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Author Topic:   The Astrology of Acting

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Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 28, 2009 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

very interesting background of your research.

I just wonder why would you look at Jude Law`s chart?
I donīt think he has that big resonance (except for some female viewers thinking he`s quite goodlooking); I don`t remember a BIG role, even though personally I think he has played some interesting roles (one of my fave`s will probably always be "The wisdom of the crocodiles").

I know of an actor / singer, who is spiritually interested and who apparently has a strong effect on a lot of people, negative and positive. As a matter of fact it sometimes swings (I have been talking to some of his "fans", and was surprised to learn that in some cases their complete adoration ofhim has completely turned into antipathy, without them being able to pin down what exactly triggered the "turn off").

On the other hand I have also met people, who started to meditate, just because he shared his experiences very freely about his spiritual inclination and thoughts on meditation.
Even colleagues of him and former partners are seemingly very affected by him (not all probably) in that way, that even though they may not have any contact to him anymore, the change he has brought got stuck with them somehow (mostly esoteric and spiritual things).

It`s pretty fascinating. But I am not sure what creates those strong feelings people seemt o have about him (I have NEVER met anyone who had been indifferent towards him; everyone had an opinion instantly. Very weird.)

His [ACTOR conjunct DESTINN conjunct MARS] sextile DIONYSOS

[AMOR conjunct EUTERPE ] trine [JUPITER conjunct KARMA]

[ORPHEUS conjunct CIRCE] square TRUE NODE
and sextile [MELPOMENE conjunct MERCURY conjunct OSIRIS]

[JUPITER conjunct KARMA in Leo] trine KAALI in Aries

KAALI squares SUN on 0 Capricorn and quinkunx SHAKESPEARE


Not sure if any of this explain that strange "pull" or "magnetism" he seems to have.

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Posts: 5819
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posted October 28, 2009 01:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Both ActressWinona Ryder and I were born on October 29, 1971.

She was born at 11 AM in Rochester,Minnesota.

I was born at 3:20 AM in San Francisco,California.

I admit that I fantasized about a career in acting,directing,producing screenwriting in childhood up to my teens. My mother discouraged me,telling me that I am dreamer.

I didn't know about Winona Ryder being my birthdate twin until 1998 from an Astro-Numerology book under Scorpio 3 section.
That was the same year that I got into Astrology.

of course, I realized that my life purpose is to be a neuro-diversity advocate helping raise awareness,understanding of neurological/learning differences as well as help people with them just like I was helped with mine. Giving back to the community. Also specialize in Astrological Neuropsychology, finding out neurological/learning difference indicators. Help people to differentiate psychological problems from neurological/learning differences which tend to overlap and have comorbidity.

any ways...

using Whole Sign Houses:
She has Actor in 14'34 Capricorn in 1st
square Uranus in in 15'18 Libra in 10th

using Whole Sign Houses:
I have Actor in 14'32 Capricorn in 5th
square Uranus in 15'17 Libra in 2nd
trine/sextile Ascendant/Descendant in 13'27 Virgo/Pisces

I rented a romantic movie with her in it. I couldn't watch it. It was like watching a sister. I just don't find her attractive in that I think she's hot like the way I find with Alyssa Milano who was born on the same day as an old male school friend of mine. No..I never had thing for him like I did for Alyssa. Who's The Boss was one of my favorite shows because of her.

here is some info on Winona Ryder

this cracked me up:

"She was engaged to actor Johnny Depp for three years beginning in July 1990. She met Depp at the Great Balls of Fire! premiere in June 1989; two months later they began dating.[58] During their relationship, Depp had a tattoo placed on his arm reading "Winona Forever", which he had altered to "Wino Forever" after their separation"

I might have liked 21 Jump Street and his movies, but I never had a thing for him. hahahahaha

Winona has Jupiter conjunct Ascendant with 4'34 orb. So she has Jupiter in a plus Gauquelin sector just like many other actors were found to have.

I believe that aspects to the angles are huge factors because they can be the major difference between people that are born on the same day.


"Nothing matters absolutely;
the truth is it only matters relatively"

- Eckhart Tolle

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Posts: 4608
From: Chennai, India
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posted October 28, 2009 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi DD,
These aspects explain his talent:
[ACTOR conjunct DESTINN conjunct MARS] sextile DIONYSOS
[AMOR conjunct EUTERPE ] trine [JUPITER conjunct KARMA

KAALI sq Sun must be having the occult effect on others (and probably himself)
Jupiter conj Karma is helping him expand others consciousness.

Is he someone very famous ?

Speaking of Mr. Jude Law, he is a top icon for programming One World Order concepts.
He is not deliberately part of an agenda or cospiracy but used by the programmers in

1. GATTACA about Genetic Manipulation

2. EXISTENZ about virtual reality and mind control on multiple levels, pus MKUltra assassination programming

3. A.I as a Cyborg with emotions.
The imprint on the masses is that it is ok to get microchipped if you can retain emotions.

4. Regularly used as a Gay Icon: Wilde, Alfie, Sleuth, Gattaca, Talented Mr Ripley and the soon to be released Sherlock Holmes all have subliminal or even direct gay themes.

And, dont forget, he has a very strong KAALI!

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posted October 28, 2009 02:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"1. GATTACA about Genetic Manipulation"
Yes, I thought about that, too. But in this film genetic manipulations are portrayed very critically. It is clearly shown that this is nothing else but racism, and kind of "enslaving" people, as they are bound to what their genetic code seemingly deems them to become.

In this regard I think Ewan Mc Gregor and Scarlett Johannsson may be intersting, too, in "The Island".
Also "Minority Report" with Tom Cruise.

2. EXISTENZ about virtual reality and mind control on multiple levels, pus MKUltra assassination programming
As a matter of fact that was the very first film I ever seen him in. I still get this goosebumps, when I hear that last question uttered in the film: "Are we still in the game?"

YES, WE ARE. (That would be my answer)

Anyway, also, in this film the dangers of virtual reality are being shown, centred around his figure, who has a tremendous fear of losing contact with himself, the whole SELF, not just the mind.
Of course the solution is typically human: violent.
Kill the programmer and the risk is gone.
That is not only oversimplified, that is just ridiculous!
At a certain point the game doesn`t need a programmer anymore to keep going.

3. A.I as a Cyborg with emotions.
The imprint on the masses is that it is ok to get microchipped if you can retain emotions.

I agree, and yet this film does portray something else, too. I am a bit unsure about that film, because from the first viewing on I had the feeling as if something had been left out. There are just some ... holes in it.

4. Regularly used as a Gay Icon: Wilde, Alfie, Sleuth, Gattaca, Talented Mr Ripley and the soon to be released Sherlock Holmes all have subliminal or even direct gay themes.

Yes, but what is the bad or critical thing about it?

"And, dont forget, he has a very strong KAALI!"
LOL, yeah I seem to notice those guys.

About the singer / actor, no he is not famous.

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Posts: 576
From: Planet Shining
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posted October 29, 2009 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Agent_009     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Alright, so here's my chart temporarily. As I'm a newbie to astrology I dont know which asteroids does what, so I shoved in everything IQ listed.

"Do you find it hard to balance all of your different tastes? Acting, Directing, Writing, Creating art?"

-To answer your Q', I dont think I ever had to 'balance,' everything. Film is a unison of music (orchestral score), visual arts, theater arts all rolled into it kind of works out for me that way. However, I have noticed how my artistic abilities have manifested in a certain critical way. Since I was a child, my musical/artistic tastes have always only been drawn to pieces/artworks that took a higher technical skill to achieve. For example, when it came to music...playing music from the Baroque/classical era never appealed to me. I would only choose to play pieces from the Romanticism era which was the renaissance/peak of technical mastery for music (Chopin or Rachmaninov). I dont like music written in major keys. I prefer minor keys; melodramatic, depressive, like Rachmaninov's Concerto no#2. When it comes to visual arts, I was drawn to photo-realism paintings, greek/roman scultpures etc as a child. Abstract art/graphics web-design etc almost holds no appeal to's not challenging I guess. I think my mind is much more analytical/scientific than it is artistic actually (as I'm a hardcore INTJ). It almost feels alien to call myself an artist, which is why I dont. Before when I was an Art Director in CGI, instead of calling myself an artist, I would simply tell people I worked in CGI/VFX if they asked...these days I just say filmaker. Although, the real reason I'm drawn to film is not because it's creative. I'm more interested in political/historical issues. I have things to say, feel the need to change the world in some way...and film just happens to be the perfect medium to reach the masses.

Yup I think it's my over exposure to them which repells me. I dont want to generalize but I find many actors(not all), are very superficial people...and they're often not the brightest tools in the shed. Although I have met some amazingly deep and insightful actors too. The younger, famous actresses often cause horrible situations for us on set with their diva attitudes. Male actors are much nicer, however they're terrible when it comes to cheating on their wives/gf's...which is why I refuse to date them.

"I admit that I fantasized about a career in acting,directing,producing screenwriting in childhood up to my teens. My mother discouraged me,telling me that I am dreamer." parents are still harassing, trying to coerce me into quitting film. They think it's unrealistically tough to make it as a director...which I hate to admit, but they're right. >_< I just dont want to give up just...yet....

Your posting was insightful as usual...are all/most of those asteroids you've listed above mostly for acting? What kind of asteroids would you look for when it comes to Directors, writers etc? Are conjunctions best with these asteroids? and would trines or squares/opp work better with talent related asteroids?

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posted October 29, 2009 09:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yup I think it's my over exposure to them which repells me. I dont want to generalize but I find many actors(not all), are very superficial people...and they're often not the brightest tools in the shed. Although I have met some amazingly deep and insightful actors too. The younger, famous actresses often cause horrible situations for us on set with their diva attitudes. Male actors are much nicer, however they're terrible when it comes to cheating on their wives/gf's...which is why I refuse to date them.

The actors I've been involved with have been very bright and talented--but honestly, not a one of them was a good prospect for a long term relationship. And, also honestly, although I'm usually drawn to intense, deep-into-their-work stage actors, the last actor I dated with was totally a way-too-young-for-me screen actor from LA, and I slept with him because he was physically hot.

I didn't know about my Eros-Actor conjunction till recently (this thread), but it makes sense.

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posted October 31, 2009 07:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lonake     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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yesterday's winter

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posted November 02, 2009 06:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for yesterday's winter     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What fabulous ansers to my post. You guys are wonderful! Thank you so much for your valuable and useful info! What a great group of people here! The last post seems to conform some of my intuitions in the first post. That made me smile!

Thanks again everyone for your efforts and hard work! You're the best!!!!

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Posts: 1077
From: South Carolina
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posted November 02, 2009 07:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok,,,,so I basically have to join this

Whats funny is that I honestly have never sat down and studied those "actor" Asteroids in my Natal Chart.

But the finds were interesting:

I have Actor at 4 Libra widely conjunct my DNA at 13 Libra. And it trines my MC at 6 Gemini
But it opposes Mars at 7 Aries...and Mars is exactly conjunct Euterpe at 7 Aries, not far from Isis at 10 Aries.

Shakespeare was wierd, its conjunct Atlantis exactly....? 13 Taurus, which is inconjunct my DNA as well, trining my NN and Angel.

And Dionysus is at 17 Gemini conjunct Rudra and Hekate, Destiny and Karma opposing my Moon, Neptune, King conjunction and Squaring my NN.

Ok didnt realize all this was going on there.

I was considering what yesterday wrote as well about personal planets.....

Well I am a interesting combination because I have an Aries Sun and Mars, but its in my 8th house.
And I have the Moon/Nept conjunct in Sag, but its in my 4th house conjunct my IC.

I have a Mercury and Venus in Pisces...
And My mercury is conjunct Talent...... in the the 7th house And my Mercury is exactly Trined by Jupiter...which also squares my Sun.

Pluto sextiles my Moon as well, and there is a dark side to my Energy and my acting style.

I do know I have my share of Mutable energy. lol And I can connect to wide range of Characters naturally.

To be honest I never wanted to be an actor. I never did theatre in school or college....... I modeled off and on in college but nothing serious, and when I was offered a contract and a chance to move to NY, I said "no" because I had just got accepted to PT School..My first degree is in Physical Therapy, and I loved the medical field growing up, but thats my VIrgo Asc I think.
Whatever the case after I graduated I worked as one for 5 years and by the end of the 5 years I was bored out of my mind.

A series of life changing events found me taking acting classes 4 years ago because when I tried to model again people told me that I had a commericial look and so I should try acting...whatever the case I ended up in a Meisner Acting class, without a clue of what I was getting myself into...and I fell in love with the art of Acting.....about that time I also realized that I was an Astrologer as well....and well life has never been the same since then. In fact I dont even know the person I was 5 years ago.

Its not the glamour or the fame that I love, its the comfort of the lifestyle....The freeness of it...No one questions me on set, they just let me be, as long as I deliver the scenes...When I act I feel like I step into another dimension, where I can be anything I choose to be and the only person limiting me is myself....I swear its like a "high" .I just got confident enough in my abilities to start landing parts, and it seems as though I built a resume overnight in the past 6 months...

I am not sure where this road is taking me....but I am aware that my life no longer belongs to me....I am just an instrument to my souls higher purpose......I do understand that I seem to have chosen a life in the Public eye for some reason...and thats fine I can handle the pressure as well any Earthly man....What the purpose of this career is remains to be seen...Im just living in the moment and loving every minute of it.

As far as Astology placements go though ...I guess I'm fully capable of being a "success" so look out world.

To me being a musician such you are would require many of the same placements that successful actor would I totally would expect to find those placements in your chart and I cant wait to meet you on the "other" side. lol xoxo

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posted November 02, 2009 10:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fascinating thread. Thanks for starting it.

I always felt that Neptune was important in the chart of successful actors, because it would symbolize their ability to project an illusion and make us feel that what we're watching is real.

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Posts: 4608
From: Chennai, India
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posted November 03, 2009 04:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Agent,
Your posting was insightful as usual...are all/most of those asteroids you've listed above mostly for acting? What kind of asteroids would you look for when it comes to Directors, writers etc? Are conjunctions best with these asteroids? and would trines or squares/opp work better with talent related asteroids?

I am still researching for Director's placements, many would match with Actors placements. Squares will create better intensity.
We should have a separate thread for this topic. I have some new ideas for Directors.

For writers, its very simple. A strong 3rd house/Gemini is essential else a well aspected Asteroid MUSA and the Asteroids named after great writers wil add value.

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aka Kat

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posted November 03, 2009 06:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for aka Kat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Why not study one of the greatest actresses of our time? Meryl Streep June 22, 1949 8:05sm Summit East, NJ Cancer 0 degrees, moon Taurus and yes another Leo rising.

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Posts: 131
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posted November 03, 2009 06:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for la_sexorcisto     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I always thought I would like acting. The only thing that held me back was my fear that I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face and start laughing. Heh :P

My chart:

what do you think?

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Posts: 42
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posted December 23, 2013 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for eliotray     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

This post piqued my interest... BADLY. I wanted to be an actor as a child. Got close too! Connections to Nickelodeon, mom backed out, felt the competition would kill me. Her being a trained ballerina/gymnast I took her word since those fields can be quite competitive. I still have dreams about entertaining people. NOT FAME; entertainment. People tell me often I should be on TV. As I got older I curbed that ideal to be less confining (don't wanna be "just an actor") but I still have career goals that will put me in the entertainment industry.

So I checked these actor/talent asteroids and heres what I got:


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