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Author Topic:   Top 20 Asteriods

Posts: 175
From: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Registered: Feb 2010

posted February 23, 2010 12:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lindaGreg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What are the Top 10 or 20 Asteriods that are worth looking at? Is there any book that covers these Asteriods? I can't find a decent website that covers these things.

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Posts: 7054
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posted February 23, 2010 04:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think you will find varying theories on this one.

Also it depends what area in lif you are checking.

If it`s about love, I usually put the most emphasis on:

Juno, Ceres, Amor, Valentine, Eros, Psyche, Aphrodite, (Adonis); I am still wondering about Cupido

If I am interested in a mythological theme or culture, like let`s say Egyptian I would look at:
Isis, Osiris, Nephtys, Horus, Anubis, Giza, Ptah, Sekhmet, Ubasti, Amenhotep, Echnaton, Nofretete, Nefertiti, Tutenchamun, etc.

If I wanted to check the theme "feminity" I would look for goddesses like Isis, Juno, Aphrodite, Inannen, Ishtar, and so on.

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Posts: 2393
From: Chennai, India
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posted February 23, 2010 04:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You will find many snippets about Greco-Roman Asteroids on the web. For occult asteroids, just type this in google:

followed by the name of the Asteroid from this given list, you will get all the blurbs, interps and discussions we have had here. This forum is the worlds best resource for Asteroid Astrology. One knowflake named Tigerlily has compiled tons of pages of information on major asteroids and centaur objects, and Glaucus has posted many key insights on TransNeptunian Objects.
Anything relevant on Eros, Karma, Kaali, Valentine you will find in discussions created by myself, DD or Diandra with many other generous contributors.

Top 20 Asteroids, with my keywords

Juno - Ideal Wife
Pallas - Pineal Gland Awareness
Ceres- Nurturing ability
Vesta - Dedication, Sacred Sex
Aphrodite- Beuaty, attraction
Chiron - Occult teaching, wounds to be healed
Karma - Karmic Debts from past lifeline
Valentine - Loving relationship
Amor- Generic love
Angel - Unconditional love/support
Tyche - sudden good fortune
Fortuna - general positive fate
DNA - Genetic memory, genetic tendencies
Nemesis - Enemy
Proserpine - Soulmate Indicator when linked to Pluto, general prosperity and abundance.

Eros - Passionate love of Divine Masculine

Psyche - Divine Feminine aspect Giving herself fully to Eros

Osiris - Higher level Divine Masculine, pointer to Ancient Egyptian Past Life

Isis - Higher Level Divine Feminine, pointer to Ancient Egyptian Past Life

Kaali - Dark side divine feminine, astral forces, Kundalini capability

Siva - Divine masculine Consciousness of destruction and regeneration.

Nessus- Sexual or Emotional Abuse

Hygiea - Healing Powers

Musa - Lyrical talent, writing talent.


Soul Mate Love Calculator


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Posts: 175
From: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Registered: Feb 2010

posted February 23, 2010 04:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lindaGreg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Brilliant!! Thank you so much.

I am sure this will be very useful for everyone else reading this thread. Cheers guys!!

As a matter of fact, I was looking for Asteriods with reference to Love,Psychic Potential and Career.

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posted February 23, 2010 09:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That is a cool list, IQ!

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posted February 23, 2010 09:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For spiritual connection, I'd check for Spirit, Alma and Memoria too.

For love, aside of the ones mentioned, I also like Union and Destinn. And Lovejoy too. X3

By the way, I also like some asteroids Diandra uses (hope that she will pass here and list them all). X3 Yesterday, I was just checking some of them, and I've just discovered that during the time I've met my bf:
- transit Felicitas was conjunct his Felicitas and my Concordia;
- transit Mars was conjunct his Unitas and transit Unitas was conjunct his North Node;
- transit Mars was conjunct my Felicitas;
- transit Concordia was conjunct my Unitas;
And then when we've started:
- transit Sun was conjunct his Felicitas and my Concordia;
- transit Fortuna was conjunct his Unitas and my Felicitas;
- transit Concordia was still conjunct my Unitas;

(guess that I've missed some, but I could go on forever with them so I'd better stop lol)

Felicitas was named after the Roman Goddess of success, Concordia was named after the Roman Goddess of harmony, and Unitas was named in the honor of an Italian astronomer. But Felicitas seems to resonate with "happiness", Concordia seems to resonate with "agreement", while Unitas seems to resonate with "union".

About success, I would also check for Nike.

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posted February 23, 2010 09:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I couldn`t resist but check the top 20`s IQ mentioned here in my natal chart.

Juno - Ideal Wife
16.5 Pisces in 3rd house
trine Saturn in 16.5 Cancer in 8th (closest aspect in my chart!)

square Karma in 16 Gemini in 7th
trine Siva in 15 Scorpio in 11th

"Pallas - Pineal Gland Awareness"
9.1 Aquarius in 2nd house
trine Pluto on 9 Libra in 10th house
sextile Neptune and NN on 9.5 and 10 Sag.

"Ceres- Nurturing ability"
9.3 Pisces
conjunct Jupiter on 11.1 Pisces (and Pholus and Ishtar)
square Neptune and NN on 9.5 and 10 Sagittarius
quinkunx Pluto on 9 Libra

"Vesta - Dedication, Sacred Sex"
1.2 Capricorn in 1st house
conjunct a bunch of other asteroids and my Sun/Venus-mp

"Aphrodite- Beuaty, attraction"
13 Libra in 10th
trine Kaali in 12.4 Gemini in 7th
widely conj. Pluto on 9 Libra (but I wouldn`t count it probably)

"Chiron - Occult teaching, wounds to be healed"
20 Aries in 4th
opposing DNA on 20.2 LIbra in 10th
opposing Musa on 21.5 Libra in 10th
squaring Eros on 21 Cancer in 8th

trine Proserpine on 21 Sagittarius in 1st

"Karma - Karmic Debts from past lifeline"
16 Gemini in 7th

trine Moon on 17 Aquarius in 2nd
widely conjunct Kaali on 12.4 Gemini in 7th
square Juno on 16.5 Pisces

"Valentine - Loving relationship"
27.3 Scorpio in 12th
it is pretty alone there

"Amor- Generic love"
2 Sagittarius in 12th
conjunct Mars on 5 SAg in 12th
square Fortuna on 1.1 Pisces in 3rd

"Angel - Unconditional love/support"
7.3 Sagittarius in 1st house

conjunct ASC on 7 SAg
conjunct Neptune and NN on 9.5 and 10 Sag
sextile Pluto on 9 Libra

"Tyche - sudden good fortune"
10.2 Scorpio in 11th

trine Jupiter in 11.1 Pisces in 3rd
trine Ceres in 9.3 Pisces in 3rd
squares Pallas in 9.4 Aquarius in 2nd

"Fortuna - general positive fate"
1.1 Pisces in 3rd
trine Uranus on 1.2 Scorpio in 11th

"DNA - Genetic memory, genetic tendencies"
20.2 Libra in 10th
conjunct Musa in 21.5 Libra in 10th (and Sappho is close somewhere there, too)
opposing Chiron in 20 Aquarius in 4th
squares Eros in 21 Cancer in 8th

sextiles Proserpina in 21 Sagittarius in 1st

"Nemesis - Enemy"
28.3 Libra in 10th

trine Nessus in 28.1 Gemini in 7th

(I don΄t see Nemesis as purely "enemy"-like though; Nemesis actually gives out the share of fate to anyone to create a balance; of course usually we do not like it all that much.)

Isis on 8.3 Cap and Osiris on 7.5 Cap conjunct Venus on 6 Cap.
squaring Pluto on 9 Libra

"Hygiea - Healing Powers"
25.3 Aries in 4th house

trine Sun on 25.5 Sagittarius in 1st house
trine Mercury on 25 Sagittarius (and Merlin)
sextile Psyche on 24 Aquarius in 2nd house

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Posts: 175
From: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Registered: Feb 2010

posted February 23, 2010 10:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lindaGreg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am so glad I created this thread.This makes it so easier to manage information in few threads. Can I suggest some ways to facilitate easy communication? Why don't we come up with some reference threads and just maintain them in a joint effort. This is especially very useful for newcomers like me.

Who knows, in few months or years from now, even I should be able to benefit othersusing my newly acquired Astrology skills. Wishful thinking, ha?

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Posts: 7054
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posted February 23, 2010 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here some points on Nemesis (from wikipedia)

"In Greek mythology, Nemesis (in Greek, Νέμεσις), also called Rhamnousia/Rhamnusia ("the goddess of Rhamnous") at her sanctuary at Rhamnous, north of Marathon, was the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris (Extreme haughtiness or arrogance).

The name Nemesis is related to the Greek word νέμειν, nemein, meaning "to give what is due".

Nemesis is now often used as a term to describe one's worst enemy, normally someone or something that is the exact opposite of oneself but is also somehow similar."

I think Nemesis is not just an enemy because of simple hate or hostility, but in our "Nemesis" we might oppose or fight against something that this other person is reflecting back to us, which we do not want to see about ourselves.
I see it almost as a negative form of projection. We project all unloved qualities onto another person, and if he or she reflects them back to us, we consider them an enemy.

Of course there is the possibility Nemesis is really just an enemy.

I actually have an interesting synastry aspect with someone.
My Nemesis is exactly opposing his Moon.
His Nemesis is conjunct my Sun.

Interestingly I called him jokingly "my Nemesis" long before I ever knew about asteroids.

He is my Nemesis in that - somehow- he brought / brings me to a breaking point.
Almost like something about is saying: "Look into this mirror I am showing you and see yourself."

Through him I discovered, that I was not so open, tolerant, understanding, as I had thought I was. He made me think through what it really means to be tolerant, open, understanding in a very practical, personal sense. (his Nemesis is conjunct my Sagittarius-Sun, who always thought of myself as a true model of tolerance and openness. Oh how arrogant of me to think that!)

It was of course painful and I reacted partly with hostility, but it was a needed process, so I could see through my arrogant belief about myself, and I could start working on developing real tolerance, being completely aware that there are limitations to my ability to understand and emphatize.

But I feel, even though I will never reach the ABSOLUTE tolerance-level, I am closer to it than I was before, when I thought I was oh so "saint-like".

I am actually deeply thankful that the universe allowed me to learn that from or through him. It helped me evolve as a compassionate human being, I think.

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posted February 23, 2010 10:08 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
in my top ten i have:

FUNKE 5712

seriously though, i agree with IQ's list - how could i not!

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Posts: 7054
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posted February 23, 2010 10:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BTW the SAbian of my natal Nemesis is:

Mankind's Vast And Enduring Effort To Reach For Knowledge Transferable From Generation To Generation

I think that could relate to the learning process I have to go through over and over again.

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posted February 23, 2010 10:24 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree... yours is very good and understandable DD.

Mine is:

1-2 deg Taurus
An Electrical Storm

What does nemesis mean exactly DD, in relation to this one?

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posted February 23, 2010 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Maybe that "enemies" seem to come all of a sudden, suddenly they are there?

Or let`s rephrase it; instead of enemy, maybe the "blows of fate" come like in a hurricane? Unexpected, suddenly, developing much power (and electricity apparently) and then fade away again?

I am just guessing though. I do not have a REAL clear understanding I guess.

BTW your Nemesis is conjunct my Telephus on 0-1 Taurus.
(I like the Sabian of my Telephus: A clear mountain stream)

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posted February 23, 2010 11:18 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes! I can relate to that. Thank you

wow, telephus on nemesis. hmmm

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Posts: 1212
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posted February 23, 2010 12:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
17-18 deg Capricorn - The Union Jack Flag Files From A British Warship.

So my enemy or enemies comes in an army lol~ XP Now I'm glad that I've always been the peaceful type that avoids making enemies. As my culture teaches, it's better to make allies than enemies.

But well, DD, I liked your description of nemesis/enemy as in the reflection of parts of ourselves. I've always thought that our worst enemies are the ones that reflects ourselves and knows us well.

Btw, what do you guys think if there are aspects such as the guy's Nemesis conjunct the girl's BML in the synastry? Can it mean that the girl's BML side is dangerous to the guy?
Also, I have a friend's Nemesis squaring my Moon/Venus/Mercury/BML stellium.. does this mean that I can be a potential enemy for this friend?

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Posts: 59
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posted February 23, 2010 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tigerlily     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's my updated list of asteroids by theme:

Greek Theme Asteroids:

5731 Zeus
103 Hera
399 Persephone
46 Hestia
1108 Demeter
2 Pallas (also called Pallas Athene)
881 Athene
433 Eros
16 Psyche
1388 Aphrodite
1862 Apollo
3361 Orpheus
80 Sappho
201 Penelope
1943 Anteros
2101 Adonis
108 Hecuba
4450 Pan
74 Galatea
88 Thisbe
14871 Pyramus
875 Nymphe
499 Venusia
60 Echo
1036 Ganymede
3671 Dionysus
1809 Prometheus
258 Tyche
128 Nemesis
5 Astraea
19521 Chaos
638 Moira
273 Atropos
97 Klotho
120 Lachesis
57 Mnemosyne
600 Musa
22 Kalliope
84 Klio
18 Melpomene
27 Euterpe
62 Erato
81 Terpsichore
30 Urania
23 Thalia
33 Polyhymnia
14827 Hypnos
10 Hygeia
2878 Panacea
1027 Aescualpia
3063 Makhaon
4086 Podalerios
5261 Eureka
5450 Sokrates
5451 Plato
6123 Aristoteles
193 Ambrosia
7 Iris
307 Nike
40 Harmonia
55 Pandora
43 Ariadne
79 Eurynome
105 Artemis
407 Arachne
52 Europa
212 Medea
34 Circe
100 Hekate
69230 Hermes
114 Kassandra
432 Pythia
4341 Poseidon
382 Dodona
342 Endymion
157 Dejanira
1009 Sirene
1309 Hyperborea


Roman Theme Asteroids:

3 Juno
4 Vesta
1 Ceres
93 Minerva
26 Proserprina
h57 Proserpina
16 Psyche
763 Cupido
78 Diana
2063 Bacchus
19 Fortuna
151 Abundantia
490 Veritas
109 Felicitas
58 Concordia
1930 Lucifer


Vedic/Indian/Hindu/Tantric Theme Asteroids:

1170 Siva
4227 Kaali
2847 Parvati
20000 Varuna
2629 Rudra
2415 Ganesa
5863 Tara
4106 Nada
12472 Samadhi
2815 Soma
25290 Vibhuti
1387 Kama


Egyptian theme asteroids:

42 Isis
1923 Osiris
4257 Ubasti
1924 Horus
2340 Hathor
1912 Anubis
5381 Sekhmet
287 Nephthys
5011 Ptah
1813 Imhotep
5249 Giza
896 Sphinx
2062 Aten
4848 Tutenchamun
4847 Amenhotep
216 Kleopatra
3199 Nefertiti
4416 Ramses
19913 Aigyptios
136818 Selqet


Sumerian/Babylonian/Chaldaean theme asteroids:

1970 Sumeria
22260 Ur
15417 Babylon
5805 Babel
56000 Mesopotamia
313 Chaldaea
1812 Gilgamesh
2101 Adonis
3497 Innanen
7088 Ishtar
584 Semiramis


Anglo Saxon theme asteroids:

9500 Camelot
2598 Merlin
9499 Excalibur
2597 Arthur
2483 Guinevere
2041 Lancelot
2082 Galahad
2095 Parsifal
2054 Gawain
3180 Morgan
9501 Ywain
1966 Tristan
211 Isolda
29391 Knight
17612 WhiteKnight
9325 Stonehenge
5029 Ireland
28346 Kent


Norse Theme Asteroids:

3989 Odin
2155 Wodan
77 Frigga
76 Freia
894 Erda
1130 Skuld
167 Urda
949 Hel
4484 Sif
343 Ostara
4572 Brage
176 Iduna
4213 Njord
601 Nerthus
4862 Loke
4092 Tyr
3990 Heimdal
1260 Walhalla
256 Walpurga
1309 Hyperborea


Spiritual theme asteroids:

3811 Karma
12472 Samadhi (Vedic)
14827 Hypnos (Greek)
55555 DNA
1488 Aura
5239 Reiki
37452 Spirit
6583 Destinn
3561 Devine
1252 Celestia
11911 Angel
5264 Telephus
33154 Talent
490 Veritas (Roman)
9770 Discovery
5261 Eureka (Greek)
227 Philosophia
5450 Sokrates (Greek)
5451 Plato (Greek)
6123 Aristoteles (Greek)
8990 Compassion
8991 Magnanimity
8992 Solidarity
7899 Joya
7707 Yes
2878 Panacea
4955 Gold
5325 Silver
151 Abundantia (Roman)
19 Fortuna (Roman)
109 Felicitas (Roman)
58 Concordia (Roman)
258 Tyche (Greek)
193 Ambrosia (Greek)
2815 Soma (Vedic)
25290 Vibhuti (Vedic)
390 Alma
2791 Paradise
1282 Utopia
9500 Camelot (Anglo Saxon)
2598 Merlin (Anglo Saxon)
9499 Excalibur (Anglo Saxon)
1198 Atlantis
279 Thule
1309 Hyperborea (Greek/Norse)
251 Sophia (Greek)
7 Iris (Greek)
167 Urda (Norse)
1130 Skuld (Norse)
1260 Walhalla (Norse)
638 Moira (Greek)
273 Atropos (Greek)
97 Klotho (Greek)
120 Lachesis (Greek)
3235 Melchior
52301 Qumran
634 Ute (Native American)
2938 Hopi (Native American)
8275 Inca

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Posts: 59
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posted February 23, 2010 12:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tigerlily     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Psychic , Witchcraft, Magick & Occult Asteroids:

1198 Atlantis
279 Thule
2696 Magion
1309 Hyperborea (Norse/Greek)
5264 Telephus
6583 Destinn
3811 Karma
5239 Reiki
1488 Aura
2598 Merlin
8405 Asbolus
2060 Chiron
11518 Jung
4342 Freud
1170 Siva (Vedic)
4227 Kaali (Vedic)
2847 Parvati (Vedic)
12472 Samadhi (Vedic)
2815 Soma (Vedic)
25290 Vibhuti (Vedic)
42 Isis (Egyptian)
1923 Osiris (Egyptian)
4257 Ubasti (Egyptian)
1912 Anubis (Egyptian)
1924 Horus (Egyptian)
287 Nephthys (Egyptian)
5381 Sekhmet (Egyptian)
5249 Giza (Egyptian)
896 Sphinx (Egyptian)
93 Minerva (Roman)
78 Diana (Roman)
16 Psyche (Roman/Greek)
2 Pallas (also called Pallas Athene) (Greek)
881 Athene (Greek)
432 Pythia (Greek)
34 Circe (Greek)
100 Hekate (Greek)
114 Kassandra (Greek)
212 Medea (Greek)
258 Tyche (Greek)
7 Iris (Greek)
19521 Chaos (Greek)
128 Nemesis (Greek)
638 Moira (Greek)
273 Atropos (Greek)
97 Klotho (Greek)
120 Lachesis (Greek)
1862 Apollo (Greek)
69230 Hermes (Greek)
3361 Orpheus (Greek)
4341 Poseidon (Greek)
14827 Hypnos (Greek)
3671 Dionysus (Greek)
79 Eurynome (Greek)
157 Dejanira (Greek)
1009 Sirene (Greek)
382 Dodona (Greek)
3989 Odin (Norse)
2155 Wodan (Norse)
77 Frigga (Norse)
76 Freia (Norse)
894 Erda (Norse)
1130 Skuld (Norse)
167 Urda (Norse)
949 Hel (Norse)
4484 Sif (Norse)
3990 Heimdal (Norse)
1260 Walhalla (Norse)
256 Walpurga (Norse)
3258 Somnium
2522 Triglav (Slavic)
1930 Lucifer (Roman)
h13 Lilith (True BM)
1181 Lilith (asteroid)
Lilith (Dark Moon)
h21 Lunar Apogee


Love, Sexual and Relationship Asteroids:

3 Juno (Roman)
103 Hera (Greek)
5731 Zeus (Greek)
399 Persephone (Greek)
26 Proserprina (Roman)
h57 Proserpina (Roman)
4 Vesta (Roman)
46 Hestia (Greek)
1 Ceres (Roman)
1108 Demeter (Greek)
2 Pallas (Greek)
881 Athene (Greek)
433 Eros (Greek)
16 Psyche (Greek/Roman)
763 Cupido (Roman)
42 Isis (Egyptian)
1923 Osiris (Egyptian)
1170 Siva (Vedic)
4227 Kaali (Vedic)
2847 Parvati (Vedic)
1388 Aphrodite (Greek)
1862 Apollo (Greek)
80 Sappho (Greek)
201 Penelope (Greek)
1943 Anteros (Greek)
2101 Adonis (Greek/Babylonian)
108 Hecuba (Greek)
3361 Orpheus (Greek)
4450 Pan (Greek)
78 Diana (Roman)
5 Astraea (Greek)
10 Hygeia (Greek)
43 Ariadne (Greek)
875 Nymphe (Greek)
7328 Casanova
1036 Ganymede (Greek)
2063 Bacchus (Roman)
3671 Dionysus (Greek)
3989 Odin (Norse)
2155 Wodan (Norse)
77 Frigga (Norse)
76 Freia (Norse)
4484 Sif (Norse)
74 Galatea (Greek)
3497 Innanen (Sumerian)
7088 Ishtar (Babylonian)
672 Astarte (Assyrian)
88 Thisbe (Greek)
14871 Pyramus (Greek)
2832 Lada (Slavic)
1387 Kama (Vedic):
2060 Chiron
447 Valentine
1221 Amor
4386 Lust
3811 Karma
1585 Union
37452 Spirit
7558 Yurlov
499 Venusia
19029 Briede
5129 Groom
1487 Boda
4950 House
306 Unitas
868 Lova
73511 Lovas
61342 Lovejoy
6583 Destinn

Mythological couples:
Pluto - Persephone
Pluto - Proserpine
Hera - Zeus (Greek)
Jupiter - Juno (Roman)
Eros - Psyche (Greek)
Cupido - Psyche (Roman)
Mars - Venus (Roman)
Adonis - Aphrodite (Greek)
Siva - Parvati (Indian)
Siva - Kaali (Indian)
Osiris - Isis (Egyptian)
Adonis - Innanen (Sumerian/Babylonian/Chaldaean)


Creativity Asteroids and Muses:

600 Musa (Greek)
2 Pallas (also called Pallas Athene) (Greek)
881 Athene (Greek)
1862 Apollo (Greek)
3361 Orpheus (Greek)
80 Sappho (Greek)
93 Minerva (Roman)
2340 Hathor (Egyptian)
5011 Ptah (Egyptian)
1813 Imhotep (Egyptian)
443 Photographica
57 Mnemosyne (Greek)
22 Kalliope (Greek)
84 Klio (Greek)
18 Melpomene (Greek)
27 Euterpe (Greek)
62 Erato (Greek)
81 Terpsichore (Greek)
30 Urania (Greek)
23 Thalia (Greek)
33 Polyhymnia (Greek)
14827 Hypnos (Greek)
4106 Nada (Vedic)
2415 Ganesa (Vedic)
4572 Brage (Norse)


Medical Asteroids:

2060 Chiron
1862 Apollo (Greek)
10 Hygeia (Greek)
212 Medea (Greek)
2878 Panacea (Greek)
1027 Aescualpia (Asklepios or Askalaphus) (Greek)
3063 Makhaon (Greek)
4086 Podalerios (Greek)
5239 Reiki


Named Transneptunians: (kuiper belt objects,scattered disk objects,detached objects):

136199 Eris
50000 Quaoar
90377 Sedna
20000 Varuna
90482 Orcus
28978 Ixion
136472 Makemake
136108 Haumea
65489 Ceto
19521 Chaos
53311 Deucalion
38628 Huya
66652 Borasisi
148780 Altjira
58534 Logos
134340 Pluto
38083 Rhadamanthus
88611 Teharonhiawako
42355 Typhon



2060 Chiron
5145 Pholus
7066 Nessus
8405 Asbolus
10199 Chariklo
10370 Hylonome
55576 Amycus
54598 Bienor
83982 Crantor
52975 Cyllarus
60558 Echeclus
31824 Elatus
52872 Okyrhoe
49036 Pelion
32532 Thereus


Astrology theme asteroids:

8958 Stargazer
24626 Astrowizard
1154 Astronomia
30 Urania
6465 Zvedotchet

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Posts: 175
From: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Registered: Feb 2010

posted February 23, 2010 07:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lindaGreg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
TigerLily, that is amazing. Cheers!!

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posted February 23, 2010 07:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi girls

i saw my name here so i took a peek hihihih

aside IQ΄s top ten now it tend to also use there ones:

1257 Mora ( place of living)
1487 Boda ( wedding day)
268 Adorea ( to adore)
58 Concordia ( means agreement like Comica said)
109 Felicitas ( i guess it is latin and means happiness)
151 Abundantia ( abundance)
258 Tyche ( good fortune)
19 Fortuna
1585 Union
390 Alma
37452 Spirit
11911 Angel

i found these to be accurate for me.

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posted February 23, 2010 07:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lindaGreg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey DiandraReborn25,
I am Linda. Thanks for joining this thread. It is only from people like you that we can learn something in forums like this. Cheers!!

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posted December 06, 2010 04:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ekf     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

super useful

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posted December 06, 2010 05:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There is a site that has a brilliant ephemeris for the first 1000 asteroids, it sorts by name as well as zodiac degree which makes it really easy to see the stuff that is sat on your personal planets

and of course has an ephemeris generator for all asteroids, you can add additional asteroid numbers at serrenu too but it's an absolute godsend I think.

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posted December 06, 2010 05:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for popcorn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
dysfunctionalmystic. Thank you. This was an really good one.

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posted December 06, 2010 06:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you're welcome...I've been meaning to post a link there for a couple of weeks because I think it's great and really useful.

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posted December 06, 2010 11:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for soulful122     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmm.. I just noticed DD has a bit of asteroids conj my natal lol.

Hers - Mines

Saturn conj my MC
AC, Neptune, NN conj my Sun
Vesta conj my Vesta & Neptune
Aphrodite conj my AC
Kaali conj my Chiron
DNA, Musa conj my Mars
Valentine conj my Venus
Amor conj my Mercury and Saturn
Angel conj my Sun (wide, 3°)
Tyche conj my Angel, Adonis, & Venus/Mars mp

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