Topic: Should I Be An Actor?
karena Knowflake Posts: 179 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 18, 2010 07:06 AM
"It wont override ACTOR, being a generic goddess of good fortune, it blesses the theme of whichever Asteroid or Planet it conjuncts."I have Actor conj. my Sun within 1 orb and Tyche conj. NN within 2 orb but I always think I have very bad fortune. And I'm wondering if the Actor-Sun conjunction can mean I may have the opportunity to marry an actor? hahahahaha Actually my Actor-Sun-NN-surname asteroid-Tyche form a stellium within 5 orb, falling in 5th house using Placidus System but in 4th house using Equal System. Does that really mean I have good fortune? IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 4014 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 07:23 AM
my ACTOR is in my 9th cj my Ceres (0') and opposing my sun/moon midpoint (0') IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 4501 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 09:45 AM
LOL This thread has become such a big box of clichees, wonderful! Gave me a great time reading it.(Unfortunately some of the clichees may have a bit of truth to them) Anyway, Rasperri, is it about the performing on stage, the becoming another person, or is it about the reflection you will receive from the audience, the applause, the success? (That wouldn`t be a bad thing, I am just curious).
Also, are we talking only about filmactors? What about theatre? Does noone wants to play theatre these days anymore? The best, most thrilling, most intense performances (and some of the worst, too) I have seen on stage.
I would prefer theatre over the great screen anyday. But then my life is my stage, and I am acting my life through it.
If you feel you have to do it, because this IS you, then just do it! I mean do you have any other choice but doing it?
It`s the same with me and writing (unless for the times I do astrology, as I cannot write then ); I am doing it just for myself, because, well I can`t NOT do it. I`m pretty sure nothing of mine would ever be published (well, I would have to FINISH some of the things first I guess. lol), but that doesn`t really matter. I don`t need to win a prize for my writing; I mean it is nice if other people like what I write, but this is not the reason I am writing (usually the reason is that I like acting "in my mind", which is writing to me) Having said that I should probably make some preparations as I have been asked to "rewrite" the christmas story for a local theatre performance, of course for next christmas. That is another thing, Rasperri, if you are really drawn to it, acting will be drawn to you, too. There will be opportunities, chances for you to do it, and then it is just up to you if you take these chances or not.
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DD Knowflake Posts: 4501 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 09:51 AM
Oh my ACTOR is in 7 Taurus in 5th house, exactly conjunct Point of Marriage and Eros-Psyche-midpoint (maybe I am meant to marry an actor ). It is also conjunct LUCIFER (oh yes, be afraid of me ), trine HEKATE and LILITH, and also trine VENUS, ISIS and OSIRIS, making it a nearly perfect Grand Trine.ACTOR: 7 Taurus POM: 7 Taurus Eros-Psyche-mp:7 Taurus LUCIFER: 8 Taurus LILITH: 6 Virgo HEKATE: 8 Virgo Venus: 6 Capricorn OSIRIS:7 Capricorn ISIS: 8 Capricorn It also is exactly quinkunx TRANSYLVANIA on 7 Libra quinkunx ASC, ANGEL, LUST and WISDOM on 7 Sagittarius
I love asteroids, they are so colourful.
EDIT: ACtually the asteroid ACTOR is part of two configurations: A YOD. ASC/ Angel / Lust / Wisdom/ Mars sextile Transylvania / Pluto / MC quinkunx Actor / PoM/ Lucifer A KITE: Grand Earth trine of Actor / PoM / Eros-Psyche-mp trine Lilith/Hekate trine Venus/Isis/Osiris Lilith / Hekate opposite Pholus (6 Pisces) Ishtar (8Pisces) Ceres (9 Pisces) And Venus/Isis / Osiris as well as Actor are sextile Pholus/Isthar/Ceres of course. Of course I know that if we include all possible asteroids everyone will have configurations of some kind. But I always find it interesting WHICH asteroids are making the configurations, and seem to somehow belong together.
Maybe through my enthusiasm for actors I am channelling some of the female energies in my chart as seen through Venus, Isis, Ceres, but also the slightly darker female archetypes like Ishtar, Lilith and Hekate? Sorry, I know, this is not about me, but about you, Rasperri. I was just being carried away again. Blame Tr Uranus squaring my Sun. I always like to blame Uranus for anything.
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DD Knowflake Posts: 4501 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 10:07 AM
BTW Rasperri, you could do an Actor persona chart. Maybe you will note some strong aspects there?I guess it would tell you what the idea "Actor" means for you and your life. For example my ACTOR Persona chart looks like this: I like the asteroid Talent on my Midheaven. How does your ACTOR persona chart look like?
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 789 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 11:38 AM
I 100% agree with Agent-- they are a lot of actors who think they're very talented, but sadly are not. I'm going to school in Philadelphia as a Film/Theater major and i've seen more badly acted professional productions than i have seen good. And you should pay attention to what Agent says, because she is a working professional in the business; she knows what's she's talking about!On the other hand, however, i agree with DD-- it depends what you mean in terms of being an actor. If you definitely want to do film, you could: be an extra, work on independent/avant-garde/experimental films, audition for student projects, or make you own. If you're thinking you're going to just move out to LA and audition a few times and become famous... well... then i think you're in it for the wrong reasons. I read this book by Markus Flanagan that was sort of an actor's manual on pursing Film Acting. He said that casting directors are probably not going choose the best actor; they're going to choose someone who looks the part, will do the job and won't cause any trouble. IP: Logged |
raspberri Knowflake Posts: 545 From: venus Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 18, 2010 11:45 AM
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leapinglemur14 Knowflake Posts: 437 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 12:01 PM
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jane Knowflake Posts: 723 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted February 18, 2010 12:24 PM
raspberri -I think your charts (natal and persona) show strong potential for an acting career. Have you acted? IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 4501 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 12:35 PM
Rasperri,you have Sun conjunct Actor in 10th house in the persona chart, makes me think it is a good sign for an actor. The Sabian for your ASC is A Royal Coat Of Arms Enriched With Precious Stones
The Sabian for the chartruler Mercury is A Gypsy Emerging From The Forest Wherein Her Tribe Is Encamped
Seems like acting could hold some rewards for you (the first sabian), but that you will have to do something new, something that sets you apart from your family and friends I guess. ("emerging" from the old territory into new one) Mercury opposes Saturn-Uranus, so there is some tension there I guess. maybe you have to learn to live with a feeling of insecurity? Breaking with old traditions that felt safe?
But with Talent conjunct your 2nd house ruler, maybe it is your talent to make some money as an actor? Moon-Jupiter conjunction looks good, too, indicates expansive expressive feelings, maybe abroad (9th house).
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DD Knowflake Posts: 4501 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 12:39 PM
Leapinglemur, "Second- how do I make an actor persona chart? There is an option on where you can make persona charts.
"Third- I wanna do theatre There's something so raw about it that I love." Exactly. And since I have been seeing "Hamlet" last summer, I know just HOW raw theatre can be. Whoa! I think I may still be stunned.
But to be fair I have seen other very intense performances before, too. There is nothing that feels like being in a theatre. No cinema could ever do that to me (even though I adore filmmaking and love going to the cinema, too).
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raspberri Knowflake Posts: 545 From: venus Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 18, 2010 01:01 PM
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jane Knowflake Posts: 723 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted February 18, 2010 01:12 PM
quote: I really feel like expressing myself this way is something I can do extremely well.
I think your chart reflects that ability. Good luck! IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4013 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 02:16 PM
ras...the chart looks good. the fact that you are in position looks good. the fact that you are wanting to do it sounds good but i have only one hesitation - and its actually a huge one... if you have to ask i fear it may not be your are going to need all the positivity you can get once you start on the road, and hollywood is one of the HARDEST places to break into the biz.
i would suggest you ask yourself whether you really want it, then take whatever small step you can right now in that direction. sometimes people are picked up off the streets/in airports/at work, by agents or directors or whatever, but it is the EXCEPTION not the rule. but seeing yourself making your oscar acceptance speech, seeing yourself in whatever scene symbolizes having arrived in the profession, and taking some baby steps...will show you what to do next. but i have never met an actor who was not SURE that was what they were... IP: Logged |
raspberri Knowflake Posts: 545 From: venus Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 18, 2010 02:22 PM
katatonic,my intention was feedback, not a validation; i don't really need assurance from anyone when it comes to the choices i will make in my life. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 4501 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 02:40 PM
RAsperri, the chart looks good, yes, but something you said I donīt understand:
" But I feel like I'm able to understand the symbolic logic of profound emotional states/stories that are usually the hallmark of oscar winning gigs. I really feel like expressing myself this way is something I can do extremely well."
It sounds so detached and analytical, looking for something that is safe for you, cause you could succeed, you could have the talent, which is fine, BUT where is your passion? Your zeal? Even if you CAN express yourself this way extremely well, do you feel like you HAVE to? Do you feel this instinctive need to act? Maybe I am just overenthusiastic when it comes to acting, writing, singing, but I just feel that it does not really matter to me, if I am good in writing or not, I just have to express myself this way sometimes, and to finish a chapter or a story, that is extremely close to me, and is surpring to me in that I never thought I could express myself like that and didn`t even know before that this was what was inside of me, this feeling, when I write an emotional scene, that touches myself emotionally, it gives me a satisfaction, that maybe can almost be compared to an orgasm of the mind. It`s the state of flow scientists talk so much about, when you lose yourself in a story, in a character, when they start to become alive, walk with you, talk with you (or telling you to get lost cause they do not want to talk to you... yet), they become real, with a background, a history, emotions, relationships, questions, flaws, dark secrets, silliness, and you start getting lost in this world, completely become one with the characters you create. No, not create, you just happen to "channel" them, giving them a form. That is what writing is for me, at least on good days. I would love to act or sing, too, but I fear I really couldn`t do that well, which doesnīt keep me from doing it in my own four walls. Actually most of my stories come to life, when I half acted them,e ither in my mind or for myself. I have also been acting on stage now and then, like probably everyone has, during school, and I LOVED it. I was of course much too shy and probably not good, or not pretty enough to get the big parts (and never fought for them, as I didn`t think I could do them justice), but even being in chorus, I loved. And as little the part was I had, I became it. Off stage I have been acting all my life, especially during my childhood and youth. Sometimes the stories that would develop during these plays and the characters became so intense, that I could not shake them off afterwards. As I said, I am not good or courageous or assertive enough to be an actor, but I truely believe, that you donīt ever BECOME an actor, if you arenīt already. Can you feel that acting, that these characters, you will become, are filling your insides completely? That this is the ultimate fulfillment for you? You really really have to love it. Of course that is just my view on acting and creativity in general. But I feel like only actors who are passionate about what they do, can arouse my passion and enthusiasm for the characters they portray.
OF course there has to be theoretical background; but that is something that can be taught and learned. The question is: do you have this spark insid you? Can you feel it?
If you can, Iīd say, go for it.
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raspberri Knowflake Posts: 545 From: venus Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 18, 2010 02:45 PM
DD, Sometimes I lean toward getting my PhD in Psychology and being a child therapist. IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 723 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted February 18, 2010 02:55 PM
DD -Sweet! A chance for us to sorta disagree. quote: but I just feel that it does not really matter to me, if I am good in writing or not,
I didn't interpret what raspberri said as "I could be good at this, so I'll do it." I interpreted it as, "This is who I am, so I'll be good at being this." The more an activity involves our authentic self, the more passionate we'll be. Passion is that flow you mentioned when we're existing on a level of pure being. So like anyone, I think raspberri is trying to find a career that will do that for her. With experience, she'll learn if acting is something she loves as a reality. Her chart to me definitely looks like the chart of a storyteller, but that can come out in a variety of ways from acting, to writing, to directing...and to fields outside of the arts, like psychology. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 4501 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 03:31 PM
Oka, Jane. Then I sort of misunderstood.IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 723 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted February 18, 2010 03:36 PM
Exactly! Sorta. Possibly not at all.IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 789 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 03:38 PM
rasperri,If you want to be an actor, act. No one can stop you or start you but yourself. If you feel the desire, then go with it. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 3200 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 18, 2010 04:34 PM
Sanchenuss, I think maybe you go by vibe rather than what's there. Tom Cruise's overbite isn't significant. His singular front tooth (or three front teeth) is what I was referring to. Perhaps because I know my face is unsymetrical I notice it easier in others. Kate Winslet in the trial in The Reader, you could see that lack of symetry so distinctly...if you were looking for it. It's a bummer my pic of Edward Norton didn't show up (not that he's particularly unsymetrical, but he is extraordinarily ordinary looking...not unlike Tom Hanks or Nicholas Cage).There are plenty more average looking people making great movies. I don't think Kevin Bacon, Kevin Spacey, Kevin Costner, or Kevin Smith are particularly good looking, but they've all made great movies. It's all about charisma and personal charm I think.
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raspberri Knowflake Posts: 545 From: venus Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 18, 2010 05:05 PM
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dinobleue Knowflake Posts: 110 From: Arizona, USA Registered: May 2009
posted February 18, 2010 05:24 PM
I found the persona chart but how do I make it an actor persona chart? And what is this actor asteroid?? I'm curious because I am currently pursuing a career in acting. IP: Logged |
Sanchenuss Knowflake Posts: 514 From: Clinton, SC USA Registered: Nov 2009
posted February 18, 2010 05:57 PM
haha! Slowly everyone is coming out in this thread claiming that they want to be actors and actresses! I love it. I forgot to mention and no one else has really pointed it out. There are lots of physically beautiful people, this is a must if you want to make it to the top in acting but there is also the selling of your soul aspect. A lot of the people on top have given their soul to secret organizations or other. There are some SHALLOW people on top that are used by people above them to keep the people below thinking on a certain level. Its no coincidence that these people are called "stars".IP: Logged | |