Topic: Diandra - on Duads and Twins
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 10, 2010 03:04 PM
Diandra,I was wondering if you have ever calculated yours and your Twinsister`s Duad chart and seen if there were any differences? And if so, could you relate to these charts? IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 10, 2010 06:33 PM
Hi DDwell never....i remember one time that you did talked about dwads,i asked what were those,and as it seemed wayyyyy to muh complicated for me...i just gave up! :P So,i actually never looked at those. right now i dont even remember what Dwads represent. i have a bad memory..sorry. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 11, 2010 01:50 AM
If you give me your sister`s data, I can calculate the Duads for both of you.IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 11, 2010 04:15 AM
for interested BTW my Duad Moon and DESC are both on 25 Aquarius opposing my Radix Psyche, which of course means that my Psyche falls onto my Duad ASC, and my BML is close, too (24 and 28 Aquarius).
My Duad placements are: Sun: 11 Libra Moon: 25 Leo Mercury: 00 Aries Venus: 13 Pisces Mars: 02 Aquarius ASC: 25 Aquarius MC: 29 Scorpio Does these relate to any of your natal placements?
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 11, 2010 07:32 AM
DDif you want,gladily! sisters:30th 9.15am oporto,portugal. her natal is very similar to mine of course. about your dwads your dwad sun opose my vertex 3º your dwad moon cj my venus  your dwad venus cj my Amor! your dwad mars trine my asc your dwad asc opose my venus your dwad mc cj my jup 3º your dwad sun cj my draco IC 3º your dwad merc cj my draco POF your dwad venus cj my kiron your dwad mars opose my draco pluto we have a lot of aspects DD!what does this mean? IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 11, 2010 09:54 AM
Diandra,we have some pretty cool aspects there.  Actually, when I calculated your Duads, I almost fell off my chair. Your Duad ASC is on 5 Sagittarius conjunct my natal ASC on 7 Sagittarius. The reason I was suddenly gasping for air is that I yesterday calculated the Duads of a member of LL I am in emailcontact with, and he has his Duad ASC also conjunct my Radix ASC. Plus, I then calculated the Duad ASC of that singer I met two years ago and made an astrological analysis for him, and his Duad ASC is conjunct my natal ASC, too! I mean, what is this about?  ACtually your and my Duad-natal connection is even more interesting. AS you have a Mars-ASC-conjunction in your Duads, which falls flat onto my Radix Mars-ASC-conjunction. ROFL
The Duads being a "deeper layer" of your personality it may indicate that beneath your diplomatic, peaceloving Libra ASC you have a lot of inner strength and drive! Your Duad Mars and Duad ASC fall into your 3rd house (just as my Duad ASC falls into my 3rd house), and I was thinking that maybe the natal house the Duad planets fall into, acts as some kind of "channel", through which you can connect with that deeper layer of your personality? So in our case it would be through communication that we connect with a very deep part of our identity, and of course sisters and brothers would play a role. Now coming to the comparision with your sister - I really did NOT expect such a clear, and different, picture to emerge! I am stunned! It`s almost like she is the dark Twin and you are the light one (not in the sense of evil and good, but more in the sense of being different on some levels).
I am only pointing out the differences of course (and I was using the equal house system for the Duads, as I honestly do not know if it is even possible to calculate these with Placidus). So your Duad ASC in Sagittarius is conjunct Mars, sextiles Duad Moon and Duad Duad Mercury. Actually your Duad ASC is on the midpoint of the trine between Duad Moon and Duad Mercury. The duad`s ASC ruler Jupiter also falls into the 1st Duad house.
Your Duad ASC conjuncts your natal Jupiter-Uranus-conjunction in 3rd house. Your deeper personality is very SAgittarian, philosopical, idealistic, generous, tolerant, openminded (everything we see so clearly when we interact with you). It seems as if there is some kind of "innate happiness" and optimism around you. No matter how dark it gets, this Jupiter in 1st house always shines a glimmer of hope in your soul. The aspects to Moon and Mercury show that it is of utmost importance for you to communicate your feelings and talk with your loved ones. I guess it makes you very contactoriented in an emotional way. You just need to connect emotionally to others. Especially friends and brothers and sisters (D Moon in 3rd, D Mercury in 11th).
On top of it this Duad ASC falls onto Radix Jupiter and Uranus, pointing to the positive futureoriented outlook you like to have. And probably this increases the importance of Jupiter-Uranus in your chart. Also look out for these 5 degree SAgittarius in JOhn`s chart. If he has something there, he might fuel your inner desires (Duad Mars). Your sister`s ASC is in a completely different, almost opposite shape. Her Duad ASC falls on 29 Libra (or 00 Scorpio, if her birthtime is not exactly right). The 29 degrees are always critical degrees, very vulnerable spots in a chart. Where you have positive Jupiter in your 1st Duad house, she has the Sun-Saturn-conjunction in Scorpio in her 1st house. Looks like a very focused, powerful and intense combination. With the Sun in the 1st house, there might even be a slight tendency to egocentric behaviour, or at least some kind of "alone-ness" - which is not the same as loneliness. Sun in 1st house are often people who like to be very independent and don`t like to admit they might need others, too. With Saturn there, too, conjunct ASC and Sun (being on the midpoint between them), she seems to be more serious, brooding, past-oriented than you. Her ASC is also square Moon and Utranus in 4th house. There seems to be some upheaval in the family that fuelled that inner need for independence. Of course her ASC is also sextile Jupiter and Pluto, being on the Jupiter-Pluto-mp, which is a very powerful midpoint. I think she must be a very strong person (at least on an inner level) with a powerful will, but maybe that will sometimes is her own enemy. This Duad ASC conjuncts her natal Saturn and Pluto in 2nd house; actually it conjuncts 2nd house cusp. You see: Your Duad ASC conjunct natal Jupiter and Uranus in 3rd house Her Duad ASC conjunct natal Saturn and Pluto in 2nd house ------------------------------------------ Your Duad MC is on 15 Virgo, falling in your natal 12th house - so I guess your purpose in life / your career will be accomplished through 12th house matters. Working behind the scenes, or in a spiritual context or even in a glamourous environment (12th house / Neptune is also close to photography, cinema / film, fashion etc. everything that lives of "glamour").
Also the ruler of your MC is in Libra in 11th house. Libra indicates a creative, artistic touch, too. Your Duad MC-ruler conjuncts your natal ASC - so whenever you express your ASC, you will approach your inner calling. Your sister`s MC is on 4 Leo, indicating that she may be more "showy", socially or publicly, or at least has an affinity to this. Her MC falls into her 10th house conjunct 11th house cusp.
It is opposing MOon and Uranus in 4 (something in the family posing as an obstacle to reaching her calling?) and it squares SAturn in 1, and this Saturn is actually conjunct he MC-ruler - so even though she has the talent and instinct to be "queen", somehow she is standing in her own way with that selfcritical SAturn of hers in 1st house. Duad Pluto is also in 10th house, so I guess she could really be an authority or have great influence socially or careerwise, if she learns to wisely use that Saturn. ----------------------------------------
Your Duad DESC is conjunct natal Chiron (3 degrees) I guess healing comes to you from a deep place through relationships.
The DESC ruler is in Libra in 11th house (also conjunct your natal ASC). I`d say look out for these 4-5 degree Libra - they will point to your "inner partner". Maybe someone with Libra/Aquarius-traits - doesn`t John fit that perfectly? Your sister`s DESC is conjunct her 8th cusp, which indicates that there is the possibility of very deep and intense partnerships. But to reach her inner "partner" she has to go through the gates of the 8th house, which is the house of the underworld per se; sometimes people fear going so deep inside and avoid doing so. her 7th house ruler is in Sagittarius in 2nd house, conjunct Radix Uranus. (Maybe she should look out for a Sagittarius-Taurus-Aquarius mix? Even though we should not take it that literally I guess. lol). Again there is this independent streak breaking through. But also with 7th house ruler in 2nd house, her "inner ideal partner" needs to provider her with security, appreciation (to increase her selfworth) and a rather calm, sensual relationship. Interestingly you both have in the Duad chart a Moon in Aquarius conjunct Uranus. lol Duad Mercury is in your 11th house, in her 12th house. Maybe she hides her thoughts more easily than you can do, as you have to always communicate with friends.
Duad Venus is in Cancer in your 8th house - the need for a deep caring nurturing soulmate relationship; one that goes really deep. In her chart it falls into the 9th house - this is more mentally oriented, plus it could point towards a partner who lives abroad. Maybe she should go travelling a bit?  Duad NN is in your 3rd house - so your inner lifepath involves communication and sisters will play an influential role. Duad NN is in her 4th house - this is a more withdrawn placement, very concerned with the family, but maybe more with the parents (mother) than sisters or brothers in general. But of course this is only one placement here. Can you relate to any of these? IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 11, 2010 02:41 PM
DD...If i can relate?YES!!!most of it! you´re so sweet on having all this trouble just to see those...thank you.! Hmmm so me,the person youre emailing,and the singer must be very important people to we both affect each other´s deeply?ascendant is such a precise thing,surely that these asc/asc conections are not a coincidence. i already said times ago that we did met in other previous lives...we must have met before.dont you feel that too? about my dwads: wow im very glad that my dwads show that i have inner strenght and drive. i consider myself a very libra person,surely that the asc/mars dwad will help me being more assertive. that makes sense about the 3rdHouse.i never understood from where it came all my attatchment and happiness in my surroundings,the places im familiar with,my my natal i have jup there but also uranus and neptune...those dont explain why im not really happy when im more than 2 weeks without seeing my family,or knowing that they are around. im very blessed to have the family i have,excpet some past errors that now im stuck with debts cause of it ,but thats another story.... well.!i feel VERY identified with what you said about me being saggy in the way i am at a deepest level...but this is where i stand now,since i started to "clean" my skeletons out of the know i wasnt like that at all when i 1st joined LL... Jupiter in the 1st YEAH!Hurray!!!it might add some more light to my natal 1st saturn/pluto that i have,yes... it is odd thought...i tend to keep my things to myself,but i had that need to connect emotionally,like you said.that is why when im at a place where i dont know the people,where i feel a certain coldness,and indifference in those strangers,i feel lonely and awkward...something is missing there and indeed it is the conection at an emotional level. dpo you think that cause my dwad asc falls into that jup/uranus,does it mean is the most important aspect in my chart?that i need to develop that part,in order to evolve? John has Ceres in 2sag and Mars in 6Sag!no wonder he is so supportive of me and of my qualities and goals in life! wait...ceres...better watch out for babies ahahahaha
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 11, 2010 02:46 PM
my sister:my sister is the type of girl that does everything for others,she is much more open than me,like if she one day is without friends,she dies inside. she doent like to admitt she needs others,yes! she widraws when she hsa problems,at least with me.she is much more independent than me,but you know what?she is so sensitive inside,i know it.. she is very responsible and serious in her goals.she wants something,she goes ahead.she doenst have ( fortunately) all the insecurities that i mught have.she is very strong-willed.stubborn too...hmm this sometimes works against her in the way that..MEN go away,they see her as too much strong woman for them.i know its strange but that is whay happens,and that is why she suffers a lot in Love.she doenst deserve it,but she didnt found the one man that is the right one for her. ( VIG told me that she will meet him in June though im very curious to meet him) MC: i never saw the 12th as to do with fashion and arts,but makes lto of sense cause that is exactly what i love deeply.artistic/glamorous/turning or showing the beauty in the world...yes it is!being in my 11th it is tied up with my hopes and dreams,and also with groups.maybe i´ll be lucky in something related to that. Sister MC: she works in the health area:as a cardiopneumologist technique.she loves that.whenever she as to be at public,make presentations she is at her best,the contrary than me who has panic of talk to public... yes,she is much more social,she has a good vibe and the "lion-heart".she is very tallented,so i woulndt be urprised to see her rising one wherever she dreams to Be. DSC: i must have some karma regarding relationships DD.i have venus retro,and that means something i must learn.,and also DS,Venus cj nKiron so...makes sense that kiron is there with my DSC.fortunately that after wounds,comes the healing too!UFF JOhn?he is my dream partner of course: he has his sun in 5Libra!his Moon in Aqua.whom might be more perfect for me than my Jonnhy? DSC sister: she has been in love with a guy that only sees her as a friend...they re friends actually..he´s taurus.ther wont come nothing out of there i know. so..she looks for a guy that is nice,treats her like she deserves to be treaten,with love,respect,care.confrot and security too,a quiet guy that loves to only be with her,that is honest and sincere.
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 11, 2010 02:46 PM
about Mercurys;here is more the the one who knows to hidde better.she talks with my mom a lot whenever she has a problem.venus: in cancer is sweet.she dreams to build a very happy family one day,she already thinks time is passing by and that she is getting old to have children. like nailed it all!please consider to become a full time astrologer. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 11, 2010 03:11 PM
Diandra,well, sometimes it feels as I am already a fulltime astrologer, just without the charging. And with the need to learn to juggle my astro-time with my daytime-job.  I am glad that you could relate of so much of the Duads. It seems to imply that there is really substance to them. But of course the Duads are indicative of a Deeper layer of personality, the "normal" chart will not disappear of course.
Yuou and me - of course we have a deep spiritual connection. I never doubted that.  And btw I think you have always had that Jupiter in 1st house in you. At least I could see it clearly (well, your Duad Jupiter is only 5 degrees off my Venus, so maybe I could see it because of this).
I am actually convinced (at least presently) that all we ever need to know or become, is already within us. We are already what we are striving to become. What we have to learn is to see and acknowledge that it is already a part of us. Or maybe I am not making sense here anymore. Don`t mind me then.  That singer - yes he must have left a strong impression. As a matter of fact, no matter how much I strived to not think of him and not talk about him, and I did not, I have repeatedly have been dreaming of him over the last 2 years. But then again I am having so many dreams, I just didn`t think too much about it.
It was really, I thought I would go there, talk to him, make that analysis for him and then he would not only be gone from my life, but out of my mind, too. I honestly have no idea why he came back into my thoughts so strongly just now (well by now I have learned that he currently has taken over a role in a musical, maybe 80 kilometres from where I live - but then again why should the physical proximity direct my thoughts towards him? This is weird.). Actually he is the one I posted the synastry charts about. I do not have a crush on him, not at all, but it`s almost like I feel compelled to think about him.
Hmm, I guess this phase will pass, too. 
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 11, 2010 03:55 PM
Very wisely said Miss DD!you´re making complete sense to me!  well did you saw his name asteroid,how is it being aspected by transits in your chart?maybe that can show why he came to your thoughts strongly in the past times.? IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 11, 2010 04:21 PM
LOLThe female form of his name (his real name does not exist as an asteroid) is on his BML and opposes my BML. Plus it is closely conjunct my Duad Moon and Duad DESC.  Everything is just so connected. Transit BML is just opposing his name, too, as I will be having a Lilith-return. There is a French form of his name, and this transiting French name is exactly conjunct my NN currently, which is at the same time the exact ASC degree of our First meeting chart. Funnily, in his chart my name is exactly on his Eros and opposing his own name; all of this exactly squaring my NN and the First Meeting chart`s ASC. Interesting.
When we met:
Both his names were conjunct he first meeting`s Sun and squaring my name. His name in that chart was also quinkunx the Moon-Pluto-conjunction in 1st house. His nameasteroid was also on the DESC. While mine was in 3rd house. Hmm, could you maybe give me your thoughts of our synastry chart, also the Draco?
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 11, 2010 05:16 PM
of you and the singer?IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 11, 2010 05:41 PM
Here is some information on dwads my dwad big 3: Sun in Capricorn,Moon in Aries,Aquarius Ascendant
my father had Sun in Capricorn trine Stationary Saturn,and my maternal grandmother had Sun conjunct Mars in Aries. I am wondering if genetics is involved. ------------------ Raymond Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 12, 2010 01:49 AM
glaucus,alice Portman states exactly that on her website, that the Dwads are indicative of genetic themes. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 12, 2010 01:49 AM
Diandra,yes, please.  IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 12, 2010 04:16 AM
there are two different calculations of Dwads. both dissect each sign into steps of 2,5 degrees.
BUT in the first version 00°-2,5° of any sign ALWAYS has Aries flavour. In the second version the 00°-2,5° of each sign has the flavour of exactly that sign. for example: Sun on 1° Leo.
In the first version the Dwad/ flavour would be Aries; in the second version it would be Leo.
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AbsintheDragonfly Knowflake Posts: 2323 From: Gaia Registered: Apr 2010
posted May 12, 2010 11:42 AM
Do you mind if I provide another study?Boy 1 5/23/01 11:55 AM Des Moines IA Boy 2 5/23/01 12:11 PM Des Moines IA ------------------ We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning, justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific, concrete, individualized, unique. --Benjamin Jowett It is in giving that we receive. --Saint Francis of Assisi
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 13, 2010 10:24 AM
Absin, these are the differences in the Duad charts of your boys (I guess they are your sons?);
Older Twin:
Duad ASC in 25 Aries (in 9th Radix house) Sun, Neptune, Pluto in 1st Duad house
ruler of Duad ASC in Scorpio in 7 conjunct Venus (both have a conjunction of Venus and Mars in Scorpio in their Duads)
ruler of Duad ASC falls into his 3rd Radix house Younger twin: ASC on 2 Gemini trine Duad Moon in Libra in 5 (duad ASC conjuncts Radix Sun and Radix Saturn in 10th house) Ruler of Duad ASC in Pisces in 10: trine Uranus in 6
(ruler of Duad ASC in 8th Radix house) MC:
Older Twin: MC on 18 Libra in 3rd Radix house MC square Saturn in 3 ruler of MC in Scoprio in 7 conjunct Mars (in 3rd Radix house
Younger twin: MC on 6 Sagittarius (sextile MOon in 5th) in 4th Radix house Duad Mercury in 10th house ruler MC in Capin 8, trine Neptune in 12 (in 5th Radix house)
IC: Older twin: IC in 18 Aries square Saturn in 3 IC conjunct Radix Venus ruler IC in Scorpio in 7th conjunct Venus (in 3rd Radix house) younger Twin: IC 6 Gemini sextile Moon in 5th IC conjunct Radix Saturn (and Radix Sun) ruler IC in Pisces in 10 trine Uranus in 6 ruler IC in 8th radix house
Older Twin: Moon in 6th house Mercury in 12th house Venus and Mar sin 7th house NN in 5th house
Younger twin: Moon in 5th house Mercury in 10th house Venus and Mars in 6th house NN in 4th house
So, these also have several differences in their Duad charts.
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 13, 2010 11:11 AM
here i am:ok - if his bml is cj his name might mean that he has some very powerful feminine energies within him?also powerful sexual urges perhaps..lilith i think also has to do with discovering within,in depth the truths that we often want to deny in us,due to the lilith´s darkest nature.So he might also have interested in the occult? once it oposes your own BML,you might be representing to him,the !anima",that carl Jung said to reprent the man´s ideal woman/feminine energy. as his name also connects to your Moon( here i see it as a ying/yang aspect) and your dsc,so at a deepest core of you,he represents an emotional security,confort and nurturing figure to you? also some sort of a ideal partner to a committed relationship.
if transit bml is oposing his name,maybe he will feel an urget need to look within himself,and face the darkest energies,that in he past he didnt wanted to face in himself?maybe his feminine side will be changed?provoqued?lilith also has to do with guilt, shame, hatred, envy, and vengefulness, often brought about by personal wounds and hurts. The true dark side of things we try to hide. probably painful times for him... you see? you re thinking more about him now,cause his "name" was brought to your path (nn)... no wonder you also remember your meeting! your names oposed - interlinked by a strong aspect. your name on his eros nce again,you´re not only conected through lilith energies,byt also eros,so double erotic link. this time not so profound and urging,but more subtle,yet passionated too. when you met: probably he was affected by your meeting cause the sun+s chart was aspected,byt your sqaure...did you felt any disconfort? you were focused on comunicating,sharing thhoughs with him,encurtain conections,while he was adjusting emotionaly,in a deep way? the dsc aspect...probably he might have seen you as a probable partner? IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 13, 2010 02:40 PM
Thank you, Diandra, pretty cool (almost scary) analysis. If he saw me as a potential partner, I do not know. But there was something strange; maybe it ws just that I felt a "lack of distance", that I would have expected to be present, as we have met for the first time, and above all in a professional (for him) context. He also looked at me differently than I am used to. It was almost like he "saw" me, without me being able to explain what was so different in that "seeing". I cannot really grasp it. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 14, 2010 06:29 AM
DDwas it that accurate?spooky.... i might be wrong but didnt IQ said that this singer was also part of your life in the past? maybe he felt familiarized,or in an unconscious way,he recognized you? with the aspects he has,i bet that he is one of those guys that listens to his own heart/intuition. Lilith play such a strong part on the past i always conected lilith to dark side,but today i dont see it like that...dark it isnt dark,it is only the absence of light,in order for us to be able to perceive that own light around the "darkness" lilith is infact,some other sort of "light force" just its different,it is profound and its part of ourselves,in a natural way. ------------------ IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 14, 2010 07:29 AM
No, I have not shown this synastry to IQ, Diandra.BTW I like your site. It looks gorgeious.  IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 14, 2010 09:33 AM
thank you DD!im always changing the background and stuff ahahahah i think that its not good enought still  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 2367 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 12, 2011 03:38 AM
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