Topic: The Astrology of Acting
yesterday's winter Newflake Posts: 17 From: los angeles ca Registered: May 2009
posted October 27, 2009 04:13 PM
The other acting post on this forum prompted me to write this one. What is the astrology of acting? I have never really thought about it. I'm sure it's extremely complex and I can only scratch the surface. But I'll offer a few simple insights and would like to hears others thoughts on it.To begin with,there are at least two or maybe three archetypes of "The Actor". There is the "Star"or personality type (Clark Gable,Bette Davis). The "Character" or actor who submerges himself in the role type(Daniel Day Lewis, Robert Deniro). And the "Orator" type, whose voice and way with language is the focus(John Gielgud,). None of these people are pure types,but you get the idea. The planetary energies these types correspond to might be : 1. The Sun for the "Star" type 2. Neptune for the "Character" type. 3. Mercury for the "Oratory" type. So we would expect people with strong Sun, Neptune or Mercury influences to be actors. Right? yes and no, I think it's more complicated. Since Acting is an "Art" we would have to include venus types too. Perhaps the great actors have to have the above influence in addition to a strong or exalted venus. Also the sign of the sun(leo) is exalted in Aries which is ruled by Mars. So mars plays a role in the "Star" archetype. We would expect to see a strong Sun and or Mars in this type by sign, house and /or aspect. Also a strong Leo/Aries flavor to the chart or 1st house/5th house. Mars is exalted in Capricorn so that sign could be prominent too. (Stanislavski was a capricorn and the whole school of "realism" in acting is very staurnine). So the 10th house may play a role. All of the above are the complex ,let's say , of the Star archetype. It is very Yang and extroverted and masculine. The actor doesn;t become the role,the role becomes the actor. This is the actor with the HUGE personality that is always the same ,no matter what part he plays and wins the audinece by sheer force of personality and charisma. Now the Neptune type. Neptune rules Pisces and is exalted in Cancer. So we would expect a strong Moon also in the "Character Actor" type. Emotion and feeling is imporant. Creating a feeling(moon) of reality using imagination(neptune) to become the character(neptune/pisces). We would expect a strong Moon and neptune and 4th and 12th houses. Since the moon is exalted in Taurus we also have a venus aspect to this type. So we can add taurus to the three signs that represent this type and the second house. It's interesting to note that venus is exalted in pisces which creates a circuit of sorts here. This is the actor who "becomes" the role and sumberges his own personality. This is a very pisces/neptune perspective and is the Yin or femminine archetype of the actor. One would expect a strong neptune/moon/venus by sign or aspect or house. The third type the "oratory type" is mercury ans maybe venus mix(Venus rules the throat). Mercury is exalted in Virgo and some say aquarius. So we would expect strong gemini, virgo placements here. Maybe aquaruius. Also a strong emphasis on the third and sixth houses. It's interesting to note that in Vedic Astrology the third house is realted to acting and the arts. These are just some very simple basic formulations and no one represents a pure archetype. Take Robert Deniro for example Leo Sun/Pisces Moon/ Cancer Asc. So we have a mix of the "Star" and the "Charater Actor". Although he is much the same ,he still is able to submerge himself at times. There are countless examples. Method acting seems to me to be a mix of saturn and the moon. Because it is concerned with externality and realism(Saturn),but also feeling and using imagination(moon/neptune). As I said before Stanislavski was a capricorn.The desire for improvisation and being spontaneous is uranian I would think.But it is essentialy a satrunine realistic ideal. The MGM studio system acting is much more ideal and Solar and Neptunian. They were able to bring the large idealistic projections of the stage to film and the acting is so superb because it is stage acting (The Sun) layered with a kind of glossy idealism (Neptune). The acting style was slightly unreal,but it appeals to our own sense of idealism and hyper reality that may actually be a higher form of art than the method produced style. Just my opinion. I think art is at it's best when it opens a porthole to a higher or ideal reality. We can get mundane reality anywhere. What we are really looking for is a sense of the eternal.A glimpse of that eternal beauty that never manifests and never fades. IP: Logged |
amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 27, 2009 04:37 PM
I was a theater kid in high school, most of my friends were also theater kids. I've noticed that most of us have Venus square ASC. Also talent and actor figure prominently in our charts (actor is conjunct my ASC, talent is conjunct my Venus, my friend Cody who is very good has actor conjunct MC and his Sun).IP: Logged |
yesterday's winter Newflake Posts: 17 From: los angeles ca Registered: May 2009
posted October 27, 2009 04:49 PM
Thanks for your input amowls.Great insights! I would think a strong venus would make a lot of sense. Venus/Asc fits that. Also strong artistic energies near the MC make perfect sense. I expect a strong mercury would be there. Because stage and film acting are essentially dialogue/monologue driven. A harmed mercury could be a challenge. If someone has mercury retrograde for example they are going to be less comfortable talking. Spoken words may not be the most comfortable and preferred way of communicating. Many people with mercury problems like to write or even sing. But talking isn't as much fun or fulfilling for them. If they do speech work and work on their mercury issues they could become great actors though.They should look into healing mercury problems and then their star could shine!!!!IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2009 04:50 PM
Jupiter tend to be in a Gauquelin sector in the charts of actorsEach profession was linked to one or more of three planets, namely Mars after which the effect is named, Jupiter, and Saturn (the Moon was added later and Venus later still), but not to the other planets or the Sun. For example the planet showing a surplus was Mars for physicians, military leaders and sports champions, Jupiter for actors, and Saturn for scientists. Mars and Saturn also showed a deficit for painters. These results were consistent with Mars = activity, Jupiter = outward show, Saturn = inner thought, which more or less fitted astrology. On the other hand there were notable conflicts that Gauquelin had listed side by side in L'Influence des Astres (p.212) and which can be summarised as follows: A.Gauquelin's findings B.Astrological doctrine A.Based on experience. B.Not based on experience. A.Sectors have no significant meaning. B.Houses have significant meaning. A.Only key sectors have influence B.Every house has an influence and do not differ in quality. and each differs in quality. A.No sudden change at boundary. B.Sudden change at boundary. A.So far only Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. B.All planets work, even some stars. A.Maximum effect after axes. B.Maximum effect before axes.
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Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 27, 2009 05:04 PM
So, a surplus is when a planet is positive? For example, my Jupiter is 36.67+ so what does this tell me?IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2009 05:08 PM
the surplus is referring to how a lot of people have a certain planet in a Gauquelin sector.if there is a surplus of Jupiter with actors that means that a lot of actors have Jupiter in a Gauquelin sector. Raymond
------------------ "Nothing matters absolutely; the truth is it only matters relatively" - Eckhart Tolle IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 27, 2009 05:09 PM
I see...I think.  edit: brain overload. I am looking at the Gauquelin chart and I don't know what's cutting. I'll catch up with the reading someday. Interesting though. IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 27, 2009 05:21 PM
I get it now. Phew!It's 10 degrees from the angles? Is that the Gauquelin sector? IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2009 05:25 PM
yepIP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 27, 2009 06:31 PM
Anyways, to get back on topic, I found a lot of Hollywood success stories to have Mars conj Pluto. Maybe it's a coincidence.With Mars conj Pluto: Jonnhy Depp (2nd) w/ Neptune conj IC, Venus/Mercury in 10th Teri Hatcher (2nd) w/ Moon conj DC, Venus conj IC,Jupiter in 10th Robert Downey Jnr (2nd) w/ Moon/Jupiter in 10th, Robert Redford (5th) w/ Saturn conj AC loosely Melanie Griffith (5th) w/ Moon in 10th Sigourney Weaver (5th) w/ Moon conj AC, Jupiter conj MC Billy Crystal (5th) w/ Moon/Venus conj AC Gwyneth Paltrow (7th) w/ Moon conj IC Matt Damon (8th) w/ Venus conj MC Kevin Kline (9th) w/ Jupiter conj AC It's from astrotheme and I chose the ones with birthdata, but still it could be inaccurate. I noticed these while I was looking for something else. IP: Logged |
amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 27, 2009 07:37 PM
quote: A harmed mercury could be a challenge. If someone has mercury retrograde for example they are going to be less comfortable talking. Spoken words may not be the most comfortable and preferred way of communicating.
I have Mercury retrograde and in accidental detriment in the 9th house (but exalted in Aquarius). Reading lines is not a problem for me, in fact it is the only time where I can speak in front of a large group of people. It is speaking unscripted that is scary. IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2009 11:43 PM
yea, moon, neptune, jupiter.have also noticed many with pluto on the asc.
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1141 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2009 11:45 PM
I find prominent Pluto in actors that take on dark, heavy and/or emotionally draining roles.I am truly an acting and film snob. Most of the actors that I admire have prominent Earth and Water- specifically Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio. The emotional depth they have is expressed perfectly through the screen. They have the ability to feel the situation, and commit to the character and illusion. Actors that are very Fiery tend to represent, rather than become. They say the lines and dress up because they are seeking the attention; they like the spectacle of acting. They like the glamor, the lifestyle, and the fame. On the contrary, those who are more earthy or watery construct a character from scratch. They form connections- mental, spiritual, emotional- to the part they're playing. "Method Acting" is an over-used term. Every actor has his or her own method(s). When the general public hears "Method" they automatically think of someone who replaces their own life with that of their characters. And, while this does exist, it's very rare. The actor would have to be very financially comfortable, because he or she would have to stop working to dedicate the time and energy to the part. And lets be honest, not many actors are financially stable! Great thread though! I think it also depends on YOUR chart. The actors that influence and touch you are going to have placements that trigger something in your own personal chart. Just look at Godzala! We're constantly discussing actors; someone i like another Knowflake may loathe. It's all relative. IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2009 11:58 PM
oh, forgot, another one is stelliums around personal planets. but ive seen this in general across entertainment "glamour" professions, not just acting, just in general. the stelliums esp around the sun give the chart more of a single minded focus that is charismatic, i guess the sun conj lends a leo quality to what it touches.IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2009 12:37 AM
Several of my friends who are talented/successful actors don't have "Actor" or "Talent" prominent in their charts.ALL the actors I know whose birthtime I know have big solar stellia. None have Mars-Pluto conjunct though. I have Actor conjunct Eros natally, which explains the fact that several of my lovers have been actors, lol. I bet, looking at these charts, that draconic and draco-to-natal aspects are highly significant, in the case where acting feels like a real calling. IP: Logged |
Agent_009 Knowflake Posts: 576 From: Planet Shining Registered: May 2009
posted October 28, 2009 01:53 AM
I've been taking acting professionally now for the past few years, but I dont really have a desire to work as an actor. I enjoy acting, but it's mostly for honing my skills in directing/working with actors. However, I have professional experience in performing as a pianist when I was a kid. I have the following in my chart:- 1H Libra stellium; Asc/mercury/saturn/jupiter/pluto/venus. - Pluto cj Venus - Jupiter cj Talent - Jupiter cj Pluto - Uranus cj Actor in Scorpio...(scorp's ruler cj my venus). - MC in Cancer - Leo 10H Mars sq Venus. I'm pretty comfortable with all forms of art in general, but overall, I think my talents are strongest in the visual arts; drawing, painting, sculpting. Lucia, so do you find yourself particularly attracted to actors in general?? That's interesting you mention your actor-eros aspect. I've always been kind of repelled by them I mean...I wonder what aspects are causing that lol. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 4608 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2009 04:25 AM
From my just not getting finished e-book: "1001 Asteroid Facts for your Astrology Fix"From the Chapter on the Astrology of Acting: Relevant Asteroids in the charts of Famous and Impactful Actors and Actresses: Christopher Reeve has KARMA exactly opposed DIONYSUS and SHAKESPEARE exactly sextile KARMA. Asteroid ACTOR is square SHAKESPEARE by 2 degrees. Neptune trine True Node exact in 20.40 Aqua.
Johnny Depp has TYCHE exact opp KARMA in 22.56 Leo and EUTERPE sq TYCHE. TALENT sextile KARMA exact. ACTOR in Leo sq Mars conj Uranus in Virgo. DIONYSUS exact sextile Pluto. Depp also has NESSUS conj ACTOR exact! Explains his tortured intensity in roles like "From Hell", "Edward ScissorHands", "Donnie Brasco", "Nick of Time" and "Sleepy Hollow".
Charlton Heston has KARMA exact trine SHAKESPEARE and EUTERPE exact opp Pluto, with True Node exact conjunct Neptune! OSIRIS exact sextile Venus and exact trine Mars!
Anthony Hopkins has KARMA exactly trine Asteroid ACTOR in 23.1 Pisces. ACTOR is also squared by the Moon in 25.55 Sag.
The absolutely legendary Indian Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has ACTOR conj KARMA sextile Jupiter. Amitabh has Venus conj SHAKESPEARE and DIONYSUS trine Neptune with Sun sq EUTERPE.
Another Indian acting legend Aamir Khan has Sun conj DIONYSUS exact in 23.3 Pisces, trining ACTOR, with ACTOR trine Neptune and ACTOR quincunx LUST. Aamir Khan also has OSIRIS conj Jupiter and ACTOR quincunx LUST.
Gregory Peck has Sun sextile ACTOR and KARMA trine Neptune.
Bogart has OSIRIS sextile ACTOR and KARMA trine DIONYSUS. Bogart also has LUST sextile EUTERPE and LUST trine True Node. Horror Master Christopher Lee has ACTOR in 13 Sag trine NESSUS in 12.5 Aries trine Neptune in 13.1 Leo, a grand Fire trine, with Moon opp Actor and KARMA sq EUTERPE. Morgan Freeman has NESSUS conj Venus exact and LUST conj Moon. ACTOR, Pluto and Mars are in a water grand trine, with Jupiter sextile Actor additionally. Will Smith has Mars sextile ACTOR, action star placement? Sylvestor Satllone has Mars-Actor-Euterpe in a T-Square with NESSUS trine Mars and Pluto trine Actor in 9.1 Sag. Stallone has Sun sextile LUST and Moon conj Chiron [he had some deformities at birth] Arnold Schwarzenegger has OSIRIS conj KARMA sextile Pluto and ACTOR conj Moon.
Sean Penn has ACTOR sextile OSIRIS Tom Cruise has ACTOR trine Pluto and Sun trine Neptune with Shakespeare conj TYCHE trining KARMA in 22 Gemini. Cruise has a T-Square of Saturn-Neptune and True Node, Neptune in the Apex. The master of theatrical cinema Rex Harrison has Shakespeare conj True Node conj Neptune with ACTOR opp Venus and DIONYSUS conj Pluto. Nicole Kidman has Sun 28.1 Gemini square ACTOR exact in 28.2 Virgo. Nicole has KAALI conj VALENTINE and KARMA sq VESTA. ========================================================================
Other actors who will be analyzed soon: Demi Moore Drew Barrymore Macaulay Culkin Clint Eastwood Leonard Nimoy William Shtaner Gary Sinise Keanu Reeves Lawrence Fishburne 'Agent Smith' Hugo Weaving Sigourney Weaver Jodie Foster Michael Douglas Brendon Fraser Arnold Vosloo Rachel Weisz Kate Winslet Meryl Streep Susan Sarandon Meg Ryan Reese Witherspoon Sandra Bullock Kiera Knightley Diane Kruger Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt George Clooney Christian Bale Michael Keaton Adam West Val Kilmer Marlon Brando Janet Leigh Anthony Perkins Hugh Jackman Hugh Grant Liz Hurley Jude Law Christopher Lee Alec Guiness Marc Singer Jack Nicholson Lawrence Olivier Vivien Leigh Clark Gable Sean Connery Pierce Brosnan Daniel Craig Harrison Ford Mickey Rourke ------------------ Soul Mate Love Calculator IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2009 05:20 AM
IQ,yes,Iwas also noticing that asteroid Shakespeare (next to others) is often strong in actor`s charts. Funny, Jude Law has a (close to exactness I belive) conjunction of Destinn and Shakespeare and Lilith on his True node, squaring Hekate. IP: Logged |
aka Kat Knowflake Posts: 299 From: Cleveland, Ohio Registered: Jun 2009
posted October 28, 2009 06:58 AM
"Anyways, to get back on topic, I found a lot of Hollywood success stories to have Mars conj Pluto. Maybe it's a coincidence."Unmoved- It is, everyone within a few months of my age has mars conjunct pluto. According to this post I should have been an actress- Strong sun, mercury, neptune, venus, Leo rising... but I chose the visual arts, go figure. IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 28, 2009 07:04 AM
Kat- is it? re: "Unmoved- It is, everyone within a few months of my age has mars conjunct pluto. " Well, those people above also have Benefics in Gauquelin sector, and/or benefics in 10th. Also, Mars conjuncts Pluto every 2 years, for a day or so, and if one uses a wider orb, I'd say 5 days max. And... I am also seeing some "actor" placements in my chart and although I have done theater, it is not my passion. So... IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2009 09:14 AM
quote: Lucia, so do you find yourself particularly attracted to actors in general?? That's interesting you mention your actor-eros aspect. I've always been kind of repelled by them I mean...I wonder what aspects are causing that lol.
LOl yeah, if I lived in LA and vicinity, I know I'd be cured of my actor-attraction right quick! I've mostly lived in Europe/NYC. The big loves of my life have been musicians or actors, so far. I like charismatic men and I think it's sexy when a man can exude that onstage (and off)--also I'm passionate about theater (Leo Sun, Mercury). And as a writer I like men I can collaborate with--as opposed to other writers, which, just does not work for me. I think part of why I'm attracted to performers is that they inspire me in my own work. I like performing myself and have done some acting, but acting and dance are not my calling as much as writing. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1141 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2009 10:09 AM
IQ,I'm curious why you chose to study those specific actors? Are you just personally interested in them? Or is it something more? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1141 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2009 10:20 AM
Agent_009,Very interesting- you see beauty in all forms of art and you have a stell in Libra. Do you find it hard to balance all of your different tastes? Acting, Directing, Writing, Creating art? Perhaps you could post your chart? I'm trying to get a feel of your chart, and i work better with visuals.  IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2009 11:13 AM
Johnny Depp ACTOR in Leo" How fitting placement for an actor! "Depp also has NESSUS conj ACTOR exact! Explains his tortured intensity in roles like" Absolutely agree. That makes sense. "has Mars sextile ACTOR, action star placement? Sylvestor Satllone has Mars-Actor-Euterpe" Mars - ACTor = actionstar would make sense. At least it would be one way of expression. "Nicole has KAALI conj VALENTINE" That is an aspect that intrigues me. I have come across it in several synastries along with Lilith / BML conjunct Valentine, but have no clue how to interprete it. What about all the Dionysos-aspects?
EDIT: I was looking some more at Jude Law`s chart.
He has [ACTOR conjunct AMOR in Aquarius] trine [MOON conjunct TALENT conjunct URANUS in Libra] He has [SHAKESPEARE conjunct LILITH conjunct DESTINN conjunct JUPITER conjunct TRUE NODE] square HEKATE, and quinkunx SATURN He has [KARMA conjunct MERCURY on 20 Sag] sextile MELPOMENE on 20 Libra
He has [EUTERPE conjunct ISIS on 12 Leo] trine VENUS on 13 Sagittarius, trine CHIRON on 12 Aries, sextile THALIA on 11 Libra Also has DIONYSOS on 10 Cancer square [THALIA on 11 Libra conjunct MC on 8 Libra], opposing [SUN on 7 Cap conjunct KAALI and PARVATI on 8 Cap] The funny thing is his DR Actor is on 8 Taurus and my tropical Actor is on 7 Taurus (along with my PoM and Eros-Psyche-mp and Lucifer. lol).
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iQ Moderator Posts: 4608 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2009 12:08 PM
Hi Meta4, I study Actors based on the impact they have on human consciousness, especially if they deliver a rivetting "first time" performance or play a unique character. Some Actors I will study as a group.You wont see me to keen to study George Lazenby's chart. Yet he will feature in the James Bond group multi composite. Likewise, I wont be too interested in John Cusack's natal but I will be very keen to see his transits because he has been chosen for the 2012 Mass Programming movie. You may think why I want to look up Janet Leigh? Her scream in Psycho shocked millions of first time audiences around the world, and even those who did not know english went to see Psycho. Heston was chosen to play Moses and was prominent in a movie about Christ. Why him? Amitabh Bachchan is an Indian Icon who has say more hits than the top 10 Hollywood stars combined of any given era. Aamir Khan and Shahrukh Khan are similarly popular. Their every movie is watched by more than 100 million fans multiple times. Shahrukh's movie "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai" has been more than 100 times by thousands of ladies. Some have seen it more than 1000 times. Another movie of his has been running for over 12 years in a small theatre. Fans do not allow it to be stopped. To celebrate a personal event, they just go to that theatre to watch that movie all over again. Imagine the imprinting he has on the Indian mass consciousness. In China, Jackie Chan is as big as Amitabh is in India. Stallone and Arnold imprinted themselves as action icons more than say all of Dennis Quaid, Christian Slater, Billy Banks, Dolph Lundgren, Kurt Russell and Jason Scott Lee combined. Yet Brandon Lee should be studied. Why did he die/get killed so young, just like his dad Bruce Lee? Wesley Snipes has played a positive vampire plus gets stuck with IRS, so you bet he is astrologically interesting. And so on. What you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg of my planned analysis. IP: Logged | |