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Author Topic:   Perfect Synastry?

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posted April 28, 2010 03:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
thanks teasel gf ♥

Great stuff, comica! I will have to see how things play out. About the commitment feelings it is interesting you say that because he has made comments... on the phone last night he said he just experienced a deja vu and that meant to him that he was on the right path, and today we talked about local state parks and he said he had already envisioned our children meeting there (meaning our respective children). He knew when he first saw me on the dating site that he wasn't going to find anyone else like me, he said.
Today was nice... I think we were both nervous and it wasn't as easy as on the phone but we ate at this nice cafe' out on the patio. I had a portabella mushroom and red pepper sandwich and tea. Then we took a walk by the river at a park and sat for a bit on a rock over the river. We sat close but didn't stare into each others eyes or anything. It was like meeting someone for the first time... but still like friends. Nice. I just hope we at least create a good friendship. I like him and told him I had been praying for some healthy friendships.
At the end (I had to leave to pick up my daughter) we walked to the cars and I held out my hand as I walked in front of him and toward my car so we clasped hands for a second and I said it was very nice to meet him and he said it was VERY nice to meet me too. Then I kept walking toward my car and said, we should hang out again sometime, in my breezy way, and he didn't say anything so I am kind of doing that paranoid woman thing where I wonder if I said things wrong and made him think I didn't like him much or didn't want to talk to him on the phone soon or whatever. Or if he just doesn't want to see me again after seeing me in person or whatever. I'm sure it will be fine and I'll message him later to tell him thank you and I had a good time etc. and we will hopefully develop a friendship. Like I said, I'm just getting my obsess on. It's kind of nice... ♥

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posted April 28, 2010 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
hmmm LL did some weird stuff... internal server error somethin' so I got a double post.

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posted April 28, 2010 08:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
hmmmm... I messaged him and said thank you for the cafe' and lunch and the walk and talk and added a : ) and then he messaged me back and said I was welcome and thanked me too and THEN said that he didn't like the way we said goodbye and that we should have hugged, and "next time" with a wink.

So, I get to get to know him and enjoy a really cool person and more astrological conversation. He really pleased me with that message. Water sign read my mind and soothed my mind. mmmmm very nice. ♥

That's some nice Neptune/Jupiter action?? I'm going to be checking out the aspects more tonight... giving my "Love Signs" a workout.

Is anybody LISTENING!?!? Look at all of those smiles I keep posting...

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posted April 28, 2010 09:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
"Jupiter conjunct Pluto is very powerful. These together indicates powerful outside influences, which can be related to career ambitions, finances, background or other relationships (or you're socially powerful? powerful background? - I'm just guessing here lol). And they are near DC, so they can be more relevant in the relationship dynamics."

Comica, I am guessing that this "powerful" influence might be our combined interest in astrology? The Jupiter influence meaning the way we support each other in our interest/study in these areas...

I am really enjoying your interpretations, thank you very much. ♥

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posted April 29, 2010 10:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message

Cancers are such warm cuddly critters! I feel good about this one, Melody. I can't put my finger on it. I like that things are taking time. Cancer do the 2 step forward one step back thing but once they commit, they commit with all their heart. ♥

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posted April 29, 2010 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
You are the cutest thing ever.

Just run with it, girl. Don't think, just enjoy. By over-analyzing your charts, and i'm guilty of this too, you're setting yourself up for high/low expectations. Plenty of couples have HORRID synastry or HORRID composites, but love each other madly.

Let it develop. You could be on the verge of something beautiful.

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posted April 29, 2010 04:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message
Is anybody LISTENING!?!?

I shouldn't still be sitting here, but I wanted to check and see if you'd updated.

He sounds so nice. I hope that he's good to you. (Or, continues to be good to you.)

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posted April 29, 2010 11:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
ohhhhh I miss him, girls. I wish I was talking to him on the phone tonight. :^) I had a nap at noonish and then was running to Rosie activities until 8pm. I get back, snuggle and read to Rosie, get online around 9... and see that he gave me a comment around noon. Arrrgglle. :^D

Yin, I do feel cuddly just sitting on the couch and talking on the phone to him. That is probably why I wish we were talking now. I feel tired and it would be so nice just to cuddle up and chat with some good company instead of sitting on my hard computer chair. :^) He had sent me an email after we first started emailing and said he was sick of this kind of communication and that usually it was "the other way around" and gave me his number and times when he wouldn't be at work etc. so it seems other people/females got sick of the internet/mail communication with him first usually... maybe he came on a little stronger with me at first? Anyway, I always give men a little time to think things through and I thought I had plenty to keep me busy so wouldn't miss talking but tonight I doooo. He's probably asleep now and that's good because he has to get up early in the morning. (Sending a little silent psychic "goodnight") It is nice to know I sort of miss him. :^)

meta4, where are the charts of this horrible synastry!? I want proof!! :^D ♥ Thank you... and yes, it is beautiful just to know an interesting person who loves astrology and metaphysics who is NOT a million miles away!!!! You know... like the rest of y'all.♥

teasel... not much to update but did you stalk my page yet and figure out who he is...?

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posted May 31, 2010 05:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
oh *sigh* fourth date was last night... lots of hugging ♥ a couple light kisses... this man says such amazing things. ♥ He's got a magazine in his bathroom about solar power and wind power etc... talks to me about designing windmills etc... I just adore getting to know him. There is so much... and such a psychic connection. ♥ And he seems to tolerate my adoration and supporting of the musicians/bands. Now I just have to see if I can tolerate and embrace his Mars in Gemini. I love it and yet it gives me a taste of my own air sign energy. :^) And I think Gemini is so sexy. Intellectual. I have to restrain myself from just getting lost in that Taurus moon of his... and the Cancer energy is like Scorpio... just as deep but not quite as scary... though a lot of water has always been a scary for me.
I'll probably ponder over this more later... just wanted to say *sigh*

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posted May 31, 2010 05:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message
teasel... not much to update but did you stalk my page yet and figure out who he is...?

Oh, I missed this! No, I didn't, but now I might.

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posted June 02, 2010 01:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
Bumping this up in the hopes of getting some perspective. Our 5th date tomorrow night... actually since it's after midnight here... tonight!

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posted June 02, 2010 08:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mermaid26     Edit/Delete Message
Hope it's going well for you! Embrace the water elements as potentially cleansing and purifying. A Taurus Moon, sweet! A mutual love of Music, sweet! Sounds like some real good harmony here.

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posted June 02, 2010 03:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mintgirl123     Edit/Delete Message
Wah I'm soo happy for you. You sound like you're really into this guy. My bf is a cancer too <3 which means i want to hug him but at the same time slap him senseless hahaha (though of course the violence will never actually happen)

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posted June 02, 2010 03:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message
Jesus Mel...I missed this one somehow...
That is really creepy how you and I have the same relationship Karma almost through and through.
Same lessons and at the same time, and same type of soulmate relationships, whatever Karma we are transferring it definitely was all your fault from the beginning I just went along and look where it got me!

I will look at this tomorrow when my day is slower and put some Asteroids up in that trailer! lol


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posted June 02, 2010 03:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message
Perfect synastry..for perfect makes sense if you think about it!

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posted June 03, 2010 03:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MyVirgoMask     Edit/Delete Message
Gosh, I don't know what to say. It looks freakin' sweet. You guys activate very cozy houses despite the square houses and suns. And it looks long term.
The composite is also good with the ruler of the 7th in the 5th and conj the Sun. That Neptune sq to the moon is very wide, Mel, I wouldn't worry about it.

I feel you will see into him a lot more than he'll see into you because you have a better grasp of his vulnerabilities. I also think you're really going to shake up his comfort zone and what he's used to. Which can be good.
I think the pacing of this needs to be slow and steady because he is also all about the pacing...steady is good. Even if it gets boring. Boring pace = progress with this guy.
I say boring because my Aries moon is all now now now lol
But i think you know what i mean....i hope that makes sense.
He's TRIPLE FEMININE for his 3 of Sun, moon and Asc, so my feeling is he's been taken for granted and screwed over frequently. Alternatively, he's also very good at understanding women.

i really don't see anything bad! it look awesome

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posted June 03, 2010 07:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
mermaid, water is so... different to me. ♥ I am fascinated though. He said to me last night, when I asked him what he was thinking... "I don't THINK anything, I FEEL everything" to which I replied with a "hmmm..." and silence and then he said in a teasing voice, "Let me guess... you have to THINK about that." It is SO nice he is a fellow astrologer. But I wanted to tell you, mermaid, that you wrote something fabulous on a thread here the other day and I had a comment to you composed in my mind and then the thread went on a lot longer and you made more posts so I had to revise my mental comment and then ended up losing it. If I ever find/read the thread again, I'll speak up. :^)

mint, we SO have to compare notes on these Cancer guys!! :^D

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posted June 03, 2010 08:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
Mars, I wrote you another novelette to read on your cell phone ... Ohhhhhh I can't wait for some asteroids!!!!!! Thank youuuuuuuuuu!!

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posted June 03, 2010 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
MVM, the pace thing and the feminine thing/good with women comments you made are so spot on it is like you have a magic mirror. I am going to deconstruct and savor every single morsel of wisdom you have presented here in your message and see what insights will grow for me from it. Thank you SO much for your thoughts!! I am seriously about to read and re-read them over and over. ♥

The feminine thing for example, he's told me before that he's actually a lesbian. He also has many many female friends and lesbian friends. I did ask him last night if he was "seeing anybody else" and the answer was an emphatic no with some surprise that I would think that... I said I just thought it was time to ask since we were getting closer what with the kissin' n stuff. What's nice is with him having all of that water and the Taurus moon, I can tell when the Mars in Gemini kicks in with incredible ease. It's like there's his sweet, loving self, his stable slow and steady Taurus moon that is so easy for my trine Cap moon to feel, and then when his Mars kicks in I get Gemini. Which is perfect, really. ♥

Off to read and re-read... thank you ♥

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posted June 03, 2010 09:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
MVM... what aspects make you say this:

"despite the square houses and suns. And it looks long term. "

What do you mean by square houses? And where do you see the long term... the AC/DC link?

Still musing on your thoughts

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posted June 03, 2010 12:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bonadea33     Edit/Delete Message
Hi MM,

I don't know why you are worrying so much about this man?
Look there:
Your AC in his 7th; his AC in your 7th: that is ideal.
Your Moon in his 7th;
His Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Sun in your 7th.
Planets in 7th house of other person are very, very important!

Both Mars are in trine (good for s.. life),
Both Moons are in trine (good for emotions);
His Mars trine your Venus (good for s...),
Your Moon opposition his Venus shows attractions between you two.
Your Venus sextile his Jupiter - love!

It is true that both Saturn have square, but where in the World is perfect Synastry?

I have dreamed four years about man who's Saturn, Sun and Mars had square with my Venus, but my Sun was in his 7th and his Jupiter was in my 7th house.

On your place I would more enjoy with him and less discuss. It is only and only your business.

Good luck,

I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious.
Albert Einstein

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posted June 03, 2010 12:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message

I love listening to / reading your story. It is so full of

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posted June 03, 2010 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MyVirgoMask     Edit/Delete Message
I'm glad it makes sense

I meant you activate his 4th and he activates your 7th with the suns, and the houses (Cancer, Libra) are square in nature. But I don't see this as bad since they are natural houses for both of you. It's hard to explain, but the synastry works.

I don't think his Gemini Mars is going to bother you since you already have a lot of air and your own Mars is in air, as is your Venus.
I'm not surprised he has a lot of female friends with his chart, esp with the moon in the 11th. A lot of males with moon in the 11th tend to have female friends, I've noticed - they're like part girl which is nice

The long term thing I'm just feeling is the ease between you in synastry, and on top of that it looks also like he's ready for long term anyway because I feel his chart as well is getting hit/about to get hit with those kind of transits that will make him work hard to get long term going. He's very future-oriented anyway.

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posted June 03, 2010 09:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
I loved your post... thank you for laying it all out there like that! I can't say that I will ever stop discussing my feelings and issues with my astrological/spiritual girlfriends here at LindaLand though. I think Valus is the King of T.M.I. and I am the Queen. *(T.M.I. = Too Much Information) I learned from Scorpio Valus that being open about your feelings with other people and talking about what is really going on with you is a blessing to others in the society we live in... at least here in the United States. We are very formal and closed off much of the time. I long to live in a more down to earth and emotionally honest and passionate country like Italy... Where are you from?

I thank you so much for listing the aspects like that. Also, you might not have noticed that I started this thread a month and a half ago almost... so I have not worryed TOO much overall. At first I was just curious because he fit so many of the dream qualities I wanted in a man so I kind of thought it too good to be true... and now in the 5 or 6 weeks it has progressed from friendship to kisses so I am more "freaked out" you could say... I said to ORBM that isn't it funny that you wish your whole life for a relationship and when it finally arrives it scares you!
Overall I am supremely happy though. ♥ I am just trying to be thankful for the blessing and share what I can. Thank you again for your help! ♥

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posted June 03, 2010 09:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
DD, you are like the astroboard superstar to me... I am pretty jazzed to get a comment from you. Thanks for the sweet support ♥♥♥

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