Topic: Star Seed Astrology: More Readings
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 03:26 PM
"25th Aug, 1985, Kentucky, USA. Time 4 PM"What is the city of the birth? ------------------ Raymond Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted May 29, 2010 03:29 PM
Hi Diandra ![]( interesting cos my role is to nurture him and he's a total peacekeeper rather than a nurturer. I think he will guide. I think I am a catalyst for his psyche - so he is the key and I am the lock of his destiny. I feel like I'm training a disciple and yet he shows no conscious qualities. Yes, the other two are interesting too - when I manage to get my computer off my eldest I'll post some of their aspects ![]( IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 04:02 PM
"Also everyone in my family - mum, Dad, aunt, middle brother, younger brother and me - have angular Atlantis and Varuna either on the angles or aspecting Sun or Moon within 2 degrees."DD, What do you think that means? I am just curious. I have an an angular Atlantis with mine oppose/conjunct Midheaven/Imum Coeli and square Ascendant/Descendant. I also have Varuna square the Moon with 10 minutes of arc and Varuna forms a t-square with my Moon square Neptune. In Right Ascension,it quincunxes the Sun wit 5 minutes of arc and forms the Mystical Triangle with my Sun trine Moon. It seems that have quite a few things in common. I wonder if we knew each other in a few pastlives.
Varuna is one of the transneptunian dwarf planets after the Indian God of the Oceans. He was once the Supreme God. He is depicted as carry a noose. He said to judge the drowned souls of the underworld. It is he said that he was about cosmic order.
Astronomy: here are various keywords from other astrologers
Mark Andrew Holmes Keywords for asteroid Varuna, to me, include judgment, judgmentalism, inquisition, moralizing, justice, hugeness, grandness, grandiosity, bombast, pompousness, egotism, immortality, global, unforgettable, apocalyptic visions. Eric Francis: The energy of Varuna is that which is too large to comprehend. In this respect, it has some attributes of the 12th house -- the house of overwhelming or incomprehensible aspects of life that act out of sight or in the deep background.
One astrologer who has done some interesting work with Varuna is Juan Revilla of Costa Rica. In an email conversation a few years ago, Juan explained to me his interpretation that Varuna is quite literally "behind everything" -- a potent and ominous force lingering in the far reaches of our lives. Among the many deities who have had planets and asteroids named for them, Varuna's energy seems closest to what we think of as God, the all-knowing cosmic entity that exists silently behind consciousness and events. Varuna (now in Cancer) also deals with the punishment of liars and those who violate contracts. In earlier times, mortals who did not keep their word would meet his wrath. He could bestow immortality as well. Astrological associations noted by Revilla include the impersonal laws of nature (as opposed to human nature) and the incomprehensible cosmic order (as opposed to the order of society). Questions of the gain and loss of reputation, and the issue of immortality through fame, seem inevitable with this planet. My phrase for Varuna is, "the great equalizer." Philip Sedgwick: Positive - sovereign, competent, regulating without force, mastery of all tasks accepted
Negative - incompetent and blaming, laments losses, holds resentment Mundane - appointments or elected positions, delegation of authority, promotions, demotions, court martial, public humiliation Ceremonial - ceremonies to confirm positions, spiritual coronations, “induced” journeys as in shamanically led vision quests Varuna seems like a non-gender specific, kinder gentler version of Saturn. The Goddess/God (switches back and forth in representation) rules time, morality and keeping the chaotic order. Also He/She is the keeper of the celestial waters, which again relates to Capricorn and the sea-goat. s-varuna-quaoar/ Godwin Cooke: Individual brilliance and talent. A genius. However poor at collaboration with equals as it tends to put down others, overestimate it's own brilliance and refuse to listen to advice that contradicts your own 'inspiration'. Quality over Quantity perhaps.
Here is part of an article on Varuna by Denis Kutalyov VARUNA: ANGEL OR DEMON? (sketches for the interpretations of a new planet) Let's draw the preliminary conclusions. It is doubtless, that Varuna is an active, masculine planet. Through Varuna we do not perceive the world, but on the contrary - we aim to make an impression on it. For example, from the horoscopes of the musicians it is seen, that this planet hardly speaks about musical abilities, but indicates a capability to get abroad and the ways of achievement of popularity. Varuna is connected with various social activities, shows, show business, film industry, striking scenes of military battles, sport heats, unique continuous flights and so on. I think it would be interesting to take "The Guiness Book of records" and to see the transits on dates when different records were cracked. I feel, that Varuna would be shown in such charts. In general, many characteristics of Varuna can rather adequately be presented as a combination of developments of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. It is quite possible to attribute to Varuna the majority of the descriptions of interaction of these three planets in Ebertin's interpretation (see his "Combinations of stellar influences"): the qualities of the leader, fast use of any situation, "social rushes” (the aspiration to public improvements), pursuing the religious or the philosophical purposes, the achievement of remarkable results", "an unusual aspiration to knowledge and understanding, a strong comprehension of the purpose or tasks of life,a far-seeing creative activity", "the wreck of the old order of things and the construction of a new one", "to put new things in force", but on the other hand "impatience, fanaticism, acts of violence, destructive activity, threat by the weapon, accident". ------------------ Raymond Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 04:49 PM
"25th Aug, 1985, Kentucky, USA. Time 4 PM"I am a believer in Numerology. I don't believe in the Chaldean Numerology though for reasons that I won't go over. I like Decoz's system the best. This Starseed was born on the 25th. Birthday number is the 4th important core number in Numerology. It serves as modifier of the Lifepath number and indicates a special talent that a person possesses.
according to Decoz's page on double numbers: 25 It is spiritual leadership. It likes group endeavors. It can be too serious. It has great difficulty sharing feelings.
according to Decoz's page on 25 birthday You possess a sound, rational mind and keen insight. You are logical and intellectual in your approach to life. At the same time, you have fine intuition, which, if you are able to listen to, will guide you well through life. You are capable of investigating and researching subjects deeply. Your analytical skills force you to avoid taking anything at face value. This is where you are at your best: using your intellect to ferret out facts and information to deeply understand the matter at hand, and then make sound decisions. You would fare well in the sciences, teaching, philosophy, metaphysics, and psychology. Your challenge is that while you are using your mind to analyze life's issues, you must not neglect the heart. You can become easily imbalanced in favor of the intellectual, which can make you aloof, critical, and - at the very worst - cynical. Do not let your intellect rule your life to the point that it obscures the fundamental human qualities of understanding, compassion, and love. You prefer to work alone and set your own pace. You tend to finish projects once started. You may possess artistic talent, especially in sculpture. You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you don't share your feelings easily and do not communicate them well. Work hard to develop and maintain deep and important relationships. Learn to share your emotions and deeper thoughts about life. Trust is the key to your emotional happiness. ------------------ Raymond Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 04:59 PM
Glaucus,I am pretty certain that we didn`t cross paths for the first time. ![]( Maybe our SN connections or Draco aspects would be interesting. Anyway, in my case it is very obvious. Atlantis/Neptune/Poseidon conjunct ASC and NN (luckiliy Angel is exactly conjunct my ASC, too), and Varuna is conjunct my DESC and opposing Atlantis / Neptune / Poseidon. When I was a kid I was dreaming of my family and of Atlantis; of water where there once were streets and a hectic escape. My mum, middle brother and me (I don`t recall my aunt being with us though) were on one side of the street / river, my Dad and youngest brother were on the other side, and so our family got ripped apart. It left a very deep impression, that dream. And I dreamed it long before I even knew of astrology. The thing about that dream, that was odd, is that it was the same family-constellation as we have now. I guess that is rather unlikely, but that is what I dreamed. Anyway, my Dad has: Retro ATLANTIS on 15.50 Virgo conjunct ASC on 18.06 Virgo and Retro SATURN on 18.48 Virgo VARUNA 0n 00.09 Taurus conjunct MOON on 1.24 Taurus POSEIDON on 21.44 Sag conjunct CHIRON on 18.23 Sagittarius (and SPIRIT on 16.50 Sagittarius) and widely square ASC on 18.06 Virgo and Retro SATURN on 18.48 Virgo Retro NEPTUNE Is on 17.20 Libra my MUM: ATLANTIS on 12.32 Capricorn conjunct DESC on 11.26 Capricorn and opposing URANUS on 13°58 Cancer (so her Uranus is VERY close to Sirius) Retro VARUNA on 4.10 Taurus opposes SUN on 3.33 Scorpio POSEIDON is on 7.28 Aquarius trine SATURN on 8.54 Libra (I think she is the only one of us who has NO retro Saturn) my middle brother: interestingly he doesn`t have an angular Atlantis (I must have recalled that wrong) but his Atlantis conjuncts my Dad`s Atlantis, ASC and Saturn
Anyway his REtro ATLANTIS on 16.23 Virgo is square NEPTUNE on 15.07 Sagittarius, which conjuncts MIDHEAVEN on 12.29 Sagittarius. Retro VARUNA on 8.23 Gemini squares POSEIDON on 9.27 Pisces and VENUS on 11.51 Pisces and maybe also conjuncts IMMUN COELI on 12.29 Sagittarius, but I guess this is far too wide an orb for Varuna
My youngest brother: ATLANTIS on 27.35 Gemini conjunct IMMUN COELI on 28.05 Gemini conjunct TRUE NODE on 1.09 Cancer opposes NEPTUNE on 29.02 Sagittarius POSEIDON 4.51 Aquarius conjunct SPIRIT on 4.23 Aquarius squaring RETRO SATURN on 4.01 Scorpio VARUNA on 16.03 Gemini (btw conjunct my Karma on 16.01 Gemini) squares SUN on 15.06 Pisces Even though I think that Varuna may have more than one meaning as all the others, too, in oiur case, with that collection of Atlantis / Neptune / Varuna and Poseidon, I think it may point to a catastrophe or a significant event taking place in connection to water.
Actually, my mum`s brother died with not even 2 years, as he fell into a pond and died. I drowned in a swimmingpool, when I was not even 2 years old, but got miraculously saved (miracoulously cause noone really knows how I got saved); my mum then insisted on all her children learning to swim. My middle brother nearly drowned, and after that he was like a fish in the water, not really swimming, but diving and enjoying the water like a dolphin. That was what I had been thinking, that he was dolphin like. But then again, the dolphin has always been our common favourite animals, my brother`s, my aunt`s and mine. And my youngest brother actually also fell into a pond, with not even 2 years old, but my middle brother, pulled him out of there and saved his life by doing that. Well, it`s difficult to ignore the pattern I think. BTW Glaucus, do you resonate with Atlantis?
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 05:21 PM
"Even though I think that Varuna may have more than one meaning as all the others, too, in oiur case, with that collection of Atlantis / Neptune / Varuna and Poseidon, I think it may point to a catastrophe or a significant event taking place in connection to water."Yes....I agree with you. I don't see why Varuna can't be associated with symbolisms of water,oceans,and seas My Moon is not only in Pisces but it squares Neptune,squares Varuna,and sextiles Sedna Neptune,Varuna,and Sedna are all objects that are named after deities of the waters,seas,oceans. I learned to swim when I was 3 years old. It only took me a week to learn how to swim. I can swim very fast underwater, and I wonder if my wide-flat feet are a factor. I am use them like flippers. I was told that I can swim like a fish after I beat other kids by swimming underwater and they were swimming on top of the water.
I was also in the Navy, and I lived and worked on ships that floated on the waters. I was also born in San Francisco,California. That city is located near a large body of water, the San Francisco Bay. My mother was born in Oakland,California. Her biological mother was born in San Francisco,California.
Oakland is also located in the San Francisco Bay area. The East Bay area. so all 3 of us were born in San Francisco Bay area. 3 straight generations. When I was a kid, I was fascinated by stories of Atlantis. I liked the show, Man From Atlantis which starred Patrick Duffy who happens to have Sun in Pisces. He actually was a scuba diver before he even was chosen to star in the show.
I was always fascinated by merfolk. I even had a poster of mermaid a few years ago. I still have a figurine of a mermaid. ------------------ Raymond
Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 05:26 PM
I just did a multi composite of my Dad, my Mum, my little brother and me. SUN on 12.28 Capricron conjuncts MOON on 14.42 Capricorn conjuncts VENUS on 13.06 Capricorn conjuncts POSEIDON on 10.29 Capricorn conjuncts SPIRIT on 15.18 Capricorn
squares ATLANTIS on 16.03 Libra Retro SATURN on 19.40 Virgo conjuncts Retro PLUTO on 19.14 Virgo trines VARUNA on 21.37 Taurus opposes TRUE NODE on 22.23 Pisces ASC is on 10.42 Gemini (on Aldebaran, if my mum was born a few minutes earlier, and as a matter of fact that could very well be) (if I use the place we all are living together).
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Lioness Knowflake Posts: 7084 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted May 29, 2010 05:28 PM
Here's what I have... But I dont know what any of it means... LOLWhat degree's are considered conjucts? Pallas 27leo conj mars in 6th Horus 11leo, conj mercury 14,moon 15, sun 16 angel 7 ?????? in the 5th Aura 18sco conj lilith in the 8th altantis 27gem - conj IC/venus in the 4th opps MC,andjupiter, siva angel- 7 leo 5th kaali 8scop 8th karma- 27lib 7th DNA- 14ari conj chiron(1st) opps uranus siva- 0cap conj mc,jupiter opps venus,IC, altantis 10th bless-8aqua opps angel alma- 20lib spirit=15lib both in the 7th conjun Uranus. opps chiron IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 06:53 PM
" don't see why Varuna can't be associated with symbolisms of water,oceans,and seas " Well, I tought since he was an Indian deity of the ocean, it would make sense."My Moon is not only in Pisces but it squares Neptune,squares Varuna,and sextiles Sedna" Very sea-related Moon. "t only took me a week to learn how to swim." That`s cool. It took me longer. Well, I could swim fast with my head over the surface, but for some reason I was panicking as soon as my head was under water. Maybe a subconscious memory of that "almost-drowning accident" when I was little.
"hen I was a kid, I was fascinated by stories of Atlantis. I liked the show, Man From Atlantis which starred Patrick Duffy" Yes, me, too. Even though I can`t even remember now what it was about.
" was always fascinated by merfolk." Oh yes, I remember that I was reading the fairy tale about the little mermaid, and it broke my heart. It made me really sad.
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lindaGreg Knowflake Posts: 495 From: Bermuda Triangle Registered: Feb 2010
posted May 29, 2010 07:26 PM
Any thoughts on my chart in the context of this topic? IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 07:27 PM
" was always fascinated by merfolk." Oh yes, I remember that I was reading the fairy tale about the little mermaid, and it broke my heart. It made me really sad. " Yeah.
I watched 2 animated movies about it. It was very sad. The Disney version has a happy ending though. oh yeah
I used to fantasize that my mom's biological left her because she was a mermaid. hahahahaha
asteroids that relate to the sea,ocean,waters besides Poseidon
Amphitrite - wife of Poseidon, one of the Nereids Nereus - son of Gaea and Pontus, Poseidon's predecessor, father of the Nereids Doris - wife of Nereus,mother of the Nereids Thetis - mother of Achilles,one of the Nereids Glaukos - fisherman that transformed into minor sea god Scylla - a sea monster who was once a maiden loved by Glaukos, she was turned into a sea monster by Circe out of jealousy Charybdis - a monster whose whirlpool brought destruction to many sailors Odysseus - King of Ithaca,fought in the Trojan War, known for his wisdom,went through a rough sea voyage to get home, angered Poseidon by injuring his Cyclops son,Polyhemus Oceana ------------------ Raymond Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 29, 2010 07:42 PM
And don`t forget Melusina or Undina. And I think the Sirenes belong here, too.Anyway, Amphitrite is conjunct my IC, Aura and Alma Scylla is conjunct my Venus (and trines merman) Ocana conjuncts my Chiron Doris opposes my Moon and squares Nereus, which opposes Thetis IP: Logged |
Winged Leo Knowflake Posts: 396 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 30, 2010 12:53 AM
"Leos with Leo Rising HAVE TO BE appreciated on a regular basis, for their genuine talents [and a little flattery is harmless] else they become depressed, especially those with 12th house Sun and Mercury."I don't have Sun and Mercury in the 12th house, but my 12th house ruler Moon square my Leo Ascendant, so I can very much identify with this sentence. ![]( "A lot of new age material on Indigo/Crystal Children is disinformation to create "emotional isolation" in psychically gifted people, and to make not so gifted people avoid development of psychic gifts. This allows the secret rulers to continue dumbing down the population and create a "Borg" style new world order. If we dont develop our Pineals, the secret government will carefully microchip the next generation. Let's just avoid any kind of groupism, and try to be emotionally connected to everyone else's well being." This is something you said in a thread I opened last year called "Star Children", IQ. My question is, do you still think the same thing? Or your beliefs, opinions about Indigo/Crystal/Starseed children have changed lately? I'm just wondering, because your thought above is making more sense to me. It looks like this whole Starseed thing is just another way of dividing humans into groups. In one side, there are highly, exceptionally and profoundly gifted alien ascended souls and in the other side there are "regular Earth groupies" who only can be saved by these advanced souls incarnated here from other star systems. Does this sound right to you? How is it different than people waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ to save the world for them? Have you also noticed that Starseeds.Net is a network located in Washington, DC? Isn't that a bit suspicious? I'm observing that this Starseed stuff is in danger of becoming a UFO religion (Or maybe it already is). I too can identify with some of the characteristics of Starseeds, and my natal/draco charts reveal connections to important star systems as well. However I decided that I'm not going to dwell on these things anymore like I used to before. I saw that everyone likes to think they are different than the rest. So from now on I'm just going to focus on becoming a perfect "human". I believe we are ALL special in our own ways and are equally important in the eyes of our creator, and we should not forget that we are first, human beings and we are awakening as a whole as "humans". "The biggest shocker is their lack of awareness on Astrology/Numerology/Lexigrams." I'm surprised by this too. How can they not be aware of these Arts, especially of Astrology if they are claiming to be a Starseed? I, for example, began getting interested in Astrology at the age of 11 (The number 11 is also my life path number) and never doubted it works. MyVirgoMask, what happened to our Periwinkle Children club? ![]( IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2010 03:00 AM
I saw that everyone likes to think they are different than the rest. So from now on I'm just going to focus on becoming a perfect "human". I believe we are ALL special in our own ways and are equally important in the eyes of our creator, and we should not forget that we are first, human beings and we are awakening as a whole as "humans". I strongly disagree with that blanket statement. Not everybody wants to be different than the rest. There are a lot of people that would like to be like everybody else and try to fit in to be normal.
That's what I did most of my life. When I was a little kid in special education class, I was singled out as being different and treated as different by many so-called normal children. I was 6 years old, I was crying to mother "How come everybody picks on me? my mother responded to me and told me "Because you're special" It was true. I was special as in special education needs child. I was in the "retard class" and rode on the "little bus" and got picked on for that. My language and coordination problems got me picked on too. I was getting called "retard",picked on,and teased on a daily basis by normal school children. After I got out of special education was in other schools, I was in the closet about my special education past. I did everything that I could to fit in. I wanted to be like the other children. However, it didn't really work too well. I showed that I was in different in certain ways that got me picked on a lot as a child,teens,and as an adult. No matter how much I was teased for being different, I did my best to try to be normal because I was ashamed to be different. I even kept past a secret from females that I was romantically involved in. I didn't want to be rejected for being "special" Special is one of those words that I don't like being referred to as whether it's being positive or negative.
Since I learned about being a neurodivergent and that it doesn't mean that I am intellectually handicapped but I have significant strengths and not just significant weaknesses, I have history of metaphysical experiences and was interested in occult subjects. I was drawn to fairy tales,mythology,Arthurian Legends. As a 4th grader,I'd ask librarian about any books on sorcery.
I just don't feel to be open about metaphysical experiences. Isn't Scorpio supposed to be considered the secretive sign any way? My Sun,Mercury,and Venus are in those signs. It would make sense that I am secretive about the metaphysical aspects of my life (even in an astrological forum) just like I was secretive about my special education past. Only after stop running away and face my special education past and learned about neurodivergence, I found my life purpose. Now I am a neurodiversity advocate and recently founded a nonprofit organization to help others like myself. I can freely talk about my special education experiences without being ashamed and feeling inferior to others. When I meet a woman that I am romantically interested in, I can easily be open about special education past. any ways not everybody wants to be different nor special I don't think that there should be a generalization that everybody wants to be different nor special. Many people go through therapies,treatments, and take medications to deal with their differences so they can fit in with others. I do believe that everybody is different and special in their own way. Of course, there are people with extreme differences that gets them singled out to the point that they can be ostracized and be viewed as "special"
Diversity isn't the problem. Intolerance of diversity is the problem. BTW...I was open about metaphysical,New Age,Astrology stuff in the Navy in 1998, and it got me taken for a psychiatric evaluation. The doctor at my command labeled me a "psychotic", but the psychiatrist who examined me and told me that I wasn't crazy. He told me that I was just odd and unusual. He said that I fit with what is schizotypal. He also told me that my religious rights were violated. We live in the days of psychiatry.
Unfortunately, yesterday's shamans and mystics are today's schizophrenics,bipolars. Many children are diagnosed as having schizophrenia and put on medication for it. Many neurodivergents are diagnosed as having schizophrenia,bipolar. They tend to be ultrasensitive types. Half of schizophrenics have a history of delays in language/speech and motor skills/coordination. Those are neurodivergent traits. Autism used to be thought as form of schizophrenia. Even now, autistics are being treated with anti-psychotic medications. Could you imagine how many Indigo,Crystal,Starseed personality types have been diagnosed as not only ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions but also with schizophrenia and bipolar? I am very sure that there are many. I do believe that there really is such thing as schizophrenia and bipolar. Many people's lives have been ruined because of those conditions.
However, there are people that are wrongfully misdiagnosed as having serious psychiatric disorders because they don't fit inside the box. I deeply care about this problem, and so that's why I created Developmental Neurodiversity Assocation to help people that don't fit inside the box. I know that by helping people with neurological/learning differences, I will be helping metaphysically oriented people too.
I even decided as a neurodiversity advocate, I am going to be open about metaphysical,Astrological interests. I can say that it's connected to not only my different way of thinking and seeing things from alternative ways,but it's also my religious rights.
Maybe there will be a lot more neurodivergents coming out of the closet and embrace labels like Starseed,Indigo,Crystal,Earth Angel,etc or astrological labels. I wrote a post about labels 4b-195f-4a98-a591-ba4030900f38 I wrote a post about Doreen Virtue's book, The Care And Feeding Of The Indigo Children: e9-246d-4845-aee1-23890b5ad04a
I believe that seeing one's true self is not just seeing only the spiritual essense of one's being but also the earthly essence of one's being and understand the connection between the spiritual essence and the material essence. I think it's about understanding that one's spiritual essence helps with one's life purpose on our planet. I believe in God and angels, and I seek guidance from them. Understanding that one's material essence helps with one's spiritual well-being too.After all, I depend on the earth's atmosphere to breathe. I depend on things that grow on earth to nourish me which leads to better brain functioning which results in mental clarity and peace of mind.
I am only expressing my view.
I don't know anything. It's only what I believe based on my perceptions and experiences. I find that truth can be questioned. this could be my retrograde Saturn in Gemini in 9th oppose Neptune in Sagittarius in 3rd square Moon in Pisces in 6th
It could be my Saturn contraparallel Mercury-Venus-Neptune. For me, my life challenge is to balance the spiritual and the material and to integrate them. That's why I prefer a practical spirituality.
I can believe in both science/psychiatry and metaphysical. I can believe in both neurodivergence and Indigo,Crystal,Starseed. I can believe that there are both bipolars,schizophrenics and shamans,mystics. I can believe in both evolution and creation.
Why does anybody have to choose? Imho they are all connected any way. I found out the following in my heliocentric chart: Mercury in 17'01 Sagittarius Skepticus in 16'13 Sagittarius Veritas in 17'06 Gemini so my thinking (Mercury) merge (conjunction) with skepticism (Skepticus) and is at odds (opposition) with truth (Veritas) If Heliocentric chart has to do with our higher self, then maybe part of the purpose of my higher self is to question truth. To be skeptic means to question. It doesn't mean to be closeminded. I think truth can easily be questioned. After all many people claim to have the truth, and they are different from each other. Many have quarreled and fought against each other because these truths. Many religions,spiritual traditions are based on these many different truths. All these different truths can be part of one truth. The word,universe does mean one truth. I do believe that there are an infinite amount of parallel universes that we continuously tap into with every action,thought,and feeling. ------------------ Raymond
Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2010 04:12 AM
Winged Leo,I agree with most of what you´ve said. I, too, think there is a danger that through such a "division of people" there may be a certain arrogance created, or at least, a hierarchy. It doesn`t have to happen, but for some people it may be a danger. Yet, I think, no matter if our origin is from other planets than earth or if our origin actually is on earth, NOW presently we are all incarnated on earth as humans, and that`s where we are meant to live and make our experiences. Actually when I finally came to terms with this, it gave me a sense of almost exhilarating peace. On the other hand I think it may be helpful or soothing for people who feel they don´t really belong here, they are, even though not really outcast, not really taking part in earthly life, or if they do, always feel this connection with the stars, maybe dream of other planets (like I have done all my life; noone really "expelled" me from society, but for a long time in my life, I felt like I was "observing from above and even in the midst of them", even though I was and am of course part of this world myself). Maybe the reason for these things is really in being Starseeds, maybe it is some psychological condition based on experiences during our mother`s pregnancy or early childhood or even family-history (my family had to leave their home after 2nd world war - both sides, my mum`s mum died very early, there was an early move for me when I was being 5 years old, my mum had to move several times during childhood, which of course could lead to a difficulty to feel "home" anywhere. Coupled with that is the knowledge over our nation`s horrible past and the deeds that have been done; how could we ever identify with that? Consequence is that "Nationality" means nothing to us, "patriotic" outbursts like soccer championships even scare us. Etc., etc.) Maybe one thing is the cause of the other (maybe being Starseeds led to these experiences; in a way reliving the exodus again, in human terms). Or maybe not. But as interesting I find all that, I am really happy to finally have found my place on earth. To have "arrived" here, which also means finally having gotten used to have a body, which must sound weird. But I something thought that my tendency to overeat and the neglecting of my body could have to do with a certain awkardness concerning it. I just never really felt "home" in my body. And had the feeling I had to do something to "anchor it into the ground". My mind is so busy all the time, my spirit is flying high, and my crown chakra buzzing with all that electricity, that I need something to "keep me on earth". I think this may have been the reason for my horrible bouts of dizziness over many years, too. I just felt like I was "floating away", even though it scared me. And luckily I haven`t seen those "light-prisms" for almost 2 years now, was quite scary, too (probably some sort of migraine). Now I am actually feeling very comfortable with my physicality for the first time in my life. My spirit is not trying all the time to escape these confined space of my body. lol AGain, I think it`s important for me to be open to the possibility of the existence of STarseeds (especially if it helps others and myself to understand ourselves, to get a feeling for ourselves, and why we are the way we are; It doesn`t even really matter if that is "scientific truth", it`s all about the experience), but with that understanding it is easier possible to "arrive" on earth, if you know what I mean. ![]( IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2010 04:49 AM
Glaucus,"Mercury in 17'01 Sagittarius Skepticus in 16'13 Sagittarius Veritas in 17'06 Gemini" Yes, I definitely think it`s good to question things; it helps keeping some sort of perspective on things, and not forgetting that the same thing can be seen from different angles. I also like your definition of scepticism. I very much share it. Actually my Helio Angel is exactly conjunct my tropical Scepticus. My helio Mercury on 23.11 Sagittarius is conjunct my Helio Veritas on 19.38 Sagittarius.
Skepticus on 23.31 Scorpio is conjunct Mars on 22.07 Scorpio, trine Jupiter on 22.15 Pisces I guess with Jupiter being there faith and belief and questioning things should not exclude each other in my case.
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Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted May 30, 2010 06:49 AM
There is a type of hierachy though... in the sense that there is "evolved" and 'unevolved'.These two shall split and live on different dimensions, separate plains so that implies separateness, does it not? Perfection doesn't exist. Perfection is an insecure state of mind; always trying to get away from flaws and inadequate behaviour. We are all just human so if you think that way, why weaken your position by then saying you are striving for perfection? Seed Stars have no need for Astrology - they are beyond astrology so again, i don't see the need for them to study or have interest in such a 'done and dusted' tool. my 2 cents IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2010 10:54 AM
"There is a type of hierachy though... in the sense that there is "evolved" and 'unevolved'. These two shall split and live on different dimensions, separate plains so that implies separateness, does it not?" Sentences like these send cold shivers down my spine. ![](
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 30, 2010 11:04 AM
Winged Leoi dont agree with that mainly because: it is part of my belief that there are indeed Souls that are older than others.that is a fact and that doenst mean that the eldest are "better" than the rest! that is just a perception.and that is that false belief that takes people to come and judge. this fact doesnt create per say a division...we are all Souls,perfect in its is our Ehgoic Self that tends to rebell and wants us to create the "separation" between the Unity that we all ARE. there are Souls who have reached a different state of awareness,and this is all soul´s work.we have always that choice to make,every time we reincarnate. the fact that some are Star Seeds and others arent,it is only saying that they are here indeed to guide and through their knowledge,HELP the others who are open to that same help. Why do people see that as something bad?or that leads to division?once again,it is my belief that that is just MindsWork,one that wants us to BE SEPARATE from our ouN Origins and MIssion here in Earth. for me,it is not bad that im "just an earthy soul!" like you said...why would it be?i know perfectly well that i have a lot to learn and to before i reach that high level of awareness and evolution that i came here to attain,once again. again:that need of feeling special that we all have? it might be our need for acceptance,it might be our own need for attention,but in the end---it is a natural process. and uou know what? you re right.we are ALL SPECIAL AND UNIQUE in our own way. and if i know that and you know that,why do people feel "threatened" if the other is more evolved than us?one day we will all gonna get there,in our own perfect time and is just a matter of Time.and of personal Work. again:these are MY Beliefs. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 30, 2010 11:08 AM
Larabut doesnt that separation exists only when we keep our Egos running our life? i mean,from all that ive seen,lived and after i read some books,i was certain that once we reached a certain awareness,living by it,then that same separation that was only real in the visible plane,would dissolve. what do you think? IP: Logged |
katatonic unregistered
posted May 30, 2010 11:25 AM
yes i believe that those who raise their vibration become more aware of the fact that we are ultimately one modern "master" put it "i want all the rest of me to be this happy"...he did not separate from the unenlightened but taught all who came to him...and i am not there yet so i can't say for sure but i believe that when some ascend and therefore transcend the troubles of the world they will still be here and understanding there is no separation. for those stuck in the "earth" plane such people can be immensely reassuring and helpful...i feel they will help still more to transcend in the midst of whatever is going down. and i believe the earth will not only survive but overcome the shite that is coming to a head now... just MY 2 bits. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 30, 2010 11:41 AM
Katatonicyes i also believe that. it is cause of those Souls ~,that decided to reincarnate now,and are helping others,that the 2012 will not be as worse as people think of. i thank God for allowing us the free arbythrium of choosing to become more aware,and more evolved,so that the "darkest times" can be dissolved bit by bit. star seed people are blessings here on Earth,and is is only our job to welcome them and accept that they are here to guide and help,to show us that same Unity we´re talking about.
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oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 1081 From: New York Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2010 12:08 PM
Lara. I have a question for you. I know you believe that the Energy of the Mind, Body and Soul must work together. Do you feel like your Souls Energy the essence of you that emanated from a higher source is imperfect? Just trying to understand where your coming from. I ask because I dont think that striving for perfection is a flawed state of mind..we are the creators of it in the 3D it is our birthright...and is a simple equation. Perfection is the ability to see right and wrong and choose right...consistently. And here is a more generalized broad statement, my two cents as it were: "As above, so below", right? Every dimension is a reflection of what is going on at a higher dimension. Consider the 2nd dimension, the Plant and Animal Kingdom this is the second dimension of space. Awareness of point and line. The plant kingdom and lower animal kingdom resonates to this level. These beings are only conscious of their species' identity and their need for feeding, fighting, and procreation. Live solely within the awareness of the moment. Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain that directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions These are the major things going on there...the theme as it were of that dimension. Consider that wild animals cannot be kept as pets like a dog can. Does that mean the dog is "better" no...Just means he has the ability to connect with humans. The dog is more in touch with his feelings as it were..he wants to be with the human not hurt the human. and the wild animal is more concerned with survival...more unconscious as it were. But all is as it should be. All of us are some given time we all had our DNA spliced....otherwise we would still look like Neanderthals or Cro-Magnums...but we dont ...we are more humanoid....and we were made in our Creators image. It only stands that some have incarnated so long in dense darkness and unconsciouness...that they cannot Re-member. There consciousness is divided on some many alters with so many triggers with release work. And this Earth is being bombarded wih frequency blasts that keeps everyone in that creating chaos in our lives. It stands that if you look around your life and you see chaos and negative Energy...If you are not working a job that is fulfilling and happy..if youre not surrounded by fulfiling and happy relationships, if your not maintaining balance and nourishing your Mind, Body and Soul..if you health is suffering...if your struggling financially....then I am here to tell you that enough is enough. You were meant to be healthy, happy, loved, and live in abundance and as Ive learned recently thanks to Diandra we are were mean to have perfect self expression as well..we just cant Re-member! We were not meant to live the fractured lives we live now. And I DON'T live that way..I wont live that way.....and I am not special, alot of fun maybe and easy on the eyes. ..but NOT Special...throw Starseed out the door if it trips up your ego.... The emphasis on that title is to Re-member your Galactic heritage and know that part of you is no part of this world just as Jesus was no part of this world. I hope this is not misinterpreted....In a nutshell I'm just saying that I don't go around in my life saying I am a "Starseed" that's not the point here. My friends would laugh me into another dimension! ha
The point is that we are all conduits of light and love and it stands that there is no depression, there is no dis-ease, and there is no chaos, no fear, no the resonance of love and light however New Agist it may sound........all the lower frequencies that we are bombarded with everyday would find no place to resonate in our Aura if we are on the path to Re-membering who and what we are. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted May 30, 2010 12:47 PM
Orbmfrom no on i wont say a thing you just say all the things that i want tosay,but dont know how to put it without leaving space for misinterpretations. very beautifully said! IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2010 01:04 PM
"Seed Stars have no need for Astrology - they are beyond astrology so again, i don't see the need for them to study or have interest in such a 'done and dusted' tool."Many people besides Star Seeds have no need for Astrology. Many people don't use nor believe in Astrology,and they do just fine with their lives. All of that can be a relative perception. ------------------ Raymond Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind. IP: Logged | |