist Pisces.
As a fellow Scorpio Mercury, I know that's not our thing. Also, a Virgo Chiron is more fluid and mental than a Taurus Chiron. It's the particulars of his chart that make me see his opp as manifesting as a severe aversion to accountability. (Btw, when you described your chart, I noticed we have some similarities: we both have Chiron angular and in a grand trine, Scorpio Merc cnj Uranus & square Moon. You have Pluto cnj your Sun, I have Pluto cnj my Sun/Moon mp.
)I think with oppositions, people (especially when young) can feel tempted to live out one side of it. But we can't ever really divide an opposition. Doing so is just an illusion.
This guy may feel like he's living out just his Mercury, but Chiron is intrinsically linked with his Mercury. His Mercury can hide in a room, but as soon as he opens the blinds, Chiron's smashed up against the window peering in at him. He can order a pizza, and the delivery boy will be Chiron with a fake mustache.
What I mean is that the Chiron pressure is always there. He will always be communicating it, even when he's running from it. If he's too scared/ill-equipped to honestly face Chiron, it will come out of his Mercury in dysfunctional ways.
His tightest aspects are Chiron opp Mercury & Saturn square his MC. Those two are connected by Saturn being cnj his Mercury. So I think those are some of the main tensions he feels, and as such are likely being reflected in his behavior.
He's his whole chart, and I think everything that's been named contributes to him being who he is.
Those squares to the helio nodes are remarkable, Glaucus!