Topic: The Medical Asteroids in Your Chart
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2010 08:29 AM
I thought this was an interesting article about the medical asteroids in your chart, the aspects they make, and looking at your own health issues. Has anyone ever tracked their health issues using these asteroids? Medical Asteroids: Aesculapia, Askalaphus, Asclepius, Hygiea and Panacea
While there may be some differences between Aesculapia, Askalaphus and Asclepius, you can use each of them to explore HEALTH matters and symptoms in a chart. Hygiea refers also to "cleanliness and fitness efforts," but it too relates to the physical well-being. In 98% of the charts in my brain tumor study, at diagnosis there were important transits and directions to one or more of these medical asteroids--and that was the most common indicator! In other words, more of them had something like Neptune or Hades by transit to a radix or directed medical asteroid than to a personal point. So, you do want to track what's happening with these asteroids. Use them for: contact with physicians, the medical status, areas of physical weakness, description of symptoms and dis-ease AND as suggestive of what must be "healed." Some examples: 1. Aesculapia-Neptune: Along with respiratory challenges and possible fluid imbalances (including swellings and edemas,) the immune system can face serious challenge. There may be allergies, systemic overload, and "strange" or unexplained symptoms. The healing suggestions would be: to consider how well one is living given their sensitivities and ideals; teas, baths, meditation and visualization can be recommended. 2. Aesculapia-Pluto: While the digestion-elimination area can be weakened, the metabolism is highlighted. Health crises can push one to make major life changes. The parts of the body that are not under conscious control (the involuntary responses) are struggling. There is contact with radical illnesses, and some dis-ease process asks for emotional-physical integrity-integration. 3. Asclepius-Mercury: The nervous system is tenuous (and the lungs can be weak many parts of the internal stream of consciousness relate to the health status; there would likely be particular health issues during the elementary school years; there can be health issues with siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles; there may be medical ramifications due to cars. One needs to "THINK healthy" (and not allow "being busy" to detract from their health.) By transit, Mercury with a medical asteroid also promotes News about health matters. 4. Askalaphus-Vesta: Part of what stresses the health is that one disengages (from the body) and can lose touch with what's happening to it. The work (or dedication to some ideal or activity) can cause the health to suffer. From those examples: a) Would an Admetus-Aesculapia have to endure a period of illness? Could there be spasms, cramps, constriction or numbness among their symptoms? Would one need to persevere or avoid things for the sake of their health? Might one have to wait to see a doctor (or have delayed going to see one in the first place)? b) Does a Poseidon-Asclepius seem right for laser treatments, x-rays or other light and imaging tests? Would this cover teaching on medical subjects? And medical ethics? And how about the role of faith or belief on a medical condition? Might the mind be affected? Would you suggest a spiritual practice for mental-physical health to a client with this contact in their chart? c) Do you think an Apollo-Aesculapia could be naive about health ramifications? Could they have "repeated" instances with an illness? Might they have times of "figuring the odds" about a disease? d) Since Siva and Siwa (which we haven't covered yet) relate the cycles and seasons (among other things,) can you see that Neptune-Siva-Aesculapia could describe seasonal allergies (as well as more definitive delineations)? Siva or Siwa with a medical asteroid suggest non-Western medicine. e) And aside from prescription medicine, might a Bacchus-Aesculapia show how an addiction has affected the physical well-being? Could a person be in denial about their health? f) A medical asteroid with Ceres or Demeter signals the importance of health in the parent-child relationship, but don't you think it's a reminder that the diet and nutritional requirements are also important? Wouldn't it advertise the sensitivity of the stomach or womb area? And wouldn't such an aspect stress the importance of care-taking for the ill? g) How easily or rapidly would an Astraea-Askalaphus recover? h) Would a Sphinx-Aesculapia be certain of a diagnosis? i) Might Atlantis with a medical asteroid rush to a sense of doom about their health? j) As well as being concerned about the health of others, wouldn't Juno with a medical asteroid add concern about the cost of medical care? k) Would you associate Saturn-Aesculapia with the teeth, bones, joints, spine or cartilage? What about the status of the health as one grows older? Would you think that the person would have learned much about health thru the father? Might some of the healing have to do with learning what one is and what one isn't "responsible for" in life? Panacea: Panacea is "the cure"--but it's not as simple as that. In your chart, everything's conditioned; every factor has, by the age you are now, a model. You have a history with it--and thus you have beliefs and expectations about it. So look at Panacea in your chart (and in those of clients) as "what you believe it takes to make things better." Thus, what do you or others have to do in order to bring about an improvement. And this doesn't relate just to medical conditions. So: A Panacea-Sisyphus has to do it over and over in order to "fix" what's seen as wrong. With Panacea in hard aspect to the Ascendant, a person would have to "be" different to bring about an improvement; they'd have to alter their routine and initial response. A retrograde Panacea might not really believe lots of things can be fixed. A Panacea-Admetus would figure on having to endure, bite the bullet, or give something more time. When Hades contacts Panacea, some of the cure is worse than the problem. Would a Venus-Panacea think that throwing $$$ at the problem would make it better? Would they be good negotiators and willing to compromise? Currently, Panacea is retrograde and can carry a parans opposition to Lilith. How important are DECISIONS ABOUT TREATMENTS to the people who would have that angular? Transit Panacea is conjunct a retrograde Hybris. Do people really expect that there is "a cure"? And focus on House and Sign issues with these asteroids too. A medical asteroid in a House highlights that area of the body (as affected by the sign.) Apply that idea too to the understanding of improvement Panacea experiences due to its sign and house. Is Panacea Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable in its efforts? Is it supported by "easy" aspects? Is, for example, Hygiea "cardinal" about fitness efforts? IP: Logged |
Ami Ann Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted April 02, 2010 09:12 AM
If I gave you my chart could you help me? I have such a nervous stomach based on emotions. Thanks so much. AmiIP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2010 09:24 AM
She uses hypothetical transneptunian planets, and I don't agree with that.It's stuff like that gets us ridiculed by skeptics of Astrology. Astronomers discovered those objects. The orbits of those objects are unlike any planet. They are unnatural. I have to take this stuff with a grain of salt. With real physical transneptunian objects like Pluto,Eris,Makemake,Haumea , why do we need to use hypothetical transneptunian objects.
Alfred Witte came up with the hypothetical transneptunian objects because things that happened to people weren't reflected by any object. So he theorized that certain objects existed, and so he came up with mathematical calculations. He checked them in charts. He did quite a few charts,and he thought he saw significant influences.
Any one of us that has understanding of higher mathematics and astronomy can theorize about objects and create an ephemeris for it.
BTW...I have 2 of her books, but I am not into them any more.
------------------ Raymond
Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged |
Ami Ann Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted April 02, 2010 09:27 AM
It is probably moon and Mars in Cancer.I am very psychic but the stomach issues are hard. I think I have to work on the Mars in Cancer which holds power in for fear of anger and dissapproval  Ami
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venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2010 01:19 PM
Ami, Can you put up your chart and include those asteroids? We can see if they show the stomach issues. It will be a good test case.IP: Logged |
Ami Ann Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted April 02, 2010 03:22 PM
Thank you ,VIG. I am the one on PDF's thread--My Synastry With Someone!  I appreciate your help so much. Oh I don't have the asteroids. Do you want me to find them? How would I ?IP: Logged |
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2010 06:40 PM
Ami Ann, I wasn't sure if you were asking me to post your chart or if you were going to post it. 
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venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2010 06:56 PM
Well, 6th house rules the solar plexus (bowels, colon, intestines) and your Neptune is in opposition to your 6th. And as a Cancer Moon, you hold all of your emotions in your stomach. Mercury just crossed over your Asclepius, so it's time for you to look at this health issue!Medical Astrology-The Signs and the Houses The likelihood of illness or injuries relating to a particular sign is derived from both the nature of the sign with regard to its type by triplicity and that of its natural ruling planet. Ailments of a sign or planet can also appear by reflection in its opposite sign or by reflection in the opposite sign of a planet's exaltation. For example, Venus is exalted in Pisces and by reflection, the ailments associated with Venus and Pisces can show in the opposite sign of Virgo. Please note that these are indications only and not just by virtue of having the sun placed in a certain sign. Many other factors play their part in medical astrology and the diagnosis or potential for illnesses or ailments. Usually, in order for a condition to manifest, it will be found that planets will be afflicted in a sign by one of the so-called malefic planets and by a hard aspect between them. However, benefic planets such as Jupiter and Venus and good aspects from the Sun or Moon can mitigate or even deny the possibility of any condition taking hold. These matters are also subject to being triggered by transits. The houses also govern the various parts of the body by association with their sign of the natural order of the zodiac. For example, the head is governed by the first house corresponding to Aries, the throat by the second house corresponding to Taurus and so on. Aries/1st House Ruling Planet: Mars Triplicity: Fire Body Parts ruled: head, brain, eyes, face, muscles, pineal gland Ailments: anything to do with the head. Headache, migraine, sinus problems, head colds, nosebleeds, fever, inflammation, haemorrhage, high blood pressure, eruptions, burns, scalds, insect bites and stings. Taurus/2nd House Ruling Planet: Venus Triplicity: Earth Body Parts ruled: neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears, tongue, vocal chords, jugular vein, tonsils Ailments: anything to do with the throat or neck, sore throat, stiff neck, tension, excess weight, under-active thyroid gland Gemini/3rd House Ruling Planet: Mercury Triplicity: Air Body Parts ruled: hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, upper ribs, lungs, bronchial tracts, trachea, thymus gland, nerves and nervous system Ailments: those relating to the mental faculty and those associated with the nerves, nervous strain, restlessness especially of the mind, chest and lung complaints, asthma, pleurisy, insomnia, amnesia Cancer/4th House Ruling Planet: Moon Triplicity: Water Body Parts ruled: breasts, breastbone, stomach, alimentary canal, lower ribs, womb, pancreas Ailments: stomach and digestive complaints, upset stomach, breast disorders, lymphatic system disorders, obesity Leo/5th House Ruling Planet: Sun Triplicity: Fire Body Parts ruled: upper back, spine, spleen, heart, aorta, circulation Ailments: heart problems, hardening of the arteries, high or low blood pressure, spinal and back problems, blood disorders Virgo/6th House Ruling Planet: Mercury Triplicity: Earth Body Parts ruled: nervous system, intestines, stomach, abdomen, lower dorsal nerves, bowels, nails, spleen Ailments: anxiety, nervous tension, bowel and digestive system disorders, intestinal disorders, abdominal disorders Libra/7th House Ruling Planet: Venus Triplicity: Air Body Parts ruled: lower back (lumbar region), lumbar nerves, buttocks, kidneys, adrenal glands, blood vessels, skin Ailments: associated with the kidneys and any problems that arise with them, those conditions brought about by excess and over-indulgence, obesity. It is associated with venereal diseases. Scorpio/8th House Ruling Planet: Mars and Pluto Triplicity: Water Body Parts Ruled: genitals, bladder, cervix, anus, genito-urinary tract, prostate gland Ailments: Pluto rules Scorpio so it is associated with ailments of the reproductive and excretory systems. It occasions deep changes within whatever condition arises. Can be likened to a volcano bubbling beneath the surface. Ailments: anything hidden or deep. Sagittarius/9th House Ruling Planet: Jupiter Triplicity: Fire Body Parts ruled: liver, hips, thighs, arterial system, pelvis, femur (thighbone) Ailments: Jupiter rules the liver and any complaints of it. As Jupiter's main keyword is that of expansion, it governs swellings and things that grow such as tumours and other growths, either malignant or benign. It is also associated with being overweight and over-indulgence in food, alcohol and drugs. Capricorn/10th House Ruling Planet: Saturn Triplicity: Earth Body Parts ruled: bones, joints, knees, skin, teeth Ailments: Saturn rules the skin and bones and by its nature of restriction and generally slowing things down, anything that is degenerative is ruled by it. It produces blockages and is associated with poor growth. Dental problems, skin problems, arthritis Aquarius/11th House Ruling Planet: Saturn and Uranus Triplicity: Air Body Parts ruled: Circulatory system, ankles, Achilles heal, calves, shins, breath, eyesight Ailments: Circulatory problems, varicose veins, anxiety, muscular spasms, arthritis, palpitations Pisces/12th House Ruling Planet: Jupiter and Neptune Triplicity: Water Body Parts ruled: feet Ailments: addiction to alcohol or drugs, suspension of normal functioning, wasting diseases and general lethargy. Anything that impairs normal functioning or gradual erosion of functions. Immune system problems, fluid retention, hormonal imbalances, chilblains, glandular problems IP: Logged |
Ami Ann Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted April 02, 2010 07:54 PM
Thank you SO much, VIG.I appreciate you posting it. I will spend time studying it, tomorrow. x o x Ami IP: Logged |
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2010 08:28 PM
Ami, Lynn Koiner has an excellent website. She's done a lot of medical research as it relates to astrology transits, etc. Also, I have told everyone I know who has stomach issues to get enteric coated peppermint pills. Any health food store should have them. Pepogest is a good one. Anyway, peppermint oil is a natural antibiotic, and a natural anti-spasmodic and it really works! It even helps those with IBS.
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Ami Ann Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted April 03, 2010 06:25 AM
Thank you so much, VIG! x o x Ami IP: Logged |
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 03, 2010 12:23 PM
Ami, I just realized you have Saturn in the 1st and wanted to say "Hugs to you", because I also have Saturn in the 1st, and it's been a struggle my whole life.Oh, and if you are interested, The DK Foundation has a really good series of articles called "Turning Saturn Around", and they go through Saturn in each house. It's worth the read. IP: Logged |
Seimei Knowflake Posts: 166 From: LafaLott,La.U.S.A. Registered: Apr 2015
posted May 20, 2015 10:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by venus in gemini: Ami, Lynn Koiner has an excellent website. She's done a lot of medical research as it relates to astrology transits, etc. Also, I have told everyone I know who has stomach issues to get enteric coated peppermint pills. Any health food store should have them. Pepogest is a good one. Anyway, peppermint oil is a natural antibiotic, and a natural anti-spasmodic and it really works! It even helps those with IBS.
Peppermint is very easy to grow. Can be grown in the windowsill. I have three varieties. Nibbling on fresh plant leaves is much better that taking pills, imo.
------------------ Seimei, Jupiter Nadir IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 62454 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 20, 2015 10:32 PM
Old thread. Wow. This is great to whoever bumped it lol------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 62454 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 20, 2015 10:32 PM
I grow mint, S. I have an organic garden xx------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Seimei Knowflake Posts: 166 From: LafaLott,La.U.S.A. Registered: Apr 2015
posted May 20, 2015 10:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by Glaucus: She uses hypothetical transneptunian planets, and I don't agree with that.It's stuff like that gets us ridiculed by skeptics of Astrology. Astronomers discovered those objects. The orbits of those objects are unlike any planet. They are unnatural. I have to take this stuff with a grain of salt. With real physical transneptunian objects like Pluto,Eris,Makemake,Haumea , why do we need to use hypothetical transneptunian objects.
Alfred Witte came up with the hypothetical transneptunian objects because things that happened to people weren't reflected by any object. So he theorized that certain objects existed, and so he came up with mathematical calculations. He checked them in charts. He did quite a few charts,and he thought he saw significant influences.
Any one of us that has understanding of higher mathematics and astronomy can theorize about objects and create an ephemeris for it.
BTW...I have 2 of her books, but I am not into them any more.
I find it interesting that a body was discovered and it was named the same as the last of the 8 hypothetical and the same attributes were given to it. So if you study a chart an event , a life and use both and the undiscovered seems valid could one be a shadow,lol If you do a chart for someone born before 1930 do you ignore Pluto? Most astrologers totally ignore the use of nodes. ------------------ Seimei, Jupiter Nadir IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 53206 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 22, 2015 10:36 PM
Moving to Asteroid Astrology.IP: Logged | |