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Author Topic:   Psychopaths -how is their charts?

Posts: 374
From: Portugal
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posted October 04, 2009 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DiandraReborn25     Edit/Delete Message
this theme is very interesting to me.

I am watching a soap opera where the "evil"one is a woman who is a psychopath.

they dont feel like ordinary people and they lie all the time.

Life to them is a game and life of others doenst really matter.

They only know what Anger is,and they can actually trick a person forever,convincing them they are the most sweet and adorable person in the world.

Actually,they seem to me the most dangerous people out there...

i was now answering someone in a forum of LOA and the poor man is trying to get his daughterīs guard.,before the ex-wife harms her.
i was wondering----

WHat are the common aspects of a pshycopathsīc chart?what aspect makes them the way they are?

it is a disease for which Medicine hasnt yet got any sucessfull treatment.

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posted October 04, 2009 11:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astra     Edit/Delete Message
A former friend of mine was a psychopath. She had moon opposition neptune. She led a double life and fooled everyone into thinking she's a sweet, honest girl.

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Posts: 1742
From: aspideronmars
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posted October 04, 2009 12:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message
Sometimes i a convinced my ex is a psychopath - his behaviour is very disturbing and he definitely has mental issues!

Would it involve uranus because of its erratic nature?

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posted October 04, 2009 12:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message
What you guys describe sounds more like a sociopath, they are the ones that are charming and can fit into society by faking and hiding their true natures.
Generally, is psychopath is a person who doesn't care what society thinks. This are the type of people who go on crime sprees, rape, rob, murder and things like that.

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venus in gemini

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posted October 04, 2009 12:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for venus in gemini     Edit/Delete Message
Do you think it could be a Moon-Pluto aspect? My guy's ex-wife is unbalanced, scarily psychotic. Hurts people just because she can, just for the pure satisfaction it gives her. I just checked her chart, and she has Moon opposition Pluto. I never actually read the description before until now. I looked at her Neptune aspects also: Neptune trine Moon, sesquidrate Mars, semi-square Jupiter, semi-sextile Saturn, square Uranus. Along with Sun opposition Mars, and Saturn square Pluto. Lots of tough lessons this lifestream....

Moon opposition Pluto
You may experience emotional blockages which inhibit sharing feelings. Emotional energies which cannot find suitable release may accumulate. You maintain tight inner controls which influence relationships, as others may sense an atmosphere of repressed violence and passion. At times, you can be like a coiled snake waiting to strike a target, just so you can unload excess emotional energy.

This tension and pressure can make it difficult for others to relax in your company. Relationships are uneasy, and are not helped by your suspicion of others. You rarely allow access into the sanctum of your personal life, so this distancing suits you. Domestically, you dislike intrusion, and take offence whenever anyone is patronising or attempts to dictate to you; if anyone is going to dominate, it has to be you! You prefer to control your family and anyone else you can, yet dislike having to acknowledge others in positions of authority. You may just barely accept them if they truly deserve such positions, but otherwise show little respect and may even actively undermine their influence. It follows that you are never the ideal employee!

You can find consistency difficult in intimate relationships; not in the sense of loving, but more in how you express feelings. This is due to emotional blockages and control needs; you may appear to 'blow hot and cold' to your partner; yet this simply reflects how your emotional world is at any given time, rather than indicating the depth of love you feel for your partner.

You will be emotionally sensitive, and feel really hurt when another does not respond to your advances; you have a low threshold for emotional pain, which amplifies mood swings. You tend to store pain; and this increases inner pressure over time, which in turn affects domestic relations, and so on, in a vicious circle. Frustration occurs from your high expectations of intimacy and life; and yet this is often caused by your inner state that inhibits receiving and enjoying as much as you should. Contact with the outer world is through feelings; and as the primary impact is emotional, this colours your perception of life.

There may be disputes concerning finances or family inheritance, and certainly over the question offamily authority, and those you intend to win. You do not often welcome others' advice, seeing this as interference or attempted domination; and you intend to make independent decisions and choose youro own way. Even if this appears to take you in the wrong direction, the path is still your decision and choice, and, in that fact alone, it is 'right'.

You need to acknowledge others' rights, and their importance in your life. Again, compromise is a necessary virtue to acquire or, through sheer obstinacy, you could lose more than you gain through lack of moderation. Learn to value your partner, become less insistent upon your will and desires, and listen to others more. Inner changes could allow considerable benefits to emerge, ones which cost far less than you imagine and which do not really change you except positively. These can also help redirect emotional energy which otherwise may cause problems if unreleased.

Instead of trying to remake your family and close friends, turn this impulse inward and use it to change yourself for more social harmony, as this is the Plutonic transformation which awaits.

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posted October 04, 2009 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message
Having hard aspects that shows psychopath potentials doesn't necessarily lead someone to become a psychopath. For example, psychopaths' charts are often very similar to the ones of the enforcers of law (cops, detectives, etc.). Also, the charts of the victims might also show some similar aspects to these charts too. So this shows that it often depends on how one deal with the energies/potentials to determine what will he/she become. And astrologically, I'd think that the whole chart should also be considered, so that we can see how the potentials are manifested, as aspects in a chart influences each other.

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Posts: 374
From: Portugal
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posted October 04, 2009 02:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DiandraReborn25     Edit/Delete Message
well i dont really know what the aspects might be,that is why i started the thread to have a good discussion about it.

do you think that the Moon/Nep was the only one that might showed her true nature?

really?but i think that psychopaths usually turn out to becoming violent when they know they have nothing to lose,when they are discovered finally....was him violent?


i studied about that in school.Psychopaths are like this:appear to be charming,adorable,all that we want in a person...they show to you what you want to see.
they never go violent till the moment you discover them really.untill then they are as perfect as we think they are.they dont know TO FEEL.dont feel remorse,regret,they only know what they want.and how to get it.
they are players with Life.They live to play and love to take more risk a situation requires,the more they chase it.

death?violence?they dont know fear.So they play all the way too.

they seem like Angels outside but they are authentic devils.they fool all of us if they want it.

usually they even trick the professional doctors,it is a very hard disease to diagnosticate cause they know how to trick the tests.they actually run away from phicologists,but if they are caught,they will try till the last moment to fool everyone.

usually they are attractive and have some fascinating thing which makes them misterious.

you will be trapped in their charm without knowing it.

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Posts: 214
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posted October 04, 2009 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scrappydog     Edit/Delete Message
I've studied this pretty extensively, along with criminality and I don't think there is one aspect that wouls signify a psychopath. Maybe several particular aspects in one chart. Glenn Perry and other astrolgers(Steven Forest?) often link sun pluto hard aspects (conj too)with criminality which is a hallmark for psychopaths. Uranus moon hard aspects can be like anesthia to the emotions and make a very cold blooded, unfeeling individual if the whole chart is bad. I have Liz Green's book on this subject, it's great. I think it's called psychopathy in the soul or something like that. She particularly lists moon saturn, moon uranus, mars saturn, and even chiron. She stated the even soft aspects of chiron can be like a low grade psychic infection in the soul and having chiron conj the asc in a grand trine I really related to that. A lot of people say that chiron is often prominent in the charts of killers. Barbara watters links grand trines to criminals that often get away with their crimes!

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Posts: 1721
From: Sacramento,California
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posted October 04, 2009 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
"For example, psychopaths' charts are often very similar to the ones of the enforcers of law (cops, detectives, etc.)."


to catch a criminal, you have to be able to think like one.

many undercover law enforcement types have to learn the criminal way of life to be convincingly penetrate criminal organizations.


people whose charts look like psychopathic charts, raise your hand

I am raising mine.

man..I have Moon in Pisces square Neptune with 1'22 orb that would make a Moon-Neptune opposition look nice.


"Nothing matters absolutely;
the truth is it only matters relatively"

- Eckhart Tolle

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Posts: 214
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posted October 04, 2009 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scrappydog     Edit/Delete Message
Raising my hand!
Sun conj pluto in libra
Moon in cappy in 8th square saturn and uranus
Mercury in scorpio
chiron in 1st conj asc in grand trine with moon and venus
venus and jupiter both squaring neptune in 8th
I can also be a pretty good con artist when the situation calls for it.

There was also a study where a lot of people where surprised bacause they thought that scorp moons would be significant in serial killers, But they were not! Cappy moons were, along with moon saturn aspects! And it was MERCURY in scorp that was prominent in killers.

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Posts: 193
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posted October 04, 2009 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for letram     Edit/Delete Message
i guess i could raise my hand, i love these kind of topics btw.

my sun doesn't aspect my pluto, but its in the first house and my asc squares my pluto (1-2 degree orb)

my moon squares neptune (1 degree) saturn (1 degree) and im not sure if uranus counts? but my uranus is at 1 degree capricorn, my moon is 8 aries, is that a square of 7 degrees?

what kind of aspects for chiron would be 'suggestive'?

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Posts: 374
From: Portugal
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posted October 04, 2009 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DiandraReborn25     Edit/Delete Message

i know a person with a Moon/pluto cj.he doesnt seem to me psycho,but is a very selfish and manipulatve person allright...and also seems to like to provoque others to suffer,when he is feeling annoyed with life or frustrated...i guess it is hard for us,who arent doctors,to know how to diagnose someone with such a complex disease like this one.

a pshycho really is dangerous,not just manipulative or is she really?does she ever attacked your guy? this the guy who is your twin,IQ talked about?

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Posts: 374
From: Portugal
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posted October 04, 2009 03:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DiandraReborn25     Edit/Delete Message
how nice!!! to see so many replying -that+s what i like


deffinately i agree too.

astrology is just a tool,not a prediction of what or who we are going to be.afterall,we also have a lot of past experiences that we carry inside,and we never really know what "karmas" we are about to play or need to rescue,isnt it?


so you are an example of a possible psychoīs chart who chosed to be a lightworker,then?

are you a cop?
i never thought about quiron,but you are right:afterall it is the wounded healer,so it can turn both sides...


that is really fascinating.and now we ask:if the cop can think like the criminal,who knows if in a moment,we will turn to be one?each one of us have the dark side within us,isnt it?what might turn a person in a violent one?what is the button that so many times,pushes someone onto the limit?and makes him/her step into the "falling"? some specific transits maybe?

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Posts: 1721
From: Sacramento,California
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posted October 04, 2009 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
"There was also a study where a lot of people where surprised bacause they thought that scorp moons would be significant in serial killers, But they were not! Cappy moons were, along with moon saturn aspects! And it was MERCURY in scorp that was prominent in killers"

Well...I have Moon square Saturn with 1'58 orb ('48 in Right Ascension)

I have a t-square of Moon square Saturn-Neptune opposition
I have Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint with 17 minutes of arc because of the orbs of the aspects in the t-square.

Adolf Hitler had Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint with 31 minutes of arc due to the orbs of his Moon in biquintile to his Saturn-Neptune quintile. That's a golden yod.

I was born on October 29th like Joseph Goebbels,Adolf Hitler's nazi propaganda minister. He has Sun conjunct South Eris Node in Scorpio like I do. He also has Eris in 8th house like I do. He had Sun and Mercury in Scorpio like me. He had Moon in Capricorn,and so he had a Moon-Saturn influence like me too.

I have Mercury conjunct Venus in Scorpio,and Ted Bundy did too.

I have Venus conjunct the star,Unukalhai (Alpha Serpens aka the heart of the serpent) that was said to be like Mars-Saturn by Ptolemy. It is said to be a malefic star. Ted Bundy had that combination too.

I have Moon in Pisces like Richard Ramirez, John Wayne Gacy,OJ Simpson. I have a Moon in Pisces in hard aspect to Neptune like Gacy too.

In the astrological book on serial killers, DESTINED FOR MURDER

midpoint pictures involving Mars/Saturn,Mars/Uranus,and Mars/Pluto were noted in the charts of serial killers

I have Uranus oppose Mars/Saturn midpoint with 13 minutes of arc, and that's because of the orbs of my 11th harmonic triangle involving those 3 planets.
Ted Bundy had Neptune oppose Mars/Saturn midpoint with 58 minutes of arc.

I have Sun semisquare Mars/Uranus midpoint with 15 minutes of arc. Ted Bundy had Moon square Mars/Uranus midpoint with 45 minutes of arc.

I have Ascendant square Mars/Pluto midpoint with 4 minutes of arc

I was involved in a violent crime. That was my being with my mom when I was shot 3 days before my 3rd birthday.
Transiting Uranus was aspecting my Ascendant square Mars/Pluto midpoint at the time.

so those configurations that I have could indicate being involved in a violent event,but not necessarily being the perpetrator.

I always liked watching shows,movies that include crime drama,action,thrillers,and horror. I was into anything that had to do with sword fighting,dueling like in regards to knights,vikings and ancient warriors. I was never bothered by violence in shows and movies. As a kid, I wasn't the type that was scared and would have nightmares after watching certain things on the screen.

I did fight a lot as a kid. I was suspended from school 5 times for fighting. Self defense stuff. I used to wish duels were legal. I tend to be a hothead and have quite a temper. I can be very impulsive.


"Nothing matters absolutely;
the truth is it only matters relatively"

- Eckhart Tolle

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Posts: 374
From: Portugal
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posted October 04, 2009 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DiandraReborn25     Edit/Delete Message

but dont forget that you couldnt be the perpretator are a very loving,gentle and amorous Soul.

i feel it,even dont knowing you in person

call it womenīs intuition!it never fails.

the man i talked about(even having some of the aspects,isnt a pshycho fortunatelly).
he actually is pretty charming with the ladies and gets all he wants from them...but i never quite trusted him...i never shut down my heartīs voice,cause it always knows where to guide me.

but we must also see how our chart related to the personīs chart:that will tells us also why we doenst trust/like the other,it doenst necessarily means that the person is a psycho,just cause it seems a bad person.

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Posts: 1721
From: Sacramento,California
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posted October 04, 2009 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
Thank you for your compliments.

I can admit that I have very strong darkside to my personality that I do my best to keep in check. I grew up with a history of trauma and abuse,and so it's strongly connected to it. I was one of those types that got picked on at school a lot. However,I didn't go shooting up schools. I was involved with a lot of fighting. I had similar issues when I was in the navy.

I feel that there is a side to me that can be very vengeful. I can be oblivious to other's feelings in my fit of anger,rage,and hate. I can go off and cuss out somebody that angers me in a heart beat.

but at the end, I tend to feel guilty,ashamed,and remorseful as well as very embarassed. I don't always show that though.

My mom has a very bad temper. She told me that my father had such a bad temper that he was dangerous. I am not fooling myself to overlook that I am like my parents,and so I need to keep my temper in check and refrain from behavior that hurts others and myself. I am person that tends to keep a low profile and stay out of trouble. I stay away from troublemaker types, but I am not much of a socializing type that likes to go out and do stuff with people.

to end on astrological note, I'd check the hard transneptunian aspects (not just Pluto) to personal planets,angles. Those are no joke. Yeah, I have some of my own to keep in check.

Adolf Hitler had Moon square Sedna with 1'10 orb (1'01 in Right Ascension.
He had Sun conjunct Makemake with 1'05 (it heavily modifies that Taurus Sun of his).
He had Makemake square Midheaven with 2'14 orb ('29 in Right Ascension)
He had Varuna oppose Midheaven with 15 minutes of arc.
He had Moon semisquare Orcus with 51 minutes of arc. He has Haumea sesquiquadrate the Ascendant with 27 minutes of arc.
He had Moon square Eris with 1'26 orb in Right Ascension. He had Sun semisquare Haumea with 18 minutes of arc in Right Ascension. He had Mercury square Quaoar with 1'13 orb in Right Ascension. He had Quoar square Ascendant with 1'47 orb in Right Ascension.

I only look at the big ones
no more than 3 degree orbs for conjunctions,oppositions,squares
no more than 1 degree orb for semisquare,sesquiquadrate,quincunx

Eris might have slighter larger orbs
maybe 4 degrees for the major aspects and 1 1/2 for the minor aspects because it's larger than Pluto.

Mars/transneptunian midpoints could be something to watch out for in the charts of pathologically violent types.

Mars/Eris and Mars/Sedna especially, I think


"Nothing matters absolutely;
the truth is it only matters relatively"

- Eckhart Tolle

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Posts: 86
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posted October 04, 2009 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astra     Edit/Delete Message

do you think that the Moon/Nep was the only one that might showed her true nature?

It was the aspect that really stood out. She had moon in cancer and venus in scorpio along with an 8th house Libra mars. She did not use the energies of those placements very well. She was just...psycho. She enjoyed breaking up marriages or any kind of relationship just for the hell of it. She is now in medical school studying to become a neurosurgeon because she loves to cut up people. Yes, those are the actual words she used.

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posted October 04, 2009 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for letram     Edit/Delete Message
She sounds awesome!

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Posts: 374
From: Portugal
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posted October 04, 2009 04:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DiandraReborn25     Edit/Delete Message

i hope you stay away of her...path?

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posted October 04, 2009 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astra     Edit/Delete Message
LOL. Yes, she was an "awesome" person. When she got into medical school, I immediately had thoughts of her becoming a real life Hannibal Lecter, though as far as I know, she isn't cannibalistic. She does like to torture animals. As a child, she enjoyed decapitating animals, so she clearly is very messed up despite having an easy childhood.

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posted October 04, 2009 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for letram     Edit/Delete Message
i have tortured animals in the past.

i badly regret it though, i write it off as being youthful and unaware of my actions.

as for her, i was being sarcastic, she's not awesome, does sound interesting though, is she hot? cannibalistic? hmm if she's hot i'd eat her out.

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Posts: 225
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posted October 04, 2009 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StarrofVenusGirl     Edit/Delete Message
Glaucus did I read you correctly that you were SHOT when you were 2 years old? Oh my'll have to tell me that story someday or if you have told it before on the board, point me in the right direction. Such trauma at an early age--makes me want to cry just thinking about it.

Astra your friend sounds like a piece of work! Her 8th house Mars placement is likely to make her an excellent surgeon, however.

I'm pretty surprised at how often that Pisces Moon shows up in killers. I know there is a dark side to Pisces but I didn't think it was necessarily violent. A respected astrologer once told me that Pisces Moon people are trouble though...

My Chart

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Posts: 1721
From: Sacramento,California
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posted October 04, 2009 05:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
"Glaucus did I read you correctly that you were SHOT when you were 2 years old" was shot. I was with her at the time. She actually told me he took a shot at me,and she pushed me out of way and got hit instead.

as for the Moon in Pisces stuff, well...strong,especially hard Neptune aspects tend to be strong in serial killers. If you don't see with the regular aspects, you will see it through the declinations or the direct midpoint pictures (conjunction,opposition to the midpoint) which Robert Hand said can be just significant as regular aspects.

Pisces,Neptune,12th house can have the potential to be a victim but also victimize others. There is the possibility of being deceived by others or deceiving others. There is the potential for escapism as well as fantasy. of course, there can be the potential for neurotic and psychotic tendencies. There is also the potential for addictions, especially drugs or alcohol

alcoholism,drug abuse,and mental illness runs in my family. Strong Neptune,Water runs in my family.

I'd watch for Sedna. There is a strong victim theme. It's named after an Inuit goddess who was not only goddess of the Oceans but also goddess of the underworld. She was victimized by her father in the mythology. It also also the most outer object in the solar system. Therefore, it makes Neptune look mundane.

keep in mind that there are dangerous fish species too.

first ones that come to mind are:


"Nothing matters absolutely;
the truth is it only matters relatively"

- Eckhart Tolle

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Posts: 374
From: Portugal
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posted October 04, 2009 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DiandraReborn25     Edit/Delete Message
motherīs love is uncondicional....what a sorry that you had to pass through it.

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Posts: 1721
From: Sacramento,California
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posted October 04, 2009 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
fact: sharks have the highest electrical sensitivity of any animal on the planet.


The Ampullae of Lorenzini are the electroreceptor organs of the shark, and they number in the hundreds to thousands. Sharks use the Ampullae of Lorenzini to detect the electromagnetic fields that all living things produce.[28] This helps sharks (mostly the hammerhead) find prey. The shark has the greatest electrical sensitivity of any animal. Sharks find prey hidden in sand by detecting the electric fields they produce. Ocean currents moving in the magnetic field of the Earth also generate electric fields that sharks can use for orientation and possibly navigation.

sharks are smart too


Contrary to the common wisdom that sharks are instinct-driven "eating machines", recent studies have indicated that many species possess powerful problem-solving skills, social skills and curiosity. The brain- to body-mass ratios of sharks are similar to mammals and birds.[47] In 1987, near Smitswinkle Bay, South Africa, a group of up to seven great white sharks worked together to move a partially beached dead whale to deeper waters to feed.[48] Sharks can engage in playful activities. Porbeagle sharks have been seen repeatedly rolling in kelp and chasing an individual who trailed a piece of kelp behind it.

now imagine how high sensitivity and high intelligence factor in the personality of killers.


"Nothing matters absolutely;
the truth is it only matters relatively"

- Eckhart Tolle

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