Topic: what factors in a natal chart indicate a suicide?
rajin Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted November 30, 2009 09:00 PM
Hey all. Was wondering if there are any factors in a natal chart that indicate suicidal tendencies? As I had written earlier this friend of mine has been undergoing a very rough time. She has become very fatalistic recently and talking about how she would not like to live anymore. Any advice does not seem to reach her. Her family is keeping close tabs on her and are worried sick. Are there any aspects in her natal or progressed chart that will indicate anything bad?IP: Logged |
emma_duncan Knowflake Posts: 112 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 30, 2009 09:47 PM
sun hard aspects to marsIP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted November 30, 2009 10:51 PM
Hi Emma, She has sun sqaure mares in her natal but itis wide(9 degrees). Right now her prog Mars is 5 deg square natal sun. Do you think this will push her over the edge?IP: Logged |
AquariusMoon Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Uranus Registered: Oct 2009
posted November 30, 2009 10:57 PM
moon squared neptune.IP: Logged |
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 193 From: Florida Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 30, 2009 11:34 PM
Where is transiting Saturn in her chart? If it's aspecting her Moon, it could cause those feelings of desperation and hopelessness. IP: Logged |
emma_duncan Knowflake Posts: 112 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 01, 2009 12:20 AM
@rajinalso look wht aspects chiron makes to sun? i cant say wht she will do. but i do pray for her, u shld do that too......whtever ails her may she manage through it and her heart find peace IP: Logged |
Diablo Knowflake Posts: 30 From: melbourne/victoria/australia Registered: May 2009
posted December 01, 2009 12:21 AM
Id say either Sun/moon in hard aspects to Mars/saturn but more Saturn because its the malific that causes depression both in natal & transitsMy sun conjuncts mars and opposes neptune and despite having lifelong depression, i have never been all so remember transits dont always play out to their traditional meanings so take astrology with a grain of salt and support her as much as you can as a friend, encourage her to seek professional help and to surround herself with friends and family. Astrology isnt going to help you with this and stop someone from suicide and reading natal charts trying to find a cause while someone is suffering wastes valuable time IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted December 01, 2009 12:37 AM
Thank you all for the replies.She has her Saturn just cross her Dsc into Libra. Her 7th house is intercepted, so though her Dsc is in Virgo, libra has no house axis. This means that she will have Saturn transit her 7th house for the next 3 years. Her t Saturn is square her t Pluto and she has natal moon at 18 Capricorn.she has a Pisces rising so Uranus is still going over her Asc. Her life has been one of dashed hopes recently. I am trying to help her, but she is so depressed and talks about her next life being a lot better.
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belgz Knowflake Posts: 505 From: Sydney, Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 01, 2009 01:01 AM
LOL @ the next life being alot better. I doubt it will be if she takes her own life. But if it is id like to go there too thanks. Saturn is square my moon now too. Its making a t square aspect with my moon and neptune opposition on my MC IC axis. It will pass i guess and to make things even more electrifyingly depressing i have uranus square my moon YAYY!! Im enjoying being crazy. Tell her to take zoloft apparently it works in 2 weeks. She needs to try some medication to bring her back up is shes at that point. If shes ready to give up on life then she shouldnt really hesistate to give it a go. IP: Logged |
emma_duncan Knowflake Posts: 112 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 01, 2009 01:38 AM
i agree with belgz we shld seek all the possible help and in extreme depression mdeical help shld be sought thats wht professionals are forIP: Logged |
the_first_breath Knowflake Posts: 12 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted December 01, 2009 04:01 AM
Hello, rajin.One of my favorite things I have heard a writer say about suicide is that people often commit suicide out of a misinterpretation of a passionate desire to change, a need to transform themselves in some tremendous way. I think a little more on that and I think it's like the person is already in tremendous pain because of a personal need for change. It is also as if they feel gravely trapped because they are on some level aware of how painful the change would be. There is an overwhelming feeling of doom at the notion of needing to encounter even more pain in order to make the change. They choose to not try to encounter the additional pain and to cease tolerating or managing the present pain. With that in mind, I think it may be important to look at transiting Pluto and transiting Saturn and any conjunction or opposition either one makes to the native's Ascendant, natal Saturn or natal Mercury. Also, transiting Pluto or Saturn during passage through the 1st or 2nd House. If those transitis were present I think the most dangerous of times where you would want to watch someone very closely would be where transiting Sun and Moon were respectively in opposition to natal Sun and Moon or when transiting Mars is conjuncting the native's Ascendant. Of course suicidal feelings can be provoked in other ways too, like the facing of a terminal illness or from being made to endure constant oppression or torture from others. In those cases I think other or additional transiting factors would be present.
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popcorn Knowflake Posts: 492 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted December 01, 2009 04:54 AM
Rajin. Try her to take help. Don't talk about astrology in this time. It's not importent. Astrology don't say anything about suicidal. You can se that in every chart if you want.IP: Logged |
Lehia2 Knowflake Posts: 27 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 01, 2009 06:55 AM
I have depression tendencies, and when it hits (which is not that unusual)I think how I would like to die but I'm just not "brave" enough to do it. I blame for that my capricorn moon sq. SaturnIP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 492 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted December 01, 2009 07:38 AM
Lehia congratulation. I have the same as you.. Try to like the square moon-saturn it force you to change . This aspect are also the best aspect you can have in a chart. There are an successful aspect if you use it in good way. For some people it can looks like you are cold but not, you only use your inner in the best way to change your life in better way, Always forward. The most sucessful people have this aspect in there chartIt's not often people with this aspect stay long in depression. You also be stronger and stronger as older you be. IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted December 01, 2009 07:43 AM
Thank you all for your help. I know it is easier to look at a situation from the outside, but I guess when you get disappointed time and again life seems bleak.Especially if there no events happening like you would want them to be. Maybe there is truth in the saying" Walk a mile in someone' shoes.... I guess she thinks she has a valid reason to be so depressed, I was just hoping to get a clue from her chart if there is anything there that will provide a positive boost to her. Thank you all. IP: Logged |
Astra Knowflake Posts: 127 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 01, 2009 09:33 AM
Lehia, quote: I have depression tendencies, and when it hits (which is not that unusual)I think how I would like to die but I'm just not "brave" enough to do it. I blame for that my capricorn moon sq. Saturn
First of all, committing suicide is NOT a brave act. It's an act of desperation. People who are seriously considering suicide have reached a point of overwhelming pain and misery. Choosing to continue living your life when you feel completely miserable, heartbroken, devastated, etc is true bravery. I advise you to get your friend professional help. Make sure she is not alone. Even if she screams and yells at you for forcing her to seek help, do it anyway. It's better to have a friend who is angry than a friend who is dead. I wish you and your friend the best of luck. I hope she realizes that her life will get better and it is never worth it to take your own life. IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted December 01, 2009 09:39 AM
Thanks Lehia, I am hoping that there is some positive development in her life soon to jog her out of the depression. Take care.IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 01, 2009 10:47 AM
I hate society for letting people suffer, for letting them use atrocious methods to kill themselves, I hate society for forcing people to live - it's not me to judge when time is there! All you can do is listen, trying to understand and take the deathwish & PERSON, VERY seriously; without even a hint that It'S BaD tO KiLl YoUrSeLf aagghh (please be human).IP: Logged |
Coffee Knowflake Posts: 754 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 01, 2009 11:03 AM
12th house/Pisces is the normal place to look. Too serious a question to put an open request out there like that.Maybe posting the full natal would help, should the matter be very serious. I dont think anyone here is a doctor, nor fully competent astrologers, though some may be able to help. IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted December 01, 2009 02:34 PM
Hi coffee, she has Pisces Asc. I will post her natal with her SR for this year. she has some heavy siva, Kaali contacts in her natal. IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted December 01, 2009 02:54 PM
<a href="¤t=sr-2.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted December 01, 2009 02:57 PM
sorry am unable to get a reable image to post. I must be doing somethingwrong. I will try once again. IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 492 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted December 01, 2009 03:11 PM
She have SR siva conj N kaali. SR kaali conj SR DC conj N venusI have SR Kaali con N siva My SR Siva conj SR IC conj N eros Not far away from my N and SR Sun. Heavy autumn. Yes but... that's life. I hope she/your friend feel it better soon. Up and downs in lovelife take hard and maybe it also did so for your friend.
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pire Knowflake Posts: 1008 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 01, 2009 04:11 PM
i'm not a professional astrologerin whole sign house, her north node is in twelfth (aqua), uranus squaring her moon, plus her sun is on the last degree off scorpio. i think she could find an outlet in her career with her packed 10th (whole sign). sag could look at foreign, foreigners, studies, and with a scorp sun and pisces asc, why not helping others? good luck to you ps: as some have said already, astrology is not the answer at this time. well, i wonder if there is any answer at this time, not in words or concepts i think. i know the feeling from inside and when death seems more attractive than life, i think only they decide to come back be there for her, show her that you care and that she's not a burden, show her your love but never forget YOURSELF  IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 291 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted December 01, 2009 04:20 PM
A lot of times when neptune is in the 8th house. Liz Green and several other astrologers have talked about this. There is often an idealization of death and sometimes seeing death as salvation or "going home". I have neptune in the 8th and tried to commit suicide at only 17, then again 10 tears later, the second time I actually did die in the ambulance and they were able to recesatate me. My lungs filled up with fluid and collapsed so I was on a ventalater for several days. I do not view death as most people, I have no fear of it and long for it at times. I don't see it as the end, but just one more beginning. I never understood why old people fear dying when I actually want to die young.IP: Logged |