Topic: North node transits to planets and points.
elixir Knowflake Posts: 2419 From: United States Registered: Apr 2012
posted July 30, 2013 02:18 PM
@Mr. PrismAbout that north node transiting pluto. I have Pluto transiting my tenth house right now opposite my sun/chiron at 18 degrees cancer. Also the nn scorpio transit conjunct my pluto on the cusp of my 8th house, trining my sun/chiron. I'm not sure which one is influencing it but a lot has happened this year. 2 of my grandmothers died. I helped care for both of them. My brother died in april. There has been a lot coming out in my family that has been swept under the rug over the years. I am happy about this pluto is on the cusp of my 8th and Jung said that 8th house pluto is like the "cursebreaker" of the family. I feel like I play a central role in this. I stay quiet but I know most of the secrets that not everyone knows and also I was placed in close proximity to my dads family when my mom and siblings had avoided them for 10-15 years. Also my dad has been around a lot more lately after being gone about 10 years. I feel my sun/chiron is healing in regards to him. I am learning not to care about what he thinks and also seeing the true story of how he really is...I also developed a strong interest in psychology over the last year...I somehow feel that this transit is very connected to my extended family unit and surpassing all the bad patterns and "curses" that they have carried through generations and projected on the kids. I feel like it was linked to being a caregiver for my grandparents which i began in july 2012..... Sorry for the long post, its very complicated but im still trying to understand it myself. I have pluto trine my sun/chiron and pluto rules my eighth house so it has always played a very strong influence in my life... IP: Logged |
starchaser Knowflake Posts: 177 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted December 12, 2013 08:07 AM
I'll soon have transit north node conjunct my natal its meaning the same as transit pluto conjunct natal NN?IP: Logged |
Leocassandra Knowflake Posts: 617 From: Poland Registered: Jan 2013
posted December 12, 2013 11:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by starchaser: I'll soon have transit north node conjunct my natal its meaning the same as transit pluto conjunct natal NN?
No,tN.node conjunct nPluto is happening 2/3 times in your life. tPluto on North node in your life will be once or never. So we can deduce that effects of Pluto on Node will be much bigger.
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starchaser Knowflake Posts: 177 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted December 12, 2013 08:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Leocassandra: No,tN.node conjunct nPluto is happening 2/3 times in your life. tPluto on North node in your life will be once or never. So we can deduce that effects of Pluto on Node will be much bigger.[/B]
Thanks! I get that but what is the meaning of tNN conj. nPluto? What should i expect? Is it significant? P.S: In like 2-3 months tPluto will exactly conj. my descendant and when Venus Rx turns direct will be stationary on my descendant again..could they all be linked somehow? IP: Logged |
starchaser Knowflake Posts: 177 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted December 13, 2013 05:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by starchaser: Thanks! I get that but what is the meaning of tNN conj. nPluto? What should i expect? Is it significant? P.S: In like 2-3 months tPluto will exactly conj. my descendant and when Venus Rx turns direct will be stationary on my descendant again..could they all be linked somehow?
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Wild Horses Knowflake Posts: 553 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 11, 2014 02:15 PM
This thread got my attention today because transit North Node is exactly square my Asc. right now, and conjunct my Part of Fortune. For today's date:tran. NN - 24°24' Libra natal Asc. - 24°24' Cancer natal POF - 22°53' Libra also in the mix - natal Mars - 23°34' Cancer I have a pretty clear grasp of what the trNN conjunctions mean, but I'm not clear on the squares. Anyone remember how these manifested for them personally? I'm particularly interested in the trNN conjunction to my Part of Fortune. It's in Libra in my 4th house. It will be exact in 2 weeks. IP: Logged |
Wild Horses Knowflake Posts: 553 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 11, 2014 03:47 PM
I also wanted to mention my experience with transit NN on natal Pluto.Horror. I think this is one of the worst transits we experience in our lives. I won't sugar coat it. It usually brings extreme darkness and pain into your life. If it involves your 8th house in any way, like if transiting Pluto hits your 8th or ruler of your 8th at the same time that trNN is on natal Pluto... it can very possibly bring actual death into your life. My first brush with tr NN on natal Pluto: natal Pluto - 29°20 Virgo, 3rd house trNN - 29°17 Virgo trPluto conj. natal 8th Ruler 0° those were the transits on the day my Dad died in a violent car crash. next brush with trNN on natal Pluto: trNN on nPluto 0° very, very painful time. I won't go into details, but it was a very painful time in my life. No actual death, though. This time, the ruler of my 8th was not being touched by trPluto. my next brush will be next year, Nov. 16, 2015: trNN will be exactly on natal Pluto again AND trPluto will be exactly square natal 8th Ruler 0°. I'm truly dreading the approach of that date and that transit. I honestly expect the worst and just pray for the strength to get through it. trPluto is currently passing through my 6th house, but it's nearing the end. My natal Desc. conj my natal NN 2° So, in a few years trPluto will be on my DC and NN. I think I'm in for a very rough few years. Thank God that one only has to happen once in my life.
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fireopal Knowflake Posts: 312 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 20, 2015 10:37 AM
What an interesting and frightful thread!Transit pluto conjunct natal NN ( 1st Capricorn) is happening now in my chart, and in a few months Transit NN conjunct natal Pluto (8th Libra) will also be connecting. We shall see what presents itself. All the best to anyone else who is undergoing this transformation. Any insights are most welcome xx IP: Logged |
Abc333 Knowflake Posts: 565 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 20, 2015 04:10 PM
Interesting stuff. Once the transiting nodal axis moves into the Virgo/ pisces territory I'll have transit SN conjuncting my natal 3rd house Mars and a while afterward I'll have transiting NN conjunct my natal SN/ Moon conjunction in my 9th house.IP: Logged |
lovelyleo Knowflake Posts: 294 From: Texas, USA Registered: May 2009
posted April 23, 2015 01:51 PM
Any ideas on t.nn conjunct p.Sun in LibraIP: Logged |
Selenite unregistered
posted March 14, 2016 01:31 PM
Nodes are squaring my Sun right now:"Connections with others, particularly males, may be a challenge during this transit. Ego problems may get in the way of relationships and different styles of leadership may clash. Physical or very active interactions with others are also possible, some of which may actually be quite productive. " Don't quite see it yet, but it's at 1˚ applying. Edit: Oh I forgot that it has to do with the eclipse. I definitely see it then, in the changes that the recent New Moon sparked within me. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 15, 2016 07:33 PM
bumpIP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2948 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted May 18, 2016 05:04 AM
T NN is almost exactly conjunct my Virgo Sun. I think the when I checked earlier the orb is 1 degree or less. Which also means that it's also conjunct my Mercury, trine my Saturn and Neptune and also sextile my Pluto. T Jupiter is also less than 1 degree away from my Mercury. T Mars is 2 degrees away from my MC and Saturn is hanging out in my 10th house.Everything I've read has suggested that it means either positive or negative events, though it seems to lean more towards positive. How it manifests depends on the house and placement of the affected planet, supposedly. My Virgo Sun is in my 7th house. I have no squares or oppositions to it. Just conjunctions, trines and sextiles. At this point, I'll take the positive. I've put in an application with every employer I can think of, but I've had no such luck. I've also reached out to all of my contacts about any possible "in" they may have, but I haven't heard anything from them yet. So we'll see! IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 18, 2016 11:48 AM
^ Good luck!  I've endured hard, life-changing experiences with the transiting NN conjunct my progressed sun one time, and conjunct my moon another time. Though not every time has been bad of course. Just the precision of the conjunctions fascinates me. Tr NN square my NN, 1° orb, when I got married. The transiting south node is almost conjunct my moon now. I feel like it's a very important time, trying to "turn my ship" so I'm headed in a different direction emotionally. Honoring my sensitivity more, basically. IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 7037 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2016 12:05 PM
These past 12 months, transit NN went through my Virgo/Libra stellium (libra moon, virgo venus and sun) and let me tell you, it was not pretty. None of the wonderful stuff that was supposed to happened, happened. Zilch. In fact, quite the opposite. I see why vedic astrology does not trust the NN.  I am happy that Jupiter will be coming to the rescue and put his lovely balm on those planets. yeah for Jupiter!  IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2948 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted May 18, 2016 04:55 PM
@FaithWhat happened when T NN was conjunct your progressed sun? You don't have to be specific, if you want to. Just wondering if it's anything similar to what I'm going through. That's really interesting that NNs were square when you got married. That makes me want to look at my parents synastry to see if anything was going on with their NNs. @Belage Yeah. That's kind of what I'm afraid of. Jupiter hasn't done much for me, honestly. The only thing he's expanded is my waistline! Though now that he's hanging out with my Mercury, I have been writing more, so I suppose that's a good thing. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 18, 2016 05:39 PM
@SVYes I think transiting nodes are really fascinating. Let us know if you find anything with your parents' marriage? My node experiences: Six comments up from the bottom. @Belage quote: I see why vedic astrology does not trust the NN.
Me, too.
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CapriciousCapricorn Knowflake Posts: 1591 From: Registered: Sep 2015
posted May 18, 2016 06:27 PM
Now how about Venus conjunct North Node in progressed composite?IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 7037 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 19, 2016 04:42 AM
quote: Originally posted by StubbornVirgo:
@Belage Yeah. That's kind of what I'm afraid of. Jupiter hasn't done much for me, honestly. The only thing he's expanded is my waistline! Though now that he's hanging out with my Mercury, I have been writing more, so I suppose that's a good thing.
I literally died at Jupiter expanding your waistline! :O Yeah, Virgos have to be really careful of weight gain, with jolly Jupiter travelling that sign. 
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yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2016 06:04 PM
Transiting Nodes on 18 Virgo/Pisces. So t.South Node is about to be conjunct my Ceres. Sigh. Astrology= crazy accurate once again. And transiting nodes certainly are not to be ignored.IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2619 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 20, 2016 01:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by CapriciousCapricorn: Now how about Venus conjunct North Node in progressed composite?
good question! I'll be having the transiting node conjunct my progressed venus in a few months. IP: Logged |
charlie Knowflake Posts: 5466 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted May 20, 2016 09:33 AM
tNN just keeps going over my ASC and Mars. Over and over and over like a bloody pendulum :-/ IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted May 20, 2016 12:26 PM
sorry to hear you went through such hardship with the North Node transits to Pluto. I actually can`t say I experienced it quite like that (and also checked some other charts). Well what I noticed was that curiously often Tr Node was square the natal or p Sun in terms of relationship beginnings. But maybe that was a coincidence. lol I also checked Mr Sag`s chart he had Tr SN conjunct n Pluto when his first longterm relationship started.
Interestingly his Tr NOde was square n Uranus on p DESC when we met. I mean the night we met the n Uranus was literally exactly conjunct p DESC And the NOdes transiting. lol (which were conjunct our composite Antivertex and pr composite Venus. lol) Well when we sort of reconnected he was having Tr Node squaring his Venus-Juno-opposition, and in august 2014 Tr NOde conjunct Pluto, which is just about 2 weeks after the birth of his first son (and in between two occasions I apparently drove him crazy as he mentioned. )
No deaths as far as I know. Pluto rules his 8th house and sits in his 7th house, but so far for him he seems to have been more related to relationship-changes in some way. For me well I was having Tr NN conjunct Pluto in may 2015, which was just a week before I sort of re-surfaced in his life, and a week after we started some bit of facebook-communication. No death or tragedies for me at that point in time (letīs not talk about 2013 and 2016 though, but then Tr Node was nowwhere near my Pluto)
for me Pluto rules 11th and 12th house and is conjunct MC.
I also checked my parent`s chart, but I did not find Tr NOde to Pluto indicative of deaths there either, even though I think it would have made sense (in fact curiously often there was an opposition or square to p or n Moon . also true for the death of my grandmother, she fell sick when Tr NN was square my Moon, ruler of my 8th house; she died when Tr NN had reached the square to p MC).
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yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 25, 2016 03:46 PM
Just noticed that the transiting South Node was conjunct my Vertex exact on the day of my dad's death. I'm looking into nodal transits more seriously these days and trying to amass as much info as I can on them. Interested in the septile and novile series when it comes to transiting nodes but I realize that a great deal of information on this might not become available to me in my lifetime.. then again through observation and intuition maaybe i can figure it out. And I know there are some people out there with info on this... but every transit manifests so differently. T. Venus on a composite North Node has meant a break up or serious change in some cases I've observed--not necessarily what you would think... My partner's ascendant is just about to be squared by the transiting nodes. I'm trying to find info and experiences of this one. Seems like a big deal. My solar return chart this year is really crazy and involves a nodal opposition transit (SN conjunct my NN) along the Asc/Desc of the Solar Return chart.. IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2948 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted June 21, 2016 01:27 AM
@Faith - I'm sorry for your loss. I meant to reply to this earlier... I thought about including my current NN transits, but they're pretty terrifying, tbh. Maybe later, when I'm not thinking about what they could possibly mean. IP: Logged |