posted January 15, 2010 05:05 PM
I believe for somebody to truly understand how I think and how my mind works, they have to focus on my Mercury and its aspects and not by the sign placement which can vary by zodiac system (Tropical,Sidereal,The Actual Constellations) and house placement which can vary by house system (over 30 house systems).
This is how I explored my thought processes without the use of signs and houses but focusing on the following things
that are outside the norm of Mainstream Astrology
A 21st Century Astrology which embraces the recent discoveries of Astronomy when it comes to transneptunians and centaurs as well dealing with astronomical coordinates of Declination and Right Ascension that astronomers use unlike astrologers which use Ecliptic Longitude.
Magi Society,Cosmobiology influenced me to work with declinations
Theodor Landscheidt,Zipporah Dobyns,Jeffrey Wolf Green,astronomers influenced me to work with Geocentric Planetary Nodes
Carl Tobey Payne,Pamela Rowe,Roy MacKinnon influenced me to work with Heliocentric Planetary Nodes
Diana Rosenberg, Bernadette Brady influenced me to work with Fixed Stars
Jonathan Dunn,Roy MacKinnon,astronomers influenced me to work with Right Ascension
Zane Stein,Jonathan Dunn,Mark Andrew Holmes,Roy MacKinnon influenced me work with transneptunians,centaurs
Johannes Kepler influenced me to work with quintile,biquintile,sesquiquadrate
Cosmobiology,Uranian Astrology,Kepler,Magi Astrology influenced me work with semisquare,sesquiquadrate
Theodor Landschedit influenced to work with Golden Section Aspects
a lot of astrologers influenced me work with Asteroids
Cosmobiology,Uranian Astrology,Kepler,Magi Astrology,Theodor Landscheidt influenced me to work with only aspects, ignoring signs and houses.
Golden Section Aspects
gs1 21'15
gs2 34'24
gs3 42'29
gs4 47'30
gs5 55'35
gs6 68'48
gs7 111'15
gs8 124'22
gs9 132'29
gs10 137'30
gs11 145'37
gs12 158'45
Eris,Pluto,Makemake,and Haumea are transneptunian dwarf planets aka Plutoids.
Ceres is the only asteroid dwarf planet
2007 OR10 is a transneptunian scattered disk object like Eris. It is smaller than Sedna but larger than Quaoar which is larger than dwarf planet, Ceres. Therefore, it easily makes dwarf planet criteria. It is the largest unnamed discovered object in our solar system.
It's a dwarf planet candidate along with Sedna,Orcus,Quaoar,Varuna,Ixion,2002 AW197,2002 TX300, 2003 AZ84,2007 UK126
Transneptunians and Centaurs tend to orbit well off the ecliptic, and so their orbits diverge from the orbits of planets that tend to orbit on the ecliptic. male centaurs like Chiron,Pholus,Asbolus have more eccentric orbits compared to female centaurs like they will be more nonconformist
so Transneptunians and Centaurs in aspect to Mercury could be associated with divergent thinking
Centaurs are said to actually originate in the transneptunian region
Transneptunians orbit beyond Neptune, and so they are highly metaphysically oriented energies, aspect to Mercury.....the mind can be highly metaphysically oriented including being extremely sensitive to subtleties which can also include sensory defensiveness like in sensory integration issues
Heliocentric Nodes of all objects are move very slowly, and so have to do with collective connections,associations,meetings,karma
Geocentric Nodes of the inner planets, asteroids move relatively quickly, and so have to do with personal connections,assocaitions,meetings,karma
Geocentric Nodes of Jupiter,Saturn,centaurs,outerplanets,and transneptunians move very slowly, and so have to do with collective connections,associations,meetings,karma
Regular Aspects (Ecliptic Longitude and Right Ascension)
5 degree orb for conjunction,opposition,trine,square
3 degree orb for sextile
1 1/2 degree orb for quincunx,semisextile,sesquiquadrate,semisquare,quintile,biquintile
1 degree orb for golden section aspects
1 degree orb for declinations
Geocentric, Heliocentric Nodes of Planets
2 degree orb - ptolemaic aspects only
Fixed Stars
1 degree orb - conjunctions only
I keep the orbs smaller for transneptunian dwarf planets(includes Pluto),asteroids when it comes to all types of aspects
1 degree orb for geocentric,heliocentric nodes
3 degree orb for conjunction,opposition,trine,square
2 degree orb for sextile
1 degree for quincunx,semisextile,sesquiquadrate,semisquare,quintile,biquintile
30 minutes of arc for golden section aspects
30 minutes of arc for declinations
Geocentric,Heliocentric Nodes of asteroids,transneptunians,centaurs
1 degree orb - ptolemaic aspects only
(I didn't look at asteroid nodes,centaur nodes)
Fixed Stars
I don't use with minor objects
Now Looking at my Chart:
In Ecliptic Longitude
Mercury in 18'21 Scorpio
Mercury in the constellation of Libra - The Scales,formerly The Claws of the Scorpion........justice,judgment
In earlier times, Libra was represented not by a balance, but as the claws of a scorpion. The reason is a confused translation of the words zubānā in Arabic and zibanitu in Akkadian, which mean both 'weighing scale' and 'scorpion'. In ancient Mesopotamia, a weighing scale was often the arm and the pans without a stand, and was hung up by a string tied to the midpoint of the arm, resulting in a close resemblance to a scorpion hung up by the end of its tail with its arms stretched out.
The double meaning of zibanitu resulted in the constellation being called Chelae Scorpionis (the scorpion's claws), and it originally formed part of the claws of the Scorpius. The modern Libra is the youngest of the Zodiac signs and the only one not to represent a living creature. In Greek mythology, Libra is considered to depict the scales held by Astraea (identified as Virgo), the goddess of justice
travel rate - 1 degree,30 minutes - so fast Mercury......information from my environment comes in quickly, could indicate quick thinking, but also restlessness,high strung
standard aspects to Mercury:
conjunct Venus in 21'47 Scorpio - aesthetic mind, communicates sweetly (as in sound of voice)
oppose/conjunct Heliocentric Mercury Nodes in 18'00 Taurus/Scorpio - collective connection with communications,intellect,versatility (MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS)
oppose/conjunct Heliocentric Mars Nodes in 19'21 Taurus/Scorpio - collective connection,associations,meetings with passion,assertion,anger,violence
sextile Geocentric South Saturn Node in 18'00 Capricorn - collective connection,associations,meetings with discipline,structure
sextile Geocentric South Venus Node in 18'53 Virgo - personal connection,associations,meetings with aesthetics,love,harmony,relationships
extra aspects to Mercury:
conjunct Zuben Hakrabi in 18'22 Scorpio - Nu Libra star, with it being in Libra contellation, it has to do with justice,judgment
conjunct Zuben Elschamali in 18'58 Scorpio - Beta Libra star, according Bernadette Brady - social justice,reform
square Makemake in 16'20 Leo - named after Rapanui Fertility Creation God
square 2007 OR10 in 16'35 Aquarius - it's a transneptunian dwarf planet candidate
sextile Geocentric South Pluto Node in 18'18 Capricorn - collective connection,association,meetings with intensity,transformation
biquintile Eris - '06 - diversity,dialectic process,controversy,discord,equality-oriented,advocacy
47'30 (Golden Section Aspect) Pluto - '00 - transformation,intensity,penetration,secretive can be obsession,compulsion
Heliocentric Nodes of all objects are collective because they move very slowly
Geocentric Nodes of Jupiter and objects beyond are collective because they move slowly
In Declinations
Mercury 18'24 South
parallel Venus 18'10 South - aesthetics,communicates sweetly,relationships,partnerships,love,harmony
parallel Neptune 18'57 South - imagination,visualization,receptiveness,idealism,inspiration, nonlinear but also confusion,disorientation,deception,illusion,distortion,absentminded,disorganized (fits with issues of neurodivergence)
contraparallel Saturn 19'02 North - structure,discipline,pragmatism,practical,logic,linear
In Right Ascension
Standard Aspects:
Mercury in 15'32 Scorpio
conjunct Venus in 19'22 Scorpio - aesthetics, communicates sweetly,relationships,partnerships,love
square Geocentric North Neptune Node in 15'49 Leo - collective connection,associations with imagination,idealism,inspiration,mysticism,but also deception,confusion,disorientation,illusion
square Ceres in 18'09 Leo - practical,pragmatism,nurturing,caring,food-related,wants to provide for,possessive
square Lunar Nodes in 12'56 Aquarius/Leo - connections,associations,meetings
21'15 (Golden Section Aspect) Jupiter - '10 - expansive,philosophical, optimistic, but also judgmental,excessive,indulgent,preachy
Extra Aspects:
conjunct Zuben Elakribi in 14'51 Scorpio - Gamma Libra star - justice,judgment
conjunct Nekkar in 15'13 Scorpio - Beta Bootes star - custodianship and responsibility for the safekeeping of assets
conjunct Brachium in 15'36 Scorpio - Sigma Libra star - justice,judgment
conjunct Zuben Hakrabi in 16'15 Scorpio - Nu Libra star - justice,judgment
trine Chariklo in 16'03 Pisces R - centaur orbits between Saturn and Uranus, wife of Chiron, could relate to relationship boundaries
square Asbolus in 17'07 Leo - centaur that links the orbits of Neptune and Pluto...named after a diviner....could relate to foresight
biquintile Chiron - '43 - a centaur that links the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, has a Saturn-Uranus quality about it..maverick,healing,teaching
55'35 (Golden Section Aspect) Haumea - '19 - creative,metaphysically oriented...transneptunian named after Hawaiian Fertility Creation Goddess
111'15 (Golden Section Aspect) Pholus - '03 - a centaur links the orbits of Saturn and Neptune, has a Saturn-Neptune quality about it, it could be about grounded idealism,controlling addictions, structured imagination
I focus on strong themes.
I have very strong Mercury theme with Mercury oppose/conjunct heliocentric Mercury Nodes - so strong emphasis on communications,intellect.....can be very nervous,highstrung,restless....overactive nervous system
The fast travel rate also adds to that
Mercury oppose/conjunct heliocentric Mars Nodes could indicate more emphasis on the overactive,restlessmind
I have a very strong Mercury-Venus theme with 3 Mercury-Venus connections through Ecliptic Longitude,Declination,Right Ascension,Geocentric Planetary Nodes - aesthetic,relationship oriented as involving diplomacy......I do sound a little too sweet,softspoken
I have a very strong Mercury-transneptunian theme with 5 Mercury-Transneptunian connections through Ecliptic Longitude including Geocentric Nodes and Golden Section Aspects - so very strong emphasis on highly metaphysically oriented,divergent thinking as well as intensified evolutionary lessons fits with neurodivergence...extreme sensitivity to subtleties, can fit with oversensitive nervous system like in sensory defensiveness in sensory integration issues common in neurodivergence - can be mistaken for psychotic
I have a very strong Mercury-centaur theme with 4 Mercury-Centaur connections through Right Ascension including regular aspects,golden section very strong emphasis on metaphysical orientation,nonconformity,divergent thinking.....not as pronounced as the transneptunians though.
I have a very strong Mercury-Libra theme with Mercury in the constellation of Libra and connected to 2 Libra stars in Ecliptic Longitude including the Beta star and 3 Libra Stars in Right Ascension - judgment,justice
I have a strong Mercury-Neptune theme with Mercury-Neptune connections through Declinations, Right Ascension Geocentric Planetary Node - a very imaginative,visualizing,receptive,idealistic,metaphysically oriented mind but also oversensitive nervous system like in sensory defensiveness in sensory integration issues, can be prone to confusion,distortion,absentmindedness,disorganization and misunderstandings fits with neurodivergence and psychiatric Medical Astrology, Neptune rules misdiagnoses and drugs,medications
Mercury-Pholus aspect which is like a Mercury-Saturn-Neptune could also add to the Mercury-Neptune theme
I have a strong Mercury-Pluto theme with Mercury-Pluto connections through Golden Section Aspect and Geocentric Planetary Node (both in Ecliptic Longitude) - intense,penetrating,deep,subtle,hyperfocusing mind, but also obsessive,compulsive......can also fit with highly metaphysically oriented mind, oversensitive nervous system like in sensory defensiveness in sensory integration issues common in neurodivergence with it being a transneptunian.....can be mistaken for psychotic
I have a strong Mercury-Saturn theme with Mercury-Saturn connections through Declinations, Ecliptic Geocentric Planetary Node - logical,practical,linear mind that involve structure,discipline.....but can also be skeptical,rigid,insecure of intellect,pessimistic (especially with Mercury contraparallel Saturn which is like Mercury oppose Saturn)
add the strong Mercury-Pluto theme, can analyze,be skeptical,critical,needs proof and will investigate,probe, can be rigid,not budge,obstinate
The combination of my very strong Mercury-transneptunian theme,very strong Mercury-centaur and strong Neptune theme overpower the strong Mercury-Saturn theme to the point that mind is far more nonlinear than linear. The very strong Mercury-Venus theme with it adds to the rightbrainedness of the combination of the very strong Mercury-transneptunian theme and the strong Neptune theme, but adds to the tactile learning (needing to touch things) of the strong Mercury-Saturn. ........can be mistaken for psychotic
this site is good for the work that I am doing.
Please feel free to share your own
whether it's 21st Century,20th Century,or anything else.
It's a thread for looking at things from various perspectives
there is no right or wrong in this thread
Diversity - Eris
"Nothing matters absolutely;
the truth is it only matters relatively"
- Eckhart Tolle