Topic: Homosexuality in males - chart indicators
21arcturus Knowflake Posts: 28 From: here and not here, too Registered: May 2009
posted June 18, 2010 10:43 PM
Just some observations:Mars in aspect to Uranus (Trine and Square seem to show up the most) Venus, Mars, or Jupiter in the Pleiades Mars and Jupiter simultaneously occupying Taurus Mars in harmonious aspect with Jupiter Sun opposite/conjunct Uranus A planet in the Pleiades aspecting the Sun, Uranus or Mars The sex planets occupying both Gemini and Aries simultaneously Venus in Aries Mars in Taurus, Libra or Aquarius, especially when aspecting Uranus Pluto or Uranus aspecting the Venus/Mars midpoint Moon conjunct Venus Mercury in tense aspect to Mars Sex planets simultaneously occupying Pisces IP: Logged |
CrazyAquarian Knowflake Posts: 249 From: US Registered: Jan 2010
posted June 19, 2010 02:39 AM
Venus in Aquarius would make sense too.And how would moon conjunct venus indicate it? hmm ------------------ ~Believe~ IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 1492 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2010 03:20 AM
moon conj venus is emphasis on feminine nature in natal..effeminate I'm guessing..IP: Logged |
Ami Ann Knowflake Posts: 1696 From: US Registered: Dec 2009
posted June 19, 2010 04:08 AM
What do you mean by sex planets occupying Gem and Aries simultaneusly? Do you mean Venus or Mars being in one or the other like Venus in Gem and Mars in Aries or Mars in Gemini and Venus in Aries Thanks very much, AmiPS Why would Mercury in tense aspect to Mars be a factor? What would be the reasoning on that one? I have read that Mercury is considered bi--sexual.So--if Mars aggressive energy squared Mercury--are you saying that could be a factor? PPS--lol-- I wonder why Mars and Jupiter in Taurus would be one. It is a sensual sign.Maybe , that is it.
What would be the reasoning with Mars in harmonious aspects to Jupiter ?Would Jupiter would be expanding Mars sexuality?
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CrazyAquarian Knowflake Posts: 249 From: US Registered: Jan 2010
posted June 19, 2010 05:04 AM
Am I the only one whose gonna say it?  Lots of Uranus shows homosexuality in males  ------------------ ~Believe~ IP: Logged |
Ruben Knowflake Posts: 112 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2010 05:22 AM
I agree with the Uranus influence as it would make them more sexually open minded and curious.I don't see the relevance of Moon conj Venus though. That intensifies femininity and I don't think it has anything to so with sexual orientation... IP: Logged |
Dy-na-mi-tee Knowflake Posts: 97 From: Cloud 22, Jupiter Ave, Lalaland Registered: Jun 2010
posted June 19, 2010 06:27 AM
Most of these aspects could show bi-sexuality & many other things. Uranus can simply be "different" to the norm in some way. When this topic comes up, every so often - people usually agree that there is no such thing as an astrological indicator of homosexuality. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3712 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2010 06:55 AM
Dyn's right. This question gets thrown about the forum every few months and there's always debate about it. My belief is that you can't say that one particular aspect indicates homosexuality in men or women. I don't think Uranus is a factor in terms of curiousity because the way I see it it's not a choice, although people can choose to experiment and that's a different issue. People are attracted to what and who they are attracted to - it's a natural draw.I also believe that we all have the potential to fall in love with people of the same sex. That's not to say that we all have the same potential for that sexual expression. There's some kind of balance of bisexuality in everyone, I think. Also, I have a number of those natal aspects listed in the first post and to date I haven't been sexually or romantically attracted to other women (and I understand the thread is specifically about male homosexuality). IP: Logged |
Ruben Knowflake Posts: 112 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2010 08:34 AM
I agree with PeaceAngel, I believe bisexuality or pansexuality are natural states for everyone, but sometimes they don't develop. I always hate it when I hear things like "heterosexuality is natural." It's not natural, just more common.  IP: Logged |
21arcturus Knowflake Posts: 28 From: here and not here, too Registered: May 2009
posted June 19, 2010 08:36 AM
Funnily, Moon Conj. Venus was the one I wanted to remove from the list.And to clarify, yes, Mars in Aries with Venus in Gemini would be a classic example. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 3581 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2010 10:16 AM
YeahThese threads on homosexuality are redundant and always debatable. The same aspects for homosexuality could also be the same aspects that you will find in people that are sex hormonal divergent or into interracial relationships. ------------------ Raymond Andrews, President,Executive Director of Developmental Neurodiversity Association Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
21arcturus Knowflake Posts: 28 From: here and not here, too Registered: May 2009
posted June 19, 2010 07:18 PM
I'll agree with that last one in a very "maybe" kind of way... but do you think homosexuality is truly divergent? I do think it's funny though; I mean, it's almost like some of you imagine yourselves defending homosexual people when you downplay astrological determinism in this area only.. I think it's strange, because homosexual people don't need defending. They might find such a notion quite offensive, really.. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 3581 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2010 08:51 PM
what I mean by sex hormonal divergent is people with higher or lower than average type hormonal levels for example a male with higher than average levels of estrogen and lower than average levels of testosterone
That's me. That's what I mean by sex hormonal divergent most people would say that's a sex hormonal imbalance that needs to be corrected in my view, that's a relative perception based on what's normal people say "sex hormonal imbalances" but I say sex hormonal divergence or differences just like when people say "learning disorders",
I say learning differences norms are based on what a majority think is right and acceptable
homosexuality is actually very normal through out many species that live on our planet. I read stories about homosexual penguins and elephants. Homosexuality was viewed as a disorder and listed in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,and it was eventually dropped.
I read that it was common for ancient Greek soldiers to engage in homosexual activity. I read that that homosexual activity was common in ancient Rome.
homosexual activity is said to be common in correctional facilities I also don't think that we can find indicators for pedophilia either.
Some people confuse pedophilia for being homosexual, and those aren't even close to being the same thing. The Roman Catholic Church and other organizations have issues with pedophiles. That doesn't mean that they are homosexual and that homosexuality is a problem. any ways I think sexuality stuff can be hard to tell in a chart, and those same aspects can be about hormonals hormonal makeup doesn't equate to sexuality Klinefelter Syndrome and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome are conditions that involve sex hormonal divergence connected to chromosomes, and they don't fit the cookie cutter view of sexuality.
------------------ Raymond Andrews, President,Executive Director of Developmental Neurodiversity Association Supporting the Neurodiversity Movement A Different Mind Is Not A Deficient Mind.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
Benedict Moon* Knowflake Posts: 840 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 20, 2010 12:35 AM
I have two of these indicators (Mars in Aries/Gemini Venus and Mars square Uranus) and the idea of being in a relationship with another woman just does not appeal to me. I realize you were talking about guys, but still....I think you can indicate in the chart whether people are open to certain sexual scenarios, but you can't determine people's orientations from it. I think that's what everyone's trying to get at, because this topic has been exhausted before with no answer. IP: Logged |