Topic: Solar Arc & Marriage
amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 09, 2009 12:14 PM
I know there's a lot of posts about Solar Arcs, but those are more related to the individual poster so I don't want to hijack their threads with my bs.Anyway, I checked the Solar Arcs of my parents during the month that they got married and things I have observed: - The ruler of my mom's DSC (Mercury) is conjunct her ASC by 2, separating (she did meet my dad a few years before they got married obviously so 2 years prior to them actually tying the knot her SA Mercury was conjunct her N ASC by 0) - My mom's SA MC is conjunct her N Venus exactly - My dad's SA Venus is conjunct his N Sun exactly So to the married Lindalanders: What was going on in your Solar Arc chart the day you got married? IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 12:17 PM
you had a great idea  unfortunately im not married and i cant contribute to the thread...i can only say that i hope to get married someday hihi IP: Logged |
amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 09, 2009 12:27 PM
Diandra have you had these SA directions before? Or will you have them in the future? If you had them before, what happened?According to my SAs, I'm due to get married in 2012 or 2013! Which is really absurd to me considering I never thought I would be married before my Saturn Return. But during those years I will have SA Venus conjunct N Jupiter (my DSC ruler) and SA MC conjunct N Venus. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 12:35 PM
well i was preciselly looking at my solar arc and wondering on which areas the pattern appeared:Peri says it can show a possible marriage with my partner,and moving together,or a good finances in my professional life. so i have to look at both my progressed and my transits to see. in my SR appeared to be the focus on committment.and not so much on job´s sucess.(right now im looking for jobs).let me see if i had or will have the ones you talked about. btw congradulations in advance!dont know why but i always thought too that i wouldnt get married before my saturn return...hmm IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 12:46 PM
Funny, I was thinking about starting a thread on Solar ARc and Synastry actually. I think it works the same way as progressed synastry.Anyway, so I was looking at the SA of my parents on the day they got married. My DAD:
SA Sun in his 6th house SA Moon in his 9th house (not the typical ones I guess) SA Mercury (his ASC ruler) conjuncts Venus, Jupiter and Groom SA Mercury in his 5th house (he also rules this house) SA Saturn trine Venus, Jupiter and Groom SA Mars square Sun SA NN in his 8th house SA NN square Mars SA ASC in his 2nd house SA ASC trine his Venus, Jupiter and Groom my MUM:
SA Sun in her 5th house SA Moon in her 5th house SA VEnus conjunct Saturn, her DESC ruler : separating aspect with 2 degrees; 2 years before she actually met my Dad SA Mars opposing Jupiter SA ASC trine Jupiter SA DESC Conjunct Destinn  SA MC conjunct Jupiter and Eros SA Uranus opposing Destinn SA Neptpune conjunct Mercury SA Neptune trine ASC SA Pluto conjunct Mars SA NN in 10th house SA Groom conjunct Venus
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 12:53 PM
well right now i only haveruler of my DSC(Mars)is cj my nSun solar arc ac is cj nSaturn kmy bf is having SARc Venus cj his TR MC solar arc Mars cj his TR ASC(while his TrPluto is also cj Tr AC) i guess we wont have the aspects you talked untill we´re much older hihih the planets move so slowly... IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 01:09 PM
I don`t think that we can conclude from a Solar ARc (or progression or transit) chart, that we definitely WILL get married. There may be other ways of expressions for such an aspect; event hough I admit, with these aspects a marriage might be more likely than without them. Diandra,
have you checked your solar arc synastry with John? (SA-planets to natal ones within appr. 1 degree) Can you identify with those interaspects?
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 01:12 PM
DDthose aspects are very interesting!i also looked at when my parents married: Mom - solar arc venus cj her TR MC(the same as Jonnhy is having now...) - solar arc Karma cj her DSC - slar arc valentine cj her Sun - solar arc Uranus cj her MC - her ac ruler int he 6th - her dsc ruler passed into her 2ndnatalHouse - her IC ruler Jup was cj her Solar arc AC - her solar arc Moon was cj her BODA - her solar arc HOUSE is cj her IC - her solar arc MC was exact cj her NODE - her solar arc NODE was exact cj her PLUTO i dont know my Father´s time birth but he had - solar arc Pluto cj his Node and Kiron - solar arc valentine was cj his PROG Karma,and wide cj his natal Karma - solar arc merc cj his sun - solar arc GROOM cj his VENUS  - solar arc BODA cj his Moon - solar arc VENUS cj his HOUSE - solar arc HOUSE cj his Saturn and Venus so seems that asteroids are also big part of showing a committment,even when we dont know the time of birth! but id didnt found the DCruler cj AC / SA MC cj Venus or SA Vens cj Sun...i only found SA VENUS cj TR MC.does it count?
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 01:14 PM
VEnus in aspect to any of the angles DEFINITELY counts.Just think of it: MC represents your social status and when you`re getting married, this status and also your home (IC) definitely changes. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 01:15 PM
i´ll have to check DDPeri in my Solar Arc said it might show marriage,but also a good profession situation,one excluding the other. as my SR showed more about the relationship committmend im more inclined to that perspective(my heart too is inclined btw hihi) let´s see what i find in 1ºorb IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 01:26 PM
DD yes of course you re right!i tend to see MC only as career that is why i never associated with relationship´s area. and of course the IC changes as well with my mother had tons of it! IP: Logged |
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 01:31 PM
My Solar ARC MC has progressed to Boda (wedding/marriage), and my Solar ARC Valentine has progressed to my North Node....does that count?  IP: Logged |
amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 09, 2009 01:39 PM
Venus in Gem, are you getting married soon?DD you're right, it might not end in marriage. In fact I would be shocked if I could look into the future and see that I was married in 2012/13 lol. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 01:46 PM
I sometimes wish we could really predict love like this. But then maybe it is good that we can`t.I am having pr ASC conjunct Venus right now. I haven`t checked my SA though. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 01:56 PM
can i post here the aspects?it is marriage/arc oriented...but in a theoretic way MY SOLAR ARC to his Natal in 1orb my Sun square his Bried(2)and his Uranus(0) my Moon trine his moon(his ruler ac) my Merc(ruler of my sun)cj his Pluto. my venus is square his groom 0 my venus is kikx his Union 0 my mars (ruler my dsc)is square his mars 0 my mars is trine his karma 2º my jup is square his Venus 2º my saturn is square his union 2º my karma trine his union and sextil NN 0 my valentine square his mars 0 my Union square his House and his NN my CHILD exact cj his ASC 0 my CHild sextile his venus. my groom trine his Amor 0 and suare his moon my briede trine his Moon 1 my boda square his Jup 0 and kik house 0 my P AC cj his saturn/pluto my P MC cj his ASC i really dont know..i only looked for hard aspects,once amowls said these are the ones that giveas action..?
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 01:59 PM
VIG  those seem wonderful ones!dont forget that your SR showed a probable committment too. DD well it is true - we shouldnt try to predict cause once we "know" the future we might be changing it really...but these are only influences...were the ones who decide if we do things or not. i guess is part of our human nature to be curious and specially in love matters. HMMM i went to see this after seeing VIG´s post:John is having his SOLAR ARC mc cj Karma,Solar Arc Valentine cj NN.Solar arc Bried cj his ASC.
im having solar arc Bried cj my Tr MC,Tr Briede cj my ASC,solar arc House cj Moon,Solar arc Node cj Boda,solar arcMC/CHild cj Union,solar arc Boda cj Valentine,solar arc Valentine/Mars cj arc Venus cj Briede I LIKE THESE much more than the harder aspects ones... IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 02:45 PM
Diandra,do you feel like the Solar ARc synastry represents your current connection, or part of it anyway? "my Merc(ruler of my sun)cj his Pluto." Does he transform your way of thinking? Well, if I may speak openly, I feel like he has a tremendous influence on your thinking, and maybe he and those difficulties you had to face, were a trigger for your transformation, especially regarding being more selfconfident, uncompromising (I mean that in a good way actually) and profound in communication?
"my CHILD exact cj his ASC 0" This one looks REAL interesting. What could it mean? Are you planning having a child? Or do you feel like you are nurturing and protecting him, almost like a mother would do? (of course you don`t have really maternal feelings for him, but I think maybe the asteroid Child could also signify nurturing and caring, or being in need of these things)
"my groom trine his Amor 0 and suare his moon my briede trine his Moon 1" I like that there is a linked aspect of Bried-Groom through both your Moons, even though one is a square. SEems like a very emotional and deep connection.
"my P AC cj his saturn/pluto my P MC cj his ASC" Is that progressed? WOAH! 
This is mega-intense. it seems like he completely transforms you, and vice versa.
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 03:00 PM
Now, curious me had a look at some Solar ARc synastry, too (I Hope amowls don`t mind). My SA - his natals
my SASun opposing his Jupiter and Karma (1a) my SAMoon (exact on our composite Moon) conjunct his Saturn my SA Moon trine his Neptune my SA Moon conjunct his Chiron (but separating) my SA Mars conjunct his Venus (orb: 0°03 a)  my SA ASC probably exact conjunct his MC my SA MC sextile his Venus my SA SAturn square his Neptune - ouch my SA Neptune exact trine his True Node my SA Neptune exact trine his Psyche my SA Pluto conjunct his SN  my SA True Node exact trine his True Node my SA True Node exact trine his Psyche my SA Chiron trine his Uranus my SA Karma trine his Chiron my SA Destinn trine his Moon my SA Boda trine his Mars and Destinn my SA Bried trine his Pluto His SA - my natals His Sun is slowly approaching a conjunction with my Moon, but is still over 3 degrees away, so this would only be interesting in a bit over 2 years. His SA Moon is exact conjunct my Kaali and Inannen his SA Moon opposite my Groom
And interestingly: his SA Sun is sextile my Briede his SA Moon is sextile my Bried Actually my Briede is on his exact SA Sun-Moon-mp his SA Venus conjunct my Psyche his SA Jupiter exactly opposite my Juno his SA Jupiter exactly square my Karma his SA Neptune conjunct my Venus his SA Chiron trine my Venus his SA Karma exactly opposite my juno his SA Karma exactly square my Karma his SA Destinn-Mars trine my Destinn his SA Juno has just left the square to my Sun and approached the exact sextile to Valentine his SA Psyche exact on my Union (and both our Draco names, which falls onto the Isis-Osiris-opposition in the Draco) his SA Valentine opposite my Valentine his SA Amor opposite my Saturn his SA Boda opposite my Moon his SA Briede square my Saturn his SA Bried sextile my Moon and also sextile my Karma his SA Groom conjunct my Amor his SA Groom conjunct my Mars his SA Groom trine my IC IP: Logged |
Nine Moderator Posts: 2993 From: The Cusp of Love Registered: May 2009
posted November 09, 2009 03:02 PM
Solar Arc Venus conjunct Sun/MC (both at 18 Gemini), my dad got married and my stepmother moved into our home.IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 03:08 PM
the ones you referred,the way you described is true:since i met him i transformed myself some way it all started with the relationship,i had to fight for it against my family for example.i never thought i would do such a thing before,but through him i found who i really was.the strenght i had and never knew i could have,i became more assertive and confident too.although it was uncounscious at the beggining,J. always trusted my qualities and is always making me feel good about insecurity decreased,my way of thinking and see the world changed too,and im better at comunicating with others ( remeber my 12Hmerc in natal...) child can go both ways:i want to have babies with J of course but it is also true that i nurture and protect him a lot,i feel this need and it is something that comes from the past too ( i have my ceres cj his moon) yes,my PROGRESS AC cj his satur/Plut and trins his Union MY PROGRES MC cj his ASC,meaning my P.IC cj his DSC. BUT my PR MC is the same as the solar arc this normal? from his SOLAR ARC to my Natal - ASC cj my Venus - MC cj my POM - VENUS(cj his P MC)is cj my Pluto - NODES are trine my DSC 1 - KARMA is trine my ASC 1 - HOUSE cj my 5thcusp 1 - HOUSE trine my Mars/Valentine 2 - CHILD cj my JUno 1 - GROOM trine my moon 2 - BRIEDE cj my Destinn/Union - BODA cj my Vesta 1 / cj my NN 3ºwidely - IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 03:14 PM
Diandra,yes, it seems that progressed and SA MC are always close to each other. Nine,
this Solar ARC Venus to Sun/ MC looks lovely, and is really like according to the rulebook of love-directions / progressions. Venus to Sun or angles is said to often signify a period where you fall in love or legitimate your love, even though lvoe is not always about romance.
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 03:48 PM
DDdo you think that about solar arcs,the aspects are the same for everyone?how can we really conclude that the specific year will be one of marriage? seems that the Venus/MC is the one appearing strongly till now. i posted on the solar arc thread of mine,the aspects of our progressed composite.i think that they might also be interesting to look at.specially cause aspects there can be associated with the solar arcs. but i dont know if it is really hard cause the planet´s movement is really slow...we can only look at max of 1ºorb..
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 03:55 PM
Diandra,"how can we really conclude that the specific year will be one of marriage?" The same way we conclude anything in astrology. We interprete the aspects according to the symbolism of the planets; this never changes, no matter in what chart it appears. BUT we cannot say for certain that it will lead to marriage. I don`t think that is possible. Actually Solar Arc, at least the outer planets, are more quickly moving than in progressed charts. Of course that is not true for the Moon; pr Moon is definitely faster.
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 09, 2009 04:38 PM
DDI see.well...let s see what happens.i looked at my SR again and i must say,both my SR 09/10 and 10/11 point to committment.but 09/10 shows more a child/creative thing or living together while the 10/11 points more torwards marriage itself and in J´s is the same. IP: Logged |
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2009 06:30 PM
I went back and looked at the dates for my marriage, and also at my ex-husband's chart for that day:Me: SA North Node conjunct Fortuna SA ASC opposition Venus SA Part Fortune conjunct Boda SA Venus conjunct Karma SA Vertex conjunct Karma SA Hera conjunct Vertex SA Valentine conjunct MC Him: SA Karma conjunct North Node SA Hera conjunct North Node SA Eros conjunct Juno SA ASC conjunct Juno SA North Node conjunct Sun SA North Node opposition Boda SA Venus conjunct Valentine SA Destinn conjunct Valentine
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